Thursday, December 31, 2020

Mitch McConnell just objected twice — again — to requests from Schumer and Sanders to bring the House-passed bill for $2000 relief checks up for a vote. He said the bill was "socialism for the rich."


NEW VIDEO: McConnell Kills Sick Leave #McConnellKillsSickLeave


You are NEVER going to the Met Gala ever again


Schumer: "Funny, I don't remember the Republican leader and Sen. Toomey complaining about how a $2 trillion across-the-board corporate tax cut was poorly targeted because some large companies didn't need the help. Nope. When corporations get a blanket tax break, that's fine."


OMG. We epidemiologists just want to scream: ~20%-40% of Los Angeles County front-line workers declined #COVID19 vaccine. So many in Riverside County refused that officials now strategizing how to distribute unused doses. TAKE THE VACCINE FOLKS! Please


Putin picked Manafort. Manafort picked Pence. Pence picked Hawley.


This has not aged well


It’s strange that when @mattgaetz announces his “engagement” Nestor starts trending on Twitter


“While irresponsible, Hawley’s move [at least] forces a vote that will have the salutary effect of requiring his Republican colleagues to decide — and to put on the record —whether their loyalty is to President Trump or to the Constitution.” Indeed!


Opinion | Josh Hawley reminds us that the GOP is the sedition party


rump supporters use the n-word after refusing to wear masks on a plane


On the evening of December 29, the Investigative Committee opened a new criminal case against Alexei Navalny. This time he is accused of fraud. This surprisingly coincided with the expiration of the probationary period in the fabricated Yves Rocher case. Why is this case really needed


Chinese activist who retweeted ‘ink girl’ video charged with inciting subversion


BREAKING: Hong Kong’s highest court sent media tycoon Jimmy Lai back to jail until he faces trial on national security charges. The move could fuel concern about the risk of pre-trial imprisonment for people charged under the security law.


Here you can find information where to send your letter or card to Pavel:


Trickle-down economics – also known as “tax cuts for the rich” – is nothing more than a Republican scam to help the rich get richer while working families are left holding the bag. It is time for the wealthy to pay their fair share.


“GOP congressional leaders have acknowledged that Mr. Trump’s desperate efforts to stop Mr. Biden from being sworn in to office are bound to fail. Not, though, before more harm is done to the United States’ political system and its standing in the world.”


As the economic effects of the pandemic stretch into 2021, millions of U.S. renters are bracing for the possibility of having to show up in housing court to avoid eviction. But unlike landlords, only a small fraction of them will do so with an attorney


Secret Service is altering the presidential detail to bring on agents who previously worked with Biden amid concern that some agents were politically aligned with Trump,


"Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a Klansman" -- an incredible mic drop from Jon Ossoff


With today’s announcement, President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris surpass their goal to name over 100 members of our White House team. This diverse and talented group not only looks like America, but will deliver results for working families on day one.


Democratic Sen. Gary Peters calls GOP Sen. Josh Hawley's plan to object to the election results "a circus." "It's really unfortunate that he is going to do this and try to raise questions where there are no facts to back anything up."


60% of Ohio nursing home staff refusing covid vaccine


John Cornyn told reporters that he was against $2000 for struggling Americans. This after showing his Christmas day dinner to a hungry nation. Vote the GOP out. VOTE FOR JON OSSOFF VOTE FOR RAPHAEL WARNOCK


BREAKING: Advocate Aurora now says an employee at its Grafton hospital intentionally removed the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine from a refrigerator resulting in nearly 500 doses having to be thrown away


A U.K. judge will rule whether WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be extradited to the U.S. after weeks of talk about a possible pardon from Donald Trump


President Trump is skipping his New Year's Eve party, an unusual move that surprised guests who were told he'd be there. Instead he's heading back to Washington early

 not good

I will always remember Dawn's kindness to me. We shared in creating a cultural landmark that has continued to bring comfort and smiles to people during this difficult time. I hope that people will remember her the way that I do — always with a smile on her face.


