Thursday, June 25, 2020

Soldiers’ cases highlight reach of white supremacy in U.S. military

Absolutely outrageous: Barr tried to get SDNY to un-do the part of the Michael Cohen conviction that implicated the President, per NYT. But the SDNY resisted. Which helps explain last weekend’s attempted takeover.

.⁦ @BarbMcQuade ⁩ & I argue it’s time for Bill Barr to go: DOJ has always prosecuted...without fear or favor. But now, prosecutions favor the president’s friends & anyone opposed to him must live in fear of what he might direct his Justice Dept to do.”

“Freedom of speech in Hong Kong is already dead.” A satirical news show was suspended after an episode that mocked the police. It’s the latest example of how Hong Kong—under pressure from the Chinese government—has been chipping away at free expression.

Barr spent weeks in 2019 questioning SDNY prosecutors over their decision to charge Michael Cohen with violating campaign finance laws. At one point, Barr told DOJ officials to draft a memo that could have undermined that part of Cohen's conviction.

OFFICER DEMOTED@PhillyPolice Deputy Commissioner Dennis Wilson says he violated protocol by calling for the use of tear gas on protesters who were on 676 expressway June 1. He offered to take a voluntary demotion immediately

At a time when Florida’s numbers are soaring. @GovRonDeSantis continues to impede reporters who are trying to inform the public. He and his staff don’t seem to realize that this obstruction only makes the public more distrustful — which will hurt the economy even worse.

Black Lives Matter’ Will Be Painted on Street Outside Trump Tower

Barr also concluded — on the very day it happened — that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.

"I changed designs, I looked at it, I said 'that's a terrible looking ship, let's make it beautiful.' ... I said 'this is not a good looking ship, let's change the design.' ... They gave me a beautiful model -- it's like a yacht with missiles on it."

NEW: FOX News Polls In 2020 Swing States

Trump is out here just totally making stuff up

First video report of a massive explosion with red light around Tehran, heard by many residents. Reports of a military outpost around there. #Iran

Samaria Rice, Tamir Rice's mother, spoke with USA TODAY ahead of what would've been her son's 18th birthday. She said: "Just keep me in y'all prayers. I know the nation will because they done stood up for me when I couldn't even stand up for myself and I appreciate that."

Republican Texas AG Paxton to face criminal trial for felony securities fraud -

Well, that was quick. I’m sure Mary appreciates the free publicity

Incorrectly saluting when you didn't serve is exactly the kind of thing Hannity would devote 12 shows to

A federal judge has thrown out the Justice Department’s Statement of Interest in Carmichael v. Ige, saying the filing attempted to improperly influence a legal argument to which the federal government is not a party. The US Attorney for Hawaii filed the statement on Tuesday.

Another idea: merge Montana Wyoming and the Dakotas into the new state of "South Saskatchewan." The new super state would still have a population smaller than Massachusetts

Good Thread: 1 / I'd been thinking a lot lately about the smaller, more practically dangerous effects of unchecked disinformation on platforms with exponential sharing and community growth. Then I saw a woman in a QAnon Facebook group earnestly ask for help with her tinnitus.

Get religion out of politics! Jim Jordan Says Bill Barr Isn’t Doing Trump’s Bidding, He’s ‘Doing the Lord’s Work’

.@seanhannity -- we know you dictate what our idiotic Commander-in-Chief does, but you're actually NOT in these Marines' chain of command

“This is a nation in crisis. We are watching leaders who are in denial, and it’s killing Americans.”

And manufacturing layoffs have continued because Trump took the word of the Chinese government over our own intelligence community, failing to properly address the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Americans are living through a split-screen pandemic: Their leaders are relaxing restrictions while their states set records for new coronavirus infections. Churches, beaches and bars are filling up, and so are hospital beds."

Since the Tik Tok kids did such an amazing job with the Tulsa Rally I thought perhaps we should try another little exercise in pissing off Trump.

