Thursday, July 2, 2020

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has announced he will be signing a proclamation that says businesses will not be able to legally serve customers goods or services unless the patrons are wearing a face covering

From Joe Biden. This should be enough to win alone.

There is a rotten scheme loose in our country that began with #CitizensUnited. It’s funded by secret special interest money and promoted by fossil fuel & polluter mouthpieces like

TRICKY FINE PRINT of @GovAbbott’s Texas mask rule: ⚠️Church services are exempted from the mandatory masks rule!!! ➡️ This is very dangerous given multiple well known church outbreaks. We need to demand church exemption is removed.

Close the Florida Border. Shut down the Airports. This is getting insane.

Lindsey Graham was among the loudest Republican voices screaming about the attack on U.S. diplomats in Benghazi, Libya. But he apparently has no problem with Trump’s decision to ignore intelligence about Russian bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Fox's Neil Cavuto is so, so done with this dangerous Trump sycophant anti-science bullshit. Cavuto: When's the last time you have [treated a patient]? Biggs: I'm not a trained physician-- Cavuto: But you're telling the ones who ARE to get out!

JUST IN: @FedEx has asked the Washington @Redskins to change its name. Here is the statement: “We have communicated to the team in Washington our request that they change the team name.“

The coronavirus may have mutated to become more infectious, Dr. Anthony Fauci says

ICYMI: Unfortunately, in Florida, it is no longer a matter of IF you get the Corona virus, it is now just a matter of WHEN.

In May, Alan Dershowitz agreed to be interviewed on the Stephen Colbert-produced comedy show "Tooning Out the News." And the cartoon hosts did not hold back in grilling him about his connections to the late billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

A Hong Kong hangout for journalists stands up for press freedom amid protests and pandemic

Woman who coughed at two paramedics and said 'I have the virus' is jailed for six months

“When there are allegations of threats to our men and women in uniform, we expect the President of the United States to give that same force protection, that same priority—⁦@SpeakerPelosi⁩ On behalf of 700,000+ veterans, military families & allies: THANK YOU, Madam Speaker

Inside the Secret Sale of Ghislaine Maxwell’s Swanky New Hampshire Hideout

All county-operated beaches in Orange County, California, will be closed for the entire holiday weekend of July 4 and 5

Trump just complained that his life was so much better before he became President. So was mine.

The Justice Department is considering replacing the US attorney in Brooklyn with an ally of Attorney General William Barr

Abbott exposed his own Texas residents. Some of them died. For what? For Trump and $$$. I hope Texans never forget.

NEW: Fired US Attorney for SDNY Geoffrey Berman will appear next week before House Judiciary behind closed doors next Thursday, according to a congressional aide

Police backtrack claim that LMPD SWAT vehicle was rammed by protester

Let that sink in: +130,000 Americans are Dead,from a highly contagious virus,and the Republicans want to take healthcare from millions of American citizens. The Republican party is a clear and present danger to The United States of America.

Support for universal basic incoming is growing among America's mayors

this is one of the most powerful ads i have ever watched

It is insane to issue bayonets to soldiers for crowd control. Are they supposed to stab protestors? Americans are not the enemy. @CongressmanRaja & I are demanding @DeptofDefense & @thejointstaff to commit to never do this again in the future.

“Being awful to people simply because you’re so broken inside that you enjoy feeding on the misery of others is not a political ideology; it’s a sociopathic, psychological ailment.”

Even Greg Abbott just issued a statewide mask mandate. Your move, Ron DeSantis and Doug Ducey.


Maxwell is remanded to the custody of U.S. Marshals, after a short hearing devoted to preliminaries.

Judge Johnstone recites the charges of Ghislaine Maxwell's indictment. * enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts * conspiracy to entice a minor * transporting a minor * conspiracy to transport a minor * two counts of perjury

#BREAKING Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirms in a letter to @CongressmanRaja & Rep. @tedlieu that soldiers were issued #Bayonets - also, a doc obtained by @AP shows 82nd Airborne members were not trained in riot response.

