Monday, October 21, 2019

"Ankle bracelets" for women who get abortions? Lordy.

BREAKING: @netanyahu gives up, return the mandate to form a government back to @PresidentRuvi.

“How, exactly, did the president know at what cost Doral was going to be charging for services at the G-7? And why did he say ‘I would be willing’ if he has no operational authority within the Trump Organization?” Read the whole piece by ⁦@JVLast⁩.

BREAKING: Netanyahu just informed President Rivlin he is returning the mandate to form a coalition since he failed to build one. Happy Birthday Bibi.

NOTE: Only one House Republican did not tweet a condolence of the passing of their colleague, & great American advocate Elijah Cummings. The Republican that did not offer any condolences to his colleague, & true American hero was Devin Nunes. R.I.P. Elijah Cummings @DevinNunes

The Sisters of St Joseph taught me that you’re not a “good Catholic” if you support & enable racism and criminal conduct

Julia Davis Clues Us In on what Russian Media is Saying About Trump Abandoning the Kurds.

Can someone explain why President Erdogan is still scheduled to visit the White House on November 13th? — Sen. Jeanne Shaheen

You are horrible. ‘The Kurds should be greatful and full of praise for American troops abandoning them.’ Absolutely sick.

“We’re at the point now where the Trump administration and the Trump organization are effectively the same thing and Donald Trump is using one to help the other.”

The Whitehouse has not only deleted this question from the official transcript of the meeting, they modified the official Whitehouse film to edit out this exchange. Save this clip everywhere and remember

NEW: 2nd Circuit will allow @cspan to offer live audio coverage of Trump taxes showdown at 2nd Circuit Wednesday, pitting Trump lawyers & USDOJ against Manhattan DA Cy Vance Jr. Request for video denied. Mild #transparency gesture but other appeals courts do their own livestream

Erdogan's son-in-law Berat Albayrak appoints Hakan Atilla, the former Halkbank executive convicted for his role in Reza Zarrab's record-breaking money laundering scheme, for a new job with Borsa Istanbul.

Per pooler @chrisjohnson82, today's pool was let into the Cabinet room at 1143. The president has been running through a list of grievances ever since. He is currently complaining that media haven't played up two Republican special election wins in NC.

Brilliant demolition of Brexit on live TV. You’d never see this on a BBC vox pop. Rachel in Parliament Square tells it like it is at the

I wonder what other parts of the Constitution the president thinks are "phony"?

It’s been over 2 months since Mitch McConnell said gun violence legislation would be ‘front and center.’ It’s been almost 8 months since the House passed bipartisan legislation to close background check loopholes. Give it a vote in the Senate, now.

In Rhode Island, Jeffrey T. Britt, a consultant for state House Speaker Nicholas A. Mattiello’s 2016 campaign has been indicted on one felony charge of money laundering and one misdemeanor count of making a prohibited campaign contribution

President Trump’s acting budget chief won’t testify for House impeachment investigators this week

The Russian hackers who hit the 2016 election have been very busy since: New tools, tactics, and techniques show Russian hackers famous for targeting Americans have been active around the world.

Three Kurdish former mayors arrested in Turkey

Lindsey Graham Now Says He Supports Trump on Syria Pullout | National News | US News

Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska says U.S. prosecutors’ efforts to gain access to records seized from a U.K. company associated with him are motivated by American political “infighting”

so buttigieg is attacking elizabeth warren while being advised by mark zuckerberg?

JUST IN: US Supreme Court strikes down Michigan gerrymandering ruling; a lower court deemed the Republican plan too "partisan" because state voters would not be accurately represented.

DOJ was so anxious to stay on trump’s good side, they expedited McCabe’s firing contrary to established processes. Obvious political hit on career employee, a patriot!

CREW obtained new FBI records that show McCabe's firing did not follow FBI rules

It really hasn't gotten enough attention that Parnas and Fruman were members of Trump's legal team, according to their attorney John Dowd.

Tomorrow, we will move to censure Chairman Adam Schiff.

Judge refuses to delay extradition hearing for Julian Assange, who said he's having trouble thinking properly

Reminder: White House lawyer Menashi, up for a lifetime seat on the 2nd Circuit, won't disclose his involvement in the Ukraine scandal or its cover-up. If confirmed, he could rule on Trump-related matters in NY while sitting in Thurgood Marshall’s former seat. We must stop him.

Dear America, Remember when Trump claimed he did not know Parnas? (“I don’t know them. You’ll have to ask Rudy.”) Below is a letter from Trump to Parnas. And multiple photos of them together. The mountain of lies continues to grow. When will the house of cards fall down?

You know what I love? I love how this is eating you alive. The mismatch between the economic status of your supporters and the price point of your resorts is exactly why you keep flogging the hell out of them. Your brand is failing, broken, and poisonous.