This is horrific and very difficult to watch. This man is petrified, screaming in pain, and he did nothing wrong!!! He should sue and get whatever the hell he wants. God help all of us....

Speaker Pelosi today on whether she's in touch w/ Sec. Mnuchin on another rnd of stimulus: "I've not had communication directly with the Secretary on this, but they know that they have to do it... We've gotten a lot accomplished without having to endure certain conversations... "

Kentuckians are protesting for Breonna Taylor in our state capital today. There cannot be two systems of justice in our country depending on the color of your skin.

One more take on how flagrant ‘Judge’ Rao’s decision is, covering up Flynn scandal.

CDC chief says coronavirus cases may be 10 times higher than reported

More from AP: Dr. Rick Bright said in an amended complaint that he has been relegated to a lesser role in his new assignment at the National Institutes of Health, unable to lend his full expertise to the battle against COVID-19.


WASHINGTON (AP) -- HHS whistleblower Rick Bright files complaint alleging ongoing retaliation for revealing failures in COVID response.

Michelle and I want every kid in Chicago to grow up knowing even better opportunities than we had. We’re happy to help Chicago Connected reach every kid in the city. This is where I found a purpose and a family––and it’ll always be our home.

White House intensifies effort to install Pentagon personnel seen as loyal to Trump

Allowing Emmet G. Sullivan to decide the novel legal issues raised by this case would have been following “regular order.” This decision by the appeals court is anything but, writes @RDEliason

NEW: A Trump-appointed judge has dealt the first legal blow to AG Barr's effort to challenge state lockdown efforts amid the coronavirus crisis

It’s ironic that the guy whose party takes trips to Moscow on July 4th is bothered by Bolsheviks.

China's tendrils influence #GOP senator over Hong Kong bill

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson Says He Does Not 'Feel Guilty' For Coronavirus Spike Since State Reopened

Oh that pesky congress always interfering... Trump Mulls Ending Heads-Up to Congress on US Weapons Sales - Admin officials say they are tired of Capitol Hill efforts to review arms exports to Saudi Arabia, UAE & other nations

These white boys are hell-bent on starting a race war.

51 advocacy groups on Trump's Department of Defense nominee, Anthony Tata: "One simply cannot lead a diverse department while having such contempt for diverse people."

During the impeachment trial, I asked this rhetorical question to Senators: How much damage can Donald Trump do between now and the next election? I answered: A lot. A lot of damage. With over a hundred thousand Americans now dead, we had no idea how great the damage would be

"Mr. Williams’s case combines flawed technology with poor police work, illustrating how facial recognition can go awry.”

Women who accused Jeffrey Epstein of sexually assaulting them as teenagers can begin filing claims and collecting compensation from his estate

While Republicans are in court trying to strike down the ACA and take healthcare coverage away from millions, in Wisconsin we’re working to get folks access to quality, affordable healthcare. Visit to get help finding health insurance that’s right for you.

This ad is brutal.

Donald Trump isn't responsible for the coronavirus. But he is responsible for the disastrous lack of leadership that has led to 122,000 deaths in the U.S. and counting.

How many people in Florida will die just because @GovRonDeSantis doesn't want to disappoint the guy puppeteering him with a hand up his ass.

The Funny & Die comedy team of 1

On the same day two current DOJ officials testified alleging politicization of the department, AG Barr sat for an interview on @SenTedCruz's podcast where he was dubbed a 'honey badger' and said he returned to DOJ because he felt Trump "needed an attorney general."

A new statue at the Justice Department

"What could be worse in Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden's philosophy than betraying your country to a hostile foreign leader?" Great question,

Today, the Trump administration & Republican AGs are filing briefs to overturn the ACA. This lawsuit could strip nearly 20 million Americans of their health care coverage, and it was made possible by Senator Collins' vote for the GOP tax bill—a vote she says she doesn't regret.

