Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Lawyer for "Putin's chef" claims unfair prosecution by Mueller

McConnell on the president's proposal, which has been rejected by Democratic leaders: "It's a strong proposal. It's the only one on the table. And later this week, we'll vote on it."

Supreme Court releases censored appeal by foreign government in mystery Mueller case

BREAKING: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approves Magnitsky Report 95-3 calling on all Council of Europe member states to pass Global Magnitsky Acts in their countries to sanction human rights abusers

Robert Foresman, US banker with ties to Putin’s inner circle sought access to Trump transition

Breaking News: Senate leaders reached a bipartisan deal that could reopen the government for a few weeks, allowing the State of the Union address to proceed

The three intersecting threads linking ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩’s campaign to Russian intelligence — Tar Heels can’t forgive or forget Russian facilitators

Last year I asked the leader of a Mexican smuggling group if Trump’s wall would stop migrants. “No. That’s not an obstacle for someone who is suffering from hunger, misery and poverty in their own country. It doesn’t matter what they put up.“

“I believe that Mitch McConnell has ruined the Senate” — Harry Reid to the NYTM, in a very readable look at the Kentucky Republican

NEW: The State Department has just had to cancel its big international conference on BORDER SECURITY and preventing WMD across borders... due to the shutdown over...yes, BORDER SECURITY

BuzzFeed publishes what it says is the detailed letter of intent for the proposed Trump tower in Moscow, signed by Trump during the Republican primary and including lots of specific details Giuliani claimed yesterday do not exist.

“It says the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia is "the first appellate court in American history to exercise criminal jurisdiction over a foreign state.”

"If he wanted to end the Russia investigation, this was a diabolical way to do it: The self proclaimed 'law and order President' has effectively brought the wheels of justice to a grinding halt with his self created self, perpetuated government shutdown... "

Damning evidence of collusion is hiding in plain sight,

.@GovChristie on POTUS, per @Axios excerpt: "Far too often, he’s found himself saddled with the riffraff. ... Instead of high-quality, vetted appointees for key administration posts...Too few Kellyanne Conways. A boatload of Sebastian Gorkas.

Trump voters now blame him for the government shutdown. "What the [expletive] were we thinking?"

The GOP "compromise" on the shutdown shovels money into ICE detentions & would make it harder than ever to claim asylum.

Trump wants to reclassify radioactive waste from nuclear weapons to "low level" so disposal is cheaper. What an absolute idiot!

Trump's drug ad price transparency contains huge loophole, researchers identify

If I was a Dutch citizen who lost 192 compatriots on MH17 from Russian terrorism I would demand tough justice. So far the Dutch PM Rutte just appeases and appeases

Convergence Is Worse Than Collusion

This is what a stolen SCOTUS seat looks like for civil rights in the US—devastating discrimination enforced by the Supreme Court. STAND UP and speak out against intolerance. I believe in an America where EVERY American has a place in our country and in our Armed Forces.

Here's more details on Mitch McConnell's agreement to let the Democrats' bill go up for a vote Thursday

Nancy Pelosi just joined Chef José Andrés to tour a temporary kitchen that's helping feed federal workers during the government shutdown. "I'm here to thank the volunteers and thank the federal workers for what they do."

Eye-catching detail in the latest brief by Trump transition team member Bijan Kian's attorneys: They want prosecutors to specify "all alleged co-conspirators" in the Turkish influence op, beside co-defendant Ekim Alptekin.

There’s something called the Antideficiency Act, which basically says the government can only spend money that Congress has authorized. I have some questions about how the Administration is arbitrarily picking and choosing which agencies to reopen in the middle of the shutdown.

Payday lenders can trap people in cycles of debt. 14 AGs are urging @FDICgov to stop banks from becoming fronts for payday lenders or making loans that people won't be able to pay back. The FDIC must protect people from “rent-a-bank” payday lending.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “We cannot have the president, every time he has an objection, to say I’ll shut down the government until you come to my way of thinking…If we hold the employees hostage now, they’re hostage forever.”

Please take a moment to think about the hundreds of thousands of workers across the country who are FORCED to work for free, but still have to put gas in the car and pay for food for their families. Because the Senate GOP and Trump sure aren’t. End the #TrumpShutdown.

