Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I’ve never seen Nancy this angry before. A righteous anger. I think she’s signaling. They’re going to demand his resignation.

Pennsylvania's governor has announced a new order that requires masks to be worn whenever anyone leaves home

I'm thinking today of young people in Hong Kong who haven't given up hope on democracy. The new security law the Chinese government has imposed is a chilling attack on human rights and an extension of authoritarian rule that every democracy should condemn. — Hillary Clinton

The Trump administration just lent $700 million to a trucking company worth $70 million that was sued for ripping off taxpayers

This election is going to come down to how fair the voting process is and how much suppression and interference takes place. Tragically, there is a version where Trump wins if he corrupts/suppresses enough votes. I keep waiting for a *PLAN* on how Dems are going to combat this.

NEW: In Florida it gets worse: More than 7,000 kids have tested positive for coronavirus in Florida. 12 have MIS-C

Former George W. Bush administration and campaign officials launch a new super PAC to support Joe Biden

Houston-area ICU wards overflow as coronavirus spreads

.@costareports says that the White House is preparing for a possible Thomas retirement, and added since publishing the article that some conservatives are buzzing that Alito may be considering this as well:

Extreme temperatures coupled with high humidity flowing from the Gulf of Mexico have set the stage for life-threatening heat in parts of the central and southern US

In his USUAL “Russia meddles, nothing new to see here, move on” MODE, Pompeo just acknowledged that intel on Putin’s bounties was credible. And that they informed those necessary about this threat at the time. ALSO, per usual mode, no action was taken AGAINST RUSSIA.

Fox News fired Ed Henry following the completion of a sexual misconduct investigation, the news company announced.

General Clark. Warrior. Statesman. Sends a clear transmission on how @realDonaldTrump continues to fail our troops. — Major General (ret) Paul Eaton

Opinion | Trump’s ugly new spin on Russia bounties actually incriminates him

Last night after the ruling, Simon & Schuster filed a motion opposing a request forcing them to "stop the presses and throw the breaks on the delivery trucks" to block Mary Trump's book. "Such an outcome would be unprecedented in this country." Doc:

History Will Judge the Complicit Why have Republican leaders abandoned their principles in support of an immoral and dangerous president?

Yes, what better way to signal support for U.S. troops while the Russians have bounties on their heads than to veto the defense authorization bill because it's too mean to the Confederacy.

Dan Patrick says Dr. Fauci doesn’t know what he’s talking about and claims Texas didn’t skip over anything. He goes on to suggest that Texas officials will no longer listen to Dr. Fauci anymore

In that sense this "scandal" is essentially fraudulent. What Trump may, or may not, have been briefed on -- get ready for lots of parsing of words like "brief" & "report" -- really makes no difference here. Donnie decided long ago that Putin is his pal and the IC are Nazis.

BREAKING: A new bipartisan bill would bypass Trump's refugee cap and allow Hong Kong residents to apply for permanent residency in the US from HK or a third country. "We will ensure they don’t fall through the cracks of our broken immigration system."

Trump tweets that Russia bounty allegations are ‘Fake News’

BREAKING: Another federal court has just ruled that Asylum Ban 2 (the “transit ban”) is illegal and strikes it down. Judge Timothy Kelly, D.D.C., issued tonight’s order vacating the rule.

The President cannot be trusted. Trump is supporting Putin and Russian interests for whatever reason.— Barry R McCaffrey

Members on Senate Intel will be briefed behind closed doors today by the DNI John Ratcliffe about reports that Russia offered bounties to Taliban to kill US troops — the first time that senators will be briefed.

If you're traveling to New York from the following states you must self-quarantine for 14 days. The states are: AL, AR, AZ, CA, FL, GA, IA, ID, LA, MS, NC, NV, SC, TN, TX, UT.

Full KKK

CONFIRMED: @dunkindonuts has paused paid media on Facebook and Instagram.

Angela Merkel slams new U.S. sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline as “not compatible” with Germany’s interpretation of legal standards

The president has posted 17 tweets this morning and not a single one of them even alludes to the pandemic that has now killed 129,000 Americans and counting

My son was a Marine killed in Afghanistan. If I learned Russia put a bounty on his life, and the US didn’t take serious, decisive action, then hell hath no fury like a mother scorned. Bless the families who face this reality.

Since when do the highest level of our country’s national security officials brief the leadership of Congress on a “hoax”?

But I thought it was a hoax,

Lincoln Project uses Trump’s racist tweet to light him up. Man, LP is just beating him like a rented mule.

Bush 43 Alumni back Joe Biden: “We believe that a Biden administration will adhere to the rule of law... and restore dignity and integrity to the White House.”

A reminder: once again Trump is denying reality—even Republicans say there was intelligence reporting a Russian bounty program to encourage the killing of American soldiers—to protect Putin.

