Saturday, February 29, 2020

Who among us hasn’t boarded the wrong private jet.

Bloomberg buying a 3 minute ad chunk on CBS and NBC Sunday night to talk about the Coronavirus

Nothing gives me joy like exercising my right to vote!!!

"The theme of this year’s CPAC was “America vs. Socialism,” as Trumpworld gears up to run against Bernie Sanders, even if they’re not quite ready to say that out loud," says

We now have an intelligence chief who should not have been fired, an unqualified nominee who should not be confirmed, and an acting director who is patently unfit. All while our elections are perilously at risk of foreign interference. Just the way the President likes it.

Opinion: This "peace deal" with the Taliban is not really a peace deal

A distinction without a difference.

Was it a man or a woman? These kind of mistakes make us think our government is incompetent.

As Speaker and leader of the House Democrats, it’s Nancy’s duty to rally voters, fight for the people and defend our democracy from Trump-Republican attacks. Watch live as Nancy takes the stage to rally thousands of voters!

#BREAKING: US considering closing the southern border with Mexico “very strongly”

There are 5x as many confirmed cases of the #coronavirus in Canada as Mexico. Why isn’t Donald Trump focused on our northern border? I’ll give you three guesses but you’ll only need one.

President Trump says the 1st known case of an American dying of the novel coronavirus was a woman. WA governor says, per state Department of Health and the King County (Seattle) Public Health Department, it was a man.

It is so painful to listen to, could we get a doctor out here?

Washington state says it’s a 19-year-old male who died from #coronavirus.

POTUS's doped-up, 40rpm ponderings on wounded warriors and the nature of the fighting in Afghanistan was possibly the most unpresidential statement on a "peace deal" ever. And yes he ended it with the threat of annihilation.

Trump has a Coronavirus presser at 1:30. He called it a hoax hrs ago, which will increase the infection & death toll for ppl who listen to his nonsense. It’s important to not believe a word he says- look to state govts. He’s delusional & endangering US lives by trying to hide it

First American dies of Coronavirus in US.

When Mussolini was still Prime Minister, he used to joke about staying in office for 20 years. No one understood what he meant until it was too late.

JUST IN: The U.S. has reported its first death from the coronavirus. The victim was in Washington State.

You might have heard some Trump Incel poster child came to troll me today. It did not go as he expected.

There’s always a tweet, Afghanistan troop withdrawal edition

The incompetence of the @realDonaldTrump Administration in dealing with #coronavirus outbreak is staggering. Viruses don’t care about taxes. You know what would help to stop the spread? Testing. But initial tests were faulty & had overly restrictive criteria

Krugman: "I wouldn't trust him to feed my cat."

In 2017, I wrote about a cable news host being gross and inappropriate with me. I was afraid to name him at the time. I'm not anymore; it was Chris Matthews! And his sexist exchange with Warren this week inspired me to revisit those moments and name him

Nice ad. Go Jamie Harrison. SC deserves better than Lindsey. The USA deserves better than Donald Trump. Pick winners in your primary tomorrow!

Barack Obama | 2012 DNC

Kim Jong Un warns of 'serious consequences' if coronavirus spreads to North Korea

North Korea's First Confirmed Coronavirus Patient Shot Dead

I may have contacted with Coronavirus I found out today. I saw a pt last week 2x whose relative tested positive for community acquired Coronavirus. I was diagnosed with pneumonia Monday. Until my pt gets his test results, I’m in quarantine after a day in ER

Los Altos?

Chanting “Russia without Putin,” thousands march through Moscow in largest opposition rally since summer protests.

Rep. @tedlieu, "Does Iran have more enriched Uranium now than when Donald Trump took office?" Sec. Pompeo, "Yes it does." .... Sec. Pompeo, "Wait! Let me explain!" Saw his career flash before his eyes there.

#SaturdayThoughts🤔 Does Tom Cotton work for America, or Israel? FACTS:

Even if there's no real chance that @RepRatcliffe will be confirmed by the Senate, the formal submission of his nomination will allow @RichardGrenell to continue to serve as Acting DNI past March 11 — and for another 210 days _after_ Ratcliffe's rejection or withdrawal.

Trump last night: coronavirus is a hoax; and his supporters should dishonestly vote in the Democratic primary for his weakest opponent, Sanders. Trump is dangerous to our public health and our civic health. South Carolinians: Please select a Democratic nominee who can defeat him

"Border security is also health security. And you've all seen the wall is going up like magic...the Democrat policy of open borders is a direct threat to the health & well being of all Americans. You see it w/ the coronavirus" - Trump's nonsense rant about health benefits of wall

Trump’s campaign messaging is now officially that concerns over the spread of coronavirus are a political hoax launched by the Democrats. We’re in trouble.