Trump gave some dumbass a billion dollar contract. He used it to build a shady-ass wall on the banks of a river. Then nature weighed in.

This is a job Donald Trump is entirely unfit for.— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden)

Judge Johnson notes that she is physically in the courthouse, but she's not in the courtroom. Maxwell's attorney says her clients consents to participate in the proceedings remotely. The judge reads Maxwell her rights.

Trump supporters funded a private border wall on the banks of the Rio Grande, helping the builder secure $1.7 billion in federal contracts. Now the “Lamborghini” of border walls is in danger of falling into the river if nothing is done, experts say.

A group representing New Hampshire nursing homes says shipments of personal protective equipment from the federal government were mostly garbage.

Background: Prosecutors formally requested Prince Andrew's assistance with their probe earlier this month, and contradicted his claims of being cooperative, in two extraordinary public statements.

A federal judge REJECTS Alan Dershowitz's attempt to modify a protective order to obtain documents for his defense. She also ORDERS his accuser Virginia Giuffre's attorneys to destroy records from her since-settled case against Ghislaine Maxwell.

SDNY wants to keep Ghislaine Maxwell in jail, in a detention memo stating she: * traveled at least 15x internationally in the last three years, including to the UK, Japan, and Qatar. * more than 15 bank accounts tied to her from 2016 to present, with accounts up to $20M.

Indictment: "[Ghislaine] Maxwell assisted, facilitated and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein's abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse victims... "The victims were as young as 14."

Everyone knows the way to avoid detection from the FBI is to buy a 156-acre property in cash πŸ™„πŸ€¦πŸ½‍♀️ (Guarantee the FBI was surveilling her the whole time and she should know that??)

Getting ready for Trump’s trip to Mt. Rushmore like

Republicans snuck tax giveaways for their millionaire & billionaire friends into the last CARES Act. That’s a swindle they must not repeat. I will fight any wasteful corporate tax breaks Republicans try to jam into the next relief bill.

Ghislaine Maxwell will have remote proceedings in a federal court in New Hampshire, scheduled to begin in roughly 10 minutes, in advance of her transfer to the Southern District of New York. I will be listening into the hearing to report for @CourthouseNews.

Donald Trump knew about the Russian bounties on the lives of American troops. And yet he delivered Vladimir Putin two unfathomable gifts: an invitation to the G7, and a withdrawal of US troops from Germany. He is a traitor.

Breaking News: A mysterious explosion ripped through a building at a nuclear site in Iran where the country has boasted of producing advanced centrifuges


CIA Director Gina Haspel led a slate of intelligence officials to the U.S. Capitol to brief a select group of lawmakers on reports Russia offered bounties to the Taliban to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

SDNY just announced the Ghislaine Maxwell case - like the original Epstein case - is staffed by the Public Corruption Unit. I worked at SDNY and did sex trafficking cases. They do NOT run out of Public Corruption - unless there is some potential angle against a public official.

Pelosi and Schumer following the Gang of 8 briefing on Russian bounties: "Our Armed Forces would be better served if President Trump spent more time reading his daily briefing and less time planning military parades and defending relics of the Confederacy."

Herman Cain has coronavirus: "We honestly have no idea where he contracted it. I realize people will speculate about the Tulsa [Trump] rally, but Herman did a lot of traveling the past week, including to Arizona where cases are spiking."

“The villains in these outrageous crimes are the adult perpetrators, not the youth who are our neighbors, our students, vulnerable foster children and teens seeking support.” πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰This is the way the case should have been handled from the beginning.

Inbox: Sen. Tammy Duckworth has announced her intention to block Senate confirmation of 1,123 senior U.S. Armed Forces promotions until Secretary of Defense Esper confirms in writing that he did not, or will not, block the promotion of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman to Colonel.

“In the Covid-19 economy, you’re allowed only a kid or a job.” The pandemic is making it clearer than ever: we need to make child care more accessible and safe for every working parent

Former presidential candidate Herman Cain hospitalized with the coronavirus.

