Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Is there a single person not already wearing a MAGA cap who is persuaded by this lazily xenophobic rhetoric?


CDC chief’s letter green-lighting Pence for debate draws criticism


Taylor Swift has announced she will be voting for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the upcoming November election


The Justice Department admitted on Wednesday to “inadvertently” altering evidence in the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a prosecution the Trump administration has for months fought to abandon.


Taylor Swift: 87.2 million followers Donald Trump: 87.1 million followers


In an unprecedented move, the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine has condemned the Trump administration for its response to the Covid-19 pandemic — and calling for the current US leadership to be voted out of office


So, get this, #SCOTUSNominee Amy Coney Barrett and her family dined at an upscale Georgetown restaurant after her Rose Garden ceremony. Nobody from WH or CDC contact traced the restaurant for #COVID19. Granted CDC was blocked by WH from tracing.


Dr Hotez tells me he WOULD NOT feel safe being in the debate hall w Pence tonight.


This is the discussion I had with UCSF's Dr. Robert Wachter that kept me up all night last night.


This is DAY 2 of Early Voting in Columbus.... and this is only half the line. @FrankLaRose why is there only one early vote location and one drop box per county?


BREAKING: Derek Chauvin, ex-former officer charged in the killing of George Floyd, has been released on $1,000,000 bond.


JUST IN: DOJ responds to Peter STRZOK's lawyer's claim that the ex-FBI agent's notes on the FLYNN docket "appear to have been altered," saying the added dates were sticky notes that were "inadvertently not removed" when the records were scanned.


In the midst of #COVID19 Pandemic 50,000+ Evangelicals gathered at the Lincoln Memorial. Mask-less!!! Another massive #SuperSpreaderEvent


Walsh: President Trump's Rose Garden Event 'Biggest Breach Of National Security In The History Of The Country'


FAUCI: "If we had everyone have universal use of masks, distancing, no crowds, outdoors, wash hands, you wouldn't see the surges we're seeing. It occurs because of the lack of implementation of simple public health measures. It's so frustrating, because it's not rocket science."


Analysis: Genetic tracing could show how coronavirus spread through White House


I dreamed a dream they let me moderate the presidential debate. And you were there @PattiLuPone


Breaking—The AFL-CIO & SEIU file a complaint w/ the International Labour Organization accusing the Trump administration of violating global labor standards, leaving millions of workers unable to defend their health while Covid-19 ravages their workplaces.


Chris Wray may get fired for this. Must watch this video on election security from our intel leaders


Here's the President of the United States tweeting about "rounding up the Jews" and retweeting someone calling the mayor of New York "an anti-Semite thug piece of shit"


TROUBLING. “Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial, guesses recovered patients from #COVID19 have perhaps 90% protection for a “fair while”. But how long? “I would bet my house on you being safe for possibly a year but not much longer”


Real talk from Fiona Hill: “By overplaying Russia’s ability to influence the vote, American politicians and pundits conceded victory to Russia... Instead, we should have focused on fixing our own faults. Today, we are even more fractured than in 2016.”


Per an Internal White House Memo: Senior staff who interact w Trump must first don protective gear from an “Isolation Cart” — which includes yellow gowns and protective goggles.


Democrats on the Senate Judiciary are asking the Justice Department for answers over a 2006 anti-abortion newspaper ad that was left out of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's materials provided to the committee as part of her Supreme Court nomination


This is big. Ratcliffe may have just intentionally damaged American national security by revealing our intelligence sources in Moscow - helping Moscow and endangering lives. I don't see how this isn't treason.


Trump’s economy >>Ruby Tuesday closing 185 restaurants, files Chapter 11 bankruptcy


Sen. Kamala Harris vs VP Pious McKissAss debate will begin at 9 p.m. Eastern tonight and run for 90 minutes without commercial interruptions.


At least 25 QAnon-connected congressional candidates & at least 21 QAnon-connected state legislative candidates will be on the ballot in November.


New England Patriots star cornerback Stephon Gilmore has tested positive for Covid-19


If Trump is trying to lose, it is working


NEW: WH advisors Larry Kudlow says “President actually showed up in Oval Office yesterday w/extra precautions with respect to his COVID-19."


Amy Coney Barrett served as a "handmaid" in Christian group People of Praise


The White House did not inform Gold Star families who attended a Sept. 27 event there about its coronavirus outbreak. They told one mother who reached out after Trump's disclosure that it was because he had tested negative for a few days afterward.


"forrest fires"


(Did Trump just declassify the complete unredacted Mueller Report in his steroid-induced rage?)


This is as powerful an argument as I’ve heard about the stakes of this election. Watch it. Share it. And get everyone you know to vote for @JoeBiden — Barack Obama


Mitch urged the president to stop negotiating for COVID relief & only focus on pushing through a SCOTUS nomination. Why? So Mitch can get rid of the Affordable Care Act, which thousands of Kentuckians rely on for health care. Tell Mitch: pass relief now


HEADS UP: Russia trying to stoke societal tensions and white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the United States, new DHS report says


JUST IN: Two women share the 2020 Nobel chemistry prize for work in genome editing, a technique described as "rewriting the code of life."


One million views in three hours. I’m sure that will make Trump sleep better. Keep retweeting!


You just caused a flash crash on the stock market.


DOJ to hold virtual press conference tomorrow “on a matter of national security, the department just announced. Follow at 11am on Wednesday


Rod J. Rosenstein went even further...telling the five prosecutors that it did not matter how young the children were. He said that government lawyers should not have refused to prosecute two cases simply because the children were barely more than infants.


Climate change is already here, and ignoring science won't make it go away. If we give the Trump Administration another four years, we'll lose irreplaceable time to combat it.


