Tuesday, January 5, 2021

DeKalb and Forsyth Counties in Georgia have both surpassed in-person Election Day voting totals from November 2020 before polls closed


Iran issues Interpol arrest warrant for Trump


Dear @realDonaldTrump: FYI below, Russia is not our ally and Vladimir Putin is not your friend. When are you going to stop kneeling before Putin and stand up for America?


how do Arizonans feel about their votes being nullified by a Senator from Texas?


Rittenhouse faces 5 felonies: first degree intentional homicide; first degree reckless homicide; attempted first degree intentional homicide; & two counts of recklessly endangering safety.


We've got photos coming out of Trump supporters in Washington already, including this guy


Breaking: ODNI, NSA, FBI & CISA issue joint statement identifying SolarWinds cyber attack as “likely Russian in origin”, noting: “This is a serious compromise that will require a sustained and dedicated effort to remediate.”


A judge has banned the leader of the Proud Boys from Washington, D.C., after he was accused of vandalizing a Black Lives Matter banner at a historic Black church and found with high-capacity firearm magazines when he was arrested.


Cleta Mitchell, the attorney Trump repeatedly cut off during his contentious call with Georgia's secretary of state, has resigned from her law firm, per @kpolantz. The firm, Foley & Lardner, initially said it was “concerned” with her involvement with the call


Trump calling Kelly Loeffler “Karen” at the end of his rally last night is just perfect...


Shortly after Trump claimed he has an authority he doesn't, Pence arrived at the White House


.@realDonaldTrump, you are just wrong. The Electoral Count Act of 1887 states that the VP shall “preside” over the EC vote count. Mike Pence doesn’t even have a vote. IF he objects, it will likely be duly noted, ruled out of order, and the majorities in Congress will proceed.


This is a pretty stunning mashup


NEW: Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s husband is renting out an airport hangar to the U.S. Marshals Service for what appears to be a domestic surveillance operation—at a very nice profit—in a deal shrouded in secrecy


Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman says he knows Trump has "made similar calls to Republican leadership in Pennsylvania. And it doesn't matter. Nothing is going to change it."


When they replace Trump-Pence in 15 days, our new POTUS and VP need a Senate that works with our House Majority to help America’s workers. Every vote for @ossoff and @ReverendWarnock is a vote for $2000 checks, ending #covid, health care, and a growing economy


Newly elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, a staunch Trump supporter, says the state's "elections should be decertified." Asked if that applied to her election on the same ballot, she said, "We're just talking about the President's race."


You can't make this up ... @CletaMitchell's bio at @FoleyandLardner reads she advises clients on: "election law, and compliance issues related to lobbying, ethics and financial disclosure. "


The judge's chambers just confirmed that Trump's motion for an injunction was denied from the bench, and a written order will follow. I was told the rules are constructed such that Trump's counsel's refusal to consent to remote public access removed discretion for that access.


The final humiliation of Mike Pence: After 4 years of making him do all sorts of undignified things, Trump torches his credibility with the MAGA base on the way out the door. (For more on this:


.@MSNBC reports that there aren't long voting lines in polling places around Atlanta — and that's almost entirely thanks to early voting. More than 3 million votes have already been cast.


this is not a "clarification" -- it's a 180.


The top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours are from: 1. Franklin Graham 2. Dan Bongino 3. Franklin Graham 4. Donald J. Trump 5. Franklin Graham 6. ABC News 7. Ben Shapiro 8. Occupy Democrats 9. The Dodo 10. Fox News


The fact that Kelly Loeffler is a viable US Senate candidate is proof that Republicans could just run a robot that says "socialism socialism" and "tax cuts tax cuts" and remain competitive


Which is it, assholes?


A Grassley spokesman clarifies that the senator does not "have any indication Pence won't be present." Grassley, he said, was just trying to explain that at president pro tempore of the Senate, he would fill the chair if Pence does not show or steps out at points for a break


Pence office says he still expects to attend tomorrow office


Before Ryan Dark White reinvented himself as a QAnon oracle, he was serving a 27-month sentence for health-care fraud and incurred a $100,000 court-ordered debt to Medicare


Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger debunks Trumps claims point by point by point. And flips on Rudy Giuliani. One minute worth your time...


When you build your identity on anti-social behaviors - refusing to mask during an airborne pandemic, brandishing firearms in public, refusing to accept election defeats when you lose - you shouldn't be *so* surprised if those on the receiving end of your misconduct react badly


WHAT. THE. EVER. LIVING. EFFING. EFF? That is a Constitutional Requirement that the VP DOES IT


"Purdue still owes my wife an apology for all the death threats she got after he asked for my resignation. I have not heard one peep from that man since. If he wants to call me, face to face, man to man, I'll talk to him, off the record. But he hasn't done that" -- Raffensperger


Kelly Loeffler's new Facebook ad darkens skin of Raphael Warnock, her Black opponent


Months later, more than 1 million Americans are still waiting for unemployment aid


This is what we’ve been trying to avoid in our hospitals. Every patient in the ICU died when the oxygen ran out. Every. Single. One.