If Mike Pompeo was "helpless" in stopping Rudy Giuliani from conducting his shadow campaigns for clients connected to Ukraine and Turkey that can only mean he was directed by someone with higher rank. Meaning, the President.

“In Afghanistan, the delegation met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, chief executive Abdullah Abdullah, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper, top U.S. military commanders and diplomats, senior Afghan government officials and civil society leaders.”

NEW: The private Instagram account of Lev Parnas reveals new clues about his access to the Trump family and his close relationship with Rudy Giuliani.

Found in the archives...— Hillary Clinton

Eric Trump complains that "every family in politics enriches themselves," saying "it is sickening"

Inside Trump's First Pentagon Briefing

When American troops first arrived in North Syria, kurds received them as heroes with flowers and ululation. Now terrified Kurds in Syria are throwing tomatoes and stones at departing American forces.

I’m old enough to remember when @DevinNunes scheduled House Intel multiple Russia Investigation depositions simultaneously. Or when Nunes scheduled the deposition of Felix Sater in New York at the same time we were voting in DC on the GOP tax bill. Stop whining and get serious.

While much of the Russian establishment is gleeful, some in Moscow counsel caution about getting too deeply involved in the treacherous Middle East.

Among the Hillary Haters

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has privately recommended several potential hires to Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign

Beijing Demands $2.4BN In Sanctions Against US Over Obama-Era WTO Complaint

Pompeo’s fatal mistake. Among all living present and past FSOs, no one is held in higher regard than Bill Burns

This week's Congressional testimony centers around Ambassador Bill Taylor, who has expressed a belief that there was a quid pro quo with Trump withholding Ukrainian aid. Jury's still out on if he will show at all...

Turkish Foreign Minister Laughs at Trump's Erratic Syria Policy, Says They Aren't Scared of Sanctions

At the halfway mark of President Trump’s first term, his administration has hired a lobbyist for every 14 political appointments made, welcoming a total of 281 lobbyists on board

“I think we have abandoned our Syrian Kurdish partners,” says Ret. Gen. David Petraeus about US pulling troops from northern Syria. “And this does not end an endless war, it probably prolongs it because this gives ISIS an opportunity for resurgence.”

"Donald J. Trump, trying to bluster his way through the most disastrous foreign policy debacle of his presidency, seemed to spit on the graves of more than 10,000 Kurds who died fighting to defeat the so-called Islamic State,"

Just spoke to @MittRomney on the phone, and asked him about Pierre Delecto. His only response: "C'est moi." Updated my story accordingly

Today’s the 46th anniversary of the “Saturday Night Massacre”—when the Attorney General & Deputy Attorney General both sacrificed their jobs in defense of the rule of law rather than carry our President Nixon’s order to fire the Watergate Special Prosecutor. Those were the days

Mulvaney gives away the game here even more by saying that the aid flowed after they were satisfied Ukraine was “doing better on corruption,” in part through the Trump/ Zelensky call. Trump didn’t raise corruption in any context except the DNC server & “Biden’s son” on the call.

New: A source familiar w/ the presidents thinking says that after watching media coverage this weekend about Mick Mulvaney’s news conference & his attempts to clean it up, the President is increasingly frustrated with what he sees as his inability to communicate on impeachment

Romney says everyone in Senate is 'really nice' except Bernie Sanders

Longtime Trump ally Lindsey Graham has said in an interview that he could not rule out the possibility of impeachment if new evidence emerges

IMPORTANT 3 mins from @RichardEngel in Syria explaining clearly the story of the Kurds - standing up to ISIS... carving out an “egalitarian” home... and getting thrown to the wolves by Trump.

Moscow-by-the-Sea 2yrs ago Reuters reported 63 Russians had spent $98.4M buying condos in 6 Trump towers in Sunny Isle & 1 in Hollywood. Plus 703 units in the 7 Trump towers'd been bought by limited liability companies, that mask the owners’ identities.

Mitt Romney to @mikeallen on whether Trump is honorable. “He has elements I'm sure of honor in his life. And there's thing-- things that I think are not honorable. And I mention that because of the payment to a porn star for sexual relations outside of marriage.”

Blavatnik is actually now the largest single donor for @GOPLeader's "McCarthy Victory Fund" for this election cycle

The Justice Department distanced itself from Rudy Giuliani, declaring that department officials would not have met with Giuliani to discuss one of his clients had they known that federal prosecutors in New York were investigating two of his associates.

Russia's state TV program hosted by notorious propagandist Vladimir Soloviev—who is close to Putin and has special access to the Kremlin—spends 30 minutes extolling Tulsi Gabbard, arguing she should be "the face of the Democratic party" and obsessively bashing Hillary Clinton.

Tonight in N. Syria, Kurds showing their reaction to US forces who are ordered to withdraw. Emotional signs pointing out how people left defenseless

Erdogan’s Ambitions Go Beyond Syria. He Says He Wants Nuclear Weapons.