I've never seen a "garage pull" like this one

I’ve seen this card circulating the internet quite a bit the last few days, just a friendly reminder it is not enforceable. Don’t be a Karen and wear your PPE!

The man who uses Christianity as a prop says he’s never asked God for forgiveness.

I hope everyone is watching this. There’s not much left they can do before the bottom falls out of the market

Eat, Pay, Leave: How to Be a Better Customer at D.C. Restaurants As They Reopen The notion that the customer is always right is crumbling during COVID-19.

Florida and Texas each hit records for cases Wednesday, with health officials in Houston saying their infrastructure was “overwhelmed”

Justice Sotomayor's dissents will haunt this country for years and years and years to come.

“The Coward vs the Commander” - Trump vs Mattis

And don’t forget Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch’s role in this

Analysis: White voters, young voters, old voters and independents are all much less inclined to vote for Trump in battleground states

NEW on the latest episode of The Ticket, former GOP presidential candidate @CarlyFiorina explains why she's voting for Biden. “I’ve been very clear that I can’t support Donald Trump,” she told me. “And elections are binary choices.”

Only one opinion today. Here it is: Supreme Court delivers win for Trump in case over speedy deportation

BREAKING--Trump's Treasury Department sent more than 1 million coronavirus stimulus payments to dead people, watchdog finds (Evidently the Treasury did this in the hope that these people would vote for Trump when they send in their mail-in ballots!!)

Anti-Trump Republicans launch pro-Bullock television ad in Montana

By distorting Mueller Report, lying about Berman’s resignation, dismissing Flynn case, and watering down Stone’s sentence, Barr has turned DOJ into a propaganda machine.

"We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them": Three cops fired after racist talk of killing black residents

Bill Mitchell knows that racism is not a problem in America because when he and his conservative friends get together, they never talk about it.

The US breaks its national record for the highest number of new COVID-19 cases in a single day

Just a couple of weeks ago DeSantis was bragging that the dire predictions for the contagion in FLA were wrong. They were right. FLA has the same percentage of people over 65 as Italy. The carnage has just begun. The jackass should resign

Infamous "Penguin" laughs at Gotham City police and prosecutors, assured he will be freed by powerful friends in Washington.

Minnesota sues Exxon, Koch and API for being 'deceptive' on climate change: Last night, former EPA Chief @GovCTW told me that climate will be a top election issue for voters. Watch our interview in full here:

Nope. You freed up 4913 square miles located 130 miles SE of Cape Cod. Here's a map. We don't fish there. Signed, An Actual Maine Lobster Boat Captain

Between @WSJ reporting on China money to @RNC; disclosure of full findings about Roger Stone, Assange & Russia; & John Bolton on Turkey etal... The evidence of a president, White House & party corruptly on the take everywhere in the world is breathtaking.

A whistle-blower says U.S. Attorney General William Barr ordered special scrutiny of mergers in the cannabis industry, snarling them in antitrust reviews

Wilmington Police Department in North Carolina fired three veteran police officers who made racist comments and discussed “slaughtering” and wiping Black people off the map in conversations recorded on an in-car camera.

The president says his niece Mary is “not allowed to write a book,” as his brother Robert goes to court to block publication. “If they really wanna litigate with her,” says Trump biographer @TimOBrien, “then she’s got grounds for really serious discovery”

This tweet is accompanied by an announcement that POTUS has told @USDA to send farm bailout $$$ to the lobster industry

The lobster industry has suffered a great deal as a result of the president’s trade war with China — we covered this on @TheLeadCNN last December

Asked to clarify Israel’s plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank as soon as next week, Israeli diplomats don’t have much to say, because they don’t know what they are

Head of the NAACP Derrick Johnson calls @Facebook “One of the biggest threats to democracy that we see.”

Here's the brilliant @TomRosenstiel, responding to the brilliant @WesleyLowery's excellent essay on truth and objectivity. If you're a journalist, an aspiring journalist or care about journalism, please read both.

