Thursday, July 23, 2020

BREAKING—Judge grants temporary bar on U.S. agents in #Portland

Dear @realDonaldTrump: You said you will be throwing out the first pitch at a Yankees game on August 15. The video below is an example of what you will see prior to your first pitch. These players and coaches understand America better than you do.

TRUMP: It's too dangerous to have our RNC Convention. But you better send your children back to school or I will defund their schools. EVERYONE: FUCK. THAT. SHIT.

This is some devious shit. I hope I don’t have to remind people what party banned opposition parties to take control. Hint: it was in Germany

This is journalistic malpractice.

Can we invoke Article 5 against the green men invading American cities? Asking for a friend.

COVID-19 infections are going up. The number of deaths is going up. This morning it was announced that, once again, the number of unemployment claims is going up. Donald Trump is moving us backwards. The American people are paying the price.

BREAKING: DOJ Inspector General Horowitz has informed us that his office will initiate a review to examine DOJ’s use of force against peaceful protestors in Portland and the District of Columbia.

Bully Barr is weaponizing the Justice Department to retaliate against Trump’s enemies and help his cronies. Only judges are standing in the way of him succeeding because Congress won’t do its job. When is enough enough, @RepJerryNadler and @SpeakerPelosi??? Impeach him already!

Stephen Miller has the White House denying his grandmother died of COVID-19 even though she died from COVID complications because he doesn't want it to mess up his talking points.

BREAKING: Senate passes NDAA by veto-proof margin, 86-14. Bases will be renamed.

Underappreciated part of Turnberry scandal: NYT says the State Dept Inspector General looked at it. NBC News says report was concluded and then marked classified in May. Trump then fired that Inspector General in May. Report is now nowhere to be found.

Tens of thousands of bot accounts tweeting like their well meaning protesters. This is EXACTLY what Trump did in 2016.

US and UK militaries have accused Russia of conducting a space-based anti-satellite weapons test earlier this month, saying that a Russian satellite released an object capable of targeting another satellite.


Donald Trump’s allies at @Facebook are at it again. They’re censoring a new ad we have up in Ohio using an already disproven fact check for a DIFFERENT ad.@ProjectLincoln is not deterred.

More than two dozen members of the D.C. Bar Association, including four of its former presidents, urged the group's disciplinary board to investigate AG William Barr for committing "serious ethical deviations" as head of the DOJ under President Trump.

Russian Allies Helping Trump Win Reelection Have A Partner In Wisconsin Republican

“More people in Hong Kong see the United States—rather than mainland China—as a threat to the semi-autonomous territory”

Remember how quickly Donald Trump spoke out & defended military bases named after Confederate traitors who took up arms against the Union? It's been 27 days and he still hasn't done anything publicly about Putin reportedly putting bounties on the heads of our troops. — Tammy Duckworth

Trump’s plan to attack Joe Biden’s mental fitness has backfired spectacularly: Washington Post reporter

Kevin McCarthy is mad that a woman won’t just move along after being called a “fucking bitch” by one of his colleagues.

I sat down with @JoeBiden to talk about the most pressing issues of our time. He's exactly the leader we need right now––with the vision, the plans, and character to move America forward. Let's get to work:

Remember when Trump set up the Presidential Alert System in 2018? It allows him to send text messages to every cell phone in the US. Combine this with Federal Troops in our cities on election day and you have a lot of power to disrupt the voting process.

White House says @realDonaldTrump spoke to Russia’s President Putin today

Trump’s niece spent the first few minutes of her interview on #TheView answering questions about the revelations in her new best-selling book. But when it was Meghan McCain’s turn to speak, she was lightning quick to make the interview about herself.

Judge orders deposition against Alan Dershowitz by Jeffrey Epstein victim to be unsealed today

Perspective: Anonymity is for CIA officers, not for federal law enforcement countering protesters in America. It denies local accountability.

I believe the term for this in MAGA is "womp womp."

Full Biden Obama video See what real Presidents look like

Although the administration's actions in Portland make no sense as law enforcement, they make perfect sense as part of a new kind of political campaign: Welcome to the era of performative authoritarianism

Pres. Trump denies he asked US ambassador, an ally, to get UK to help his Scotland golf course.

Federal judge is going through the docket of the case and unsealing documents in the Maxwell case, item by item.

Dozens of internal Facebook documents reveal the fullest picture yet of unprecedented strife within the company as employees reckon with how they are "hurting people at scale."

"What Mr. Yoho did was give permission to other men to do that to HIS daughters. Using that language in front of the press he gave permission to use that language against HIS wife."

MORE: The deposition of Virginia Guiffre that includes allegations against Alan Dershowitz have been ordered unsealed by a federal judge today.

A co-morbidity brigade asks coronavirus to deliver them to the sweet embrace of eternal sleep...

Judge orders Michael Cohen’s release from prison, saying he believes the government retaliated against him for writing a book about Trump.

MORE: Full Deposition of someone called "John Doe 1" will be unsealed.

BREAKING NEWS: Federal judge begins process of unsealing documents in the defamation case of Ghislaine Maxwell. Some names of non-parties will be redacted.

"My father, thankfully, is not alive to see how Mr. Yoho treated his daughter. My mother got to see Mr. Yoho's disrespect on the floor of this House towards me on television. I am here because I have to show my parents that...that they did not raise me to accept abuse from men."

