Sunday, October 6, 2019

Trump and Giuliani allies driving the attempt to change the senior management at Ukraine's Naftogaz appear to have had inside knowledge of the U.S. government’s plans in Ukraine. They told people that Amb. Yovanovitch would be recalled 3 months in advance.

As the son, grandson, nephew and cousin of foreign service officers, who served often in dangerous posts, I agree: our diplomats are right to be angry. Pompeo has been a disgrace. He has let them down. He has stained a tradition of honor and loyalty

BREAKING—Here’s the full story: AP sources: Trump allies pressed Ukraine over gas firm

AP sources: As Pres. Trump urged Ukraine’s leaders to investigate his political rival Joe Biden, associates of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani were looking to profit from the country’s state-run natural gas company

Sounds like Putin's agenda. Continue driving a wedge between America and it's allies.

Colin Powell has something to say. You should listen.

Barr’s Requests for Foreign Help Prompt Backlash in Australia, Italy, U.K.: Lawmakers, intelligence officials question why the attorney general is working outside usual channels in review of #Russia-probe origins

.@jaketapper takes a look at how Republican lawmakers will be judged for how they handle Pres. Trump. He says they should remember lessons learned from how Joseph McCarthy’s contemporaries handled him.

Mitt Romney modeling what to do when someone is angry-tweeting at you

WATCH: Former CIA Director @JohnBrennan: GOP senators are “running scared.” "[Donald Trump] is the typical bully. ...Now, I have become the ... example of the deep state."

OMG...@ChuckTodd: “You don’t trust the FBI or CIA?” Senator @RonJohnsonWI toes the Kremlin line: “No, I don’t! I didn’t then, and I never have.” In 2018, Johnson joined a July 4th @GOP delegation to #Russia🇷🇺 that gave Russia a pass on its 2016 election interference

When Barr and Durham showed up in Rome late last month, diplomatic and intelligence officials at the American embassy there didn’t know what he was doing in Italy

Pompeo not complying with impeachment probe subpoena: lawmaker

“The Trump-Zelensky spectacle — a play about American fecklessness and Ukrainian corruption in one “perfect” act — was a gift to the Kremlin to refresh the tired themes.”

It's not enough to say that Fox is being dishonest. It is an inverse image of reality where night is day and day is night.

“I would love the Republicans to tell me what instance would they vote for a President Trump to impeach a President Trump?” – @MatthewJDowd on ABC’s #ThisWeek, contending Trump has already met the impeachment criteria for Johnson, Nixon and Clinton.

It's amazing that *anyone* buys this line but then again...

Mitch knew Putin committed an act of war by interfering in the election of a leader of a sovereign nation. He did nothing. RU/NRA $ was laundered into his campaign. Oligarchs gave aluminum to KY. His wife got Cabinet post. He got 2 SCOTUS (1 stolen) and judges. He is complicit.

Rep. Jim Jordan's closing statement on ABC regarding Trump clearly, in broad daylight, on TV, asking China to investigate Biden: “I don’t think that’s what the president was saying."


‘Out on a limb’: Inside the Republican reckoning over Trump’s possible impeachment

Mitt is leaving rent-free in Trump's mind.

“Why should I care at all” will be a sentiment that will haunt the @GOP for decades. Isn’t this country worth saving? Before saving anyone else?

Joe Walsh: "This president deserves to be impeached. Jake, nobody from the White House and no high-level Republicans are on this show today because there's nothing to defend. This president betrayed his country again this week."

Nine shot, four dead in shooting at Kansas City, Kansas, bar: police

Donald Trump’s Ukraine Scandal Has Its Roots in Russia

New Fox News poll in Wisconsin just out: Biden 48%, Trump 39% Sanders 45%, Trump 40% Warren 45%, Trump 41%

This segment was embarrassingly bad on the part of Gym, but George should have dropped the damn hammer on the filibusting.

WATCH: @ChrisMurphyCT responds to @senronjohnson's comments earlier on #MTP. "This entire country should be scared that at a moment when we need patriots, what we are getting is blind partisan loyalty."

Barr is a traitor, and should be dealt with accordingly. Impeachment, removal, indictment, conviction, life in prison.

"The abuse of presidential power to conceal the president’s conduct is reason enough for impeachment," writes Brad Miller

McConnell vows to stop impeachment in fundraising video

Maybe attackin’ folks that discover secrets for a livin’ wasn’t such a good idea after all.

NEW: Judge orders WH to preserve records of Trump dealings w/foreign leaders. Notable because she could've just accepted DOJ pledge that WH would. Also because an injunction applied to the president is exceptionally rare

Cotton prices in Mississippi are down by ~18% due to “ongoing trade disputes ... uncertainty around demand...” That’s @realDonaldTrump’s “big win” for a state that voted for him 58% to 40%....

Touch of Evil Donald Trump drags us down to Chinatown.

