Sunday, December 1, 2019

A former conservative talk radio host and naval intel officer who suggested dropping nuclear bombs on Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks now works on arms control issues at the State Department, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

Someone was secretly recording Julian Assange's conversations while he took asylum in Ecuador's embassy in London. Was it the C.I.A.?

My legislation would return the stolen military construction funds President Trump raided for his border wall back to their original projects, and ensure no future president can fund their pet projects on the backs of our military. Our women and men in uniform deserve better.

Sen John Kennedy, Republican of Louisiana, is actively participating in the propaganda campaign fabricated by Russia to weaken the United States

EXCLUSIVE | An elite intelligence taskforce led by ASIO, will be created to put the nation on a virtual war footing to combat national security threats from an unprecedented level of foreign interference and espionage

Fox News judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napoitano: "[Trump] hasn't presented a defense and I don't know if he plans to. The evidence of his impeachable behavior at this point, in my view, is overwhelming."

The collective IQ of Republican politicians falls further every time one desperately tries to defend the indefensible: a politician who delayed military aid approved for an invaded military ally so he could extort campaign dirt on a political opponent.

An American drone strike on a car carrying a woman who had just given birth in southeastern Afghanistan left five people dead, including the mother, three of her relatives and the driver, Afghan officials and family members said on Sunday

Guilty people with no defense want to put the law on trial

What role did Katharine Gorka play in revoking grants meant to combat white supremacy and white nationalism while she served at DHS? We’re suing to find out.

"If (President Trump) has not done anything wrong, we're certainly anxious to hear his explanation," Rep. Val Demings, a member of both the Intelligence and Judiciary committees, tells @MarthaRaddatz

Rep. Doug Collins said Republicans on the Judiciary Committee would have House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff testify in their impeachment hearing

Chuck Todd was left gobsmacked by Sen. John Kennedy when the GOP lawmaker said the ex-Ukrainian president “actively worked” for Hillary Clinton.

Putin “We’re getting the band back together”.

‘You’re pretty wound up’: Chris Wallace chuckles at Doug Collins after he says Schiff must be first witness

World leaders will avoid Trump at NATO meeting because they have seen the ‘damage he has done’

Six countries join the European trade facilitation with #Iran.

The speaker of the Russian parliament's lower house warns that several Ukrainian regions could separate from Ukraine.

NATO needs to show Turkey tough love - now

Jared and Ivanka's billionaire D.C. landlord wants to open a sulfide mine in the Boundary Waters and Minnesota's Governor @Tim_Walz isn't doing anything to stop it? Is he nuts?

Chuck Todd really did it. He called Sen. Kennedy out as spreading Russian propaganda. Drink!!!

"Democrats resist, but Trump has desensitized his political base to his corruption by serving them more corruption. Something can only remain shocking for so long,"

Will Bibi be wearing an ankle bracelet? Netanyahu considers flying to London to meet with Mike Pompeo

New lawsuit in Ohio State University sex abuse scandal brings number of victims to nearly 350.

Jim Jordan!

BREAKING: Fla Prisons chief issues dire warning: state prisons are in a near 'death spiral' -- that has led to the highest death rates in state history, and a 'gang hierarchy that is powerful and growing.'

Sniper who served in Gallagher’s platoon, speaking out for 1st time, tells @nytimes Trump played role in making case a “national clown show.” To him, Trump’s actions show “he doesn’t trust any of the troops or their leaders to make the right decisions.”

Half of the Trump administration’s latest trade-war bailout for farmers went to just a 10th of recipients in the program

A Guatemalan girl was separated from her father at the border. When she turned 18, she had to find him on her own


In Trumpland, Every Week Is a Horror Show--Yet Somehow, the Next Week Is Always Worse

'War against nature must stop,' U.N. chief says before climate talks

Putin, Lukashenka agree on single parliament, govt – envoy

Trump Immigration Official Ken Cuccinelli Forced To Leave Thanksgiving Eve Bash After Martin O'Malley Publicly Shames Him For Putting 'Immigrant Kids In Cages’ Call out Trump, Miller, & Cuccinelli for their child abuse practices.

‘Sent Candy’: Cockpit Tapes Show Russian Pilots Bombing Syrian Civilians

Sell out.

John Bolton Called a 'Self-Interested Coward' for Not Testifying in Impeachment Probe: 'History Will Remember'

Fmr. CIA chief of staff Larry Pfeiffer says GOP support for Trump's views on Russia are a trade-off: "They’re just swallowing hard and parroting whatever Trump wants them to say so they can get their agenda through."

Police say 11 people were wounded in an early morning shooting on the edge of New Orleans' French Quarter. Two were critically hurt. Police have detained someone they describe as a person of interest, but no arrests have been made.

This week we requested an FBI investigation into President Trump for failing to disclose receiving pro bono legal services from Rudy Giuliani as well as a $50 million personal loan to his Scottish golf course

Gamergate — FBI Records Vault

11 people shot in New Orleans, police say

Republicans are killing the truth for tax cuts and conservative judges.

Replace all guns in America with narwhal tusks, you cowards

WALMART whistleblower says they dodged taxes on billions in profits. Meanwhile Trump is lowering their taxes and making it harder for poor people to eat.

Trump Tower reported occupancy 16 percentage points higher in docs given to a lender than to tax officials. That gap is a “very significant difference,” said Susan Mancuso, an attorney who specializes in New York property tax.