NEW: Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is interested in the Trump campaign’s relationship with the NRA during the 2016 campaign, CNN’s @SaraMurray reports.

Schumer: "The president's proposal is one-sided, harshly partisan and was made in bad faith ... Offering some temporary protections back in exchange for the wall is not a compromise. It's more hostage taking."

McConnell just objected to his 10th? funding bill.... after blaming the Dems for throwing federal employees under the bus.

A judge will *not* order the North Carolina state election board to certify Republican Mark Harris as the winner of NC-09 election

Get the government back up and running. Then we can have a debate about what we need to do to pass comprehensive immigration reform. 800,000 federal workers don’t deserve to suffer while that’s debated.

Stock losses are growing at midday with the Dow now down 300 points

White House seeks walk-through for State of the Union

NYT reports that Trump admin sanctions on companies controlled by oligarch Oleg Deripaska are weaker than advertised. A binding confidential doc contains provisions that free Deripaska from huge debts. He and his allies will retain majority ownership

Wow. Massive asylum restrictions is right. This bill appears to ban asylum for Central American Minors who try to apply at the US border! It says that if you're a CAM, you MUST apply in your country or you are ineligible for asylum. And then the bill sets a cap!

Senator says "one bad email" could show House GOP allegedly worked to obstruct justice

BREAKING: The White House officially ran out of special industrial strength, hair spray this morning at 7AM Eastern time.

Trump asked Paul Ryan why he couldn't "be loyal to your president": report

Trump has requested a walk-through of the House chamber for a January 29 State of the Union speech. Lawmakers would have to pass a resolution to hold the event

HEADLINE: Idiot hoping to start birther conspiracy on Kamala Harris now not even pretending anymore by giving interviews to Kremlin propaganda outlet

BREAKING: U.S. service member killed in Afghanistan: statement; 2nd American KIA in Afghanistan this year

JUST IN: Russian oligarch retains majority ownership in company after Trump lifts sanctions: report

There are multiple lawsuits challenging the president's trans military ban. Three of them won injunctions, a court order blocking the ban, in lower courts. SCOTUS did lift the ban on the two cases it was asked to review — but our case and the injunction we won are NOT impacted

The partial government shutdown is driving thousands of U.S. Coast Guard members to apply for financial assistance with the American Legion. News 8's @TimMcNicholas reports on the efforts of the war veterans organization headquartered in Indianapolis.

Giuliani: I'm worried my gravestone will say "He lied for Trump"

Trump-Russia is a multinational conspiracy involving 100s of Americans.

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst: I turned down chance to be Trump’s vice president in order to placate my husband

Who thinks it is okay to force people to work with no pay? How can this be happening in America? It's not just the 800k. Govt contractors in DC area starting to lay people off, take pay cuts. Is impacting millions of people. Is Trump's real goal here to break the USG itself?

Because two more Republican senators wouldn't cross over and vote to stop the lifting of those sanctions on Oleg Deripaska, the Trump administration is about to gift him hundreds of millions of dollars.

What happens when defendants don't have the facts or law behind them, and feel cornered? They attack law enforcement. See below for an example from @realDonaldTrump.@POTUS sure acts scared of what the @FBI may have uncovered.

China grants Ivanka Trump five trademarks as White House continues trade negotiations with Beijing

Breaking: Supreme Court allows Trump’s restrictions on transgender military personnel to take effect as legal battle continues

Donald Trump on Tuesday said he told White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders "not to bother" with press briefings any more, and tried to blame the media for the increasingly rare events

New: FBI Agents Association just released a 72-page report about the shutdown. "The shutdown has eliminated any ability to operate," says 1 agent. "The US Attorney's Office is unable to issue grand jury subpoenas for financial institutions," says another.

#TrumpShutDown is no longer just a National Security issue, it’s an Obstruction Of Justice issue and Mitch McConnell and the @gop are responsible.

US banker tied to Putin’s inner circle sought access to Trump transition: Sources

The firefighters who responded to the fire in the Lincoln National Forest are furloughed, federal employees. Apparently, Senator Mitch McConnell thinks the wall is more important than paying these firefighters who saved people's homes.

