Monday, June 22, 2020

Asked what crime he's alleging Obama committed, Trump identifies one for the first time: "Treason. Treason. It's treason," he told Christian Broadcasting. (This makes no sense.)

BREAKING: Lincoln legislator shares Confederate flag on Facebook, challenging friends to repost it

With roughly 1.5 million members, the American Federation of Teachers AFL-CIO had alleged that Devos failed to minimize the risk of erroneously denied applications to loan-forgiveness programs meant to incentivize careers in public service.

The Interior Department IG just confirmed that it is investigating the Trump administration's excessive use of force against protesters in front of the White House for Donald Trump's photo op. I won't rest until the American people get answers.

Audrey Strauss’s first public announcement as acting chief of SDNY

WARNING: Trump is telling us that he’ll refuse to accept a loss this November as legitimate. We need to believe him and prepare to fight back if we’re to preserve our democracy.

More on the right-wing capture of our courts here

How to empty seat

Media let themselves be duped by police unions’ story about poisoned milkshakes. The officers apparently were never even sick.

Try this... #TheEnd

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen Pence, reportedly voted by mail in Indiana’s June primary election using an address they have not lived at since 2016

Boris Johnson and Theresa May ignored claims Russia had 'likely hold' over Trump, alleges Chris Steele

NBC News: A U.S. Army soldier has been charged with giving classified information about U.S. troops stationed overseas to a European-based White Supremacist group, senior law enforcement and military officials say.

"If Barr is attempting to obstruct justice, the current legal landscape essentially gives him a vacuum in which to do so unimpeded—unless he is impeached," writes Asha Rangappa, a former FBI special agent

Your campaign was so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.

Trump was right that I would beg him to stop winning. I was in this restaurant in Indiana Sunday. Farmers are having to sell their live animals at a loss while processors are making a literal killing. Cattle are backed up on farms and consumers can't afford it.

The desperation.

How to apply for tickets to President Trump's Phoenix "Students for Trump" event

NYPD officer used an illegal chokehold on a black man this morning in Far Rockaway, NY — and only stopped because another cop realized they were being filme. They choked him out...

So what was the US president’s price for okaying the imprisonment of one million Muslims? A little help in trade talks.

Trump’s new visa restrictions could affect 240,000 people

NEW: Trump's "extreme vetting" missed a big one: The Saudi gunman -- and Al Qaeda sleeper agent -- who killed three sailors at a U.S. base w/@laforgia_

North Korea has vowed to revive a favorite weapon of Cold War-era psychological warfare: threatening to send millions of propaganda leaflets, cigarette butts and other trash to South Korea

Nine years ago today, China's first global art star, Ai Weiwei, was released from prison after spending 81 days in detention. In 2011, FRONTLINE examined how he used his fame to push the boundaries of freedom

Analysis: Barr’s botched effort to remove a prosecutor who probed Trump allies

Bolton alleges in his book that Trump went to a meeting with the British Prime Minister Theresa May and was apparently UNAWARE THE UK HAD BEEN A NUCLEAR POWER FOR 70 YEARS.

At Tyson plants around the country, over 7,000 employees have tested positive for the virus. Workers continue to die from Covid-19. On Sunday, China suspended poultry imports from a Tyson slaughterhouse due to coronavirus cases among its workers.

China's suspension on chicken imports from a Tyson Foods facility came after the company said 481 employees across its northwest Arkansas operations had tested positive for the coronavirus since early June

America’s protests are making history. Museums are documenting that in real time.

World leaders are facing a dilemma: Deal with Trump, or hang on for Biden?

“We need to get on with work, not look for [my] successors.” My take on Putin’s big interview to Russian TV, and how today’s Russian papers are covering it.

Tulsa is a Trump campaign PR failure. But President Trump's dealings with Xi, Erdogan and other dictators--not just his affinity for them, but his willingness to sacrifice U.S. interests for his own political or financial advantages--isn't a PR failure. It's a patriotism failure.

Today’s @AppleDaily_HK reports the NPC Standing Commitee will meet in Beijing to pass the HK National Security Law before the anniversary of the handover on July 1st (7.1). Hong Kong’s reckoning awaits as we wait to see how far Beijing will go once the law is put into effect.

China’s smothering of Hong Kong has democrats in the former British colony preparing for jail

China accused of intimidating Uighur refugees in Europe. It’s time that the EU got off its ass and did the right thing by applying stiff Magnitsky sanctions to the Chinese officials in charge of the Uighur concentration ca

New: Sweden’s ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช terrible PLOW THROUGH approach hoping for herd immunity has FAILED miserably. “Just 6.1% of the population of Sweden had developed coronavirus antibodies by late May”. Same time, it has many folder higher cases and deaths than neighbors.

This is an important article about Putin and his activities as a low-level KGB officer. He was never suitable to be a “spymaster” as his fans and dupes often call him.

My friend, the activist Peter Verzilov was seized by Russian Police yesterday and has been detained & interrogated for the past 24 hours with no news of when or if he will be released. He was poisoned last year but survived. This is serious. Please draw attention to this.

Trump’s campaign will leave Tulsa tonight owing — in the opinions of 14 municipal government — more than $1.8 million in unpaid police and public safety costs stemming from MAGA rallies.

Worst North Korea economy in two decades pushing Kim Jong Un to lash out

Hottest Arctic temperature record likely set with 100-degree reading in Siberia

Police pepper spray members of the press who are recording protests Sunday in Columbus, Ohio

U.S. home-mortgage delinquencies reach highest level since 2011

John Bolton says Pres. Trump's actions with Ukraine "could well amount" to high crimes and misdemeanors, and says "a range of other activities" should be investigated, but defends his decision not to come forward during impeachment trial.

World leaders are facing a dilemma: Deal with Trump, or hang on for Biden?

Trump’s Monday: Lunch with Pence, per WH schedule. Nothing else listed for tomorrow

"Erratic, foolish, behaved irrationally [&] bizarrely, can't leave him alone for a minute, he saw conspiracies behind rocks, he couldn't see the difference between his personal interests & the country's interests" - how former national security adviser John Bolton describes Trump

CONFIRMED: @patagonia has joined the #StopHateForProfit campaign and will pause their advertising on Facebook for the month of July.

Trump opposed sanctioning China’s government over its atrocious human rights violations to protect his hollow trade deal and serve his own personal interests. Where Trump has been weak, I will be strong, clear, and consistent in standing up for America's values and its people

A noose was found hanging in NASCAR driver @BubbaWallace’s garage. This happened a week after Wallace, who is black, painted his number 43 car with a Black Lives Matter message and been outspoken in support of reform efforts inside and outside his sport.

.@realDonaldTrump, your rally in Tulsa was a flop. You've probably heard this before, but it was smaller than we expected — and it sure wasn't as big as you promised.

The Russians invading Ukraine yesterday fired a 152mm Kornet anti-tank missile system at the settlement of Berdyans'ke on the Sea of Azov. A missile exploded near a local clinic. Fortunately, no civilians were injured. Putin's army made 10 further attacks on Ukrainian defences.

This is art

"Why replace Berman? The answer lies in the firing earlier this year of Jessie Liu, the former U.S. Attorney for D.C...Once they seized control, Barr’s team...interceded in the sentencing of Stone, and made an effort to dismiss the case against Flynn..."