The State Department raises its travel advisory for Italy amid coronavirus outbreak

We could get an en banc review of McGahn decision by DC Circuit. That’s a review of this decision by all active members of court, not just 3-judge panel like this one. Either way they decide, though, I think we are destined for SCOTUS. CJ Roberts, get ready for your close-up.

Fox News is showcasing coronavirus analysis from a guy who said he hadn’t washed his hands in 10 years and doesn’t believe in germs

Official death toll in Iran is 34. BBC says hospital sources in Iran report that the real death toll is at least 210.

Analysis: Bernie Sanders may be the left’s new hero, but the real progressive reforms are being made in the cities, says the former Chicago mayor

#Turkey's president #Erdogan: "I asked [#Russia's ruler Vladimir] #Putin: 'What's your business [in #Idlib]? If you establish a base, do so but get out of our way and leave us face to face with the [#Asad] regime'."

This family lives in world of "alternative facts." @DonaldJTrumpJr, do not play these games with the safety of Americans. This is not about liking your dad. It is about hoping he will do his job and wishing he did not destroy his ability to be trusted!!

Opinion: A court just brutally ripped the mask off Trump’s cruelty

Now Putin is Sisyphus, fighting a war he can never win because it is a rebel insurgency. It’s also a war he can’t afford. But because Russia’s economy sucks under Putin, his strongman image is all he has. If he goes home defeated, having spent Russians pensions, he’s toast

Watch Mike Pompeo laugh when @tedlieu tells @SecPompeo that it’s shameful he’s only giving Congress a few hours to answer questions on the life & death issues of the coronavirus, because he’s running off to talk to a special interest group

Pope Francis canceled official engagements for the third day in a row Saturday as he battled an apparent cold,

Buttigieg will visit with Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter in Georgia Sunday.

Roger Stone's criminal trial crimped his usual style, but it was back with a vengeance in a deposition just before his sentencing

As I have previously posted, the World Health Organization altogether seemed a bit too far in Beijing's pocket. Now confirmation the Australian Govt & Chief Medical Officer didn't fully trust the WHO management of COVID19 crisis

America needs you as states prepare for the next round of redistricting. It's up to all of us to make sure we have a fair democracy. Join me in the fight for fair maps. Join me and @allontheline today: — Barack Obama

"I covered the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009. That was a terrifying time — but this seems a lot scarier," writes CNN's

There was a aenior commander in a unit I was a part of during Desert Storm who also didn’t sleep. Called folks in the middle of the night with strange questions. Negatively affected morale. He had a nervous breakdown on the 3d day of the attack. Sleep is critical to all.

The best protection against coronavirus is washing your hands -- but you have to do it properly:

Two billionaires are trying their hardest to help a Socialist win the Democratic nomination, knowing that he would almost certainly lose to Trump in a landslide. Are their egos driving that, or was that their real goal all along?

So Twitter will be run by Neo-conservative pro-Trump billionaire Paul Singer? Oh. Very subtle.

Under my #WealthTax, Jeff Bezos would pay approximately $7.3 billion, which would be just about three and a half pounds of this 58 pound mountain of rice.

My #WealthTax would pay for Universal Child Care, high-quality public education, student loan debt cancellation, universal free public college, and help fully finance #MedicareForAll. Use our calculator to see how much other billionaires would pay!

Trump encouraged his supporters in South Carolina to vote for Bernie in the Democratic primary tomorrow. Bernie is polling second to Biden in South Carolina. They're still scared of Joe the most

NEW: The NYC Department of Health is raising concerns about testing saying in a statement, "testing for coronavirus is not available yet in New York City. The kits that were sent to us have demonstrated performance issues and cannot be relied upon to provide an accurate result.”

Warren’s sag is still the weird mystery of this electoral season

Trump calls COVID-19 a media and Democratic Party "hoax" at his rally, but at the same time has canceled the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Las Vegas, 3/14, and a White House visit by Austria’s chancellor 3/3, because of COVID-19.

UPDATE: Over the course of several hours on Friday, officials in three states announced that residents with no known risk factors, such as travel to global hot spots, had tested positive for the new coronavirus

Maybe @ewarren needs to fight against Sanders that much more. Giving him a pass is hurting her

"Is that the question? ... we agreed today to talk about Iran" -- Mike Pompeo gets mad immediately during his testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee because @davidcicilline had to gall to ask him a question about the coronavirus, which he doesn't want to talk about

Microsoft founder Bill Gates called the coronavirus a "once-in-a-century pandemic" and urged leaders to both "solve the immediate problem and keep it from happening again" in an op-ed for the New England Journal of Medicine

At this point can someone explain to me a realistic path to the nomination for Klobuchar, Steyer and Buttigieg?