One of these women has protected a man who's been accused of sexual assault by 24 women. The other is Ghislaine Maxwell. — E. Jean Carroll

i'm sure she'll be fine, she only has dirt on Donald Trump Prince Andrew Duke of York Bill Clinton Alexander Acosta Alan Dershowitz

Remember when we caught VP Pence's Chief of Staff, Marc Short, meeting with companies whose stocks he holds? We've now caught him 3 more times! I have never seen anything so blatant. If @FBI won't investigate, it's proof the Trump admin protects its own.

SDNY/FBI officials are filing in for the Maxwell presser now

So what was Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s madam, doing in the tiny rural town of Bradford, NH?

"I, too, am sorry. Sorry that we haven't got the world to the place that you deserve it to be." Prince Harry has said that institutional racism is "endemic" in society and apologized that not enough has been done to combat it

Barr should be questioned under oath about every time he’s met or interacted with Jeffrey Epstein

Trump congratulates himself on a job well done. No mention of 50k cases, a record, yesterday. 130k deaths. No words of condolence for families. No mention of allowing Russia to have our troops killed. No mention of his race baiting. Now, off to the golf course.

“I think there’s a significant chance [President Trump] doesn’t run. I mean this thing is going so poorly, he’s so far back. To me it doesn’t make much sense for him to run,” Democratic strategist James Carville says.

Go home. Wear a mask. Quit believing you're better than everyone else.

Pelosi: "The fact is very clear. The president is intellectually unprepared, personally unqualified, and ethically unfit to serve as president of the United States. And now he has undermined any credibility he may have had as commander-in-chief."

Companies involved in a Trump administration effort to provide much-needed coronavirus medical supplies described a chaotic and inefficient process and warned of a continuing shortage despite months of efforts, a House committee said

BREAKING: @RepJerryNadler Statement on SCOTUS Decision to Grant Certiorari in Lawsuit Regarding Mueller Grand Jury Material

Trump on resurgence of virus as cases are spiking in several states: “We are putting out that life because it’s a bad life that we’re talking about.”

BREAKING: Florida is reporting 10,109 new COVID-19 cases today, the first time Florida has recorded more than 10,000 cases in a 24 hour period.

I hope Mary Trump’s book talks about the extremely ‘unhealthy’ relationship between Ivanka & her father. This was no secret in the annals of the Trump family

This entire administration is all in to try to stop this investigation

You can (I have) make a pretty good argument that the entire Trumpist DOJ is structured to protect the Epstein files

The Supreme Court plans to take up whether Congress can access secret grand jury materials from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian meddling, but will likely not rule before the election.

There will be a press conference today at noon to announce charges against Ghislaine Maxwell for her role in the sexual exploitation and abuse of multiple minor girls by Jeffrey Epstein. The press conference will be livestreamed on Facebook @USAOSDNY.

More: Sources say Ghislaine Maxwell charged in connection with sexual abuse of three victims. Read more as story updates @miamiherald

Prince Andrew hardest hit @TheDukeOfYork

Building a strong case against Maxwell would not be easy, so SDNY likely has lined up evidence that is not yet public. This could also explain their recent interest in interviewing Prince Andrew.

this is a very bad day for a lot of very bad people.

I’m sure glad Obama killed Osama bin Laden before Trump had a chance to become friends with him.

SCOTUS will hear House case demanding access to Mueller grand jury secrets. Not a surprise since they blocked ruling requiring disclosure

SDNY was apparently investigating Ghislaine Maxwell for violations of the Mann Act (sex trafficking) for the past year, subpoenaing ex-pilots and raiding Epstein's island home

BREAKING: Ghislaine Maxwell, a British socialite long accused of being part of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking operation, has been taken into custody in New Hampshire, sources tell the Miami Herald. Story to come.

NEW: Trial against Turkey’s state-run Halkbank has been scheduled for March 1, 2021, on the faster track prosecutors requested. Citing Halkbank’s delays to date, Judge Berman refused to drag it out a year longer, as the bank requested.

#BREAKING: Jeffrey Epstein confidante, British socialite and heiress Ghislaine Maxwell, has been arrested by the FBI, sources tell @Jonathan4NY

Joe Biden has been forceful and outspoken on Beijing’s repression in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. Meanwhile, the president has made it clear that his silence can be purchased. Both parties should speak with one voice when it comes to democracy and human rights.

