Sunday, July 12, 2020

It's been 48 hours. There still isn't *one shred of evidence* yet...that the DOJ actually processed a "commutation" of Roger Stone's sentence.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he will grant a request by Democrats to have former special counsel Robert Mueller testify about his investigation before the committee.

Jason Cardiff's last business was an alleged pyramid scheme involving robocalling & selling bogus weight-loss and other remedies to unwitting customers. So how did he land $20M in federal contracts to supply cheap surgical masks for healthcare workers?

The Trump White House is dropping oppo on Anthony Fauci. Let that sink in.

This is REAL magic.

Trump: "I like the Saudis. They're very nice."

Scoop from ⁦@shearm⁩: After Hurricane Maria, Trump raised the possibility of “divesting” or “selling” Puerto Rico as it struggled to recover, according to a former acting cabinet secretary.

A few minutes ago, the president arrived back at his Virginia golf property.

DeVos = There is no plan.

Defying U.S., China and Iran Near Trade and Military Partnership

Trump has muzzled the most trusted doctor and scientist in the country. Now they are sending out oppo on him to try and make him look bad. Outrageous. No wonder we lead the world in Covid cases and deaths. And the virus rages on.

MUST SEE: With this commutation, Trump has again signaled that Putin can interfere in the 2020 election without fear of retaliation. Here I discuss with @AshaRangappa_ what Americans should be prepared for Russia to do next, based on historical patterns unearthed in my book "Rigged."

To all the nurses on the frontlines of this fight, thank you. You are American heroes.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has refused to say whether schools should follow guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on reopening, saying those guidelines are meant to be "flexible."

What we heard from Secretary DeVos was malfeasance and a dereliction of duty. It's appalling. DeVos and Trump are messing with the health of our children.

This is really depressing

BREAKING: GOP PA Senator @SenToomey says Stone clemency was a "mistake" "“He was duly convicted of lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstructing a congressional investigation conducted by a Republican-led committee."

NEW VIDEO Donald Trump is a criminal.

Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died

Feeding tubes, halluncinations, and numb toes: One Texan’s battle to survive #coronavirus. A tough read from @ShannonNajma

“To do this in the middle of a pandemic is breathtakingly dangerous,” said Nancy Cox, a former CDC virologist, who for 22 years led the agency’s WHO center on influenza surveillance and control.

We're excited to co-host our FIRST joint event with Veterans & Military Families for @JoeBiden this Monday! Join Iraq War Combat Veteran and Senator @TammyforIL for a VETERANS ECONOMIC ROUNDTABLE on the Biden plan to #BuildBackBetter!

NEW —> Trump’s drop in polls has confident Democrats sensing ‘a tsunami coming’ in November My latest with @seungminkim + @rachaelmbade on the election landscape

61 Marines have been infected with the virus in recent days, spread across two bases in Okinawa prefecture, home to about 26,000 US service personnel.

Trump seems to have learned nothing from his impeachment save that, with the GOP in control of the Senate, he can get away with anything. Since his acquittal, he has committed one corrupt act after another—culminating in Roger Stone’s commutation.

Hong Kong reported 38 new coronavirus cases on Sunday, about a third of them of unknown origin, feeding fears of a resurgence in the Asian hub after weeks of near-normal activity

Mr. President, keep your hands off our kids - The Boston Globe

The neighbors from hell. What a story. Filing nuisance lawsuits, pointing guns, destroying kids beehives? This is community terrorism.

An outspoken critic of Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party was allowed to go home after being detained by Beijing police about a week ago, @nytimes reported

Madeline Swegle makes history as U.S. Navy's 1st Black female fighter pilot.

Someone needs to explain why Disney World is open today, but Disneyland is closed indefinitely. Both parks are in hot spots. I am left to believe that California lives are valued and Floridians are dispensable.

Are you dealing with “quarantine fatigue.” A Massachusetts psychiatrist explains the science behind it and what we can do to fight it.

"Physicians need to think of COVID-19 as a multisystem disease." Coronavirus damages not only the lungs, but the kidneys, liver, heart, brain and nervous system, skin and gastrointestinal tract, doctors say in a review of reports about Covid-19 patients.

Opinion: Goya was a staple in Latino households. It likely won't be anymore

From Barr's confirmation hearing: “Q: Do you believe a president could lawfully issue a pardon in exchange for the recipient’s promise to not incriminate him?” Barr: “No, that would be a crime.”

China has started tracking down some of its citizens living abroad to collect taxes on their global income

Months of trial and error in the ICU offer clues on how to save Covid patients

YOU HAD ONE JOB TODAY. For God's sake, man.

Airing tomorrow on @FoxNewsSunday in Phoenix, Charlotte, and Raleigh. 15 former Trump voters saying: "It's Okay to Change Your Mind. We Did." Help us bring their story to more swing markets!

Stunning #BlackLivesMatter bike protest going through South Brooklyn right now.

Police are pelted with rocks as injured lockdown protesters lie in the streets in third night of violence in Serbia

Companies are beginning to account for Covid-19 in their financial results. And not everyone is happy about it

Another Trump foreign policy foray goes awry

Trump’s New Spy Chief Used to Work for a Foreign Politician the U.S. Accused of Corruption

Trump’s campaign manager is a felon. His deputy campaign manager is a felon. His national security advisor is a felon. His foreign policy advisor is a felon. His personal lawyer is a felon. His long time advisor is a felon. It’s not a campaign, it’s a criminal enterprise

Coronavirus outbreak hits Los Angeles Apparel with more than 300 infections, 4 employee deaths

Fauci is sidelined by the White House as he steps up blunt talk on pandemic

Here's my promise to you: If I have the honor of being elected president, I will take care of your family like I would my own.

Mueller defends Stone prosecution and says 'his conviction stands' in Washington Post op-ed

Coronavirus: Thousands protest in Israel over handling of economy

Russia scores a victory for its ally Syria by forcing the U.N. Security Council to limit humanitarian aid deliveries to the country’s mainly rebel-held northwest to just one crossing point from Turkey.

85 kids, counselors infected with coronavirus in YMCA camp outbreak, GA officials say

The new Hong Kong: Disappearing books, illegal words and arrests over blank white paper

The Australian government says it will offer around 10,000 Hong Kong passport holders currently living in Australia a chance to apply for permanent residence once their current visas expire.

Hey @realDonaldTrumpglad you finally caved to science and wore a mask - 3 months late! - now tell the patriotic patients at #WalterReed why you haven’t fought Putin’s bounties on US soldiers’ heads

It’s actually amazing how consistently wrong he is about everything. No wonder why doctors were ‘surprised’ he passed a cognitive test.

NEW VIDEO@realDonaldTrump didn’t drain the swamp, he is the swamp!

Mary Trump, the President's niece, writes that Trump "destroyed my father. I can't let him destroy my country," in new book obtained by CNN.