Friday, December 11, 2020

Trump was scheduled to attend a holiday party around the time the Supreme Court ruling came down. But around 8:30 p.m., guests were informed that Trump would not be coming down from the residence to speak.


Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was written after the Civil War to bar from government any traitors who would seek to destroy the Union. My letter to House leadership today demands that 126 Republicans (and counting) are violating the Constitution.


JUST IN: The Supreme Court has rejected a bid from Texas' attorney general — supported by President Trump — to block the ballots of millions of voters in battleground states that went in favor of President-elect Joe Biden


Signing this seditious, anti-democratic, anti-American document should be their political obituary—and the first line of their real obituaries


Supreme Court order: "Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot."


.@MollyJongFast has one word for everyone thinking about giving Trumpers a gig after they leave the White House: DON'T. "DO NOT HIRE THEM." "DO NOT LAUNDER THEM." "DO NOT OFFER THESE PEOPLE CABLE NEWS CONTRIBUTORSHIPS."


Update on our border: To keep Canadians safe, we’ve extended the measures currently in place at the Canada-US border by another 30 days. Non-essential travel between our two countries remains restricted until at least January 21st, 2021.


JUST POSTED: Look what happened when a pro-Tump voting data "expert" who claims there was massive illegal voting in 2020 swing states was grilled by a Georgia state legislator. It ain't pretty. Please read, watch, RT, and share




Unreal. “Michigan’s 16 electors have been assured that they will receive a police escort from their cars to the state’s Capitol on Monday when they cast their votes in the Electoral College for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.”


Ex-Hong Kong lawmaker Baggio Leung seeks asylum in US


[Recap] BREAKING: Hong Kong activist Tony Chung convicted of Chinese flag insult and unlawful assembly


It's not a miracle. It's science.


According to a new study in the journal Science; the Biogen conference at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf in February likely resulted in as many as 300,000 COVID-19 cases around the world


How did Lindsey Graham end up like this - trying to shield Trump from future investigations? Here's a clue:


A Florida businessman, after the twin catastrophes of Hurricane Sally and the coronavirus pandemic, paid off the bills of 114 families who were facing imminent disconnection


Ken Paxton got tired of disenfranchising people in Texas so now he's coming for voters in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. I've joined 22 AGs in support of an amicus urging the Supreme Court to throw this lawsuit into the trashbin of history.


Tom Cotton Shot, chaser.


This isn’t a partisan issue, it’s a human issue. We need relief. Our priority should be ensuring food is on the table and rent is paid. McConnell’s priority is protecting CEOs who force employees to work during a pandemic. Elect Ossoff and Warnock because we can’t afford not to.


Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro to Ted Cruz: "I don't know if I need to send a surgeon to examine your spine or a psychiatrist to examine your head. But something is wrong with you if you continue to follow this president."


If we survive this close encounter with tyranny, it will be an unwritten constitution of norms and decency that will have saved us, not the written Constitution’s text and structure alone or even mostly. @superwuster gets this right, I think


"What we're dealing with here is somebody who is trying to put the imaginary need of big corporate donors ahead of the very real need of the American people," Rep. Porter says of Sen. McConnell's opposition to a proposed bipartisan pandemic relief bill.


NH Republicans are turning on their own after their House speaker’s COVID death: “For those who are just out there doing the opposite just to make some ridiculous political point, it is horribly wrong”


"What warms my heart is this: 100 million of my equals received food from the World Food Programme this last year and we averted famine." - David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Programme (@WFP), the organisation that was awarded the 2020 #NobelPeacePrize.


Replying to @JasonMillerinDC and @DailyCaller


Xi Jinping, long distrustful of the private sector, is bringing it to heel. China’s most powerful leader in decades wants greater state control in the economy, with private firms expected to fall in line. "No choice but to follow the party."


Chinese authorities detain Haze Fan, who works for the Bloomberg News bureau in Beijing, on suspicion of endangering national security


“The interviews with people who work for the lender, Deutsche Bank, and the insurance brokerage, Aon, are the latest indication that once Trump leaves office, he still faces the potential threat of criminal charges...beyond the reach of federal pardons.”


Opinion: Five myths about the Paris climate agreement


Sen. David Perdue Sold His Home to a Finance Industry Official Whose Organization Was Lobbying the Senate


It’s not just Pearl Harbor and 9/11. America’s total COVID death toll is now beyond the number of U.S. combat deaths in World War II


The U.S. carried out its ninth federal execution of 2020, the first during a presidential lame-duck period in 130 years


Rep. Katie Porter: 'I cried today because my grandmother is dying of Covid-19.' Porter says she finds it "disgusting" that McConnell is blocking a bipartisan COVID relief bill as thousands of Americans are dying from the virus, including her grandmother.