“In the days since the NYT broke the news on claims of Russian bounties being offered to kill American military personnel in Afghanistan, Trump has turned his ire not at the Russian government, but instead on the news media and their confidential sources.”

And is there any realization that these continued disclosures about these governmental dysfunction contributing even more to an intelligence coup by our foes?

Hundreds of brands are pulling ads from Facebook. Its largest advertisers aren't among them.

It's becoming uncontroversial in foreign capitals to view the U.S. as an unreliable ally at best, and as a basket case led by an incompetent, narcissistic bigot at worst, writes

California man who posted regret for attending party died a day later of coronavirus "This is no joke," Thomas Macias wrote on Facebook the day before he died. "If you have to go out wear a mask and practice social distancing."

NEW: As the pandemic rages, nation’s health secretary has held events in Florida, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, N. Carolina, Penn., Wisconsin, touting Trump’s response. What those states have in common: they’re all battlegrounds Trump is fighting to win.

Former U.S Navy Seal Dr. Dan Barkhuff wants to know if @realDonaldTrump is a coward who can't stand up to Putin or if he's complicit. Well, Donald, which is it?

Bruh, if your waiter looks like this, that means you need to take your bourgeoisie ass home and learn to cook until this thing is over

Rudy Giuliani is at the White House.

We had a Senate briefing this morning to try to finally get some answers about #BountyGate. Yet, color me shocked, all I could tell @RaquelMartinTV is that none of the people sent to brief us could answer our questions. We need a hearing now.

NEW: More than 40 school principals in the South Bay (Northern California) are in quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 during an in-person meeting held by the Santa Clara Unified School District to discuss re-opening schools.

China could block Hong Kong citizens from leaving the region to take up Boris Johnson’s offer of a new home in the U.K., says Britain's Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab

The “Full Frontal” host slammed Trump as an “unlovable loser,” “emotional weakling” and “bottomless pit of neediness."

This attempt to blame the PDB briefer is shameful. The national security advisor himself (1) has been unable to get the president to meet with the briefer every day, and (2) is ultimately responsible for ensuring POTUS gets the national security info he needs. How embarrassing.

Here's the debut of the trailer to #UNFIT. Everybody - stream the film this weekend. Because his pathology is not spoken about enough. Because it's the #1 reason he needs to be gone. Because we WILL get it into the narrative with power. Experts. Science. Truth.

Susan Collins--"Maine's Bipartisan Senator!"--is now allowing her neo-conservative PAC to air slimy ads attacking Sara Gideon. Apparently Collins is willing to sell her moral convictions for a Senate seat. Shame! — Stephen King

Read @_JakubJanda analysis: How Czech President MiloΕ‘ Zeman Became Putin’s Man

Publisher Simon & Schuster can move ahead with plans to release a tell-all book by President Trump’s niece after a temporary restraining order was overturned

NEW: According to two people familiar with the matter, the president in recent days has privately expressed—“rather loudly,” in the words of one of the sources—his desire for a leak investigation into how that story ended up in the Times.

SCOOP: Bill Zollars, now on USPS board, was CEO of a company that got a $700M COVID bailout today because of Pentagon contracts. (It's only worth $70 million.) The DOJ is now suing that company for defrauding the Pentagon... while Zollars was CEO.

BREAKING: The New York Times has identified an Afghan contractor, Rahmatullah Azizi, who delivered Russian cash from the GRU to the Taliban to target American troops.

Japan is figuring out how to deliver goods untouched by humans

The U.S. is preparing to roll out long-delayed Magnitsky sanctions to punish senior Chinese officials responsible for genocide against the Uighur minority in Xinjiang

How North Carolina Transformed Itself Into the Worst State to Be Unemployed

Remember when Republicans were calling it a blue States problem & slow walked support? Remind me again which party the governor of Texas belongs to & why he's screwing this up ESPECIALLY given the experience others have already had with this virus and handling it?

