Sunday, August 16, 2020

An appropriate, common sense piece by ⁦@JeffSchogol⁩. As many have said, the military isn’t there to solve the government’s problems and it will not violate our Constitutional norms...stop asking it to.

BRENNAN: Is the Trump campaign worried you may disfranchise some of your voters by not giving aid to the Postal Service? KUSHNER: "Okay again, I hope we'll get to talk about Middle East peace"

BRENNAN: But what is the White House task force's coronavirus strategy? Do you think you have control of the virus? JARED KUSHNER: Look, I came on today to talk about peace in the Middle East

CBS: We had over 1,500 US deaths from Covid just on Wednesday, which is similar to what we were seeing in May. We're on track for 200k deaths by Labor Day. What have you done wrong? JARED KUSHNER: Back in May the rate was about 2,500 deaths a day, so we're still below the peak


Please note: The president of the Dominican Republic, suddenly America's last remaining ally thanks to Pompeo's serial failures of diplomacy and judgment, is a client of...wait for it...@RudyGiuliani. There. Is. Always. Grift.

Pep talk.

“... any post-Trump rebuilding requires learning as much as possible about the president’s many misdeeds.”

Exclusive: An organized interstate network of QAnon believers has allegedly helped hide QAnon fugitives, including a woman accused of planning an armed attack on a foster home.

Rep. Gerry Connolly is calling for the resignation of Postmaster General DeJoy: "He has deliberately enacted policies to sabotage the Postal Service to serve only one person, President Trump. He has failed the American people. Mr. DeJoy must resign."

Immense crowds,tens of thousands are gathering right now in #Minsk. People are still coming. They are protesting against #Lukashenko and police brutality. There's no leader but people are self-organised and peaceful. The plan was changed last-minute,but people knew where to come

Mr. President, Jill and I are sad to learn of your younger brother Robert’s passing. I know the tremendous pain of losing a loved one — and I know how important family is in moments like these. I hope you know that our prayers are with you all.

From @carolelee and @ckubeNBC Trump has told aides he'd like an in-person meeting with Putin before the election, say people familiar with the discussions. "He wants it to show his deal-maker abilities," said one of the people. "It's just a big stage."

Donald Trump has had a lot of failures in his career, but he knows how to do one thing well: inherit something great and squander it. And never take any responsibility.

Unfortunate flag placement

Framing Crossfire Hurricane as a criminal and not counterintelligence investigation in the Clinesmith case, as ⁦@emptywheel⁩ points out, is a curious error. Does this lay groundwork for Durham to claim that other aspects of case were not legitimate?

Connecticut AG

North Carolina AG

Maryland AG

Pennsylvania AG

Mob. Go examine the pension funds.

The fire tornado, or firenado, prompted a tornado warning from the National Weather Service in Reno shortly before 3 p.m. near the Loyalton fire, which started in Sierra County in the Tahoe National Forest

If a pardon is given, I’d hope there is a full declassification of everything involving the Snowden case, and what Snowden has been doing since departing the USA

Russian TV may (for now) be sticking by Lukashenko, but there’s a lot of criticism on Russian news sites. Today one declares: “Lukashenko has lost. People won’t forget or forgive the brutal beatings & torture.” But could Moscow intervene?

The danger of Facebook’s AI-directed drive to push people into “meaningful” Facebook groups was clear from the beginning. I wrote this in 2017 and wish to god it wasn’t as prescient as it turned out to be.

Lukashenka is gathering thousands for the rally in his support today. I am curious if he understands all risks, and he remembers the last address by Nicolae CeauΘ™escu. If you know what I mean.

Destroy America to win an election. Everyday, a new low, all in pursuit of ‘winning’

Will Trump give Snowden a pardon so he can leave Russia?

I will say again...DNC needs a wartime consigliere.