Coming up at 9:00am I will discuss the House impeachment process with @FoxNewsSunday host Chris Wallace.

IC WHISTLEBLOWER UPDATE: I can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligence Community Inspector General. No further comment at this time.

Zaid tells ABC News that the second person — also described as an intelligence official — has first-hand knowledge of some of the allegations outlined in the original complaint and has been interviewed by the head of the intelligence community's internal watchdog office.

My childhood, youth and life passed through the wars with Russia. U can never trust Putin. Never..

New: Countless Australian media reports have asserted US learned of Russian "dirt" on Hillary Clinton via standard protocols. But a book by Pulitzer award winning journalist @gregpmiller says @AlexanderDowner personally briefed the US embassy in London

“Learning trivial lessons will not do for 2020. The dishonor and depredations of the Trump presidency expose every single one of the institutions that enabled his rise... journalism included.”

BREAKING: Attorney representing whistleblower who sounded the alarm on Pres. Trump’s dealings with Ukraine tells @ABC News he is now representing a second whistleblower who has first-hand knowledge of events.

2nd whistleblower comes forward after speaking with IG: Attorney - ABC News -

Finnish President recounts Oval Office meeting. Prefers reindeer and snow to President.

WATCH: Intel Dem lawmaker: No reason for White House to defy subpoena unless Trump is "guilty"

Pompeo. Was. CIA. Director

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Made $82 Million While Working in the White House Last Year – Fortune

VIDEO: How President Trump's children are profiting off their father's presidency, while Trump and other Republicans are accusing Joe Biden and his son Hunter of being "corrupt" for doing the same

GOP senators, it’s time to stop forfeiting your soul to Donald Trump

Exclusive: Epstein accuser says the property on which she stayed during the summer of her alleged assault was guarded by Leslie Wexner’s security. The retail mogul says he knew nothing about Jeffrey Epstein’s misconduct.

Report: Trump claims Energy Secretary Rick Perry is behind Ukraine call at heart of impeachment inquiry

Absurd. & Trump did not mention LNG in his call with Zelensky. . "Trump told House Republicans that he made Ukraine call because of Perry: Report"

The U.S. economy is in entering dire straits as the longest expansion in its history increasingly looks in jeopardy

Kim has achieved everything he desired -He successfully completed ballistic missile testing, is fully capable of striking, US anywhere -NK now possesses sub-surface missile launch capability -Kim has been elevated on the world stage -Kim made Trump/USA look ignorant & foolish

Dear @SecPompeo: Remember when you were @CIA Director and you, your agency & every other U.S. Intelligence agency found that Russia, not Ukraine, attacked our elections? Stop lying to the American people. You graduated from West Point. Show some honor. You are better than this.

A glimpse of a the world tonight: -ISIS re-emerging -N Korea drops talks -Ukraine attks increase -Turkey preps operations -Iraq uprisings -many, many more... All require coordinated US actions from State, DoD, NSC, others.

Nearly everything the whistleblower asserted has been proven accurate.

Chelsea Clinton on Trump: 'His whole life has been a scam'

"I thought the president made a big mistake by asking China to get involved in investigating a political opponent," Republican Sen. Susan Collins said. "It's completely inappropriate."

Trump suggests here that being a “fool” sufficient to impeach. Ok then!

Pompeo in Greece, on Trump administration approach to diplomacy, per Ukraine: “Nations work together and they say ‘Boy, goodness gracious, if you can help me with ‘X,’ we’ll help you achieve ‘Y.’ This is what partnerships do.”

Trump claimed: "Not a lot of people know this but, I didn't even want to make the call. The only reason I made the call was because Rick asked me to."

A former Pentagon official, who was removed from his job, told us he had identified nearly $900M in potential fraud. We FOIA'ed the records, and he was right.@MBourmont and I investigate the case of Shay Assad, "the most hated man in the Pentagon."

Nothing like hacking at the bone of an already skin and bones NWS/NOAA. It is beyond disgusting how this administration just keeps spitting in the faces of meteorologists. God help us if we get to the point that the NWS is stretched so thin that people die over lack of service.

Nothin’ like waitin’ till you have the evidence and the trial starts before you pass judgement.

WOW. #BREAKING - #BothamJean family atty says he confirmed with medical examiner that #AmberGuyger prosecution witness Joshua Brown "shot in his mouth and his chest," allegedly ambushed as he got out of his car "at close range"

this notion advanced by Pompeo - that maybe we don’t know who interfered in 2016 election - is detached from reality alarming if he actually believes it, and also if he doesn’t

More than half of Utah voters say they won’t vote to re-elect President Trump in 2020 - The Salt Lake Tribune

Must-read WaPo piece synthesizing the whole narrative in all its corrupt glory. "Officials sworn to serve the country" are actively serving Trump's "electoral interests," in a scheme that "bears the markings of a multipronged political conspiracy."

AG Barr to Facebook: We need "lawful access" to users' digital messages to fight crime.