Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Check the high heels.

Trump-endorsed Foxconn deal is a ‘shadow’ of what he promised — and Wisconsinites are angry: report

Trump encourages North Carolina residents to commit voter fraud and vote twice to test mail-in system

Analysis: Trump is now promising to end the lawlessness that he promised to end four years ago

This interview is a disaster for Barr. He can't answer extremely basic questions.

Because Bill Barr can't cite any evidence of mail voting fraud he ends up weakly insisting it's "a matter of logic"

Bill Barr on Trump's comments about caravans of antifa boarding planes to fly to DC to riot: "I don't know what the president was referring to." (Note how it takes sustained questioning from Wolf Blitzer to get Barr to acknowledge this.)

NBC News’ Kristen Welker, Fox News’ Chris Wallace and C-SPAN’s Steve Scully will moderate the three scheduled presidential debates.

BREAKING: 81 Nobel Prize winners endorse Biden-Harris for “willingness to listen to experts, deep appreciation for using science to find solutions.”

"A Minnesota biker who attended the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has died of covid-19 — the case is among at least 260 cases in 11 states tied directly to the event"

The White House said the US will not participate in an international effort to develop and distribute a coronavirus vaccine because the initiative is tied to the World Health Organization.

& all w that sweet 45 degree leeen.

"Regimes that rule by fear, live in fear. They fear that one day the people will no longer tolerate their lies, thieving and brutality. They try to hang on with propaganda, persecution and patronage."

#BREAKING: 9 Current And Retired Boston Police Officers Charged In Overtime Scheme

And yet, he’s still beating you.— The Lincoln Project

Dr. Scott Atlas has been embraced by Mr. Trump and Mark Meadows, even as he upsets the balance of power within the coronavirus task force with ideas that Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx and Jerome Adams find misguided — even dangerous. That might be the point

Trump went to Kenosha yesterday and lied his socks off, as he always does.

The United States is not safe when Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham are under Putin’s control.

A second pandemic-related contract facilitated by senior Trump adviser Peter Navarro has been canceled and is under investigation

In early July, DHS withheld publication of an intelligence bulletin warning law enforcement agencies of a Russian scheme to promote "allegations about the poor mental health" of Joe Biden, according to internal emails and a draft obtained by ABC News.

“As the election gets closer and closer, Trump appears to be getting further and further from reality.”

Trump campaign substitutes former owner of camera shop for present owner. Actual owner turned down the phony photo-op: "I think everything he does turns into a circus and I didn't want to be part of it." Hire a clown, get a circus.

“The problem with Trump’s note from his doctor is that it still doesn’t explain why he was rushed to Walter Reed. Critics like Jon Cooper wanted a clarification on Trump’s health, but the doctor’s note only raises more questions.”

After Bannon’s arrest for defrauding hundreds of thousands of “We Build the Wall” donors, two people working with him said an effort to found an academy for right-wing Roman Catholic activists in Italy faces a criminal inquiry by the Rome criminal court

The Russians and the Internet Research Agency are attacking the election to help @realdonaldtrump. Again. But a treasonous President too chickenshit to even confront Putin over paying bounties for the murder of American soldiers sure as hell won't push back on this one. Vote.

Bill Barr is really really really scary because he doesn’t seem as completely nutso as trump but he is

I spoke to ppl in Paducah, Kentucky and Henderson, Ky yesterday. Heard about teachers & hospital workers w/o enough PPE. While Mitch has been screwing Kentuckians I’ve raised some $300,000 for food banks & PPE nation-wide. @senatemajldr = dereliction of duty. What a joke...

A new corporate filing Monday has revealed that the chairman of the @USPS Board of Governors is also listed as a director of #MoscowMitch's $130 million super PAC, the Senate Leadership Fund

Day 19 of Mitch’s 25-Day Vacation: In 2018, Mitch McConnell said the Senate should work through the August recess because of all the work they had left to do. In 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic and economic recession, he took a month off.

WATCH: Devin Nunes mocked for his fear of fictional cows while wearing a chin-mask aboard an airplane

They sure can pick em lol.

