Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Texas mayor Richard Molina charged with organized election fraud, illegal voting

As Ds debate impeachment, @aoc says:”I want to see every Republican go on record and knowingly vote against impeachment of this President, knowing his corruption, having it on record so that they can have that stay on their careers for rest of their lives”

A 26-year-old New Jersey man has been charged with criminal mischief for allegedly driving his car onto Trump's golf course in Bedminster, N.J., and doing "doughnuts" on the greens

NEW: The first voter at the Bladenboro 2 precinct at Old Spaulding-Monroe School this morning was McCrae Dowless He is the political operative now facing felony charges for actions that led to today's new #NC09 election

Trump struggles to read teleprompter. Sniff

First on CNN: Lawmaker petitions @SecPompeo on delayed Russia sanctions,

I'm Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message.

This time last year, Jamal Khashoggi was living and breathing and writing. And then this happened: "I know how to cut very well. I have never worked on a warm body though."

Mike Pence’s controversial visit to President Trump’s resort in Doonbeg is slated to cost taxpayers $599,454.36 in limousine service alone, according to State Department contracts reviewed by CREW.

"I request a mandate to apply Jewish sovereignty to all communities, and I intend to do so in coordination with the United States."

Why Can’t California Solve Its Housing Crisis?

Just keep this in mind: John Bolton was fired for being ***insufficiently pro-Taliban.***

Flynn's attorney is incorrect. There is no Brady or Rosario violations here. It'd be nice if you mentioned in your lede that that his attorney's claims seem to lack credible evidence

.@SenScumer: "I heard Leader McConnell say 'poison pills' are the reason there's no budget – no, that's not the reason. They're proposal…puts $12 billion more for the wall. That's not going to happen." Full video here:

73 partisan 5-4 decisions? All helping big Republican donor interests? Secretly-funded organizations selecting justices? Dark money campaigns for their confirmation? "Friends of the Court" filing briefs without divulging who pays them? Americans have had enough and so have I.

Today in court: Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and was one of the Mueller probe's early cooperators, is looking for ways out of his guilty plea

Goodbye, Bolton. Here's a trip down memory lane — some of the "best people" President Trump has brought on board.

Jerry Falwell Jr. alleges "criminal conspiracy" against him at Liberty University

Good to know. @mike_pence also wanted the Taliban at Camp David. Go home, @GOP, you’re drunk

The same day that the most recent national security adviser was fired by the president, a federal judge set sentencing for December 18 for the president's first national security adviser.

Dow turns positive after report from South China Morning Post says China is ready to 'sweeten' trade deal by agreeing to buy more U.S. ag products

JUST IN: The FEMA official who oversaw the reconstruction of Puerto Rico’s electrical grid after Hurricane Maria in 2017 has been arrested in connection with fraud and conspiracy charges.

Ambassador Bolton to me just now: “I will have my say in due course. But I have given you the facts on the resignation. My sole concern is US national security.”

Electrolux is cutting almost 1,700 jobs to reduce spending as it battles increased raw material and tariff costs

You have one path now, John. Only one road leads back to a place you can look at yourself in the mirror. Just one. Speak the truth. Tell it all. Do it now, and do it without a shred of misplaced loyalty for a man you know is a danger to this country.

Now maybe @WashingtonPost had the transcript not the actual audio, but.... Patribotics, June 2017,

The Trump administration’s war on statistics is now threatening lives

Trump just fired John Bolton.

John Bolton is OUT!

Chronic pain patients form a vast constituency in America and millions of them take opioids for relief. They feel demonized and yanked around.

NOW U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of D.C sets tentative Dec. 18 sentencing date for Michael Flynn, one year after he warned former Trump national security adviser he might face prison time, saying, "Arguably, you sold your country out."

Israeli PM Netanyahu makes controversial pledge to annex Jordan Valley in occupied West Bank if re-elected next week

One of Trump's immigration judges threatened a 2-year-old Guatemalan boy with an attack dog, yelling: “I have a very big dog in my office, and if you don’t be quiet, he will come out and bite you! Want me to go get the dog? Do you want him to bite you?”

Breaking News: The share of uninsured Americans increased in 2018 for the first time since Obamacare took full effect, despite a strong economy

Opinions Mark Sanford might be Republicans’ last chance

Want to see what a world without Roe looks like? Look at Mississippi.

