Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Watch this. Republicans invited John Lott, a discredited "researcher" and pro-gun propagandist, to be a witness for today's hearing on gun violence. It didn't go the way they planned. Senator @MartinHeinrich did his homework and asked Lott a simple question: "Who is Mary Rosh?"

Inbox: The Intel Community Inspector General has agreed to appear before the House Intel Committee for a briefing on the handling of the whistleblower complaint on September 19 in closed session. Acting DNI Maguire will testify before the Committee in publicly on September 26.

Last night, more than 20 Senate Democrats held the Senate floor to demand action on gun violence. 93% of Americans support universal background checks. But @SenateMajLdr Mitch McConnell refuses to even hold a vote.

Israeli politics looks deadlocked all over again

Bibi who?

California Gov. Newsom on Trump revoking state's emissions waiver: "I don't know what the hell's happened to the Republican Party. By the way, where is the Republican Party? ... They believe in federalism, they believe in state rights ... They're nowhere to be found."

The bill was called #HR1, @RepDougCollins. You voted against it. But ask @senatemajldr McConnell if he will support it since we are all in agreement on the need for election security.

Obama on his decision making process: You should "make sure you have a team with a diversity of opinion." "The other thing that's helpful is not watching TV or reading social media. Those are two things I would advise, if you're our president, not to do."

Pompeo says Saudi attack an "act of war" as Trump sounds more cautious note

This back-to-school ad from Sandy Hook Promise is just heart-breaking.

"The President of the United States is continuing to spread lies that put my life at risk," Ilhan Omar wrote on Twitter.

Greta Thunberg submits the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming to the House Climate Crisis Committee: "I don't want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to the scientists and I want you to unite behind science. And then I want you to take real action."

It appears that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross still has not sold his interest in a company from which he promised to divest to avoid potential conflicts of interest

Mystery of Adam Schiff and whistleblower takes dangerous new turn

Veterans graves to be “Dug Up” for border wall

NEWS: House Oversight Dems say the Pentagon has spent at least $184,000 at Trump’s Turnberry resort. They’ve also sent a third letter to DoD Secretary Esper requesting more documents.

Trump says deal on guns "much harder," blames Beto O’Rourke’s comments last week

Al Roker: "Climate change is not ignorable. It's time to stop debating what is staring us all in our faces. Don't ask how long we have to save the planet. Ask what changes you and I can make now to start trying."

How conservative American money helped the religious right take over Israel

BREAKING: Netanyahu cancels participation in UN General Assembly due to 'political circumstances'

GEO Group & CoreCivic $ to Trump’s inauguration: $500,000 Trump contracts to GEO Group & CoreCivic: $2.9 billion

33 Questions About Lewandowski’s Lie

#BREAKING: Netanyahu announces he has 55 mp's to form a goverment

The sanctions that really bite against the Putin regime are targeted sanctions against their personal assets. None of Putin’s cronies keep their wealth in China or Saudi Arabia. They buy houses in London, St Tropez and South Beach. That’s their Achilles heel

Lewandowski: I have no obligation to be truthful to the media CNN: I love it, does 8am work?

Israel election results: Israelis have spoken – the Netanyahu era is over

Israel election results: Netanyahu's bloc fails to secure majority as 91% of votes counted | Live Updates

Netanyahu didn't mention his legal troubles in the non-victory, non-concession speech, but it was at the forefront of his mind. He spoke of Trump, Iran and the dangerous Arabs — while looking at criminal charges that he can no longer evade

“Charles and David Koch were longtime backers of Mike Pompeo, a former member of Congress who represented the Wichita, Kans., district that Koch Industries calls home.”

.@SenSherrodBrown: “We should hear that shout, to do something.” HR8 has been stuck in @SenateMajLdr McConnell’s legislative graveyard for 202 days. It’s beyond time to do something and finally pass universal background checks.

Laurence Tribe: "Communications by the president to a crony asking the latter to carry out a criminal act on the president's behalf are covered by no privilege & subject to no immunity, & the president’s lawyers as well as [DOJ] lawyers must know as much."

A Trump praise tweet has historically been the kiss of death. Will Parscale be long for Trumpworld?

Doug Collins and his allies in Congress held 33 Benghazi hearings over more than two years even though the embassy attack had already been investigated by seven other Congressional committees.

So CNN books a guy who made news yesterday by saying he doesn’t tell the truth to the media. They are becoming a parody of themselves. Sensationalist suckers.

As of 8:30AM, the president has already sent 8 tweets this morning and retweeted an additional 19 tweets.

Corey Lewandowski’s website: Registered in Panama, run by a Ukrainian, who is based in St. Petersburg Russia. I’m pre-coffee. Do I have all that right?

Parents of UN students don’t want them in photo op with Melania Trump

WARNING: Tennessee seeks to become 1st. state to turn Medicaid into a block grant — Meaning once you hit the maximum the state will spend — you get no more Medicaid insurance for life!

