Saturday, November 23, 2019

Another explosive part of the Nunes story is reporting that a group trying to dig up dirt on Biden met regularly, and Nunes' aide sometimes joined those meetings. It appears that Solomon, who was part of the group, has admitted it - "Solomon confirmed the meetings to CNN"

“A March 28, 2019, email includes a list of scheduled calls for Pompeo. Calls include Rudy Giuliani on March 29, and Rep. Devin Nunes on April 1, 2019.”

More details emerge from the PRC spy. Shockingly, the defecting MSS agent has admitted that Chinese Intelligence has committed targeted assassinations on Australian soil against Chinese dissidents. Kidnapping has also been employed

On Putin: Bingo. His attacks are are asymmetric, terrorist-like attacks. They are the weapons of the weak against the strong. He's afraid at home, his economy is fragile, he's alienated his neighbors and he has weak allies. The West needs to stand up and stop acting wimpy.

Asked whether he is preparing to give prosecutors information about Giuliani or about Parnas and Fruman, the executive said, “Both. Everything is connected.”

There u have it. Facebook’s “MVP” from Project Alamo. “Barnes became the Trump campaign’s go-to resource for figuring out how to maximize those tools. In April 2016, after a wknd at the Coachella music festival in CA, he & his manager flew to San Antonio to meet w/ Parscale...”

I apologize for continuing to post this but the comments on Trump consistently regurgitating Russian disinformation fits with today's ⁦@nytimes⁩ story. Russia has somehow found a direct avenue to his mouth.

From this moment forward, any Member of Congress or U.S. government official who persists in making this claim is, essentially, aiding and abetting the enemy

A senior official singled out a Facebook employee embedded with the Trump campaign as an “MVP.” Now James Barnes is working for the other side.

Nothing says patriot more than fundraising for your PAC, while refusing to testify at impeachment hearings in which you have been named as a material witness. Testify, ......all other considerations are secondary at the moment

New rule: From this point forward, every single @AmbJohnBolton tweet should receive a simple one-word reply from everyone: TESTIFY. If you agree, please retweet this. Let’s bombard Bolton with millions & millions of one-word replies every time he tweets.

In short Devin Nunes used conspiracy theories to cover his involvement in criminal conspiracies.

"Why Isn't a Rape Allegation Worth an Impeachment Inquiry?"

Millions died, and countless others were arrested, deported, or executed during the Holodomor. Today, we remember them, and reaffirm our support for the people of Ukraine

Here are some things the Court can do to save itself: 1. Stop 5-4 partisan decisions 2. Stop fact finding 3. Require amici & law groups to disclose funders 4. Adopt an ethics code & disclose gifts & travel 5. Stop attending fundraisers for political groups

Trump's Conspiracy Against Democracy

This was just the first production of documents from our first lawsuit seeking the public release of Trump administration Ukraine records. There will be more. We also have active lawsuits for records from Perry, Mulvaney, Sondland, DOD, and more.

Suddenly I understand why Devin Nunes was so emphatic that there is nothing criminal in working with foreign powers to dig up dirt on the Bidens.

He's Just A Gurl Who'll QUID PRO QUO!

#DevinNunesGotCaught and one can only wonder why he doesn't recuse himself from the ongoing House Intelligence impeachment inquiry since he's a fact witness and associate of subjects of the proceeding.

Anthony Kennedy’s Final SCOTUS Decisions Called into Question After Revelation of Trump Meeting

The Republicans’ conduct is a textbook example of “Accessory After the Fact.” This is Criminal Law 101, folks.

A statement the secretary did not make when baseless accusations were leveled against another US diplomat by fellow Americans.

In addition to putting Pompeo in the middle of the Ukraine extortion plot, these documents prove a Hatch Act violation -- use of official position to influence a partisan election, which is ILLEGAL. Pompeo is finished.

What is pitiful and alarming is that Putin has induced useful idiots in high places in the U.S. government to pedal this crap. He must feel like he’s shooting fish in a barrel!

That whole Trump world story about Joseph Mifsud being an FBI operative? Not true. They made up lies to denigrate law enforcement & the intelligence community, while supporting Putin's fake narratives.