New: President Trump has privately and repeatedly expressed opposition to the use of foreign intelligence from covert sources, including overseas spies who provide the US government with crucial information about hostile countries,

"Trump always saw Ivanka as the person who would be the face of the Trump organization... In politics, Don. Jr. was the more natural successor," says The Atlantic's McKay Coppins about the alleged tensions and political aspirations in the Trump family.

For all that, don't count chickens quite yet. These are national numbers, not numbers from -- wait for it -- the targeted Electoral College states. That data is still lagging a bit on the deserved level of hate and disapproval. Trump's campaign gets this and is spending..

Flynn due in court as lawyers mount attack on Mueller probe

For House Republicans, a Baby Born at 23 Weeks Is a Political Prop. For Me, It Was Life.

Many U.S. farmers are angry, and some are directing their anger not at the Republican president, but at Washington’s bureaucracy

Fox Nation host: Public schools have put the country on the verge of civil war

Today is Election Day! We're here at the polls — come on out and make your voice heard! Vote for our healthcare, our schools, our future! Polls are open now and you can vote as long as you'e in line by 7:30 tonight. Find out where you can vote here:

"Republicans ended up criticizing the president by praising him," @peterbakernyt to @mikiebarb on Trump's Camp David gambit. The position of many republicans: "the president did the right thing not to do the thing he was thinking about doing."

BE A GUARDIAN FOR DEMOCRACY! Be a Poll Worker! As well as VOTING & REGISTERING others, being a poll worker (or Poll Watcher) is one of the best ways to help Democracy & ensure fair elections in your State THREAD of State-by-State Requirements for 50 ALL STATES & links to sign up.

Amazing. The US Cambridge Analytica very much not defunct it turns out

Netanyahu to Make One-day Visit to Russia, Five Days Before Election

“There’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump… swear to God.” - Kevin McCarthy, 2016

Carol from Elgin, Texas told Pirro that “the president’s rhetoric, Fox News’ rhetoric, your rhetoric had helped to orphan” the baby who lost his parents in El Paso. He also demanded that Pirro’s “anti-immigrant, anti-people-with-brown-skin” commentary stop. She uh, got mad.

Reminder ; last Oct Australian PM Morrison made some very specific allegations about Russian GRU & a list of their espionage activities against the West, ordered by Putin. Match that with tonight's CNN revelations

The UK ambassador forced to resign after he called Trump 'inept' and 'incompetent' is being made a Lord

The president’s free-wheeling approach and rapid-fire tweets are driving up anxiety in key corners of the economy

“McConnell last month blocked a measure that would have used Treasury Dept funds marked for Appalachian development to help pay for coal miners’ health care and pensions in his home state of Kentucky.”

It's nearly impossible to track all the scandals swirling around Trump

“Mnuchin is scheduled to testify before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday, starting at 10 a.m. EDT, about his department’s efforts to overhaul mortgage-finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”

"He is so despised on Capitol Hill. He is so despised by GOP governors across the country. He's so despised by members of the House personally that it's only a matter of time that they start planning ahead for post-Trump Washington." --@JoeNBC recounts a talk with GOP insider

#VoterSuppression “States across the American South have closed nearly 1,200 polling places since the Supreme Court weakened a landmark voting-discrimination law in 2013...”

For the interest of new followers, here's a few other stories I've broken recently about Trump Turnberry. First up, from July, the latest in a series of articles detailing how the US State Dept has paid Trump's resort tens of thousands of dollars:

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, and her husband Todd appear headed for divorce after more than 30 years of marriage. More here:

The offices of Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation have been searched in three Russian cities

I’ll be on CNN @NewDay shortly talking about the Trump family and my new story in @TheAtlantic

Donald Trump Reportedly Said His Oldest Son Don Jr. Isn't the "Sharpest Knife in the Drawer"

“The procedure to disapprove Trump’s border emergency being deployed by Schumer is privileged, meaning McConnell would be unable to block the vote from happening on the floor.”

Leon Black, Bill Gates, Reid Hoffman, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton—none of these men are giving straight answers to questions about their involvement with Jeffrey

North Korea says it’s willing to hold talks with the U.S. in September — then launches two more missiles

U.K. Parliament again rejects Boris Johnson’s call for an early election

“Boeing's former chief techincal pilot on the 737 Max development has refused to provide documents sought by federal prosecutors investigating the two fatal crashes of the plane.”

