Monday, June 3, 2019

By the end of 2016, the Russians had set up fake social media accounts that reached millions of voters and were aimed at promoting then-candidate Donald Trump or dividing Americans.@WmBrangham and @LisaDNews explain this key part of the Mueller report.

Mayor Buttigieg: "We will all pay, on average, 800 bucks more a year, starting now, because of these tariffs. And by the way, a tariff is a tax, so if you don't believe Republicans raise taxes, that's what they're doing right now."

So the pedophiles weren't in the basement of the Washington D.C. pizza parlor that doesn't have a basement. They were on the Trump campaign plane.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- House OKs $19 billion disaster bill, breaking conservative blockade and sending measure to Trump for expected signature.

The pastor of a Virginia megachurch Trump visited on Sunday on the way home from his golf course has apologized to his congregation

Here’s more on Trump’s permanent presidential campaign

NEW: @FEC sends @realDonaldTrump’s presidential campaign a list of 233 pages worth of contributions it suspects are “excessive,” “prohibited” or “impermissible.” Asks for response by July 8. List

There is no religious or moral tradition in the world that condones hurting children to send a message to their parents. One year ago today, I was turned away from this detention center. The fight to end this admin's cruelty at the border continues

Trump doesn't deserve our respect. He deserves to be fought. Take to the streets

DEVELOPING: Active Shooter Reported at Del Amo Shopping Mall In Torrance, California; Massive Police Response

Because so many folks are interested in the Nader story today... I strongly suggest you read about this story as well

British husband’s take: this guy’s dressers clearly hate him

Spicy Updates! George Nader - CHARGED TRANSPORT of 12 Child Porn Videos updated 1984

Obama’s first state visit to UK on the left.. the right pic is trump state visit...

Waiting on the Judge’s response to DOJ’s defiance of his order to release the taped conversation between Flynn & Kislyak, that led to Flynn’s conviction. DOJ appeals court orders it disagrees with, it doesn’t just ignore them, so this is highly unusual.

So, we’re at the dark place now. Unsealing the Nader indictment unveils the depth of cruelty that Trump is comfortable with in his inner circle. As President-elect, w/ability to vet anyone at the highest level, he sent Nader & Prince to create a backchannel to Putin.

NOW: A federal judge in DC has rejected House Dems' effort to block Trump from carrying out his plan to reprogram billions of dollars to fund border construction, agreeing with the administration that the court can't be involved in this fight https

We've been following Nader for a few years over here. And since 2018, he's been living in the UAE. And today, he decided to come back to the U.S. His apartment was cleaned out last summer, stuff removed in trash bags.

New: The House Judiciary Committee will continue hearings focused on the alleged crimes and misconduct laid out in the Mueller's report. The next hearing will feature former White House Counsel John Dean as well as ex-U.S. Attorneys and legal experts

TRUMP TAX EVASION IN PANAMA? A Former Hotel Partner Alleges the Trumps Evaded Taxes in Panama

Nader was charged in 1990 and given a reduced sentence for helping with national security something something. Who was Attorney General? WILLIAM BARR

Donald Trump allowed our nation to be represented by a man who trafficked videos of torturing three-year olds.

Trump is the Evangelical's golden calf.

Trump hires child pornographers and endorses pedophiles while Evangelicals proclaim Trump a “godly” president

A key witness in former Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian election interference has been indicted by federal officials on child pornography charges, according to court documents.

Flint water crisis investigators seize state-owned devices from former GOP Governor Rick Snyder:

It is long past time to bring a bill to improve gun safety to the Senate floor. The House already passed a bill this Congress. So why won’t Leader McConnell allow background checks to get a vote, even a debate, in the Senate?

#Breaking A Swedish court has ruled that it will not seek the detention of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in relation to a suspected rape case

BREAKING: Committee will vote to hold #AGBarr, Commerce #SecretaryRoss in contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with bipartisan subpoenas for docs relating to Cmte’s #Census2020 investigation. Full Release:

As the fat orange dotard wades into British politics for the second day in a row, why has @Nigel_Farage not protested?

Meghan Markle isn't the first royal woman that Trump has called names. He slut-shamed Kate Middleton and harassed Princess Diana.

“You got any ketchup in this dump?!”

A friendly reminder that Don Jr. and Eric are not part of the government but are in charge of making the president money in the UK

Former Trump Aide David Bossie Has Disappeared From Fox After Pissing Off Trump

Waiting on the Judge’s response to DOJ’s defiance of his order to release the taped conversation between Flynn & Kislyak, that led to Flynn’s conviction. DOJ appeals court orders it disagrees with, it doesn’t just ignore them, so this is highly unusual.

