Monday, February 4, 2019

So much for Trump’s perma-tan being the result of “good genes.”

According to a Department of Health and Human Services watchdog, thousands more migrant children were separated from their families at the border than previously reported,

Senior intelligence briefers warn that Trump is "endangering American security" for his “willful ignorance." Two intel officers were "warned to avoid" giving assessments that contradict his public stances.

If Trump declares a national emergency, Pelosi can jam Republicans. Here’s how.

Analysis: Trump claims a wall is needed to stop human trafficking. No data back up his claim.

Breaking: President Trump will nominate David Bernhardt to be the new Interior secretary, ending the search for a permanent replacement for Ryan Zinke

A Koch subsidiary is being sued for PFAS water contamination. Meanwhile, a former Koch executive is now helping craft the federal government's response to PFAS contamination. This is beyond outrageous

In Iowa, Republican Wins Close Race After GOP Lawmakers Reject Absentee Ballots

In Moscow, There’s No Longer Any Line Between Spies, Lies & Terrorists

"The leak is either the greatest act of insubordination in modern political history, or the bravest act of a White House whistle-blower. Either way, the truth bomb has been detonated - Donald Trump doesn’t do much of anything as president. " -

Members of House Intel will gather on Wednesday at 10 a.m. to vote on the “transmission of Certain Committee Transcripts to the Department of Justice.”

A Tough Federal Judge Told Roger Stone It’s Time to Shut Up

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax: "There's a lot of uncertainty right now in our government but we always have to be prepared to assume our roles and responsibilities that are given to us by the Virginia Constitution."

Susan Collins received $1.8 mil in donations after voting to confirm Kavanaugh ($250K+ from Super PACs). She raised just $140K in the quarter before the vote. There shouldn't be a financial incentive for a Senator to confirm a Supreme Court justice. It's an insult to democracy.

Trump plans to use his #SOTU address to plead for bipartisanship in an era of deep division and bitterness largely engineered by, well, himself

Important: Please watch this video from the National Butterfly Center. This is not only destroying their 'business,' its destroying excessive amounts of habitat that creates critically important pollinators, many of which are endangered already.

"He’s going to give Rocket Man a choice: death or condos” — Lindsey Graham on Trump’s North Korea policy.

BREAKING: Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro is trying to move $1.2 billion out of the country to Uruguay, his rival Juan Guaido alleges

New filing in United States v. Concord Management and Consulting, LLC: Memorandum in Opposition

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Democrats try to cut off "emergency funds" for Trump’s border wall

Here are all the treaties and agreements Trump has abandoned

President Trump won't commit to releasing the Mueller report, says the decision is up to AG

I remain stunned (and fascinated) by the voluminous, embarrassing leaks from INSIDE the White House. Amazing how little respect Trump's own staff have for him, given what they're willing to leak

Trump said this week that his company had not selected a Trump Tower Moscow location. But business docs, emails, texts, and architectural plans obtained by BuzzFeed News show that the Trump Org. was scoping at least one prime location for his skyscraper.

Netanyahu goes full-on Trump at entrances to Jerusalem & Tel Aviv. “Netanyahu: A Different League”

Polling suggests that when it comes to soaking the rich, the American public is increasingly on board

NEW POLL: 43 percent say federal government is doing worst job of governing of their lives

Laziest in history ...

Around 6:30 p.m. Sunday, electricity was restored to the MDC, a federal prison in Brooklyn. But problems with the heating system, which are unrelated to the electrical failure, remain, and while parts of the jail have heat, many cells do not...

ICE is now force-feeding at least 9 men on hunger strikes in a Texas detention center. One described being dragged from his cell 3 times a day, strapped down on a bed and force-fed by people pouring liquid into tubes pushed through his nose

The Latest: Britain recognizes Guaido as Venezuelan leader

Trump says he doesn't "have to agree" with intelligence chiefs on global threats

Does anyone really believe Trump has hundreds of calls and meetings every day?

As vacancies pile up in Trump administration, senators grow concerned

TRUMP makes brazen attempt to gaslight, tells CBS of Roger Stone’s alleged crimes, “Even the Mueller report said it had nothing to do with the campaign.”

Saudi Arabia holding women in 'torture' conditions, say UK MPs

This is a problem. He’s skirting confirmation and installing ppl who will do what he wants. He just admitted it.