Back in 2017 I found Devin Nunes’ fixation on revealing the underlying intelligence on the Page FISA to be bizarre, given that it would reveal sources who might be able to corroborate intel on Russia’s activities. Now I feel like that was the whole point

Gazprom has been dealt a blow to access a key pipeline to transport fuel onward from its Baltic Sea Nord Stream link

Their personal information was hacked. But the Trump administration doesn’t want to pay.

It’s almost as if the guy who jails the children and says bad racist stuff and is largely an incompetent kleptocrat isn’t very popular.

Imagine being so afraid of Donald Trump and his Twitter rants that you'd rather let foreign powers interfere in American elections than stand up to him

Just unreal. While campaigning for a seat that had to have a fresh election because Republican operatives engaged in egregious election fraud, Trump again spread his baslesss lies about widespread voter fraud (which is vanishingly rare).

BREAKING: 38% of Americans approve of Pres. Trump, down from a career-high 44% in July, new @ABC News/Washington Post poll finds; 56% disapprove.

#BREAKING German FM meeting with Hong Kong's Joshua Wong 'disrespectful': China

After the decision to extract the spy, Trump met privately with Putin and took the unusual step of confiscating the interpreter's notes. Intel officials again expressed concern that the President may have improperly discussed classified intel w/ Russia

Sarah Palin’s husband Todd files for divorce because he ‘finds it impossible to live together’

Jamal Khashoggi's last words: "Do not do it, you will suffocate me." The public demands that @realDonaldTrump sanctions the Saudi leadership.

The National Emergencies Act allows a vote every six months on terminating an emergency declaration — and the last vote was March 14. Rs earlier this year had feared Ds would force them to vote on this every six months

Mitch McConnell omits gun control as he lists Senate priorities

Scoop —> Democrats will force a second vote on rejecting Trump’s emergency at the border, coming after the Pentagon listed 127 projects that will lose $$ to Trump’s border wall

Trump’s approval rating slips as six in 10 Americans expect a recession in next year, Post-ABC News poll finds

Jon Ossoff will join Georgia's Democratic primary race to unseat first-term Republican Sen. David Perdue

The Russians put the guy’s name and address out there and our media plays right along... Unconscionable

I remember when my fellow Canadians on 9/11 took in 6700 Americans because many flights were forced to land in Gander Newfoundland. Trump’s refusal to take in Bahamians is not only Un-American , it’s a fucking affront to humanity

Actually, there’s one person in this race who has kept this country secure. I signed up after 9/11 to defend us in the Marines and fight the terrorists & I’m the only candidate who will stop your and Dan Bishop’s cuts to Fort Bragg.

Is it the occupation of Ukraine and Georgia, the bombing of children in hospitals in Syria, the 13,000 Ukrainians murdered by Putin, the assassinations with radioactive and nerve agents on European soil, or the election meddling and cyberattacks that charmed you @EmmanuelMacron?

The U.S.-China trade war has already almost halved oil demand growth and things are only going to get worse, according to Citigroup

According to data collected by CREW, Pence has made over 20 visits to Trump properties since January 2017. So has Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has made 16 visits.

trump has now placed our men and women in Afghanistan in jeopardy. He insulted the Taliban after his staged publicity event to have them meet at Camp David. Now the Taliban has pledged to ramp up their attacks. All thanks to an ego driven man seeking attention and re-election

The world must invest $1.8 trillion by 2030 to prepare for the effects of global warming. And that would yield $7.1 trillion in benefits, according to a group led by Bill Gates and Ban Ki-moon.

NRA sues San Francisco over city's 'terrorist organization' label: media

Is this the blockbuster story ‘everyone’ claimed at the time WaPo was sitting on that would be a smoking gun against Trump?

"Documents obtained from Scottish government agencies show that the Trump Organization, and Mr. Trump himself, played a direct role in setting up an arrangement between the Turnberry resort and officials at Glasgow Prestwick Airport."

When you think of the movement to privatize/destroy public education, think of this idiot... A TN State Senator who wants to abolish higher education because he sees it as a "Liberal Breeding Ground."