Elliott looks to remove Jack Dorsey as Twitter chief executive

UPDATE: Speaker Pelosi says House will ask full bench of DC Circuit to take up McGahn subpoena case. Court leans to Dem appointees, 7-4

Today @MickMulvaneyOMB claimed the press is covering COVID-19 to make @realDonaldTrump look bad. Today on the South Lawn he said the same thing. At a rally he called the coverage a Hoax. But I sat in an hour-long briefing with the CDC task force. No one has a handle on this. Fact

I care as much about @RTErdogan’s troops as he cares about the Kurds and not buying Russian planes.@NATO isn’t involved even slightly. Russia shot at them inside Syria. Article 5 does not apply. The Kurds send their regards. Putin & Erdogan can keep killing each other

On ‘The Apprentice’ the contestant that was made the ‘project manager’ for that weeks episode was the one who got fired by Trump is their team lost. Just a reminder Mike, have fun and enjoy your 25k a plate fundraiser tonite.

United States expresses concern over arrest of Hong Kong publisher

Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was scheduled to go on all 5 Sunday talk shows and then Pence was put in charge of the coronavirus response and he was ordered to cancel

It’s like people don’t think it’s a hoax

.@realDonaldTrump Chief of Staff Mulvaney said #coronavirus is not a death sentence. But it’s a death sentence for about 2% who get it. Let’s say a school w/ 2000 kids has 25% who get it. 2% death rate means 10 kids would die. Administration needs to stop downplaying the risk

Fox News wants to remind us that the stock market has in fact gone up a lot since the Great Depressio

Maybe we’ll use the nuclear

He’s not just a useless President, he’s a useless human being. I saw the responses yesterday on here from trumpers, “ it’s a hoax.” The whole world is trying to respond pragmatically. However this President continues with his LIES, LIES and more LIES.

Now that Ratcliffe has actually been nominated for DNI, reupping my @Slate interview with @nedprice on what that nomination would mean

Election 2020: Democrats make final arguments in South Carolina

Mick Mulvaney blamed the media for exaggerating the risk and spread of coronavirus: “They think this will bring down the president, that’s what this is all about."

Self explanatory

The way Trump’s followers are now coming after members of the media simply reporting on Coronavirus is truly terrifying. You guys do realize his pandemic-denying hubris could kill you and your loved ones, right?

"Yes, your tax dollars brought the worst Superman and the worst Buffy the Vampire Slayer to the White House to entertain the president. Think of all the minutes of Fox 'news' he missed,"

Read the chyron. Then look at the numbers just above it. Beyond parody.

Trump agreed to Putin's proposal to hold a summit with the leaders of Russia, China, Britain and France - the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council (known as the P5) - to discuss arms control


Disgusting. They continue to book this rank misogynist. Stop, MSNBC. Stop.

I find it absolute malfeasance that @TomPerez is not alerting Dems - every day - about Republican strategy of voting @SenSanders in open primaries. Everyone must denounce this daily. When you shine the spotlight on cheaters, they scatter.

Have you met Joanne Wrong? She’s running for Congress.

What Americans need to keep in mind before voting

Bernie's Revolution

Italy rethinks its warm China embrace, as coronavirus strains trade ties

JUST IN: Iran's health ministry spokesman said 43 people have died amid 593 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the Islamic Republic, @AP reports

I find it absolute malfeasance that @TomPerez is not alerting Dems - every day - about Republican strategy of voting @SenSanders in open primaries. Everyone must denounce this daily. When you shine the spotlight on cheaters, they scatter.

Disgusting. They continue to book this rank misogynist. Stop, MSNBC. Stop.

There are no aliens, “ It’s a hoax.”

Hours before South Carolina’s polls open, Bernie Sanders said at a breakfast yesterday that he has “a shot to win this” after beginning the primary 30 percentage points behind Joe Biden

Nice ad. Go Jamie Harrison. SC deserves better than Lindsey. The USA deserves better than Donald Trump. Pick winners in your primary tomorrow!

Trump calls COVID-19 a media and Democratic Party "hoax" at his rally, but at the same time has canceled the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Las Vegas, 3/14, and a White House visit by Austria’s chancellor 3/3, because of COVID-19

Long list of tasks awaits would-be managers of coronavirus outbreak

Oregon officials announce first presumptive case of COVID-19

Oregon officials announce first presumed case of coronavirus

U.S. prep for coronavirus challenged by resource limitations

Window of opportunity for containing coronavirus rapidly closing

Friday, February 28, 2020

I have the coronavirus. So far, it isn’t that bad.