U.S. citizens warned over traveling to Saudi Arabia: State Department

The manicured estate of Versailles withstood the French revolution. Now climate change threatens its survival

Texas teacher who asked Trump to deport undocumented students is fired

The White House has reportedly fired the general counsel at the Department of Homeland Security, the latest shake-up at the agency

FBI searches Republican political consulting firm in Annapolis

Saudi Arabia is NOT a treaty ally and we should not pretend it is. — Susan Rice

In the final hours of the Israeli election, Netanyahu and his party have: - Made racist, unfounded claims of rampant voter fraud by Arab citizens of Israel - Deployed racist robocalls warning of high turnout by Arab voters - Violated laws against electioneering on election day

So the trade war is killing small farms, but it's been a boom to big ag, which is only getting bigger. Mmm.

BREAKING: In first post elections speech Netanyahu refuses to concede. blames the media for biased coverage

Bork had a full hearing and was voted down in the Senate Judiciary Committee 9-5 (with a Republican voting against him) and then voted down again in the full Senate 58-42 (with 6 Republicans voting against him) so no, that didn't justify Garland

The tight Israeli election puts Trump on the brink of losing one of his closest foreign allies

Israel Election 2019: In 'Emergency' Move, Netanyahu Repeatedly Breaks Election Laws Hours Before Polls Close

Obama meets with Greta Thunberg: 'One of our planet's greatest advocates'

Professional prosecutor's grilling of Corey Lewandowski yielded some important details

Fmr. federal prosecutor: Lewandowski "may have perjured himself" in hearing

Opinion: How Vladimir Putin is outplaying the U.S. in Africa

The complaint by @Accountable_Org alleged E Nunes’ emails showed a stake in the winery was worth $200,000, when D Nunes said on financial disclosure it was worth max $100,000. Here’s the full complaint

I don’t remember Doug Collins complaining about exhaustive oversight hearings and redundancy when GOP investigated #FastAndFurious for 4 years and #Benghazi for 4 years ...

Lewandowski testified repeatedly before this that he hadn't read the report.

Politico’s @NatashaBertrand tells @chrislhayes that the US Air Force acknowledged they would not be surprised if they were the largest customer for President Trump’s Turnberry resort.

CNN hired this dude. Just reminding you all

Lewandowski was fired from Americans for Prosperity following voter fraud allegations & his former boss was convicted of corruption & lying to authorities. He has been around corruption for years. That’s why Trump asked him to help obstruct the #MuellerInvestigation

Blaming shelters and street sleeping, Donald Trump blasts California for homeless crisis

NEW: Intel officials told lawmakers today that the whistleblower complaint DNI Maguire denied to Congress didn't meet the technical definition of an "urgent" complaint, overruling the IG on the matter. He also doesn't plan to appear for a Thurs hearing

Side note: how much do you have to hate yourself to have an affair with Corey Lewandowski?

"Lewandowski presents the concrete possib of Trump’s influence extending past his tenure,into a cadre of proudly “Trumpian” polit figures. Pugnacious, contemptuous, indifferent to law or fact, Lewandowski is a perfect model for a sustained Trumpian legacy in U.S. political life."

Opinion: The day God gave us guns

Corey Lewandowski: "I have no obligation to be honest with the media"

A crack just emerged in the financial markets: The New York Fed spends $53 billion to rescue the overnight lending market

The heart of the matter is the second bullet point on page 2. And it's just wrong. The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act does _not_ give the (Acting) DNI (to say nothing of the ODNI GC) the authority to dispute the Inspector General's "urgent concern" finding.

Pennsylvania state senator charged with possession of child pornography

WATCH: Corey Lewandowski confirms President Trump asked him to urge then-AG Jeff Sessions to reverse himself and oversee the Russia investigation.

Something is rotten. The ODNI General Counsel is blatantly misreading a whistleblower statute to keep info from Congress about a matter that the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community deemed an “urgent concern.” This screams WH interference. What are they hiding?

I. Did. Not. Know.This! Boris Johnson, the UK’s PM Was born in NYC & only recently relinquished his American passport, when The Internal Revenue Service chased him down for unpaid taxes. He’s always been dodgy!

NEW: The White House has fired John Mitnick, who served as the general counsel for the Department of Homeland Security.

NEWS: The House Intel Committee voted tonight to release a tranche of transcripts from the GOP-led Russia investigation in 2017-2018. We could see them in a day or two.

Keep in mind that Art. 3 for Nixon’s impeachment was that he impeded the House’s power of impeachment in a manner that was “subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States”

Warren: Beyond Trump, things have been broken for a long time

Warren targets 'corruption right at the heart of our government'

New post-debate poll shows boosts for Biden, Warren

Intel chief escalates standoff over secret whistle-blower report

Combative Lewandowski begrudgingly affirms Mueller report's truth