On today’s episode of Lunatic Ranting and Projecting from Devin Nunes:

LATE BREAKING: These new FBI 302s from the Mueller probe contain the FIRST extended view into what Paul Manafort told Mueller's office about the political operative Roger Stone and what Trump knew about what Stone was up to. Read our report

Fort Hood Soldier's Remains Returned to Massachusetts

U.S. Army removes Fort Hood commander, names commander to look into Guillen case

Feds preparing to charge GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy for efforts to influence US government on behalf of foreign interests - trying to get DOJ to drop 1MDB Malaysia case for fugitive Jho Low & to get WH to extradite (Bannon partner) Guo Wengui to China

"Patriotic education." This sounds exactly like Putin to me

Have been wondering if House committees stymied by executive branch agencies in the conduct of their oversight duties would start threatening to hold up appropriations.

Director of communications for the Trump campaign Tim Murtaugh clashes with @JohnBerman over Pres. Trump's unfounded claim that a flight "loaded with thugs" was headed to the RNC to "do big damage."

Vice President Mike Pence told "to be on standby" for Trump hospital visit, according to a new book that is reviving questions about the president's unscheduled visit to Walter Reed military hospital last fall.

FEMA to end funding for cloth face masks for schools

Families are packing into their cars in the early morning, hoping the food bank has something left when they get there. Children can’t visit their grandparents in their last moments. Small business owners are shutting their doors every day. This is Trump’s America.

Joseph Kennedy III has conceded to Edward Markey in the bruising Democratic Senate primary, dealing an unprecedented defeat to a Kennedy in Massachusetts

A new book is raising questions about President Donald Trump's unscheduled visit to Walter Reed military hospital last fall, claiming that “word went out” for Vice President Mike Pence to stand by to temporarily assume presidential powers if necessary.

Riot police have been filmed by the BBC attacking and forcibly arresting university students in the capital of Belarus The students from Minsk were marching in protest against long-time leader Alexander Lukashenko

"A dialog is not enough. We need to have counter measures," former Hong Kong lawmaker and pro-democracy activist @nathanlawkc told DW. "Concentration camps in Xinjiang, human rights violations in Hong Kong... [this] is not going to be fixed just by talking to China."

VIDEO: Hong Kong activist leads Berlin protest against Chinese regime. Hundreds of demonstrators, including Hong Kong activist Nathan Law, protest outside the German Foreign Ministry in Berlin as Foreign Minister Heiko Maas prepares to meet his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi

I'm a doctor in Hong Kong and our hospitals feel more like war zones

Hong Kong police question activist Agnes Chow again over security law

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called for the withdrawal of China's national security law in Hong Kong as he met with his Chinese counterpart at a villa on the outskirts of Berlin

“I think the average American has no concept of how food reaches our table.” FRONTLINE investigates how the COVID-19 pandemic has hit vulnerable immigrants and undocumented workers deemed essential to producing America’s food supply. STREAM NOW

This should be a Biden campaign poster.

Dr. Fauci: "So the numbers you've been hearing, the 180,000+ deaths, are real deaths from COVID-19. Let there not be any confusion about that," he added. "It's not 9,000 deaths from COVID-19. It's 180+ thousand deaths."h

Donald Trump wants you to be scared of the America he created.

So @JohnBerman just cut off the interview of a Trump campaign official who was there to provide “evidence” of the “antifa planes” conspiracy, but of course didn’t have it — and this was magnificent.

JAW DROPPING—a sitting US Senator @SenJoniErnst just peddled **2** #COVID19 conspiracy theories in a row! @joniernst says she’s "skeptical" of deaths, was "really curious" about a debunked QAnon theory & further suggested doctors were lying about cases.

This is disgusting. We are becoming the Soviet Union

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. To anyone who is struggling: please know that you are not alone. To reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, please call 1-800-273-8255.

#Belarus. Brutal detentions of essentially kids will not be forgiven. This is how students of one of the most prestigious high school - Liceum BGU - were detained earlier today. #Lukashenko's son Kolya was supposed to study here, but lecturers reported that he withdraw his papers

‘Dr. Feelgood’ ain’t feelin’ it. If it was routine why wasn’t he taken in Marine One, or the Beast, why wasn’t Walter Reed given a heads up, he was rushed out of the WH carrying something? I’ve know Trump twenty years, the only thing I’ve seen him carry is debt.

Lordy, there are tapes. #MelaniaTapes