Opinion: Why everyone should care about this report on Social Security

Congratulations to the Russian people! Americans are enraged with United Russia, not with you. Putin is our enemy, you are our allies. May Russia be free!

The Air Force now appears eager to assess whether the Turnberry stays should continue. “The Air Force takes this very seriously," Lt. Gen. Jon Thomas told @politico. But the Pentagon has yet to respond to a House documents request it’s had for 2.5 months.

Trump had a deal with Scottish airport that sent Air Force crew to his resort. Report’s verified through the Scottish Freedom of Information law Trump should be impeached, but the Republicans don’t seem to care that he’s profiting from the presidency.

NOAA acting chief scientist: “I am pursuing the potential violations of our NOAA Administrative Order on Scientific Integrity." “I have a responsibility to pursue these truths,” he added. “I will.”

A federal judge said the government cannot require asylum seekers to ask for shelter in another country before coming to the U.S. The Supreme Court is expected to weigh in soon

The House has passed 230+ bills and sent them to the Senate. Tell @SenateMajLdr to do his job and pass the #ForThePeople plan! Call Mitch: 202-224-2541

#Russia Claims Paul Whelan Not Isolated, But Hasn’t Let Him Phone His Family: Russian law allows detainees at least one phone call a month w/ their families. Whelan requested, but has not been granted a single phone call during the course of his detention

Trump won’t debate the Dem nominee, either.

“wife of David Keene, a former president of the NRA, reportedly offered accused Russian spy Maria Butina $1 million to secure a massive amount of Russian jet fuel for an American middleman in a harebrained scheme that got Butina reported to the FBI”

A school took away a 9-year old’s cheesy breadsticks because he couldn’t pay. It was his birthday.

“Amid Water Crisis, Michigan’s Top Health Official Said Flint Residents ‘Have to Die of Something’...”

More than two dozen current and former Liberty University officials describe a culture of fear and self-dealing at the largest Christian college in the world

Global trade tensions could derail a landmark regional agreement encompassing 16 countries

"One of most repulsive ideas ever raised by an American President," says Col. Ralph Peters of Pres. Trump's failed gambit of inviting Taliban leaders to Camp David. "...To bring the Taliban...to elevate and dignify them by bringing them to Camp David...is absolute madness."

As a Central European citizen, I am losing the remains of my trust to Berlin and Paris that they will stand firm aganist the Russian aggression. Please, wake up, dear friends. There is no time so another set of stupid mistakes with Putin. Punish Moscow, do not please it

“During that meeting, Trump shared highly classified information with the Russians, jeopardizing an intelligence source working on matters related to Islamic State.”

More illegality from Wilbur Ross, the Commerce Secretary with a stake in a shipping company that trades with Russian oligarchs under sanctions. He’s gotta go. NYT: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross threatened to fire top NOAA employees - CNNPolitics

This was reported in May: "...Officials said Mr. Barr wanted to learn more about sources in Russia, including a key informant who helped the C.I.A. conclude Putin ordered the intrusion on the 2016 election."

"I don't want to allow people that weren't supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members and some very, very bad drug dealers."

Trump admin considers monitoring people with mental illness to prevent shootings: report

Exclusive: Repsol in advanced talks to buy Exxon assets in Gulf of Mexico - sources

CORRUPT AS HELL: Here is a list of @GOP Senators spending Tax payers money in Trump Hotel !!

Opinion: We worked for the NOAA. Weather forecasting should never be political.

Trump offers bounty of scandals as House outlines impeachment

Roiled by Trump politics, NOAA seeks accountability, atonement

Trump relationship with Scottish airport exposed in documents

U.S. pulled top spy from Russia in 2017: reports

C.I.A. Informant Extracted From Russia Had Sent Secrets to U.S. for Decades

Your firm had an "official partnership" with the airport. You gave a press conference in one of its hangars in Nov 2014. Your company discussed business opportunities and integration with it, and provided it with discounted rates at Turnberry. It has everything to do with you.

84-year-old primatologist and conservation expert Dr. Jane Goodall and 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg. Hope.

Trump Last Night "Under the normal rules, I'll be out by 2024, so we may have to go for an extra term."

A conservative television network sues Rachel Maddow for more than $10 million for calling it "paid Russian propaganda," AP reports