Opinion: The poetic justice in Eric Swalwell’s relationship with a Chinese spy


Disproportionate use of crowd-control gear by Hong Kong police akin to torture – Amnesty report


Gov’t deplores display of Hong Kong flag at ‘provocative’ meeting between UK minister and activist Nathan Law


Detained in China for two years, songs and books keep Canadian Michael Kovrig going says his wife


On Friday, Hong Kong pro-democracy media mogul Jimmy Lai, already detained pending trial over alleged fraud, was charged with collusion with foreign forces under the Beijing-enacted national security law. Full story:


Lord Chris Patten @france24: the crackdown on Hong Kong dates back to "the arrival in Beijing of Xi Jinping as the lifetime dictator... They decided that liberal democracy was a real threat. They saw HK as a symbol of all they hated"


Chinese Pres Xi Jinping told French Pres Macron that he "hopes Europe will be positive in its approach to China." Easy. The Chinese government should stop detaining Uyghur Muslims, crushing Hong Kong's freedoms, and attacking the global rights system


Had a call today with the family of Swiss-Belarusian Natallia Hersche sentenced to 2 years in prison. Her family is shocked, as I am. Freedom is not a matter of trade. We call on ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญto put pressure on Lukashenka's regime & his "wallets".


US Acting Assistant Secretary of Bureau of European & Eurasian Affairs Philip Reeker said this week that ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ supports ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ sanctions against Lukashenka’s regime. We are grateful for this support & encourage ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ to continue expanding the sanctions list against individuals & companies.


"We see a pattern of violations in Belarus"


in addition to wanting to end constitutional government crenshaw is also tied to a smear campaign against a veteran who said she was sexually assaulted at a VA facility


The GOP wants freedom without responsibility, comfort without sacrifice, and sedition without consequences.


Trump's SCOTUS stunt 'all theater to keep the fundraising going': Rep. Raskin


Scoop: After coming under heavy fire from Pompeo, the State Department’s watchdog is leaving his job tomorrow, citing the Vacancies Reform Act. His departure is “a little bit earlier than I had anticipated,” he says in memo obtained by @washingtonpost


Fully addressing the toll of the pandemic on the lives and livelihoods of the American people is a major challenge. With a new Administration hitting the ground running in 41 days and vaccines in the pipeline, there’s reason for hope —but people need help now. We’ll get it done.


America’s 3 richest people are now positioned to pay zero state income tax


"We had to put all of our eggs in the biotechnology basked. We now have to vaccinate our way out of this. We didn't have to necessarily get there, but here's where we are now." -


FDLS also said "the media should also demand Ms. Jones release the entirey of her video." Nice work DeSantis. Nice work


They also released private information about Ms. Jones and her family in their video release.


Breaking: VA Secretary Robert Wilkie and his senior leaders openly questioned the credibility of a House aide who reported a sexual assault at the agency's flagship hospital, denigrating her and ascribing political motives to her claim, a report has found.


I hope there's a roll-call vote. It will be a monument to the collapse of the Republican Party and a case study for generations to come on the crisis of American democracy brought about by a bunch of seditious cowards who were afraid of a mentally ill real estate huckster.


Imagine that! @KenPaxtonTX filed a legally deficient clickbait lawsuit to invalidate election results the *same week* FBI ramps up their investigation into his abuse of power and corruption. Paxton should be disbarred for this.


NBC News confirms: The U.S. recorded 3,110 COVID-19 deaths on Thursday, a new single-day record. @NBCNews


"The government stimulus that kept millions of Americans from falling into poverty earlier in the pandemic is long gone, and new aid is still a dot on the horizon after months of congressional inaction. Hunger is chronic, at levels not seen in decades."


"Federal agents served at least one subpoena Wednesday on the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in an ongoing investigation into allegations that Paxton abused his authority by helping a friend and campaign donor."


Attorney General Bill Barr knew about the Hunter Biden tax probe since spring—and worked to keep it under wraps throughout the election, according to a report.


Happy Hanukkah to all those celebrating around the world. This year has tested us all, but it's also clarified what really matters. May the lights of the menorah remind us to cherish the blessings we have and offer glimmers of hope. From my family to yours, Chag Sameach! — Barack Obama


Williams: Forgive my French these are grown ass men and women


tah Sen. Mike Lee blocks votes to establish Smithsonian museums for Latinos and women


About a dozen of these House Republicans were elected in the exact same states they're claiming had illegal elections. Are they arguing that their own victories should be thrown out along with Biden's? Do they think Nancy Pelosi should refuse to seat them in the new Congress?


Ken Paxton attempts to claim that he’s not fishing for a pardon


We must prepare to meet the challenges of the future — not keep fighting the wars of the past.


I know it would be too much to ask to have journalists raise that when Kevin McCarthy spews bullshit, but it is a REALLY obvious question for follow-up.


Sen. Ron Johnson says he still plans to hold a hearing next week on the 2020 elections despite calls by Democrats to cancel it. “No,” he told me moments ago when I asked if he’d cancel the hearing. “There are issues that are unresolved that there are outstanding issues on.”


BREAKING: U.S. panel endorses Pfizer COVID-19 shot in a major step toward an epic vaccination campaign against the outbreak. FULL COVERAGE


If they believe their own elections were fraudulent, they should decline to take their oaths of office in January


Rudy Giuliani. Ben Carson. Chris Christie. Donald Trump. All got coronavirus care many others couldn't. In fact, the men all got an antibody treatment in such short supply that some hospitals and states are doling it out by lottery.


You can’t love America and hate democracy.


106 Republican House members confessed, in writing, to being anti-democratic traitors who support overturning the legitimate results of our election. 81 million Americans voted for President Biden but these cowards have chosen sedition. They need to be held accountable.


BREAKING: Hong Kong activist Tony Chung convicted of Chinese flag insult and unlawful assembly


BREAKING: Local media reports Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai has been charged under national security law.