Trump Campaign Smears American Protesters With Photo From Ukraine

President Trump has retweeted a guy named Buck Sexton 13 times this morning

ICYMI: Judge Emmet Sullivan has asked the full D.C. Circuit to hear arguments on the appeals court ordering him to grant the Trump administration's motion to dismiss the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn

“Failed RINO Tom Ridge” earned a Bronze Star w/ “V” device in Vietnam, was elected to Congress 7 times by voters in PA-21, was twice elected Governor of Pennsylvania, and was the man GW Bush’s turned to for help standing up the new @DHSGov as the first Homeland Security Sec’y.

BREAKING: Cohen out to home confinement with finding that "no book" clause was 1A violation

"That's my finding," Judge Hellerstein says, after adding that he cannot fairly find it was not intended to interfere with those rights. The judge is now asking the parties what the relief should follow that finding.

Suppressors. This is not law enforcement. We are witnessing state ordered violence being loosed on the citizens of our Constitutional Republic. This is an outrage in a nation “ Of the People, By the People and For the People”. The mission of these men is not to secure the peace.

BREAKING: 1.4 million seek U.S. jobless aid, first increase since March, as layoffs remain high amid resurgence of virus.

Maine letter carriers allege USPS leadership ‘willfully delaying’ mail to sabotage postal service from within

Four former presidents of the D.C. Bar Association have signed a letter calling on the group to investigate whether William Barr has violated its rules.

You know what’s “extreme”? Begging for your life while a cop murders you by kneeling on your fucking throat for eight minutes. I’ve got my “Fuck That Guy” for tomorrow’s podcast.

Wartime President.

.@stuartpstevens writes that the GOP is a “white grievance party” led by “paranoids, kooks, know-nothings & bigots.” If you accept his searing critique—and I do—then it is incumbent on @ProjectLincoln to target not just Trump but also his enablers.

Barr claimed a recent “surge” of federal cops arrested 200 people in Kansas City. He was off by 199.

We could have won, but our "wartime" president surrendered.

Tom Ridge: the Dept of Homeland Security "was not established to be the president’s personal militia.”

.@neal_katyal, the former U.S. Solicitor General, joins @Lawrence to discuss Donald Trump’s “cowardice and lack of principle” in sending federal officers to Portland to end anti-racism protests.

The House Judiciary Committee is pushing legislation that would criminalize a presidential pardon offered in exchange for anything of value — such as a witness' silence.

American, Russian troops are interacting with each other almost daily in Syria, US general says

Angry misogynist white men may be a problem in our society. Just saying there's a clear pattern of angry white men like this and violence

Pro-Kremlin Ukrainians said they've passed materials to Sen. Ron Johnson's on the Bidens. 👉Contacted by @NBCNews, Johnson's office said they're not taking "oppo" but wouldn't say if they've received "materials" on the Bidens

More from @FrankFigliuzzi1 on the president's "surge": "You are operating outside the scope of your employment when you take people off the street nowhere near federal buildings... There will be a reckoning. You need to get your professional liability insurance paid up."

113 of my colleagues just voted not to remove Confederate statues from the Capitol. They owe the American people an explanation.

Hong Kong's new national-security law is one of the biggest assaults on a liberal society since the second world war

International companies are increasingly avoiding Hong Kong as a jurisdiction for settling disputes through arbitration

Here are my views on Portland, Chicago, and Trump's attempt to create a personal national police force.

PHOTO GALLERY: Facing federal agents, Portland protests swell.

“A Prime Minister who has knowingly and repeatedly put his personal and party interests before our country’s national security.“ My #pmq on the devastating #russiareport

BREAKING: Mayor of Portland, Oregon, gets tear gassed by federal agents at a protest against their presence

Republican feuding this week represents broader reckoning over party’s future as Trump sinks in the polls

They tear gassed the Mayor.....

Why Trump's failure to lead national response prolongs coronavirus crisis

Classified status hides fired IG's report on Trump golf club scheme

Stop giving FOX news and Trump newsbytes. DONT GO TO FEDERAL PROPERTIES TO GET YO ASS BEAT BY FEDERAL OFFICERS. Protest in locations that they have NO jurisdiction over. Public parks, etc. But don't go to a federal building. You just giving Trump his war. Against US.

Dr. Dena Grayson on reopening schools, #coronavirus vaccines, and whether re-infection is happening.#COVID19

Instead of posting random unidentifed photos, why doesn’t the unconfirmed DHS Secretary, who has been slammed by at least two of his duly-confirmed Republican predecessors, provide full & concrete details about what is happening in Portland and on what authorities.

By "mesmerizing" you mean "Sweet baby Jesus he has the codes to the nuclear arsenal."

Imagine all the tests people take — from medical boards and law bar exams, to professional licensing tests...and he can’t stop talking about his dementia exam. I honestly think it’s the only test he has ever taken that he has passed, no other explanation for his obsession with it

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says President Trump’s decision to send federal officers to her city is all about “politics,” adding that “it doesn’t change the fact that we do not want unconstitutional secret federal agents coming into our cities, grabbing our residents.”

DEVELOPING: Derek Chauvin—the former Minneapolis officer who held his knee on George Floyd's neck—has been charged with nine counts of felony tax fraud in Washington County, Minn. Story will be updated with more details shortly.

Imagine all the tests people take — from medical boards and law bar exams, to professional licensing tests...and he can’t stop talking about his dementia exam. I honestly think it’s the only test he has ever taken that he has passed, no other explanation for his obsession with it