Thursday, January 7, 2021

BREAKING: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao says she will resign in protest over pro-Trump insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.


Secretary Chao leaving now just means she's ducking the 25th amendment vote


Pressure builds for Trump to be removed from office following Capitol attack


BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi is calling for the 25th Amendment to be invoked. She says impeachment should be considered if that doesn't happen.


Ok @FBI I found two of the leaders of the riots yesterday @RudyGiuliani and .@DonaldJTrumpJr. I have the picture proof (not photoshopped,


All of the Republicans who voted to disenfranchise voters yesterday in a bid to overturn free and fair elections


Over 100 members of Congress are now calling for the 25th Amendment to be invoked or impeachment and removal of President Trump. The number has increased by 40 in the past hour.


Sen. Patty Murray: "The most immediate way to ensure the President is prevented from causing further harm in coming days is to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office. As history watches, I urge VP Pence and the President's cabinet to put country before party."


Mo Brooks is a psychopath.


The AP is reporting a new statement from Bill Barr. He says Trump's conduct as the violent pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol was a "betrayal of his office and supporters" and that "orchestrating a mob to pressure Congress is inexcusable."


The mayor famous for the "broken windows" theory seems to have had a change of heart


Does he still work there and when is he going to be disbarred??


What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States, incited by President Trump. This president must not hold office one day longer.


Do not tell me Trump did not know what was going on yesterday during the Terrorist attack. Here he is watching it live. In the next video Junior literally encourages the rioters and claims as "Their Own" NOT Fascist ANTIFA


NOW: @SenSchumer says Congress should impeach @realDonaldTrump if @VP and Cabinet don’t invoke #25A


Here's new Republican congresswoman from Illinois @Miller_Congress approvingly quoting Hitler during a speech a couple days ago. There is no working with these people. No bipartisanship. They must be driven from power.


To those who strove to deter us from our responsibility, you have failed. -NP


BREAKING: Facebook blocks Trump "indefinitely" for inciting "violent insurrection." “We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” Mark Zuckerberg said.


Rep. Jason Crow said he was prepared to use a pen as a weapon as rioters breached the Capitol. He also said he started locking doors and “directed the other members to remove their pins so they weren't identifiable in case the mob did break through.”


Congress is back in session for Joint Session. I’m on the House Floor and what do you know—none of the Senate GOP seditionists are here. These men are not only traitors to our country, they are cowards who can’t bring themselves to watch democracy win.


“I called [Secretary of State] Mike Pompeo last night to let him know I was resigning from that. I can’t do it. I can’t stay,” Mick Mulvaney told CNBC in an exclusive interview that he has resigned from the White House.


“This is an attempted coup d’état incited by the President of the United States.” “We are in an unprecedented moment when a president is willing to conspire with mobs to bring down his own government.”


“One image posted on social media showed an officer taking a selfie with one of the intruders, and a video seemed to show officers opening the security fence to let Trump supporters closer...One even held a woman’s hand to steady her on the Capitol steps.”


Impeach Trump tonight - Boston Globe


The Miami Herald Editorial Board calls for Trump’s removal under the 25th Amendment


Kansas City Star Editorial Board: Sen. Josh Hawley has blood on his hands in Capitol coup attempt.


Images from insurrection at Capitol show people with links to far-right movements report NYT, Buzzfeed and other fact-checkers


Breaking. Obama: "History will rightly remember today's violence at the Capitol, incited by a sitting president who has continued to baselessly lie about the outcome of a lawful election, as a moment of great dishonor and shame for our nation."


The latest update of my dearest friend @joshuawongcf: being treated as the most serious felon, escorted with shackles and chains. He was sentenced 13.5 months last month due to joining a peaceful assembly, and now facing NSL prosecution, which can lead to life-long imprisonment


“The U.S. Treasury has sent out about 68% of the second stimulus payments. But many are learning they must file a 2020 tax return to receive their $600 payment.”