Of the thousands of unaccompanied minors expelled under a Trump administration health order, advocacy organizations said that they have only found about three dozen after months of searching across the United States, Mexico and Central America

The President was supposed to throw out the first pitch at the Yankees game tonight in New York but canceled because of his "strong focus on the China Virus, including scheduled meetings on Vaccines, our economy and much else." Here is the President's public schedule for the day

Navy STRATCOM IT chief charged with sharing classified info with a Russian national

Just got back from Cyprus and Austria. It's a different world. People are relaxed, out in cafes, few masks, they meet friends and go to work. People are careful and conscious but the virus is under control there in a way it just isn't here. Land in Dulles and the stress hits.

South Korea's health ministry vowed today to take action against the leader of a religious sect linked to 107 of the country's 279 new COVID-19 cases, per Reuters

Trump apparently met with DeJoy on Aug. 3. I don’t believe the meeting was on Trump’s public schedule. When was it set up? How long was it? Was it one-on-one or were others present? Are there notes or photos or records? Did DeJoy later tell anyone what transpired at the meeting?

NEW CHARGES FOR ASSANGE! "extending the group of people Assange is alleged to have conspired with beyond Manning." Full details not in new filing in PACER...yet

My office will be investigating. I’m not going to sit by while the USPS — an essential service — is systematically dismantled here in NJ and around the country.

What should we do, you ask? We should subpoena the Postmaster immediately and afford him the opportunity to testify. If he won’t, you ask? The Sergeant at Arms can detain anyone found in contempt of Congress. We’ve abdicated too much, and this is too important and time sensitive.

Everyone grieves in their own way.

The message for MAGA 2020 is, we’ll kill your post office, your vote, your children, your teachers, your grandparents, your social security, we’ll starve you, we’ll send you into poverty and your tax dollars will be funneled by us to us because God speaks through us. Am I warm?

The largest annual debt USPS ever had was $8.8 billion, and like most years since 2006, most of that is from congressional PAEA sabotage Last year DoD budget was approximately 80 times larger than that, and it brought in no revenue. So... Uh... Why aren't you asking about it?

Never inclined to stand with the people of a country against a dictator who is trying to crush their freedoms, the Chinese government voices its support for Belarus President Lukashenko

Trump Republicans are declaring war on an institution with a 91 Percent Approval Rating. How politically stupid can they be? Why does Trump keep making Democrats’ job so much easier? Every day he attacks the USPS is a good day for Democratic candidates.

Yes. As we've said in the Russian opposition for years, resisting a dictatorship is a marathon, but you have to be ready for a hundred meter dash in any moment. Belarusians look ready.

I'm calling on House leadership to immediately reconvene Congress so we can fully investigate and counter this administration's direct attacks on USPS and our elections. There must be public hearings, accountability, and justice. This can't wait—our very democracy is at stake.

QAnon Promotes Pedo-Ring Conspiracy Theories. Now They’re Stealing Kids.

We can meet the challenge of COVID-19 and turn the corner on this pandemic. We just need a president and vice president ready and willing to lead.

U.S. adds nearly 50,000 new cases of infection on Saturday

The Belarus protests don’t threaten Russia at all, but they do threaten Putin. Typical mistake to confuse the two!

FUN FACT: Trump today called the deadly coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic devastation “this incredible thing” that he thinks will guarantee his re-election

While his brother was dying.

House Dems want a State Dept. official to sit for an interview "after new facts have emerged suggesting that he offered false testimony regarding Secretary Pompeo's phony emergency declaration used last year to push through more than $8 billion in arms sales to Gulf countries."

Lara Trump says she was insulted when Joe Biden said he would pick a woman as his running mate. She goes on to say it didn’t even matter who Biden was going to pick because women were already insulted

Newsweek tries to pull fast one. Dies on side of road.


Today is August 15 — the day Trump said he would be too busy to throw out the first pitch at the Yankees game. Surprise! He was golfing.

