Tuesday, March 12, 2019

“The complete lack of notice is yet another example of ongoing series of insidious attempts to strip due & procedural fairness from immigration proceedings. As public defenders representing immigrants, we demand fairness &justice for our clients & condemn this egregious action.”

Trump instructed his former chief of staff to fire his children because they kept generating bad media coverage, according to a new book

Notorious Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein Funded Women’s Empowerment Advocate Lana Pozhidaeva

Take two minutes to learn why the United States is involved in a war in Yemen that has killed thousands of civilians - and what you can do right now to help stop it.

NBC NEWS: Several NCAA D-1 college coaches have been charged in a large-scale nationwide entrance exam scandal by the FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston.

Tucker Carlson's week has gone from bad to worse real fast.

NEW: Actresses, CEOs arrested in nationwide college admissions cheating scam: Those indicted allegedly paid bribes of up to $6 million to get their children into elite colleges, including Yale, Stanford, Georgetown and the University of Southern California

Wanted in Russia, he partied at Mar-a-Lago – and invested in cheap South Florida homes

Spicy Files! Trump and Deutsche Bank...

“There will not be a separate admissions system for the wealthy. And there will not be a separate criminal justice system either.“

Remember: this means people paid money and were paid money - lots of it - to take positions away from more deserving students.

FBI accuses wealthy parents, including celebrities, in college-entrance bribery scheme aimed at schools such as Yale, Georgetown

There are 3 groups trying to divide America: - Foreign adversaries (Russia, China, Iran etc) - Kook right/Tea Party - Kook left/Justice Dems. Their tactics, outlook, and objectives are the same. And all 3 amplify each other to sow division & discord. Don’t fall for it, patriots.

I agree with @realDonaldTrump that Albert Einstein should not be my pilot. Also, Jared Kushner should not be a Senior White House Advisor. Nor should he have a security clearance.

Nancy Pelosi is playin' it smart. To move on impeachment before the House investigations are thru and the Mueller Report is out will make the GOP bury up like a tick. When the hammer drops, Republicans will look out for their own political interests

Kraft recruited defense attorneys Alex Spiro & William Burck, a lawyer in the George W. Bush WH, who clerked for retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy & represented SteveBannon & DonMcGhan

Trump's proposed budget would steer $20,000,000 to a hospital project backed by golfer Jack Nicklaus. Nicklaus lobbied Trump on the golf course in Florida. Trump personally directed HHS to earmark the funds, Politico reports.

Trump administration proposes $7.1 billion funding decrease to Education Department.

FACT: It is not a paid family leave proposal. Parents would pay for their own leave by raiding their Social Security. It’s based on the faulty premise that people have excess funds for retirement

"In a democracy, what comes to a vote should be determined by a process, a system, a democratic mechanism – not the whims of one person."

Cherry-picking @SpeakerPelosi’s statement is misleading. Add: “unless there’s something so compelling & overwhelming & bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country”... Because @GOP-led Senate won’t convict.

Tucker Carlson is a rich little boy. And it’s not from his Fox salary. Did you know that he is an heir to the Swanson frozen food empire, the Hungry Man people. The same ones that used a lot of undocumented workers in their factories and fields. Hypocrites are really scoundrels!

Rob @RYP__ reminds us here in his TL, of the 2017 report of Devin Nunes having quiet chat with Erik Prince. Given we now know, by Prince's own admission, he lied to the House Intel Committee, Devin has some 'splain to do

Vitriol and deflection: The return of the White House press briefing

I’ve filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the #SupremeCourt calling out corrosive #darkmoney gerrymandering campaigns. Shaping the redistricting process lets special interest groups affect the outcome of congressional races for a long time. Americans have had enough.

Nancy Pelosi is playing the long game. Aside from the divisiveness, we can't move Impeachment past the Senate and it's not a top polling priority to most voters. If you don't like it, vote him out or give her a blue Senate-until then, let the master work.

Trump calls for massive cuts to National Science Foundation budget

Don’t worry. I’ve been at this a long time and am more persistent than our enemies. We will prevail in the end and Sergei Magnitsky’s name will be on the law when it’s finally written. As Martin Luther King said “the arc of the universe is long but bends towards justice”

Reupping @20committee piece on how @Mod_Russia pretends to be Syrian Islamists to attack the West.

If Epstein et al don't establish good cause by Mar 19, the case gets unsealed

Golf Magazine is reporting that Trump has a plaque at his West Palm Beach golf club stating that he won the club's annual golf championship last year. He never actually played in that tournament.

Trump is proposing to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. This is absolutely unacceptable. Trump is trying to rob seniors of their ability to retire with dignity. We made a promise to our seniors. We must protect the social safety net!

He isn't an American crisis, he's a GLOBAL crisis...

Pompeo announces US pulling out all diplomats from #Venezuela

Pelosi comes out against impeaching Trump: ‘He’s just not worth it.’ The statement is likely to roil fellow Democrats.

Chinese officials have long been wary of putting Xi in a position where he might be embarrassed by an unpredictable Trump or forced into last-minute concessions

GOP fuss over potential Beto 2020 candidacy primed to backfire

Former day spa owner built business on access to Trump circle

Jeb Bush PAC slammed with fine for taking foreign Chinese money

Crowded calendar shows consequential week ahead for Mueller cases

$77-million cocaine seizure underscores an inconvenient truth for Trump: Vast majority of drugs come through ports

News Corp calls on Australian regulators to break up Google 's Australian business

"The budget released by the White House on Monday also calls for a sizeable reduction for Medicare, the federal insurance for older Americans that President Trump has consistently vowed to protect."

@JebBush’s Super PAC (Right to Rise USA) that spent >$100 million for Jeb was hit with a massive $390,000 fine by the FEC for soliciting >$1 million in ILLEGAL contributions from #Chinese🇨🇳nationals via Jeb’s brother, Neil Bush

JUST IN: Mueller probe being funded through September

Closer look at Manafort lie raises new questions about Trump PAC