The Republican National Committee spent nearly $100,000 on copies of Donald Trump Jr.'s book. When the book, “Triggered,” appeared at the top of the New York Times best-seller list, a debate erupted over how and why it had claimed the No. 1 spot

Here is Trump on Fox and Friends: "why should we be giving hundreds of millions of dollars when there's this kind of corruption..." This links the Ukrainian aid to his unfounded political conspiracy theory, which is then tied to his personal motivations.

"And it’s to the enduring shame of the Republican Party that they have been willing to debase our political standards to the old Ukrainian level just when Ukrainians are trying to rise to our former level." A Republican view.

GUESS WHO ARRANGED RUDY'S CALL WITH POMPEO? President TRUMP (ex-)personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout helped connect @RudyGiuliani to @SecPompeo after GIULIANI couldn't connect "through regular channels," per emails obtained by @weareoversight via FOIA

Matthew Whitaker is basically claiming the NYT’s reporting on the IG Report is a conspiracy by people named in the report to shape the narrative

SOLOMON'S EMAIL: This FOIA also includes an email @jsolomonReports sent to LEV PARNAS, @VicToensing & Joe diGenova including a story draft linking GEORGE SOROS to a Ukrainian NGO. *This & RUDY's 302s were provided by @StateDept IG to Congress on 10/2.

Trump just gave away the game on his bribery scheme in a live interview to baffled Fox News hosts

Turkish forces launched attacks with tanks, artillery and a large number of mercenaries on several axis to invade Ain Issa since the morning. The cease-fire agreement is once again being violated by Turkish army.

Trump was so worried about getting re-elected he used congressional aid to try and blackmail a vulnerable young nation. It’s kind of like the textbook definition of corruption

"Trump manages to fail in North and South Korea simultaneously"

The Daily Beast reports that indicted Giuliani associate Lev Parnas arranged meetings in Europe to help Rep. Devin Nunes' investigative work in 2018. @woodruffbets, who broke the story, shares her scoop with @AliVelshi and @BarbMcQuade.

Russia risks a new doping ban that could bar it from next year’s Summer Olympics — and the 2022 World Cup and Winter Olympics

Robert De Niro blasted conservative media titan Rupert Murdoch in a new interview with The Daily Beast in which he also risked renewing hostilities with President Donald Trump and assessed the 2020 Democratic candidates.

This was reported last night by @NBCNews. It’s a special kind of sin when you fail to support the people you supervise. But if Pompeo actually worked with Trump and Giuliani to FALSELY SMEAR one of his people - Ambassador Yovanovitch - to Trump’s political advantage?! No words...

As I told you, there is nothing in Horowitz's report that prejudices the Trump investigations of @Comey's FBI, and it declares Josef Mifsud was not a Western asset. So why has Bill Barr wasted taxpayer money touring Europe trying to smear the USIC? Barr is obstructing justice.

Exec Director of American Oversight Austin Evers: "We can see why Mike Pompeo has refused to release this info to Congress. It reveals a clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo to facilitate Giuliani's smear campaign against a U.S. ambassador."

Fox News analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said that the evidence presented in the impeachment proceedings against @realDonaldTrump thus far is "overwhelming" and that it is sufficient "to justify about three or four articles of impeachment."

Just a reminder that the President gets these same briefings, but with additional detail. The fact that he still spouts nonsense is troubling. He knows he's lying.

This is the new Russian bot spin that “Putin is a reasonable man and a solid leader.” It will be spread across the internet as part of Russia trying to shape the narrative in advance of the 2020 elections.

Breaking News: Russia has been mounting a disinformation campaign for years to frame Ukraine for its 2016 election meddling, U.S. intelligence officials told senators

A Facebook executive rallied support for Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination, a new book says

Chairman Schiff says that the House Intelligence Committee has begun work on its report in the impeachment investigation against Trump, but the committee is "not foreclosing the possibility of additional depositions or hearings."

Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) is thinking about impeaching Trump. We're about to see who votes to remove the most corrupt President America ever had, and who votes to protect him. What will it say by your name in the history books, elected Republicans?

BREAKING: Watchdog group American Oversight publishes cache of State Dept. documents it says shows a “clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo” to facilitate smear campaign against fmr. Amb. Yovanovitch

If an elected US official learns "Ukraine meddling 2016" is a Russian intelligence conspiracy from US intel officers/briefings, yet they knowingly use/weaponize it as the state who says they're at war w/ us intends, isn't that "aid & comfort" to an enemy?