The Snowflake Party


USPS delays risk disenfranchising thousands of Atlanta voters, says report


Sobering—Crisis in Los Angeles hospitals now so dire, US Army Corps of Engineers summoned to solve oxygen shortages: "These 🏥 were not designed to have 100% ICU / people on oxygen". Crisis also of slow vaccine rollout & half-dose #COVID19 vaccine debated


#Alibaba Group will probably be condemned by Chinese anti-monopoly regulators as a way of punishing billionaire #JackMa, just as #Beijing disciplined the country’s previous richest man, according to a political analyst. Read more:


One emergency medicine doctor at a New York City hospital has lost count of the number of sleep medicines she’s tried since the coronavirus took over her life in February.


"Despite the brutal regime of dictator Lukashenka, the President of the World Ice Hockey Federation, René Fasel, wants to hold on to the World Championship in Belarus. The Belarusian writer Sasha Filipenko addresses the Swiss in an open letter."


The White House is not denying reports Trump will flee to Scotland just before Biden inauguration


Sen Ben Sasse: “We have a bunch of ambitious politicians who think there's a quick way to tap into the president's populist base without doing any real long-term damage but they're wrong...” “Adults don't point a loaded gun at the heart of legitimate self-government.”


"We are aware of, and are concerned by, Ms. Mitchell’s participation in the Jan. 2 conference call and are working to understand her involvement more thoroughly,” Dan Farrell, director of communication for Foley & Lardner, said in a statement Monday.


“It’s very hard to hack things without modems.” Georgia Elections Official @GabrielSterling just now


A Trump administration attorney says the Census numbers used to decide how many congressional seats each state gets won’t be ready until at least mid-February. He says new irregularities have been found in the data.


Breaking Axios: Dominion Voting Systems plans to sue attorney Sidney Powell "imminently" for defamation, and is continuing to explore similar suits against President Trump and others.


So Don Jr just called Kim Guilfoyle “the Puerto Rican pit bull”


Trump-appointed US attorney resigns in Georgia


That letter from 10 former SecDefs warning against Trump using the military to hold onto power causes me to wonder: Has Trump been making calls to US generals like that he made to Georgia secretary of state, demanding/threatening they help him overturn the 2020 election?


Trump: I’m going to go to my Scotland property the last day of my term, so I can’t be arrested. Scotland: Declares month long total lockdown, and bans international travel until February 1 Well played Scotland. Well played...


Trump just demanded, on national TV, that the Vice President of the United States use his position of President of the Senate to reject the certified results of the election, set aside millions of votes, and install Trump for a second term. That is something that just happened


Republican Sen. John Hoeven says he will not support the Electoral College challenge. "Each state certifies its electoral vote, not Congress. The people of North Dakota do not want Congress to determine their vote, & we should not set the precedent by doing it for other states."


Los Angeles County EMS tells ambulance crews not to transport patients with little chance of survival to hospitals and conserve the use of oxygen. Area ICUs are nearly full because of surging Covid-19 numbers.


You know being louder doesn’t Necessarily make you seem more sane


Bret Baier pushes back and Hawley seems to squirm


I’m asking you to give everything you’ve got for one more day — because that one day can change America


JUST IN: Another brutal opinion dismissing suit seeking to overturn 2020 election results. Argument 'lies somewhere between a willful misreading of the Constitution and fantasy,' Judge James Boasberg writes. Also threatens to refer counsel for discipline.


BREAKING: U.K. Chancellor Rishi Sunak rolls out $6 billion of new support to help U.K. businesses forced to close during the pandemic, as the country enters its third lockdown


“But the Electoral Count Act sharply limits the power of the Senate & the House to reject electoral votes-& it certainly does not authorize the VP to do that.” Prof Stephen Siegel of DePaul: “the Senate President is meant to be something of an automaton.”


The debate over $2,000 isn’t some abstract debate in Washington. It’s about real lives. Hardworking Americans need help, and they need it now. Georgia — you have the power to make it happen. Vote.


Lawyers Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu, who have been helping the case of the 12 Hong Kong Youths, have both received notices of proposed revocation of their lawyer licenses on 4 January 2021 and 31 December 2020 respectively. Full version


"And I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you. I hope that our great Vice President comes through for us, he's a great guy. Of course, if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much..." Who wants to tell him?


Because then I won't get the corona so I can't spread it to anybody else." -Maureen Weil, coronavirus vaccine recipient


AMEN: We must stop calling Trump’s enablers ‘conservative.’ They are the radical right.


FYI, for an ex-con? This carries up to 15 years. “Officials said Tarrio, who is a convicted felon, was arrested while in possession of two high-capacity firearm magazines and was additionally charged with ‘Possession of High Capacity Feeding Device.’”


This feels as surreal and ridiculous as a mob film, starring the Marx Brothers, directed by Mel Brooks, with a soundtrack from "Weird Al" Yankovic, but with two HUGE caveats. The protagonists aren’t talented, and none of this is funny.


‘Where is David Purdue - say hello, David’ says Donald Trump at a rally in Georgia ahead of tomorrow’s run-off. David Purdue is in quarantine after coming into contact with someone with Covid-19. How does Trump not know this?


BREAKING: Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has been arrested in DC, charged with destruction of property, illegally possessing 2 high capacity magazines and for "Possession of High Capacity Feeding Device."