Saturday, May 9, 2020

Dear @LindseyGrahamSC, 1. Were you ever blackmailed by @realDonaldTrump or anyone connected to Trump, his campaign or his administration? 2. Did they threaten to expose sordid details of your personal life, some dating back years, if you did not flip and support Trump publicly?


There's a theory that the antibodies from one person’s plasma might work against someone else’s load of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, hastening their recovery

NEW: Anthony Fauci has become the latest top health official to announce he's taking precautionary measures after making a "low risk" contact with a White House staffer who tested positive for the novel coronavirus, he confirmed to CNN and the NYT

This tweet. If they can't keep people at The White House - you know that kind of very important place in Washington, D.C. where the President of the United States lives - from infecting each other - how sure are YOU that they can do it where YOU work?

Obama’s comments came during a Friday call with 3,000 members of the Obama Alumni Association, people who served in his administration

Do we think @potus orders them NOT to wear masks? Or do they want to flaunt the same PPE rules they give their subordinates?

It is unsurprising @realDonaldTrump enjoys wallowing in his fetid self-indulgence, but I find it surreal that so many other government officials encourage his ignorance, incompetence, & destructive behavior. BTW, history will be written by the righteous, not by his lickspittle.

Oops. DC US Atty submitted court document to dismiss Flynn charges with the wrong DC Bar number. The filing by Tim Shea, but with the number belonging to previous US atty, appears to be technically invalid. Judge Sullivan, your move...

BREAKING: Fire erupts at Moscow hospital where coronavirus patients are being treated - TASS

Second Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirus It is the second confirmed case of COVID-19 among a member of Pence’s staff since March.

Trump’s steadfast refusal to release his tax returns — a fight that will culminate in Supreme Court arguments on Tuesday — has mushroomed into a showdown with implications well beyond his administration

3 young children have died in New York of a mysterious, toxic-shock inflammation syndrome with links to the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Saturday, calling it “truly disturbing"

There’s no quit in America. None at all. We’re going to get through this — and we're going to come out stronger.

Wherein RT, a registered agent of the Russian government, defends Donald Trump's favorite American TV station, OANN. It just doesn't get any more obvious than this.

Democrats need to use Republicans’ playbook to make sure Trump loses

NEW: The Biden campaign is building behind the scenes a Republicans-for-Joe group.

NHK conducted an experiment to see how germs spread at a cruise buffet. They applied fluorescent paint to the hands of 1 person and then had a group of 10 people dine. In 30 min the paint had transferred to every individual and was on the faces of 3.

A guy showed up at a Subway today carrying a bazooka! Imagine if you were at a nearby table with your kids? Or sitting with some of their little league team? This is Trump's America. This is why you have to donate to and vote for @JoeBiden. Because this crazy shit has to end

Somebody tweeted me today "Personal attacks are beneath you" 1. When dealing with racists who cage children and assault women, they are not beneath me. 2. ANYONE who thinks you can beat a cockroach like Donald Trump without going into the sewer, has no idea who they're fighting

Former US President Barack Obama has criticised Donald Trump's response to the deadly coronavirus pandemic in a leaked phone call with people he used to work with in the White House.

U.S. CDC reports 1,274,036 coronavirus cases, 77,034 deaths

The politicizing of public health is going to end in tears.

Goodness gracious. Says it all, doesn’t it?

This is exactly who @joebiden is -- a compassionate and supportive active listener and leader. America is desperately in need of this

ABSENCE OF LOYALTY: This is a clip from our upcoming film #UNFIT. Trump is preoccupied with loyalty but offers none of it in return. Anything less than total obeisance, however slight, is met with vindictiveness. With Dr. Lance Dodes.

Putin presides over slimmed down Victory Day as coronavirus cases rise

FDA commissioner in self-quarantine after exposure to person with COVID-19

“That situation led on Thursday to rumors that Trump was threatening to withdraw military support for Saudi Arabia over the Kingdom’s role in the oil price war, ongoing production battles, and the 35 million barrels about to be dumped on US soil.”

“Saudi Arabia is a very wealthy country and they’ve agreed to help defray some of the costs, which nobody else would ever ask for,” “if we’re going to defend countries, they should also respect us by making a contribution.”

Psychologist: 'Each person is suffering in their own way'

Economist explains why solving health crisis is key to restarting economy

White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that the documents had not been approved by CDC Director Robert Redfield. The new emails, however, show that Redfield cleared the guidance.

Ted, when I make a mistake I admit it. You remain mired in shame because you kowtow to a man who called your wife ugly and said your daddy assassinated JFK. Me messing up a tweet or two will never erase the shame you carry every day of your life.

After 20,000 nursing home deaths, Trump admin finally moved to act

Map shows even 'regular people' can't avoid coronavirus spread

Governor's back-to-business zeal leaves public less informed, less safe

Trump admin oddly eager to laud Iowa as COVID-19 crisis worsens