‘The end of the United States’: Historian worries we could slide ‘straight into fascism’ in 2021

“Likud mem­bers are in­creas­ingly call­ing for a lead­er­ship vote as they ques­tion Bibi’s abil­ity to lead them to vic­tory...On Fri­day, some mem­bers of Likud’s gov­ern­ing body said the party should hold pri­maries to choose a new leader...”

Russia Inquiry Review Is Said to Criticize F.B.I. but Rebuff Claims of Biased Acts

Bravo to Hill and Holmes for pushing back against the GOP’s false narrative. Can’t help but wonder if a more forceful Mueller could have saved the Republic from this harm months ago.

When grandpa tells the same stories and you can't get him off the phone


Don't forget the soviet-made Holodomor-it has taken away millions of innocent lives to break the Ukrainian spirit In almost a century not much has changed: Russia still aims to war down Ukraine, refusing to accept that our will for freedom & dignity is stronger than their weapons

Sacha Baron Cohen slams Facebook and other large social media platforms as "the greatest propaganda machine in history" in a searing speech Thursday night.

There's no evidence that she had anything to do with a delay in the picture. Unfounded speculation? Moreover . .

The CEO of Ukraine's state-owned gas company, Naftogaz, says he is prepared to talk to investigators as part of a federal probe into Rudy Giuliani's finances

“A long-awaited international deal governing how the world’s technology companies should roll out 5G technology poses serious risks to weather forecast accuracy.”

Not even England’s Kings and Queens enjoyed the absolute power and unbounded immunity that Trump’s lawyers now have the hubris to claim. The Supreme Court should slap down that ludicrous and lethal claim without delay.

State Department documents released are only the beginning: group says

“...Trump has met w/ or reached out personally to 100 GOP House members since the impeachment inquiry was launched, and 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans have attended a White House lunch...More than 40 House Republicans have made the visit to Camp David...”

I’m hearing a lot of “Oh well, the Senate won’t convict.” And THIS is exactly what will make them not convict. We have to create the expectation that they should. You’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. You’re giving them an out. Hold their feet to the fire.

"Let me be clear: We did not convict Mr. Stone based on his political beliefs or his expression of those beliefs." Juror #3 in the Roger Stone trial steps forward to explain how seriously jurors took Stone's rights.

I hesitate to ask this question, but ... Why did you and 3 staffers embark on this trip to Vienna only three weeks after the sudden, unexplained death of your staff director, Damon Nelson?

The truth about Jim Jordan a product of partisan gerrymandering....

Pompeo was further implicated in Giuliani's scheme to oust Yovanovitch from her post in Ukraine on Friday night, as a court-ordered documents release uncovered a flurry of contact between them weeks before her ouster.

When CNN approached @DevinNunes for comment on this story, he replied, “I don't talk to you in this lifetime or the next lifetime.” "At any time," Nunes added. "On any question."

BREAKING BUT PREDICTABLE: Indicted Ukrainian Mobster introduced Nunes to disgraced UA prosecutor Shokin to solicit foreign attacks on U.S. democracy AGAIN in 2020

New NYT reporting tells us that US senators have received at least one classified briefing on the fact that this is a Russian disinformation campaign, and nevertheless here are Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Chuck Grassley doing their part to help that campaign succeed

Documents released by the State Department reveal repeated contact between Mike Pompeo and Rudy Giuliani

BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office

BOOM. Links Giuliani and Dmitry Firtash's goons' attack on U.S. democracy to Nunes, Pompeo, the White House. PROPAGANDA WAS COORDINATED AT STATE DEPT.

There are 2 possible explanations for "mystery hold" on US aid to Lebanon. But it benefits Moscow + advances the handover of the region a step further -- something POTUS either does because he doesn't care or because he knows exactly what he is doing

Documents are also available here:

BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office

Hey anyone wonder if the visit to Russia on July 4th y a bunch of Republicans is part of all this somehow?

Barr’s Legal Views Come Under Fire From Conservative-Leaning Lawyers

Devin Nunes could now be implicated by an eye witness. "Exclusive: Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden"

Opinion: The entire country should be grateful for Fiona Hill’s commitment to the truth

If this CNN report is accurate, that would mean that Nunes and his colleagues sat there every day accusing Schiff of meeting with the whistleblower (he didn’t) and never disclosed that Nunes met with Shokin to get dirt on Biden.