Dr. Anthony Fauci tells @Lawrence that the same public health measures that prevent Covid-19 will protect against the new more contagious variant of the virus: “If you take appropriate precautions, you don't have to worry about any viruses.”


#HongKong pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai arrives back at the city's top court. Lai may be remanded in custody ahead of his trial next year, or he could be allowed to remain on bail at home.


"The idea that this is some time honored tradition that Senator Hawley is embracing today with this maneuver is a joke, and I think that's the only proper response to what Senator Hawley did today: laughter"


Unless you are white, rich and dishonest, double-dribble Kelly Loeffler and insider-trading David Perdue — Ivanka’s endorsed candidates — do not belong in the United States Senate. They are everything a Senator should not be. Please Georgians fix this on January 5th!


"Senior citizens spent a chilly night outside in a line that stretched for blocks as they waited to get into a park and r


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Actor Dawn Wells, best known as Mary Ann in the 1960s sitcom "Gilligan’s Island," died from COVID-19 complications, her publicist said


Dawn Wells, Mary Ann on 'Gilligan's Island,' Dies at 82. Wells died of causes related to COVID-19.


Ted Cruz is pocketing the money he's raising for Georgia Republicans. And he's not alone.


“Kelly Loeffler has been campaigning with a klansman,” Ossoff repeatedly declared when asked if he was worried about allegations surrounding Raphael Warnock


The weaselly semantics here (“distribute” instead of “vaccinate”) are the same as the Trump administration’s efforts to blame states for the country not having adequate testing capacity in February, March, and April.


He died of coronavirus yesterday at 41 years old


He thinks this is negotiating


Mitch McConnell’s sister in law received a $350,000-$1,000,000 PPP loan. Mitch McConnell’s wife received an appointment with a $219,200 annual salary. Mitch McConnell’s brother in law received an appointment with a $197,300 salary. You *might* qualify for a $600 payment.


When signing a trade deal with China you have to be careful. You only see what you can get, not what you might lose. It’s not only about Uyghurs and labor rights, there is something deeper that goes to the heart of democracy. This was a lesson Taiwan learned in recent decades.


Trump pardon of Blackwater Iraq contractors violates international law - UN


What the actual fuck is wrong with Mitch McConnell?


Hong Kong tycoon Jimmy Lai resigned from media firm as court releases judgement on bail decision


China sentences 10 seeking to flee Hong Kong to prison terms


Just in: China's Shenzhen Yentian prosecution announced that the 2 #HongKong underage detainees had "voluntarily pleaded guilty" and hence decided not to charge them for illegal border crossing after "legal scrutiny & closed hearing". They're expected to be handed to HK police.


BREAKING: Chinese court jails 10 Hong Kong pro-democracy activists for up to three years.


Ventilators that the Obama administration agreed to buy for $3,280 each suddenly cost $15,000. It turns out they were “functionally identical,” according to House investigators, and the “waste of taxpayer funds” may have reached $500 million.


If Senator Mitch McConnell allows a floor vote, the House bill for $2000 survival checks will also pass the Senate with bipartisan support. Why is he blocking a bill supported by a majority of the American people, the House and the Senate?


You could have gotten a $2,000 relief check this week, if @KLoeffler hadn't stalled relief for nine months.


Louisiana’s newest Republican member of the U.S. House, Luke Letlow, has died from complications related to COVID-19 only days before being sworn into office. He was 41


Breaking: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says a ballot signature match audit in Cobb County found "no fraudulent absentee ballots," and confirmed the "original outcome" of the general election.


BREAKING—Oxford-AstraZeneca #COVID19 vaccine just approved for use in UK. Moreover, the vaccine campaign will now shift to giving as many people as possible their first dose—aim will be to give as many vulnerable people some protection


Congressman-elect Letlow, 41, just died of Covid. A tragedy.


