Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ryan Zinke’s disregard for the environment was the real scandal of his tenure as Donald Trump's Interior Secretary

Stephen Miller proves the cover-up is worse than the crime.

An Oxford report prepared for a Senate panel will reportedly detail Russia's online efforts for Trump in 2016

Dick Durbin: "When Mueller's investigation is complete, whenever that may be, it should be disclosed to the American public. They ought to see it in detail, understand everything that has transpired."

Russia used every major social media platform to help elect and support Trump, says sweeping report prepared for the Senate

Let me get this straight: Sears has $25 million laying around to pay out executives who ran the company into the ground, but doesn't have any money to give the thousands of workers they laid off severance pay?

One torture-murder wasn’t enough to strain Trump’s loyalty to his customer: “Trump admin officials asked federal law enforcement agencies to examine legal ways of removing the exiled cleric in an attempt to persuade Erdogan to ease pressure on the Saudi govt, the 4 sources said.”

Hey @pfizer - what does it say about your company and your moral positions if you advertise on @tuckercarlson’s show? He and @FoxNews get rich off of dividing our country and spewing lies and hate at immigrant communities who are just trying to survive. Maybe choose another show.

Walgreens, Microsoft, Dr Pepper Snapple, J.P. Morgan Chase and Humana are key supporters of the Wisconsin Republican legislators now trying to undermine democracy, NYT reports.

There’s absolutely no chance this wild and crazy judicial decision holding the entire ACA unconstitutional will survive Supreme Court review. You can take my opinion on that to the bank. This isn’t even close

"Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office." -- Lindsey Graham, making a great case for removing Donald Trump

Jeffrey Epstein donated $10,000 to Democrats in October. They frantically sent it back

"Facebook is this machine that takes good intentions and turns them into ugly, horrible social events," says tech pioneer Jaron Lanier.

Rural Americans who voted for Trump are being left behind in the economic boom

White House pushed Zinke to quit for weeks and told him he would be fired if he did not. He was viewed as big issue w/Democrats taking House. But he wanted to have his Christmas party Thursday night, where he invited activists, lobbyists, donors and more

Human-caused climate change is transforming the Arctic, both physically and biologically, a new report states. And that can influence extreme weather in places including the United States and Europe.

BREAKING Trump working on extraditing cleric, Turkish foreign minister says

They’re not even trying to hide the willful subversion of our laws anymore. It’s right out in the open. This isn’t freedom, or patriotism. It’s the opposite, and everything our founders opposed.

This dude almost certainly committed election fraud on a massive scale and the headline probably ought to emphasize that rather than trying to be cute

Rep. John Garamendi: "Mueller has the goods on certainly Flynn, certainly on the others, and quite probably on the president."

An excellent read into what Facebook REALLY is. An ad company that needs to be held to the SAME legal standards as other ad companies (besides the actual criminal negligence and actions they do).

GOP feels heat in wake of Obamacare ruling: 'It's all the downsides'

Here’s the profile on Oczkowski and his new venture owned by Parscale called Data Propria (which means personal data in Latin) and Oz says he gonna be ethical from now on.

‘Stop,’ ‘I wasn’t there,’ ‘I don’t know anything about that’: Republicans dodge or dismiss Trump’s legal woes

Trump Family's Tenants Paid More in Rent Because of Property Improvement Scheme

There are still plenty of unknowns. But Trump’s attempts to conceal his conduct are ominous

Two Michael Flynn associates tell us that Flynn said he was in contact with Amb. Kislyak during the campaign & discussed how Trump and Russia could work together if Trump won—while Moscow was attacking & subverting the US election.