Monday, October 12, 2020

Let me be clear. You’re a disgrace. I am glad that you’re finally done. Intelligence needs better people than you. Good riddance.


In 1993, Trump, then a failed casino owner, unsuccessfully lobbied McCain outside the Senate: "Frustrated, Trump shouted after him, 'I gave money to your campaign.' Looking over his shoulder, McCain yelled back, 'Oh yeah? See what that will get you.'"


QAnon is tearing families apart


Trump’s children brought Secret Service money to the family business with their visits, records show


Klobuchar: "This is not Donald Trump's country -- it is yours. This should not be Donald Trump's judge. It should be yours."


Good that they’re so committed to vote, a shame they have to wait so long. I haven’t seen this in any other country I’ve lived in.


Amy Klobuchar says the American people are the only thing that can alter Barrett's hearings: "It is you calling Republican senators and telling them enough is enough, telling them it is personal, telling them they have their priorities wrong. So do it"


It does not feel like these people are taking the virus seriously, even now.


GOP Sen. Mike Lee, who tested positive for COVID-19 10 days ago, is attending the Amy Coney Barrett hearings in person and does not wear a mask during his opening statement


Today Republicans break the promise they made in 2016 and start confirmation hearings for a Supreme Court justice in an election year. Apparently they don't care about getting caught lying to our faces. They care about getting to take away health care. Our new ad:


Senator Lee is not wearing a mask even though he could still be contagious


Ted Cruz, who is speaking remotely, welcomes a ACB’s “beautiful children,” who are *in the room* with senators who have tested positive for Covid


Did Lindsey Graham really just say, “a lot of people on our side say, ‘just ram it through’”?


To everyone who is barely hanging onto their homes, who has lost a loved one to COVID-19, who has no way to pay the bills: know that instead of voting to provide relief you desperately need, Senate Republicans today are choosing to hold a hearing to confirm a judge.


After 36 years of @senatemajldr's failed leadership, it’s time to rebuild KY. Tune in to our debate tonight to find out how. Live coverage starts at 7:00 p.m. EDT on @WKYT,


California GOP installed unofficial ballot drop-off boxes. State officials say they’re illegal.


Billionaire Leon Black wired Mr. Epstein at least $50 million in the years after Mr. Epstein’s 2008 conviction for soliciting prostitution from a teenage girl, the @NYTimes reports, citing docs and interviews.


Ooh, Kushner’s friend Leon Black of Apollo is going to go through some things - as will the rest of private equity. But this looks...bad.


Amy Coney Barrett is wearing a mask. Lindsey Graham is not. (Follow for a video thread of Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing.)


How did Brett Kavanaugh and his wife afford their $1.22m home in tony Chevy Chase? How did they come up with the $240k down payment?


Congress asked the IRS to report on why it audits the poor more than the affluent. Its response is that it doesn’t have enough money and people to audit the wealthy properly. So it’s not going to


One person is endorsed by Scientific American & New England Journal of Medicine, and several former presidents. The other guy is endorsed by white supremacists, Taliban warlords, and Qanon. But some people still say they’re the same. #vote


Dianne Feinstein is leading all 10 Senate Judiciary Democrats in calling on the Justice Department to provide missing materials from Amy Coney Barrett's questionnaire. "Please immediately provide an explanation for the omission of these materials."


“Increasingly, Covid survivors say brain fog is impairing their ability to work and function normally.”


Mr. President, thank you for showing the American people exactly who and what you are.


Justin Trudeau says that Canada is preparing for possible 'disruptions' following the U.S. election


The virus that causes Covid-19 can survive on banknotes, glass and stainless steel for up to 28 days, Australian researchers say, highlighting the need for cleaning and handwashing to combat the virus.


White supremacist extremists will remain the deadliest domestic terror threat to the US, according to the Department of Homeland Security's first annual homeland threat assessment


Trump is in debt. We can’t ignore the national security risks that come with that.


Remember when William Burck withheld thousands of documents from Brett Kavanaugh’s tenure as Staff Secretary, and Lindsey Graham was apoplectic over Kavanaugh’s treatment during his confirmation hearing? Lindsey’s principal campaign committee received $10,000 from Burck.


‘I feel like I have dementia’: Brain fog plagues COVID-19 survivors


How it started How it's going


When you believed the con. When you saw the light.


Riot police was brutally apprehending a man trying to get him inside the police van, but people gathered together to save him, forcing the police to flee. #Belarus


The police in Hong Kong arrested 9 people accused of helping a group of protesters, who were later intercepted by the mainland authorities, flee the city in August by speedboat


Free the "Hong Kong 12" has become a new rallying cry for protesters muzzled by a rigid national security law and the coronavirus pandemic


"I thought they just wanted to scare us or take us to the police station" Since 2019 more than 1,000 underage protesters have been arrested in Hong Kong during anti-government protests


America's chief court packer


Medical supply chains that span oceans and continents act as the fragile lifelines between manufacturers overseas and health care workers on COVID-19 front lines in the U.S. @AP, FRONTLINE & @GlobalRepCentre investigated how the system fell apart.


The latest @realDonaldTrump campaign ad using Dr. Fauci’s comments out of context is pathetic. I witnessed the President & WH leadership repeatedly disrespect Dr. Fauci & ignore his advice, leading to POTUS’s colossal failure of a pandemic response. @TimMurtaugh HOW DARE YOU.


Serious conflicts of interest: Judge Barrett must immediately pledge to recuse herself from decisions on the Affordable Care Act and the 2020 election.


Trump is in debt. We can’t ignore the national security risks that come with that: Betrayal of one’s country is a crime that has complex psychological underpinnings, money is a leading motivator. Paying off unsustainable debts drives an interest in money.


“We all had a conviction that there are millions of Republicans who look at this debacle and reject it,” says former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt about co-founding the Lincoln Project and trying to turn Republicans against President Trump.


Former top Postal Service official testifies Mnuchin and White House were involved in slowing mail


We need to send my friend @TinaSmithMN back to the US Senate. She has fought tirelessly for the people of Minnesota and I am happy to call her a friend and colleague.


After endorsing Cornyn three years in a row, the Houston Chronicle has endorsed @MJHegar. Cornyn’s failure to lead in the face of Trumpism has cost him.


I deeply resent the “man made “ bone crushing anxiety we have live with now


Wharton School says Biden plan would lead to more economic growth


ASIA TODAY: Chinese health authorities will test all 9 million people in the eastern city of Qingdao for the coronavirus this week after nine cases linked to a hospital were found, the government announces.


It’s time Democrats started looking behind the curtain of the Republican special-interest Court-packing scheme. They’ve been at it for years. We’ve been asleep at the wheel.


The Nobel Prize in economics was awarded for “improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats.” It comes as much of the world experiences the worst recession since World War II because of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.