There it is. A false and blanket denial. We’ve seen this before. More info will come out. Trump will dig in deeper. And his cult will again deny reality. It’s getting old but is still dangerous.

This was really informative. @RepSlotkin used to prep the PDBs when she was in the CIA. She says she knows what the thresholds are (or at least were) for what the President would be verbally alerted to.

Once again I remind team @JoeBiden that @Ewarren backed the divisive charlatan @Booker4KY while @KamalaHarris backed @AmyMcGrathKY. Warren should be nowhere near the ticket. She’s offensive to many Af-Am voters but they are not the only ones. No hard left anywhere near power!

Neither Bernie nor Booker talk about backing @AmyMcGrathKY and defeating Mitch McConnell. These graceless folk must never get national power. McGrath praised Booker as inspiring in her victory speech. His much delayed concession offers zero congratulations or backing.

New: After complaints alleging lax reopening practices at Gov. Jim Justice’s luxury resort, a kitchen employee has tested positive at the sports club affiliated with the hotel. Officials at the venue are scrambling to be ready for the July 4 weekend.

National mask mandate could save 5 percent of GDP, economists say

Lot of ambitious men eyeing 2024 and shrugging off Russian and other foreign help. “Well, Trump got away with it...”

Trump WH is making sure VP Pence and his aides, like Paul Teller, are staying close to conservatives this week in wake of Roberts’s rulings. It’s part of shoring up the base. The president’s numbers w/ seniors and white evangelicals have been softening

BREAKING: Oklahoma passes Medicaid expansion by ballot initiative!

Trump Campaign Has Spent $325,000 on Facebook Ads Featuring Brad Parscale’s Page

“At best, our commander in chief is utterly derelict in his duties, presiding over a dangerously dysfunctional national security process. At worst, the White House is being run by liars and wimps... actively advancing our arch adversary’s nefarious interests.”

BREAKING: This seat in CO-03 just became a big red-to-blue target! Boebert - who just won the GOP nomination over incumbent Tipton - is a FAR-right Qanon conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile, the fantastic Diane Mitsch Bush @RepDMB just won the Dem nomination.

Latvia bans Russian propaganda and disinfo channel RT. Latvia is well aware that RT is NOT media but the Kremlin tool to break western societies from within.

The new corporate swag: Branded masks, sanitizer spray bottles and Zoom vanity light rings

For the uninitiated, he's talking about the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule meant to reduce residential racial segregation, which HUD has already suspended and proposed gutting.

Taiwan plans to strengthen ties with the unrecognized government of the breakaway African region of Somaliland

"I'm very concerned about what's going on right now, particularly in the four states that are accounting for about 50 percent of the new infections,"

Opinion: Could America’s pandemic response be any more medieval?

"In the past, the court used to guard against government-funded religion," “Today, the court has not only allowed, but actually required taxpayers to underwrite religious education."

Today Germany πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ assumes the Presidency of the πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί for the coming six months. It will be a most important period, and here Chancellor Markel explains the agenda as it looks now.

The police are absolutely out of control. The police commissioner needs to be fired!

I spoke to @Guardian's Today in Focus podcast about my new book Shadow State, why Boris #Johnson hasn't released the #Russia report, and the PM's party with a former KGB agent. Plus #Trump, Brexit, FSB bedroom spying and broadcasting from under a duvet

After 109 days and no justice, I say Breonna Taylor’s name. I say the names of Sandra Bland, Atatiana Jefferson, Aiyana Jones, and the countless others who were killed by police or who died in police custody. We will continue to demand change in their honor.

AP: White House aware of Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers back in early 2019

These GOP Lawmakers Tried to Make It Harder to Vote-By-Mail. Then 80% of Them Mailed Ballots in April.

Amb. Michael McFaul: ‘Unprecedented’ that Pres. Trump wants to be friends with Putin

Everyone needs a lover just once in their life who looks at them the way Trump looks at Putin.

Harvard Global Health Director: 'We should get rid of indoor large gatherings'

Opinion: Can we trust Trump to act in the interests of the United States — ever?

Reminder: Shudowns are to reduce contacts and control spread

Local leaders not in Trump's thrall issue new mask mandates

LATEST: Hong Kong police say "at least two" arrests have been made under the new security law, after a woman displaying a sign reading "Hong Kong Independence" is detained

Families of fallen U.S. military in Afghanistan demand answers

Hong Kong police make their first arrest under the new national-security law, apprehending a man for waving an independence flag, as thousands of protesters take to the streets

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis told reporters on Tuesday that the state will not reinstate restrictions or close businesses to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The date set by Benjamin Netanyahu for taking the first steps toward annexing West Bank land arrived with no sign of how he intends to proceed

Michael Glassner -- the Trump campaign's chief operating officer, who previously handled President Donald Trump's rallies -- has been reassigned to deal with legal affairs during the homestretch of the campaign.

Opinion: Welcome to the United States of "Idiocracy"