THE ACTUAL MATH! Just so we’re clear, Congress could send each American $2,000 EVERY MONTH UNTIL MAY 2021 for less than the cost of the two early Congressional Corporate Covid Handouts. This is not about money. It’s about greed and hurting people. McConnell & the GOP want this.


"The Trump administration made big promises. I think they may have oversold their capabilities, underestimated the complexity of the challenge, and now we find those vaccines sitting in the freezer." - Dr. Rick Bright, member of President-elect Joe Biden's Covid advisory board


My mother, on her own, found out where the early voting places were and went today to vote for Ossoff and Warnock. I am so happy and proud. This is a longtime Republican, former Trump supporter. And let me tell you it was Warnock that convinced her. So happy.


Flynn started to more aggressively court his QAnon fans this year, taking the “QAnon oath” in July and appearing on QAnon podcasts after receiving a pardon in November. Now he's selling t-shirts.


“The Obama administration opened 25 “pattern or practice” investigations of police departments compared to one under Trump.”


N.Y. prosecutor hires forensic accounting experts as Trump criminal probe escalates


Feds investigate evidence Nashville bomber hunted ‘lizard people,’ other alien beings


Once in office, I will be asking the American people to wear a mask for the first 100 days of my administration. Not as a political statement, but as a patriotic duty.


Alexander Vindman has no regrets about his role in Trump's impeachment. "I was able to do my part — defend this nation in a very meaningful manner and expose corruption by the chief executive." "I feel that in that regard that I have served my nation."


.@senatemajldr and Senate Republicans are the only ones standing in the way of $2,000 direct payments to American families. The President, the House, and @SenateDems are all on board. Let’s get this done.


Kushner Cos., the family business of White House senior aide Jared Kushner, has filed papers to raise at least $100 million by selling bonds in Israel


House Democrats have fought for covid relief checks since May. Mitch McConnell pressed “pause” and millions suffered. Today he blocked checks, again. We can’t afford more “pause” and delay. #Georgia elections are 1 week away. Help


McConnell blocks Senate Democrats' initial attempt to approve $2,000 stimulus checks amid growing pressure on GOP leader to act


Sen. @JohnCornyn just came off the senate floor — where he was talking to @senatemajldr — and told us he’s not supportive of the House’s $2,000 check bill. He says the president’s focus on it “undermines the very positive impact” of the $900b rescue package they just passed.


Ok what a fucking afternoon. We saved a 27 yr old...literally. She coded for 2.5 hours, died on us 3 times, but we didn’t give up!! This is why I love my job & why I know how to put things into perspective!


Trump and McConnell continue to play games with the well-being of Americans


China's Sinopharm said its Covid-19 vaccine proved 79% effective in interim results and is seeking conditional approval from local regulators


EXCLUSIVE — Biden has picked three coordinators to help steer Covid-19 response. — BECHARA CHOUCAIR will be national vaccine coordinator — CAROLE JOHNSON will be national testing coordinator — TIM MANNING will be national supply coordinator


GOP official on testing positive for COVID-19 after White House party: 'I didn't listen to the warnings.' Tom Mountain, the vice chairman of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee, was hospitalized after attending the event


A woman who said she was the girlfriend of the man who set off the Christmas Day explosion in Nashville told police last year he was making bombs in his recreational vehicle, according to a statement and documents the police provided to CNN.


“Just allow us to find the crime”


.@Yamiche: "When something is racist, we should just say it's racist. When someone is lying, we should just say they're lying."


“Can we please help the American people” Mitch McConnell, “I OBJECT, I OBJECT, I OBJECT!”


VIDEO: 🇭🇷 Search efforts for survivors continued overnight in #Petrinja, central Croatia after a powerful earthquake left at least seven people dead and reduced buildings to rubble


Investigation into McConnell and his wife needs to re-open in 2021 Trump just removed the IG investigating Elaine Chao. Chao’s husband, Mitch McConnell, already vetted the replacement. - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington


A vote for Kelly Loeffler or David Perdue is a vote for Mitch McConnell. Spread the word.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

"The Manhattan District Attorney's Office has retained forensic accounting specialists to aid its criminal investigation of President Trump and his business operations..."