Among the crazy things that Trump claimed this morning on his Fox and Friends therapy session, he said that ‘the wall’ has actually been electrified (even the hosts seemed surprised at this)... and yet that hasn’t made a ripple in the news

Speaker Pelosi needs to call for an immediate investigation against Dirty ⁦@DevinNunes⁩.

New: Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress that Devin Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden

From a juror in the Roger Stone trial, reaffirming his faith in the system. “Our unanimous conclusion was this: The truth matters. Telling the truth under oath matters.” Every American should read this. Bravo.

And @DevinNunes never thought it was appropriate to recuse himself from the impeachment inquiry??? WHAT?

State Department has released documents through FOIA that it withheld from Congress. At least for now, the administration is still complying with court orders.

Pompeo is a joke. He's in the midst of the Ukraine scandal. He's despised around the world. His "Human Rights Commission" does nothing but talk about religion and abortion. His foreign policy is getting other countries to help re-elect

NEW: Imaad Zuberi is the target of a federal investigation by prosecutors in New York, his attorneys say. Zuberi pleaded guilty last month to funneling illegal campaign contributions to multiple campaigns, including the Trump inaugural committee.

No, CrowdStrike isn’t Ukrainian. No, that Texas plant didn’t just open. No, Zelensky wasn’t the one who brought up Yovanovitch. No, Trump hasn’t pulled out of Syria. No, Obama didn’t send Ukraine mere pillows. No, Trump didn’t get Veterans Choice.

Fact. They absolutely *know* he's guilty, and will *still* defend him.

This is so wrong. And ugly. A US senator smearing a still-serving Purple Heart-receiving military officer who continues to work within the National Security Council.

DOJ report clears FBI’s Russia probe of any anti-Trump political bias

WOW. Huge news from Australia: A Chinese intelligence operative has defected to Australia, bringing with him a trove of information about how China conducts influence operations. Wang Liqiang the first Chinese operative to ever blow his cover

This comes on the back of reports that Carter Page's FISA warrant was righteous & that minor discrepancies in paperwork had no effect in the granting of the warrant. The Russian /GOP talking points are falling apart :)

Breaking News: A report from the Justice Department's inspector general on the Trump-Russia inquiry is expected to criticize FBI officials but absolve leaders of acting out of anti-Trump bias.

Breaking via NYT: The DOJ IG report "debunks a series of conspiracy theories and insinuations about the FBI that Mr. Trump and his allies have put forward." IG Horowitz "made no finding of politically biased actions" by top Comey, McCabe and Strzok.

The accused is helping jurors raise money. Does it get any more preposterous than that?

“Lindsey is about to go down in a way that I think he's going to regret his whole life...I say Lindsey, I just -- I'm just embarrassed by what you're doing, for you. I mean, my Lord." @JoeBiden on Graham asking for docs on him & Hunter

Joe Biden on Lindsey Graham: "I am disappointed, and quite frankly I'm angered, by the fact -- he knows me; he knows my son; he knows there's nothing to this. Trump is now essentially holding power over him that even the Ukrainians wouldn't yield to

Buried lede in this WaPo story: Horowitz has found that the Carter Page FISA warrant application had a proper legal and factual basis.

I was in charge of the US embassy in London for much of Trump’s first year. We didn’t hang his picture either. Why? It took the WH almost 15 months to get official photos sent to embassies to hang. And we were instructed not to print other photos.

Crowdstrike is not a Ukrainian company. It's based in California. The DNC did not "give" "the server" to anyone, they had 140 servers, most of which were in the cloud. Crowdstrike imaged those servers and gave the data to the FBI. None of what the president just said is true

Eye-popping story from NYT. It says, in essence, that Trump and his GOP allies have been caught in a Russian intelligence deception in their 2016 conspiracy allegations about Ukraine.

Great. Explain your relationship with Cambridge Analytica and your SuperPAC.

Trump role in Ukraine scheme uncontested after hearings

Impeachment witness rips 'domestic political errand' for Trump

Best New Thing in the World Today: Impeachment embroidery!

US intel briefed senators that Ukraine theory is Russian op: NYT

US intel warns of Russian disinformation