In Arizona, it’s against the law to “delay the delivery of a ballot.” I’ve asked Attorney General Brnovich to investigate recent changes at USPS, and whether or not the Trump administration has committed a crime.

Trump’s estranged niece in her new book depicts a man trained in deception and braggadocio by a distant and dysfunctional father

He was in Intensive Care 6 - 8 weeks ago when Trump needed him to fire an injunction against Mary Trump. He lost in court. They dragged him out of intensive care to appear in court. He knew he was dying then.( could be like Fred Jr... alcoholism)

A new test for #Covid19 that today earned emergency use authorization from the FDA collects saliva, not swabs from high up the nose, making it easier on those being tested. Early analyses show it yields highly sensitive results.


Israel has closed the Gaza Strip’s offshore fishing zone following a night of cross-border fighting with Palestinian militants, the most intense escalation of hostilities in recent months.

Donald Trump has had a lot of failures in his career, but he knows how to do one thing well: inherit something great and squander it. And never take any responsibility.

If you are in the media and sitting on a story or sitting on your ass - you need to get at it. If you a former or current Prince associate and have not visited with Federal law enforcement - you need to get at it. Time is running out.

Excellent brief for the House of Representatives challenging Trump’s lawless attempt to turn the census and the apportionment process into a racist tool

Where is Moscow Mitch? We should know his location 24/7. Like a serial child molester.

Hi all — I know this has gone on longer than expected. If you can, please make another donation to a food bank this weekend. A lot of Americans, including so many children, need a hand. That help has to come from us for now. Even a few dollars helps.

The world hasn’t learned an early lesson from the pandemic: to stop the spread, those with mild or symptom-free coronavirus infections must be forced to isolate

Trump has the worst leadership environment I have ever encountered in 50 years of experience in the military, business, and civil government. It’s as if Trump is a hateful outsider creating chaos in some other Administration. Abusive. Stupid. Corrupt.

If Putin decides to move, Russian military intervention in #Belarus under the guise of “restoring order” would inevitably lead to large Russian military presence, increasing the threat to @NATO, esp. the security of Poland & the Baltic States

“The future of Hong Kong is the future of any other Chinese city.” Apple Daily’s Jimmy Lai speaks to @BloombergTV after his arrest.

Each week Bejing's message to Hong Kong gets clearer: we can do what we like

At his private golf club... Trump referred to Nevada’s governor as a “clubhouse politician.”

Facebook has achieved its power—and Mark Zuckerberg has built his wealth—by bulldozing competition, exploiting our private information, undermining our democracy, and tilting the playing field against everyone else

When Mitch McConnell had all the power in Washington, he abandoned Kentucky and gave himself a tax cut.

Is a shame that a former Navy Seal will end so low....On the day of the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War ll. I thought you always put Country over Party on issues important to safeguard democracy......You are lying and you know it @DanCrenshawTX

By his brother’s side as he passed, I see. Thumbs up!!

You are a disgrace. You are a US Senator who is laundering Russian misinformation incepted by Russian Intelligence Services through the US Senate Committee you chair.

InfoWars correspondent, Millie Weaver, is being held in the Portage County, Ohio Jail on charges of robbery, tampering with evidence, obstructing justice and domestic violence

Situation in #Iowa is terrible...not just because of storm—disasters happen—but because a lack of leadership in response. Where’s @fema? Why so long to activate National Guard? These families deserve reason they have to live or cook like this!

Rep. Gerry Connolly is requesting a flash report from the USPS Inspector General to "determine the legality of Postmaster General DeJoy's actions to change service standards and implement an agency reorganization plan."

Retired Army Lieutenant General Calls For March On Washington Over USPS Slowdown

We just hit 21 million views. Wait until you see what’s next. #BlueWave2020

Breaking: White House announces death of Robert Trump, president’s younger brother, whom president visited on Friday:

NEWS - Pelosi weighs bringing House back early to address Postal Service crisis.