NEW VIDEO David Perdue is an empty suit who helped Mitch McConnell screw Georgia.


Christmas bomb destroys dozens of downtown Nashville restaurants


Michael Flynn's official merch store is selling QAnon gear, with ad copy insisting that QAnon is real.


“We’re kind of like a bathtub that’s filling up with water and the drain is blocked,” one hospital executive says. Alabama, long one of the unhealthiest and most impoverished states, has emerged as one of the nation’s most alarming coronavirus hot spots.


More than 75,000 Kentuckians are facing eviction. But Mitch McConnell is blocking $2000 checks to keep families afloat. He is an embarrassment to Kentucky and an embarrassment to America.


Merry Christmas from Mitch McConnell


The biggest obstacle between working Americans and the financial support they need to survive the pandemic is Senate Republicans.


An international arms trafficking ring arrested in Spain has yielded a stockpile of weapons and explosives, but also a warehouse full of Nazi memorabilia and antiques displayed as if it was a museum




7 months of illegal imprisonment of my husband Siarhei Tsikhanouski. He scared the regime with his wish to build a country for life. He won't celebrate the holidays with our son & daughter. I believe we will restore justice soon. You can support Siarhei – send him a letter.


Kentucky is hurting as its senators limit or oppose federal aid. As hunger and poverty spread in the state, Mitch McConnell has opposed broad-based aid to state & local governments. "It's frustrating that our own senator won't support local governments."


Trump is fighting with his own party in control of the Senate. Its Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked attempts this morning to pass $2k checks


.@tribelaw argues that Trump’s pardons to absolve the crimes of his friends might be crimes themselves if they’re issued to obstruct justice. He also explains why it’s important for the next admin. to investigate and prosecute those abuses of power.


Jon Ossoff to CNN on whether Trump's campaign event will help Republicans: "President Trump does little at his rallies but spread COVID."


"The problem with being governed by a president who is completely motivated by quid pro quos is that when he doesn’t get his quo he quits, or at least throws tantrums threatening to do so," writes @mollyjongfast


“Power is proven,...when the sycophants...have to follow and justify the craziest orders...There is no fun in getting your minions to agree that black is black. The sadist’s pleasure lies in getting them to attest that black is white.”


Trump and Republicans prefer Covid tax cuts to hikes. Our research proves they're wrong.


Стал мемом в тик-токе. А чего добился ты на этой неделе?


Stand aside, elderly people and frontline workers—congressional staffers are next in line for the coronavirus vaccine


“I didn’t listen to the warnings of my own family, and now I’m paying the price.”


Lawyer Pam Keith argues that, by signing a brief in support of the Texas lawsuit that attempted to invalidate states’ election results, Gaetz committed “an act of sedition, and an illegal and immoral effort to disenfranchise millions of American voters”


Russia admits COVID death toll is three times higher than reported


The latest wave of infections, which started after a seafood vendor tested positive for Covid-19 two weeks ago, has now spread to about 60% of Thailand’s 77 provinces, official data show


If you're wondering why Louie Gohmert is suing @VP @Mike_Pence watch this!


Russia's prison service has accused Navalny of violating the terms of a suspended prison sentence relating to a 2014 fraud conviction and demanded he return to Russia.


The number of patients hospitalized across the US with Covid-19 is the highest it's ever been -- and at this rate health experts warn they may have to ration nurses, respirators and care.


Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai, charged earlier this month with colluding with foreign forces under the city’s new national security law, resigns as chairman of Next Digital, a filing says


Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai faces appeal against bail after Chinese state media raps ‘inconceivable’ decision


Hong Kong teen jailed for China flag insult


Russia admits to world's third-worst Covid-19 death toll


Federal judge orders 4,000+ voters to be restored to Georgia’s election rolls, reversing an attempted purge


Monday, December 28, 2020

A judge rejected Ghislaine Maxwell’s proposal that she be freed on a $28.5 million bond, ruling that it doesn’t provide sufficient security that the former close associate of Jeffrey Epstein will show up for trial


Russian law enforcement is threatening to jail opposition politician Alexey Navalny for failing to comply with the terms of his suspended sentence in a years-old case if he fails to show up for a hearing in Moscow on Tuesday, his lawyer and officials said


The House votes at Trump’s request to boost stimulus checks to $2,000 per person. The bill’s fate in the Senate is uncertain.


Breaking: The House has voted to increase the second round of federal direct payments to $2,000.


Putin at war with the west and his own population.


Neighbor says bombing suspect told him days before Christmas explosion that 'Nashville and the world is never going to forget me.’


Last man to share jail cell with Jeffrey Epstein died last month of COVID - NY Daily News


Our ally, Saudi Arabia, having already tortured and sexually assaulted this brave women's rights activist, now sentences her to almost 6 years in prison. Yes, Saudi Arabia is an important country -- but Loujain's values and vision are even more important and deserving of support.


EXCLUSIVE: Fake news about the U.S. coronavirus vaccine—promoted by Russian-linked trolls—is spreading quickly across Africa and making people wary of the lifesaving shot


Presidential historian on President Trump's final days in office: 'There's nothing in history that's remotely like this'


No day without protest. Dozens of small rallies are taking place in Minsk and other cities of Belarus. People are chanting: "Lukashenka - to police van!" These protests are organized in local Telegram chats, entirely grassroots.


Pelosi: "Now, the President must immediately call on Congressional Republicans to end their obstruction and to join him and Democrats in support of our stand-alone legislation to increase direct payment checks to $2,000, which will be brought to the Floor tomorrow."


Good news: After pointless histrionics, Trump finally signed the relief bill with unemployment, rental and food assistance, and an eviction moratorium. Bad news: Republicans are still blocking $2,000 for every American. Families need more help. This is about survival.


China's People's Daily slams Hong Kong court for allowing the release of pro-democracy publisher Jimmy Lai


By waiting until Sunday to approve the package, as many as 14 million Americans lost one week of expanded unemployment assistance


Trump and 2020 nightmares are ending and COVID help is coming. It's no time to go wobbly.


UPDATE: Chinese citizen journalist Zhang Zhan jailed for four years for Wuhan virus reports, lawyer says


Ex-Hong Kong lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting arrested again over Yuen Long mob attacks


China rejects U.S. call to release Hong Kong fugitives


Trump Signs Pandemic Relief Bill After Unemployment Aid Lapses


DNA evidence was processed by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation overnight and it was confirmed that DNA evidence at the bomb site (human tissue) matched that of Anthony Quinn Warner. The results were matched by the FBI laboratory in Quantico, VA.


This is video of Friday morning's explosion recorded by an MNPD camera at 2nd Ave N & Commerce St.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Former U.S. Amb. to Iraq, #RyanCrocker, and retired general #DavidPetraeus condemn Trump pardons for Blackwater contractors as “an action that tells the world that Americans abroad can commit the most heinous of crimes with impunity."


Anthony Quinn Warner, person of interest in Nashville bombing, had electronics expertise


A 37-year-old member of the military from Florida has been charged with the random shooting at an Illinois bowling alley that left three men dead and three people injured


BREAKING: @MNPDNashville officer says the RV used in the #nashvillebombing was playing the song “Downtown” by Petula Clark. Lyrics: “When you’re alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go downtown.”


"Virus besets Belarus prisons filled with president’s critics"


Republicans eating their own >>U.S. Rep. Steve King files ethics complaint against House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy objecting to the manner in which he was stripped of all of his House committee assignments last year


Perspective: Toxic media destroys democracy. Here’s what to do about it.