Trump says the democrats are politicizing the Coronavirus and calls it “their new hoax”

“A doctor and nurses reviewed my case with me and took a bunch of lab tests. They wore heavy-duty hazmat suits sealed with duct tape and equipped with motors that helped with air circulation.”😳 Yeah, sounds like nothing worse than a bad cold

STORY: President Trump again nominated Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe to serve as director of national intelligence Friday, a move that comes months after the Republican lawmaker’s first nomination fell apart amid closer scrutiny of his qualifications

NEW: Trump campaign's biggest legal costs are to firm that sues and threatens media

Remember when President Obama blamed the Republicans for the Ebola virus outbreak?! Nah, Pres Obama just did the work and kept us safe. There are now 5 times as many people with coronavirus in US (60) than had Ebola in US during that outbreak in 2014-15 (11)

Authorities on Friday were dealing with a new coronavirus case in Santa Clara County, heightening concerns that the disease is spreading in the United States

Pelosi: "Intelligence should never be guided by partisanship or politics. Unfortunately, Congressman Ratcliffe has shown an unacceptable embrace of conspiracy theories and a clear disrespect and distrust of our law enforcement and intelligence patriots that disqualify him."

BREAKING: The Santa Clara Public Health Department has confirmed that the third case of COVID-19 in the county

The last time Cernovich did this, it was to help Alan Dershowitz smear Jeffrey Epstein's rape victims. Just putting that context out there.

Mike Pence is leading the coronavirus response. Today, Pence was a guest on the Rush Limbaugh show. Limbaugh is one of the leading sources of DISINFORMATION about coronavirus. Limbaugh was urging people to ignore CDC experts this week.

I’m shocked Trump would nominate another unqualified, partisan hack to replace the current unqualified, partisan hack as Director of National Intelligence. We are screwed

S&P 500 drops for seventh day, posts biggest weekly fall since 2008 crisis

The federal court of appeals in D.C. holds that the courts can't enforce Congressional subpoenas against the Executive branch. The judges conclude it would be too messy for courts to get involved in a political battle, and that the House can use other power to enforce subpoenas.

South Carolina is a red state, without question — but that didn't stop one man from yelling out the rallying cry "Yes we can" at a recent gathering for Jaime Harrison, a Democrat who hopes to challenge longtime Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham in the fall

Iran has the most coronavirus deaths outside China. Although US sanctions exempt humanitarian items, I’m concerned that in practice sanctions may be limiting access to basic medical supplies to help the Iranian people. I want info from @USTreasury & @StateDept.

The updated #PUI definition for #COVID19 accounts for the new geographic spread of the virus & includes a list of affected areas w/ widespread or sustained community spread & will likely be revised.

Just by retweeting this critique, without even endorsing it, I risk massive attack from #BernieBros whom Sanders has yet to denounce. You’ve gotta ask: Why does this man attract such meanspirited promoters and followers? No, Not Sanders, Not Ever

BREAKING: The D.C. Circuit out with an order on the McGahn case, sending it back to the lower court to be dismissed. Opinion to follo

“President Trump and Leader McConnell need to explain to the American people why they are refusing to protect the integrity of our elections." via @SpeakerPelosi

Breaking Victory: We won our appeal to stop a conservative funded lawsuit from kicking over 200,000 Wisconsin voters off the rolls. When we fight, WE WIN!

Steve Jobs's widow Laurene Powell Jobs plans to give away her $28 billion in assets. "It's not right for individuals to accumulate a massive amount of wealth that's equivalent to millions and millions of other people combined," she said

Down 13% for the week. Worst drop since financial crisis. Just another way Trump is much worse than Obama at literally every aspect of the job.

What's up with #BerniesNDA? Bernie Sanders' political advocacy group forced a black employee to sign an NDA when they settled her racial discrimination lawsuit.

CA governor’s wife endorses @ewarren

Federal Appeals Court Blocks Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy

Here’s an idea: State unemployment insurance subsidizes the wages of people who test positive COVID-19 under the condition they stay home while contagious and do not have paid sick time. Federal Reserve & Treasury agrees to backstop State UI programs to ensure their solvency.

The Trump @FCC wants you to think it’s protecting your privacy. Don’t be fooled. For almost two years, the FCC has known that companies were selling real-time location information that could reveal where you live and work.

The news from the hardest-hit part of Italy is very bad. "In the worst-affected area around 4% of the population had come down with the illness."

Pompeo should find a way to skip the signing of this “Peace Treaty.” It’s a thin cover to pull out of an unpopular war going badly. This is about the 2020 US election. The Afghan government took no part in negotiations with Taliban. A brutal ending likely.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell today opened the door to an interest rate cut next month after a week of investor panic in financial markets that has sent stocks plunging 10 percent

Republicans storm out of coronavirus briefing after Democrat rips Trump's response