Trump's TV producer from NBC was a major player in getting Russian influence into the White House, even after the election. And look: Tom Barrack, who owns part of Trump International DC.

BREAKING: On the eve of protests in Venezula aimed at overthrowing the Maduro regime, Pence is urging the Venezuelan people to “make your voices heard” against President Nicolas Maduro,

When an NBC television producer was pushing so hard to get Russia assets into the Trump Admin, now ask why NBC put $400 million into Buzzfeed.

You mean dumping info about legal USIC ops against foreign adversaries has nothing to do with US civil liberties? ... Who knew? Sigh.

The former UK ambassador to the IAEA carefully rebuts the attempt by Bolton, ISIS and FDD to use Israeli-supplied intelligence to tear apart the agreement now limiting Iran’s nuclear program.

Twitter suspends account that helped ignite controversy over viral encounter - CNN This is going to be important

Wow. Russian authorities just released Nastya Rybka. That was unexpected.

Leaked audio suggests Russian aluminum oligarch Oleg Deripaska planned the arrest of model Anastasia Vashukevich—who claimed to have evidence of Kremlin interference in Trump’s election

Cc @thespybrief there's a comment here that got my attention, Canada and the be UK (of which he's also a citizen) were denied consular access by Russia. That seems to really paint the picture.

Major GOP donor Len Blavatnik had business ties to a Russian official

In Business and Governing, Trump Seeks Victory in Chaos

‘Absolutely out of control’: Cliff Sims’s book depicts life in Trump’s White House

I'm only interested in the #CovingtonCatholic incident for what it tells us, in 2019, about how easy it is for false/incomplete narratives to go viral, with ample pushing by blue-checks, which are exploited by bad actors. If you can't see the political relevance of this, wake up.

Giuliani calls SC to complain about a leak. SC issues a rare statement that some facts in #BuzzFeed story were inaccurate. Russian agitators seed negative info about the reporter on social media. Media piles on. Trump scores a fake news win. Story dies.

Just about to start the #WEF19 in Davos. This year the US, U.K. and French governments have dropped out. As a result, the ratio of dictatorships to democracies in Davos is now seriously skewed towards the bad guys

Stay frosty Patriots. The deza horseshoe is in full play. Bob Mueller & the SCO investigation, is a huge target by Russia, China , Saudi Arabia et al. We need to put our critical thinking hats on, & roll sweetly over these mofo's

Trump and Cohen pressured CNBC in 2014 to place Trump higher in its list of top biz leaders after Cohen failed to manipulate rankings, WSJ reports. Cohen called CNBC and threatened that Trump would sue. He said CNBC was "ignoring the will of the people."

The Republican bill containing the President’s “offer” to reopen the govt makes extreme changes to the asylum system, including forbidding entirely asylum applications by Central American minors at the border or other ports of entry.

Today, I visited @TSA agents at #HNL who have been working without pay for 31 days. They shared so many heartbreaking stories. For ex.: some workers are taking out personal loans, considering moving in with their parents, and facing eviction because they can’t pay their rent

Analysis: Most South Koreans think Moon, not Trump, is leading the way on North Korea talks

The MS-13 member who secretly helped police is deported

Paul Whelan in Moscow court on espionage charges. His lawyer said today he received confidential information but didn't realise it

Moscow court rejects #PaulWhelan's request for release on bail, leaves him in pretrial detention.

A probe into possible financial irregularities involving a son of Brazil's president threatens to overshadow Jair Bolsonaro's #wef19 trip

Curt Schilling claimed the Sandy Hook and Parkland mass school shootings were hoaxes.

Sen. Jeff Merkley on Sen. Kamala Harris 2020 announcement: "I think it's so great to have so many capable colleagues into this race... All of them would make a president 1000% better than where we are right now."

MLK's son SLAMS Mike Pence for comparing Trump to his father: He "was a bridge builder, not a wall builder".

Some News. @wef announces that @SecPompeo will be in #Davos2019 after all and is scheduled to speak from 4 to 4:30 pm CET. The White House had previously cancelled the US delegation attending Davos.

Shutdown in U.S., slowing growth in China fuel concerns over global economy - The Washington Post #TrumpRecession is coming.

Someone should ask Jake Tapper why he promoted PR spin from a firm founded by a CNN contributor as if it was a statement written by a Covington teenager.