In Russia, tough new laws and stepped-up defiance abroad mark Putin’s shift toward unfettered control


You mean Republican efforts to restrict voting has been built on lies? Say it ain’t so.


While in Florida golfing, Trump allows jobless benefits to expire for millions


#Belarus Day 141. 20th consecutive Sunday of the protests. @telegram channels did not announce rallies today, but people are on the streets since early morning, in #Minsk and in regions. Revolutions are made by people, not by technology


My @FT op-ed explains the counter-intuitive fact that it’s the very breadth of the president’s pardon power — its “plenary” character— that enables an ex-president to be prosecuted for using that power as part of a criminal scheme to obstruct justice:


"Belarusians are stupid. Stupid. Politically illiterate" — RT correspondent Konstantin Pridybailo talks to Soloviev, Mastermind of Kremlin's propaganda


However, as @mfa_russia is listening to our holiday wishes, and purports to have a link to Ded Moroz, the best gift would be the immediate release of wrongfully detained US citizens


Imagine people discussing Steven Mnuchin’s credibility as if he ever had any, as if he never took $500B in PPP Covid loan relief and funneled tens of millions to himself, Demoness Betsy DeVos, Tom Brady, Devin Nunes, Kanye West, Jared Kushner, GOP donors, as if he’s not a fraud.


Two Texas billionaires got a $35 million pandemic-relief loan for one of their fracking companies, but only after Sen. Ted Cruz weighed in


The effort to vaccinate millions of people in poor and developing countries against COVID-19 faces monumental obstacles. Health workers have to contend with wars, insurgencies, corruption, poor infrastructure and suspicions about vaccinations.


Conspiracy theories ripped through the internet this year, destroying relationships and endangering lives - worlds apart from legitimate concerns. Here I reflect on their casualties and my year reporting on the impact of viral disinformation


China hails its ‘extraordinary’ success curbing Covid-19 ahead of WHO probe


The world is keeping a watchful eye on the #HongKong 12 as they begin trial on trumped up charges tomorrow under the cover of Christmas holidays. The UK Government should take note & lodge a strong complaint to the Chinese Government.


One week from tomorrow, a man who herded 1 million Uighurs into camps, jails human rights activists, crushed Tibet, disappeared courageous men and women who sounded the alarm on the coronavirus, and suffocated freedom in Hong Kong will join the U.N.'s highest human rights body.


Hong Kong national security law: ‘about 30 people overseas sought by police’


Jobless Benefits Run Out as Trump Resists Signing Relief Bill


This is for the COVIDiots that try to sound smart by constantly bringing up the “survival rate” as their excuse to be selfish


“Dr. William Good, who battled Nazis in Poland, dies of COVID-19... [B]y choosing humanity over revenge, he took the first steps on a path that would end up touching tens of thousands of lives.”


Like I said, all of Trump’s henchmen wind up in the shark tank.


Georgia Republicans are being asked to #BoycottGeorgia. Supporters of Trump lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell say by not voting, "there will be so few [votes] that GOP vote totals will go negative... The fraud will be so obvious, SCOTUS can then invalidate [2020]."


Latest CDC projections indicate >400k Americans dead by the time he leaves office. If USG had mirrored Germany's performance, 2/3 of them would still be with us. If we'd managed to do as well as Japan, 97.5% of them would still be with us. Common sense indeed.


Economists have assumed lockdowns were the main cause of reduced economic activity. But in reality, fear of coronavirus is probably a much more important factor keeping people in their homes


A global pandemic ravaging America is no time to forget the first rule of American health care: There is no set price. One out-of-network medical provider in Texas seeks permission from patients to charge fees as high as six-figures to their insurance


2. Here, I document how Facebook has failed to enforce Facebook's policies on ads that include false attacks on Warnock, Loeffler's opponent Has Kaplan been involved in any of these decisions?


The Florida couple was given $7.2 million from the government through the Paycheck Protection Program


The series of edicts from Chinese regulators represent a serious threat to the expansion of Ma’s online finance empire