Donald Trump’s recklessness has hit new heights


Sessions and Rosenstein brought great shame to DOJ-and themselves-for actively participating in the separation of children from parents as a matter of policy to deter border crossings. Conscience should have outweighed their desire for job retention.


BREAKING: Poland’s antitrust watchdog imposes a $7.6 billion fine on Russian energy giant Gazprom over its role in the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline


Trump’s Tuesday night tweet storm is swaying global markets again


Trailing in the polls, Trump inexplicably doubles down on his least popular arguments


Business leaders across America expressed dismay after Trump announced that his team will halt stimulus talks


Hello ICE, I'd like to report a caravan of disease-ridden criminals


I like a president who is not Patient Zero. Or Individual 1.


Trump’s team trusts Russian intelligence over U.S. intelligence


Martha McSally is an unelected hack. No wonder she had a starring role in our ad GOP Cowards


Not dangerous at all with all of these military officials in quarantine


Martha McSally refusing to answer a debate question about whether she’s proud of her support for Trump is peak cringe


Tax Collector Endorsed By Matt Gaetz For Congress Indicted On Sex Trafficking Charges




Ex-N.J. Gov. Chris Christie remains hospitalized for COVID-19


Dear @TheJusticeDept: Per the President’s orders, can you please provide the @HouseJudiciary Committee the full unredacted Mueller Report immediately? Thank you.


But you’re still an asshole — Gen Michael Hayden


The entire US Joint Chiefs of Staff are quarantining at home. Trump is Kremlin employee of the month.


In the wake of receiving potent drugs for the treatment of coronavirus, the U.S. President tonight has publicly raised the prospect of criminally prosecuting the FBI, CIA, Hillary Clinton, and has announced the declassification of highly-classified national security material


Ignore the polls, folks. There’s too much at stake for us to get complacent. Vote: Donate: Volunteer: Let’s finish these final four weeks strong.


Critically important to hear this message from @RVAT2020. There is a chorus of leaders pleading to save our democracy. These are not people prone to hyperbole. They know, all to well, what four more years of @realDonaldTrump would do to America.


Kyrgyzstan’s opposition forces took control of government buildings and said they are seeking to seize power after disputed elections


Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States


The only bright spot in Trump's Soviet-style COVID-19 strategy is that it's not working


The West finally imposes sanctions on Belarus


"Ich bin mir sicher, dass Putin schon weiß, dass wir nicht gegen Russland sind" – Swetlana #Tichanowskaja im Interview mit @MichaelOThumann und Elisabeth Raether. #Belarus


Hong Kong teacher loses job for asking students 'what is freedom of speech?'


Unfavorable opinion of China soars in many democracies, as Xi Jinping's government detains 1M+ Uighur Muslims, crushes Hong Kong's freedoms, and refuses to own up to its early cover up of the coronavirus which helped the virus to go global.


39 countries, including the U.S., call on #China to uphold fundamental freedoms in #HongKong and allow immediate int’l access to #Xinjiang in light of mass arbitrary detention, forced sterilization, & other rights abuses.


Hong Kong has investigated teachers for allegedly radicalising pupils and encouraged publishers to rewrite textbooks to drop references to ‘separation of powers’


have also called upon China to uphold autonomy, rights, & freedoms in #HongKong, & to respect the independence of Hong Kong judiciary and to respect human rights in Tibet.


Today, the UK joins 38 other countries in expressing concern at the human rights situation in Xinjiang and developments in Hong Kong. Full statement


Canada starts accepting Hong Kong activists as refugees


Donald Trump, aided and abetted by Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions, and Rod Rosenstein, ripped thousands of children, including infants and toddlers, from their parents. Then they put them in cages. Over a hundred are still alone. At least six have died. #VOTE #BidenHarris2020


By White House timeline, Mike Pence may have been exposed to Covid via Trump


Erratic Trump behavior raises concerns Covid, treatments are warping his judgment


Fourth White House press aide tests positive for COVID-19


Despite a history of underperforming properties, Kushner Companies received a near-record sum from a government-backed lender. Should it default, taxpayers could be forced to foot much of the bill. The agency says politics played no role.


Martha McSally IS NOT proud of Trump

BREAKING: A grand jury just indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey on charges of exhibiting guns at protesters in a June incident in their neighborhood. Additionally, the grand jury added a charge of tampering with evidence for both members of the couple.


Rep. Ocasio-Cortez warns of severe fallout as Trump rejects new Covid relief


Dr Jonathan Reiner: "I think POTUS was infected with coronavirus for at least a week before he was admitted to the hospital...I think he's the superspreader. And I think the reason the WH will not have the CDC do a formal they're concerned patient zero might be POTUS."


1/ Trump cut off stimulus talks. It's almost as if he has a political death wish and will take down Republicans with him. His campaign people are staring mutely at the screens of their phones, stunned and depressed. Stepien was just on with the pollsters. Ooops. Blindsided.


Tonight @realDonaldTrump is tweeting like a man on steroids who will be a criminal defendant on the afternoon of January 20.


BREAKING: Democrat Joe Biden says "we shouldn't have debate" next week if President Trump is still infected with the coronavirus. The next presidential debate is scheduled for Oct. 15, with a third debate slated for Oct. 22.


NEW: “We need to take away children,” AG Sessions told prosecutors, according to a draft DOJ IG report. That statement contradicts Sessions’ previous claim that “we never really intended” to separate children.


Don’t cry for my White House staffer.


Holy smokes—BREAKING: Stephen Miller has tested positive for COVID. No joke. Tested for 5 days straight—finally positive. That makes 37 in one week in WH orbit.


List of positive Covid cases at White House grows at alarming rate