Taliban militants kill 47 Afghan soldiers at a base west of Kabul

Researchers have discovered another secret ballistic missile base in North Korea, one of an estimated 20 that the communist state has not declared. The base, called Sino-ri, was disclosed in a report released Monday

Fear. @DeripaskaOleg is scared of this woman so badly he had to use the apparatus of state to go after her. Sad

Deportation, detention and up to 8 years prison: the latest on Nastya Rybka

#Trump quotes from #PATBUCHANAN column: "The more multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural, multilingual America becomes, the less it looks like Ronald Reagan's America, the more dependably Democratic it will become." Pat, you & Donny are the best marketing tool the Dems ever had.

National Parks Could Take Years To Recover From The Government Shutdown

The Trump administration’s decision to cut more than $200 million in development aid to the Palestinians is forcing NGOs to slash food aid and basic health services for tens of thousands, further dimming hope for peace.

Keep an eye on this one. A close eye.

Thanks to #CitizensUnited, it's not just the Koch brothers who can buy elections. Russia can, too, with oligarchs like Leonard #Blavatnik, a naturalized American, funneling millions into GOP PACs.

2,500 retailers are unable to take any form of food stamps due to the government shutdown, because they need to renew EBT debit card licenses but can't.

Rachel Maddow explained Trump's "one neat trick" to put the FBI out of business.

JUST IN: Russian oligarch retains majority ownership in company after Trump lifts sanctions

What’s hardest to guard against — but vital to avoid — is the way that casually clownish confessions of corruption and reasons to doubt Trump’s undivided loyalty to the U.S. inoculate the public in advance to news of perfidy that would otherwise outrage

U.S. to formally seek extradition of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou: Globe and Mail

John Kelly said that working for Trump was “worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had”

Trump said he beat ISIS. Instead, he’s giving it new life.

Britain's opposition Labour party is calling for a vote that could trigger another Brexit referendum. But there are some pretty big obstacles to overcome

Sen. Kamala Harris says President Trump is "holding the American people hostage over a vanity project that he calls a wall." "It is completely irresponsible and those folks don't want a wall, they want a paycheck," she adds

Turkey planning international investigation into Khashoggi case: minister

"With each passing day, the 2020 election looks like the post-Watergate 1976 election"

Public outrage helped force Trump to stop child separation policy

Republican claims blacks and whites were lynched at equal rates in MLK Day message (seriously)

Internal report exposes extent of Trump child separation policy

What planning for a gold-plated post-presidency in the mancave of Daddy’s bff Vladimir looks like

Fox & Friends sorry for graphic saying Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead

Giuliani tells NYer he's "been through all the tapes" and that's how he knew BuzzFeed misreported. Pressed on what he means by tapes, Giuliani: "I shouldn’t have said tapes." Pressed again, says, "I have listened to tapes, but none of them concern this."

Document shows Trump, GOP sanctions lift a boon to Deripaska

Joe Neguse (D., Colo.) a freshman member of the House Judiciary Committee, told constituents Friday that the panel will “likely” investigate perjury claims against Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh & may move to impeach him depending on their findings

President Trump Posts Altered Photos to Facebook and Instagram That Make Him Look Thinner

Giuliani walks back startling claims on talk about Trump’s Moscow tower plan

Model with 2016 secret fights to escape Russia, Deripaska's reach

JUST IN: China urges Canada to release Huawei executive Meng - foreign ministry

Russia hit by EU sanctions tied to 2018 Salisbury poisoning

Russian Oligarch and Allies Could Benefit From Sanctions Deal, Document Shows

Not that there was any doubt, but new audio recordings released by ⁦@navalny⁩ show that associates of Oleg Deripaksa conspired to have Nastya Rybka arrested

While Trump was pursuing deal worth hundreds of millions in Russia... He was advocating eliminating sanctions worth billions to Putin. He was asking Russia to hack Clinton’s emails. His son was meeting Russian officials to get dirt on Clinton. And Rudy says it’s no big deal?

Emin Agalarov seems a bit hesitant flying into FVEY countries. "Due to the Intelligence Agencies of several Western countries wishing to question me, I will have to postpone,....indefinitely "