Three of Southwest Florida's nine acute-care hospitals have no available intensive-care unit beds for adults.

NEW: Before VP Pence spoke at a Baptist megachurch in Dallas this weekend, there was a cluster of COVID cases in the choir and orchestra. Then they performed without masks.

George W. Bush PAC is ending all operations with the GOP whilst Trump is on the ticket and supporting Biden instead. One of THE most republican of Republicans is supporting a Democratic candidate. This is huge

After a party with up to 100 people in Rockland County, New York, the party host and 8 guests tested positive for the coronavirus. But those contacted by disease tracers trying to learn who else might have been exposed won’t talk. Now they face subpoenas.

A terse memo to Wilbur Ross from the Commerce Department IG claiming the department is improperly delaying the release of its Sharpiegate report, which she blames on “the findings of responsibility of the high-level individuals involved” that it contains.

Opinion: Republicans are biting the Democrats’ helping hand

#UNFIT THIS WEEKEND!! #UNFIT THIS WEEKEND!!! #UNFIT Sneak Preview, for Twitter "Friends and Followers" July 3, 4, and 5 only! We ALL have a BIG mental health problem - HIM!! Everyone needs to see this film. (We'll monitor to answer questions. General release is in September.)

US House unanimously passes China sanctions bill over controversial Hong Kong law

New coronavirus cases in the U.S. rise above 50,000, a single-day record, with hospitalizations jumping in a number of areas

MeidasTouch hits the president's son-in-law with an attack video about his incompetence.

More than 500 companies have kicked off an ad boycott intended to pressure Facebook into taking a stronger stand against hate speech. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has agreed to meet with its organizers next week.

Trump’s displayed he’s a racist and fascist for a long time. But this is what going full Nazi look like

"I would never have imagined in a million years that I would get this virus the way that I did." A healthy 30-year-old man went to a crowded bar. He ended up in a hospital on a breathing tube

"That is not just unpatriotic and insulting, it is scary. Because it suggests he will let Putin do whatever Putin wants to do and then make excuses for him." - Hillary Clinton

Trump isn’t mad Putin put a bounty on our troops. He’s mad Americans found out about it.

In Hong Kong, arrests and fear mark first day of new security law

When America Needed Leadership...#HeWentToJared and we went to hell. From @MeidasTouch - Pass it on.

US House passes bill Wed to sanction #China banks over #HongKong. House of Representatives’ legislation to penalize banks doing business with Chinese officials who impose #nationalsecurity law for what @SpeakerPelosi called a “brutal, sweeping crackdown”.

"This pandemic is not disappearing," says Dr. William Haseltine about President Trump's claim that Covid-19 will "just disappear." "If you have leadership, governance and individual responsibility, it can be reduced to zero."

What Harvard Sold Jeffrey Epstein

Sounds like the NYT has the goods. “Azizi stands as a central piece...named in American intelligence reports and confirmed by Afghan officials as a key middleman” in the #RussianBounty operation.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions appeared to refer to Henry Louis Gates Jr., a celebrated Black Harvard University scholar, as "some criminal" in a New York Times Magazine article published Tuesday.

The Silent Spreader: How the world came to realize that coronavirus spreads even when people don't show symptoms. Essential story for our understanding of what happened to us, by @mattapuzzo @selamgkidan @ddknyt -- make sure you make time for this one

Houston’s medical center, largest in the world, swnding covid patients to other cities because they dont have capacity. Gov. Abbott pressuring them to hide this fact. Thanks to Miya Shay for making sure we know the truth. Science & facts must win out.

Harvard scientists: California needs to double testing to contain coronavirus surge

In Arizona, half of all positive cases are people from the ages of 20 to 44, according to state data. The median age in Florida is 37, down from 65 in March. In Texas’s Hays County, people in their 20s make up 50% of the victims

This was supposed to be the year that Beijing would announce it had ended absolute poverty in China, fulfilling a key pledge of President Xi Jinping and one of the founding missions of the Chinese Communist Party.

Appellate Judge says Mary Trump's tell-all book can be released

The first @ProjectLincoln ad in Russian

The Lone Warrior