Mitch McConnell has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the tobacco industry, and some of his former staffers now lobby for tobacco giant Altria.

As Donald is forced upon our Royal Family today, let’s all remember the time he asked the Duchess of Cambridge to get her tits out.

"Why even try to make things better or Americans safer?" says bored, put-upon WH acting CoS. "I mean, you can't expect the government to govern. This is unreasonable."

Eleven years after Jeffrey Epstein received what amounted to a country-club jail sentence for allegedly molesting dozens of girls in Florida, his victims could be closer to justice

A smart feller would wait till after he leaves to insult the people who provide his security and prepare his food.

Also, if you want to see the very definition of class-free, here is boorish @stevenmnuchin1 taking a selfie on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, making everybody cringe with embarrassment

The "Chosen"... It's the Koch bros & their far right extremist partners that have control of the GOP & even many WH staff. Pence, Barr, Mulvaney, Conway....& more are Koch hired guns. There is no bi-partisanship now, nor will they stop.

A giant robot of Trump tweeting on a gold toilet, farting and shouting things like "I'm a stable genius" will greet Trump in UK.

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt says Trump complained to him about Mayor of London Sadiq Khan as he stepped off Air Force One in London

The President of the United States has kicked off his trip to the UK by encouraging a boycott of a public company that employs over 200,000 Americans.

Steve Doocy: "If you're wondering why isn't [Trump] staying at Buckingham Palace, as George W. Bush did and as Barack Obama did, that is because apparently they are having massive renovations, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺, and that's why he's not there."

John Oliver exposes the insanity of Jared Kushner and Trump's gift to Netanyahu

THREAD: DOT officials sent hundreds of emails and spent months planning a trip to China for ELAINE CHAO. They even designed a logo for the luggage Elaine Chao took a particular interest in picking out gifts for officials she would meet in China

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall just met the Prince of Whales and Duchess of Cornball

When will the Republican silence on Trump end?

Fact check: Russian asset #SRT @NilsMelzer is lying. Living in an embassy is not torture. Being dissected alive in an Embassy is torture; @UN Russia-loving Nils Melzer failed to speak up for Jamal Khashoggi

Catholic school principal quits after DC strip club arrest

Just Kellyanne Conway hanging with Chinese human trafficker.


Fancy joining a protest against Trump this week? Here are @UKStopTrump's local and national events

Can Trump still sue his way out of trouble?

This is not a joke, not ironic, and not funny at all.@realDonaldTrump doesn't grok irony; he literally liked the quote below from Orwell's 1984. This is the reason why: on the right, the ultimate evidence he wants you to reject. BELIEVE. YOUR. EYES.

#McConnell, fyi, the deficit came from the #GOP giving tax breaks to billionaires & and increasing spending. And attempting to cut #Medicare, #Medicaid and #SocialSecurity (which a big part of the deficit is owed to, btw) is shameful!

Laura Ingraham promoted a white supremacist on her show. At least one advertiser is pulling out.

Hey @Disney - The Hall Of Presidents isn’t The Haunted Mansion

This is just the beginning of POUTS's humiliation in the UK; te #TrumpBabyBlimp is back, too

The NYT heard way back in Oct 2017 that State Depart. officials had raised ethics concerns abt a pending trip by DOT Sec. Elaine Chao to China. After we asked abt the trip, it was cancelled. We sued State Depart to get the emails. Here is the result

I swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, not an oath to do the bidding of one man or one political party. We have a constitutional republic to uphold liberty and the Rule of Law, not a direct democracy to serve some at the expense of others.

10,000 peaceful protesters were murdered by the ChiComs in Tiananmen Square 30 years ago. The PRC Govt & the People's Liberation Army are unrepentant. This is who we are dealing with, now, in 2019

A state visit is one of the highest honors the UK government can bestow on a foreign leader. Trump began his by insulting London's mayor.

On this day in 1927, the Times reported Fred Trump’s arrest at a Klan rally

Hey @realDonaldTrump, you just endorsed your Brexit buddy @BorisJohnson but he said some VERY NASTY things about you and he doesn’t want you to know. So we projected his words onto Big Ben. Watch with the SOUND ON

Putin’s own government doesn’t believe his ambitious campaign pledges to improve living standards are attainable

We love our billboards. Here’s what’s up/about to be

Calling Trumo petty is an insult to petty men everywhere

U.S. President Donald Trump announces departure of White House Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Kevin Hassett

Assange has put himself in the situation he is currently in. He could have chosen a different course of action. The UN forgets that there is a plaintiff in Sweden, previously there were two, whose human rights are equally important.