WEDNESDAY: House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Inquiry Hearing - LIVE at 10am ET on C-SPAN3

Andrew Gillum and a super PAC that helped flip the Virginia General Assembly to Democrats are teaming up to turn back more than two decades of Republican rule in the Florida House

“The war game seeks to deliver this message to the world that any kind of security at sea must include the interests of all concerned countries,"

GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to Russia. Marco Rubio's Conservative Solutions PAC and his Florida First Project received $1.5 million through Blavatnik's two holding companies.

Matt Gaetz backs Trump pick for Georgia Senate seat, warns governor to do same: ‘Maybe you need a primary in 2022’

Republicans Are At Each Other’s Throats After Georgia Governor Defies Trump

Lindsey Graham is Trump's Hostage

How about you have a chat with @senatemajldr ? McConnell had been blocking tons of bipartisan support.

Another officer just confirmed it is a shooting. Happened about a block south of the National Zoo entrance shortly after Zoo Lights was closed early because of fights and other trouble. Huge crowds were there tonight.

One of Malta's wealthiest men, Yorgen Fenech, was charged with complicity in the car bomb killing of anti-corruption journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017

During a quiet holiday week, new evidence of Trump’s financial crimes emerge

Mitch McConnell used nuclear option to tamper with Supreme Court, budget trick to ram through 1% tax cut and has ignored 400 bills House Democrats passed. He’s up for re-election. If everyone who read this chipped in $5 we’d flip Kentucky.

After firing the tear gas and rubber bullets at Whampoa Gardens, riot police immediately boarded their vehicles and left the scene.

Hong Kong police fire tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters

Our prayers are with you!

In Trumpian style - "DiCaprio is a cool guy, isn't he? Giving money to set the Amazon on fire," Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said to supporters.

In Trumpian style - 

Trump's proposed changes to food stamps could affect 3.7 million Americans

Jack Merritt, 25, named as victim of yesterday's London Bridge terror attack. Merritt was stabbed to death inside Fishmongers' Hall by Usman Khan, 28, at the @JustisTogether prisoner rehab conference which he was helping to organise

The EU could end tax exemptions for jet fuel in an effort to cut carbon emissions

And there is not a single legitimate excuse that any one of them have for not buying Fox News right TF now just to shut it down and save democracy.

Just curious, how many people DIRECTLY connected to @realDonaldTrump and major investigations involving his criminal activities have to die by "suicide" before we actually start to investigate this?

Trump heads to London for NATO this week to run away from the impeachment proceedings here and insert himself in British politics there. Hope the queen can give him that much needed distraction he's using her for.

House meets to vote Tuesday on sending Ukraine report about @realDonaldTrump actions.

So the @nytimes shows how it provides cover for the Trump narrative by minimizing the crimes he's committed by publishing this garbage.

JUST IN: The House Intel Committee has scheduled a meeting for TUESDAY evening to vote on their report on the impeachment probe. And members will be able to view a draft copy of the report 24 hours in advance of the markup.

Roger Stone will be sentenced in early February on all counts, including witness tampering. He just spent his last Thanksgiving as a free man for perhaps the next 20 years

'My son, Jack, killed in this attack, would not wish his death to be used as the pretext for more draconian sentences or for detaining people unnecessarily.' Beautiful words from a grieving father. But @BorisJohnson instantly does what David Merritt begged politicians to avoid

The IRS’s refusal to comply with a lawful request from Congress for Trump’s tax returns is unprecedented. We’re suing to find out how the decision was justified.

What I hear from our brave friends from Ukraine: "Macron is throwing us overboard to satisfy his French electorate which just wants to see "France great again" and does not give a crap about Eastern Europe which is under attack from Russia."

Since April I have been calling for AG Barr’s removal & subsequent prosecution on multiple felony counts including for perjury & obstruction. It is heartening to see a growing group of other former federal prosecutors reach the same conclusion.

Len Blavatnik, a Soviet-born oligarch tied to Vladimir Putin, donated over $1 million to a campaign fund linked to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), according to Time.

Macron goes even further that Obama did in his naive and completely failed “reset” appeasement policy towards Putin. We all know that NATO has done so much to detter aganist Russian aggression. Now French President keeps saying it should not, it should re-focus on terrorism.

“The Chinese state has taken two Canadians hostage on behalf of Huawei. That's not a normal company, and I don't think we should be considering it as such

Presidential historian predicts public support for Trump will collapse

Imagine how different this video would have been if the terrorist had an AR-15 with 100-round dual drum magazine similar to #Dayton.

Deutsche Bank executive, 55, who signed off on controversial Donald Trump loans commits suicide in his Malibu home

Right now, Republicans are wielding impeachment mostly as an offensive weapon, and Democrats are generally playing defense or changing the subject as 2020 congressional races rev up. It's unclear how potent the issue will be by Election Day.

Now *this* is a thing to worry about: Not that Trump is a fascist, but that he will destroy enough of the constitutional system to fall prey later to a group that actually has more brain cells and a tad more discipline

Rudy Giuliani’s firm raked in over $100 million helping shady foreign oligarchs ‘game the system’: Trump biographer

Donald Trump’s struggle to revive the US rust-belt

A Pennsylvania bill would require death certificates for fertilized eggs that never implant in the uterus How the hell are you going to have a burial for something you can’t even see? Ugh I hate the GOP!

China wants U.S. tariffs rolled back in phase one trade deal:

Trump aides who lied to Congress may not avoid jail — even if Bill Barr gives them a pass: ex-prosecutor

"She prosecuted sex predators. He is one."

According to my Justice Department sources @realDonaldTrump is blackmailing @LindseyGrahamSC

Reporter: Who should be held accountable for [Jamal Khashoggi's murder]? Trump: Maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a vicious place. The world is a very vicious place.

U.S. military acknowledges allegations of civilian deaths in Afghanistan airstrike