FBI asks America: Did you recognize anyone?


Pence’s chief of staff says Trump has banned him from West Wing


7 Traitors objecting to the Pennsylvania electoral vote: Cruz, Hawley, Hyde-Smith, Lummis, Marshall, Rick Scott, Tuberville These people are irredeemable and deserve to be expelled.


GOP Rep tests positive for COVID hours after voting against Biden certification


Every smirking cosplay insurrectionist who set foot in the Capitol yesterday needs to spend a minimum of 10 years in prison, per Trump's own "protecting monuments" EO. And every politician who egged them on should face sedition charges. Demand justice


I hope that what happened on January 6 convinces anyone still on the fence that Trump & his odious accomplices must pay for their crimes. Fullest extent of the law.


There are only 14 days left, but that is enough time to act—not only to remove Trump from office but also to prevent him from running again. This is precisely the kind of “high crime and misdemeanor” that the impeachment clause was designed to address.


It’s late. And I’m spitballing here. But in the realm of “there oughta be a law”....maybe presidents who don’t have access to their Twitter account shouldn’t have access to the nuclear codes?


Senior officials have discussed removing Trump under the 25th Amendment. Here’s how that could work.


Rudy Giuliani thought he was leaving a voicemail for Tommy Tuberville about stalling the proceedings when Congress reconvened after the insurrection. He left the voicemail on someone else’s phone...


to make it here without dying is the epitome of white privilege


Sen. Mitt Romney: “Now we gather due to a selfish man’s injured pride and the outrage of supporters who he had deliberately misinformed for the past two months... What happened here today was an insurrection incited by the President of the United States.”


The question is what will happen to ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ after he incited the deadly riot on the Hill. cabinet members consider 25th amendment after deadly Capitol riots


The president's son Donald Trump Jr., who cheerleaded and parroted his father’s attempts to overturn his presidential election loss, is suddenly concerned that things may have gone a bit too far


I don't lightly call for the expulsion of a member of the United States Senate. But, what we're witnessing from @HawleyMO is the willful feeding of a conspiracy theory to give comfort to the cause of insurrectionists. It cannot occur in a modern democracy with impunity.


EXCLUSIVE: Trump aides beg top officials and cabinet secretaries to stay in the administration ... just for the night.


She served four tours in US Air Force only to die after storming the Capitol of the country for which she fought in order to over turn an election for a demagogue who had respect neither for our military or our democracy.


Ex-U.S. Capitol Police chief says he would 'deserve to be fired' for Capitol takeover


This is a COMPLETELY WRONG comparison. The protestors in Hong Kong are fighting for legitimate demands of democracy and freedom. They stormed into a symbol of autocracy and political persecution. I don't think you want to equate the congress in Hong Kong to the US.


BREAKING: Donald Trump has finally conceded to an “orderly transition” out of the White House, two months after he lost the election


I swear, the closest thing I can compare this Q stuff in my lifetime to, is the Manson Family's attitude and activity but on a massive scale. I mean this is Charles Manson-like creepy Helter Skelter stuff right here.


Claire McCaskill just reveals that at 7PM tonight Rudy Guiliani who thinks he's calling Tom Tuberville but instead reaches a Dem, leaves a voicemail telling Tuberville to now make objections for 10 more states, saying he'll provide proof tomorrow!!! After the day's events. Rudy!


Had anyone thought that pictures like these would be possible? From inside the US Congress after it was ransacked by the Trump hooligans.


Meet Elizabeth from Knoxville Tennessee who stormed the Capitol.


Police say four people died as Trump supporters occupied the Capitol. One woman was shot by the U.S. Capitol police as a mob tried to break through a barricaded door, and three died in medical emergencies


Hong Kong national security law: Activists say arrests confirm worst fears


Ta Kung Pao, one of #China’s state-backed newspapers, said the pan-democratic primary election was a premeditated plan to “seize power” and has violated multiple legislations, including #NationalSecurityLaw. Read more:


1/ The West Kowloon Magistrates' Court on Thursday transferred the case of 19-year-old activist Tony Chung to the District Court. The prosecution rearranged the order of Chung's four offences, with conspiracy to publish seditious publications as the first charge.


UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Liz Throssell has called for the immediate release of democrats rounded up in Hong Kong on Wednesday.


Lin Wood has been suspended


Senator Amy Klobuchar has the honor of reporting the final electoral vote tally for the Presidential election of the US. "The report is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the President and Vice President based on the ballots given to us."


Congress Certifies Biden Victory After Pro-Trump Rioters Storm The Capitol


The Justice Department says about 3 percent of its email accounts could be compromised as part of a massive breach of federal government agencies that U.S. officials have linked to Russia.


As rioters overtake Capitol, Text from Ted Cruz sent to supporters soliciting donations, and saying "I'm leading the fight to reject electors."


Pence declares Biden winner of the presidential election after Congress counts electoral votes after a violent day at the Capitol


We spend $750 billion annually on "defense" and the center of American government fell in two hours to the duck dynasty and the guy in the chewbacca bikini


BREAKING - Before he went to his private quarters tonight Trump told a few how delighted he was with what his supporters were doing on Capitol Hill. He doesn’t feel he’ll be ‘going anywhere’ Jan 20. per WH staff.


World leaders around the world reacted with concern online, describing the chaotic scenes at the US Capitol as "shocking" and "disgraceful."


BREAKING: House rejects Trump allies' challenge to Pennsylvania election results


Jon Ossoff becomes the youngest Democrat elected to the Senate since Joe Biden in 1973


Holy shit. Matt Gaetz just said, "some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters, they were masquerading as Trump supporters and in fact were members of the violent terrorist group antifa."


The image of the black Capitol workers cleaning up behind white supremacist thugs who attempted a coup just a couple of ours ago is almost more than heart can take.


Sen. Ed Markey is calling for Trump to be impeached and removed from office.


Aides weigh resignations and removal options as Trump rages against perceived betrayals


WATCH: Tempers flare in the US House chamber as Republican lawmakers shout over Rep. Conor Lamb, temporarily causing benches to empty, for accusing Republicans of lying about why President Trump lost Pennsylvania.


Brian Williams on @11thHour: @HawleyMO is "about to intimately get to know the men and women of the Lincoln Project it would appear" You damn right he is


The FBI is seeking tips, pictures, video and other media that will help identify people who instigated violence when they stormed and vandalized the U.S. Capitol


I asked Fox News multiple times about claims that were made on its air and by its personalities suggesting Antifa was perhaps responsible for the mayhem at the US Capitol. Absolute silence. Zero response from the network’s PR team.


Conservative media tries to shift blame, cast doubt on identity of Capitol invaders


Lindsey's the guy on goes on a crime spree with his pal and then claims he was kidnapped


NEWS: Twitter says Trump removed the offending tweets that led to his suspension and Twitter will restore @realDonaldTrump access after 12-hour block, per @business


The White House aides who are resigning should immediately call into one of the major networks and share what they know about the president's condition. All of these folks have the phone #'s for DC anchors and reporters. They should tell the truth, tonight.


White House officials were shaken by Trump's reaction to a mob of his supporters descending on the Capitol today. He was described to me as borderline enthusiastic because it meant the certification was being derailed. It has genuinely freaked people out.


The president incited an assault on the seat of government because he cannot accept the reality of his election loss. He is clearly unfit for office and must be removed from command.


Speaking shortly after Hawley, Romney said: “What happened here today was an insurrection, incited by the President...Those who choose to continue to support his dangerous gambit by objecting to the results of a legitimate democratic election will forever be seen as complicit.”


#FBI is seeking info that will assist in identifying individuals who are actively instigating violence in Washington, DC. FBI is accepting tips & digital media depicting rioting & violence in the U.S. Capitol Building & surrounding area on January 6, 2021.