As you read this, remember that Chao is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. I say this because both of them make decisions that impact their fortunes and each other's careers on a daily basis -- but vast majority of Americans have no idea about this conflict.

"Why can't we have a nice space?" Leah Chase, the legendary New Orleans chef who created the city's first fine-dining restaurant where black patrons were welcome, has died at 96. For 70 years, she fed civil rights leaders, presidents and tourists, alike.

20,000 baby bottles, 3,000 boxes of baby wipes and 2,224,000 baby diapers—all ordered for a newly-erected tent city in Donna, Texas holding families and unaccompanied children seeking asylum. There are a lot of goddamn questions that Congress needs to ask.

Facebook’s lawyers literally just said this about their own site: “There is no invasion of privacy at all, because there is no privacy.”

Global recession fears grow as manufacturing shrinks across Asia

Trump says new Israel elections are "ridiculous" and "all messed up"

Trump said he would reduce the trade deficit. It hit an all-time high instead

Trump, who cast himself as pro-LGBT, is now under fire from Democrats for rolling back protections

South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo had reported that Kim Yong Chol was sentenced to hard labor and ideological re-education over the failed summit in Hanoi.

America's business leaders are growing more worried that the United States will enter a recession by the end of 2020

We don't pay much attention to the slow, patient, methodical way that China has strategically purchased an insane number of ports and dominated whole sectors (like rare earths extractives) because their timeline is so much longer than ours -- perhaps it's time we pay attention.

Kushner denied charges of racism against Trump to Axios. But when asked about the president's birther conspiracy against former President Barack Obama, he said: "Look, I wasn't really involved in that."

Philippine President Duterte says he 'used to be gay' before he 'cured' himself

Analysis: Tiananmen Square’s haunted silence, 30 years later

Huh. @realDonaldTrump "faved" a tweet for the first time in a while... and it's a George Orwell quote, critiquing Trump for denying calling Markle "nasty" even though he said it on tape.

Exclusive: Reporting by The New York Times shows how the family of Elaine Chao, transportation secretary and wife of Senator Mitch McConnell, prospered as the family’s shipping company developed deep ties to China’s political and economic elite.

Saudi Arabia murdered and dismembered a Washington Post journalist and Jared Kushner, who has access to all of our national security secrets, is communicating with MBS over WhatsApp. The US has been compromised

"The accuracy of North Korea's missiles improved all at once," a Japanese security official said. "That wouldn't have been possible without Russia's help." North Korea threat cannot be underestimated

Chao and her husband, Senator Mitch McConnell, have received millions of dollars in gifts from her father, James, who ran the company until last year. And McConnell has received more than $1 million political in contributions from Chao’s extended family.

It takes just one minute to confirm what a totally disingenuous, apologist stooge Jared Kushner truly is.

“Who am I. Why am I here?”

Obama says his administration shows it's "possible to achieve great power without corruption."

Eight months ago today, Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul while his fiancée waited outside. Moments later, he was murdered & dismembered by Saudi agents. The Trump admin has missed deadline to assess Crown Prince’s role. We will continue to cover this story

realDonaldTrump liked this tweet:

Mass protests have been planned for President Donald Trump’s upcoming state visit to the U.K., just a year after the giant "Trump Baby" blimp sparked controversy in London

Listening to Jared Kushner try to explain why the Palestinians should accept his Middle East peace plan is part deflection part delusion.

President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner said in an interview that the Palestinians aren’t yet able to govern themselves

If @TheDemocrats focus on getting evidence connecting @SenateGOP @HouseGOP to the Kremlin attacks that will get two birds with one stone. Let @senatemajldr McConnell know the longer he covers for Trump the more we will get on his caucus. Goat: to run them out of power forever.

Jared Kushner repeatedly refuses to say if Trump birtherism was racist in interview

The pro-lifer’s God is so pro-life He’ll kill any one that disagrees with Him.

Jared Kushner, the grandson of refugees who fled to America to escape the Holocaust, defended Trump's decision to slash the number of refugees allowed into the U.S. in an interview with "Axios on HBO."

"The Handmaid's Tale" cast and crew feel like America is turning into the hellscape their show's fictional Gilead portrays

Another piece targeting Chao (& hence McConnell) That “faimily shipping business” got caught transporting drugs.

How are his pants hiked halfway to his armpits and still four inches too long? How?


It's one thing to be relentlessly on message. It's another thing to be a complete shitbird and be relentlessly on message. You don't need me to tell you Jared is the latter.

I think I’m going to end today with this. Good night