Tata called Obama a “terrorist leader” and “Manchurian Candidate” for Hamas. He threatened John Brennan with violence and accused him of plotting to kill Trump. He should be running a QAnon bulletin board not the Pentagon policy shop.

Mitch McConnell today held on the Floor, back to back, and with no apparent sense of irony, votes on his partisan effort at a racial justice bill and on a judge nominee notorious on racial voter suppression.

Seriously watch this. @StephenAtHome Colbert is a master. Bolton looks foolish.

NEW VIDEO Trump is not only incompetent, he knowingly kills Americans with malice. That is the definition of murder.

"The U.S. today is getting closer to the worst-case scenario envisioned in the spring — a nationwide crisis, made worse by a vacuum of political leadership, threatening to overwhelm hospitals and spread out of control."

The three most populous states are setting records for new coronavirus cases daily — and an expert fears major Texas cities could see "apocalyptic" numbers if the trend continues.

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in every one of six key battleground states, all but erasing the advantage with White voters that Trump used to put together a razor-thin victory four years ago

Facebook must be held liable. If Americans can sue car companies, doctors, and small businesses for the damage they cause, they should be able to hold Facebook responsible for their deadly negligence.

All the worrisome things happening at the DOJ could be just the tip of the iceberg

After China imposed tariffs on lobster, Maine’s lobster exports to China dropped from 600,000 pounds to 100,000 pounds. The Chinese tariff was imposed because of tariffs the Trump administration had imposed on Chinese goods. Trump is a liar.

It is not benign. It is not fringe. It is like a cult. More people will die from these dangerous conspiracy theories than died at Jonestown. Thousands more. A mask can save your life, the life of your loved ones, can save small businesses, and dramatically cut Covid-19s spread

Elijah McClain’s death at the hands of Aurora, Colorado police last August is among the most horrific cases I’ve ever seen described. He was 23, introverted, and doing absolutely nothing wrong. They killed him, and the prosecutor let them get away with it.

.@Jim_Jordan is talking very loudly at the House Judiciary Committee hearing. And he's not wearing a mask. Just days ago, he was at Trump's super-spreader event in Tulsa. He didn't wear a mask there, either.

My Republican colleagues want the story to be how they behaved like toddlers to distract the focus from what these career government prosecutors have to say about how Bill Barr's Justice Department pressured them to go easy on Trump's friends and ripped the rule of law apart

Anyone else super pissed bc you locked yourself down for 3 months and peeps were like, “it’s my constitutional right to die and take you with me?

There is a Finnish word Ryssiä, that means to fail miserably... This explains why

Progressive challenger Jamaal Bowman leads incumbent Rep. Engel in NY Dem Primary

Lessons from the 1918 pandemic: Cities that waited too long to implement social distancing experienced some of the highest death rates in America. Cities that lifted restrictions earliest faced a second wave of high death rates.

Faced with crises from the coronavirus pandemic to nationwide protests against police brutality, Donald Trump is increasingly turning to a favored defense: Blame Barack Obama

"(My father's) detention illustrates China's national security laws are inherently arbitrary and can be used to exploit foreign citizens for political leverage." This is the story of how a Long Island man ended up in a Chinese prison on espionage charges.

Confederate monument removals a mark of progress long in coming

Trump Is Struggling to Run Against a White Guy

Today @SammyCaiola asked how we get past #FaceMasks becoming a political issue— Dr. Fauci:”There’s no secret formula for that, except to say get past it. It should not be a political issue. It is purely a public health issue. Forget the politics—look at the data.”

Counties struggle with consequences of rash Texas reopening

New: Using TaskRabbit and Venmo, a Silicon Valley investor and his business partner had workers repackage non-medical KN95 masks so he could sell them to Texas emergency workers.

February 26, 2019. At least 4,500 abuse complaints at migrant children shelters

Trump admin failure on coronavirus threatens unity of the states