Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Justice Department is preparing to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and is optimistic about bringing him to the U.S.

NEW: Mitch McConnell just filed cloture on NC judicial nominee Thomas Farr, who has ties to white supremacists and has spent his entire career working against civil rights, especially voting rights and workers’ rights.

Actual Nazis are marching around a Kohls parking with semiautomatic rifles in Arkansas. Everything is fine

NEW: Facebook reeling after damning New York Times report

Trump Just Blurted Out, Unprompted, That He Installed His Pet Attorney General Over the Russia Probe

BREAKING: Florida Secretary of State orders manual recount in US Senate race.

Under no circumstances should the Administration extradite one U.S. resident to appease Turkey over the murder of another U.S. resident by Saudi Arabia. Nor should it be done to assist in a cover up. U.S. residents should be protected, not bartered.

A new rule from Betsy DeVos would require universities to allow accused sexual abusers to cross-examine and re-traumatize their victims. This is absolutely sickening.

JUST IN: Maria Butina's lawyers asked federal judge to throw out the 2-count indictment against her. They say prosecutors have an extremely weak case and violated the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Constitution. (Deemed a possible flight risk, Butina has been in jail since July.)

Florida Democrat Nelson sues state to force hand recount of ballots

Just FYI: Tomorrow is the 666th day of Donald Trump's presidency.

The Strange Case of American Diplomats in Cuba: As the Mystery Deepens, So Do Divisions in Washington

Doug Jones in Alabama Conor Lamb in Pennsylvania Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona Now it's Mike Espy's turn in Mississippi. Help us pull off another historic victory deep in Trump country. Volunteer here

Following Jared Golden's victory over incumbent Rep. Bruce Poliquin in Maine's 2nd district, Republicans now hold zero House seats in New England and only one Senate seat — Susan Collins.

JUST IN: Federal judge Mark Walker has issued a denial to the request from Sen. Bill Nelson and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to extend the recount deadline. Counties are set to submit results of a machine recount by 3:00 PM today.

Gaetz pushing Trump to back Jim Jordan for top Judiciary Republican

Silicon Valley doesn’t want the U.S. to get too hasty about regulation

Remember when Mike Flynn and his idiot son were going to kidnap this guy?

Secret backroom deals? Meetings with the NRA & big coal? No, @SecretaryZinke, this isn’t “B.S.” – these are serious ethics scandals. You owe the American people an explanation.

“many of the stories on the front page are about me. You know, all my life I told this story, had stories on the front page. A few, not a big deal. Which wasn’t bad, you know, maybe seven... “THE DAILY CALLER: Sir, I do want to turn to policy.”

BREAKING: Facebook's board responds to New York Times investigation, says it tried to push Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg to 'move faster' on interference issues

Judges denies request by Concord Management to throw out Mueller's indictment. It was one of firms indicted by Mueller in election interference case.

NEW TODAY: Mueller scored another victory in court when a Trump-appointed judge upheld his indictment against a Russian troll farm. So far, defendants haven't had much luck pushing back against Mueller in court. Here's my wrap on today's decision:

It's gotta be a bad spy scandal to shock Vienna. The Kremlin just did.

The son of Israeli-#Russian🇷🇺 diamond oligarch Lev Leviev was arrested in #Israel, suspected in a diamond smuggling scheme.

UPDATE: Bob Mueller’s Grand Jury enters day three today and Trump is on a new-level Twitter rant about Mueller first thing this mornin’.

Trump told a preposterous lie in interview w/ conservative website, claiming Republicans are losing elections because of people voting multiple times. “Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in & vote again.”

Packed house here in Jackson. Looking forward to talking to everyone about my plans to move Mississippi forward.

NEWS: the President has just nominated 13 more #judges and sent their names to the Senate. 🇺🇸

As highlighted on PBS @NewsHour, “from 2016 to 2017, public filings show Saudi payments to lobbyists almost quadrupled, from $7 million to $27 million.”

Man shouts 'Heil Hitler, Heil Trump' during intermission of Baltimore performance of 'Fiddler on the Roof'

We have our OLC opinion on Whitaker's appointment. READ it

A state legislator once brushed off Cassandra Levesque’s campaign to end child marriage in New Hampshire as “a request from a minor doing a Girl Scout project.” So Cassandra, 19 years old, ran for the state legislature herself—and won.

So @mattgaetz said that Democrats are "using the Florida recounts as a test to see how they can steal 2020 from Trump."

Lawyers request "Apprentice" tapes in suit over Trump ending DACA protections

Waking up to extraordinary news from London. Five ministers resign over the Brexit deal, May's government in crisis, pound tumbling, and general chaos about what happens now.

I can't remember a time we've seen more people around a sitting president be cited, investigated, chased out, fired, indicted...and we are only two years in.

So the plagiarism guy got the interview with the president for the frozen fish heir’s super bias right wing website. Am I leaving anything out here?

JUST IN: A federal judge has ruled that some 4,000 Florida residents who submitted mail-in and provisional ballots that were rejected, because the signatures did not match those on file, will have until Saturday at 5 p.m. to correct their signatures.

Military experts say we should cut Medicare to fund bigger military

VP Pence and Putin had a 15-20 minute chat in between other meetings at ASEAN in Singapore.

Trump team reportedly workshopping nicknames for 2020 Democratic candidates

Facebook has lost its right to be trusted. It’s time to seriously consider breaking it up. AntiTRUST isn’t just a pun!

Private prison companies poured record amounts of money into the 2018 elections—more than $1.6 million in federally disclosed contributions as of mid-October.

Opinion: Three very positive signs for democracy

Exclusive: U.S. troop levels at Mexico border likely at peak - commander

Daily Caller reports that when asked about anti-fascists today, President Trump said: “These people, like the Antifa — they better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize. Because if they do, they’re much tougher. Much stronger. Potentially much more violent."

Mitch McConnell likes to avoid bills that would divide his caucus. But Trump's endorsement of a criminal justice reform bill gives new life to a measure that divides Senate Republicans.

I worked on Rubio’s presidential campaign, so I am saddened to see “Little Marco” turning into his tormentor’s mini-me. But that is the Trump effect: He is pushing otherwise sane Republicans down conspiratorial rabbit holes.

The looming threat to Trumps booming economy

#Brexit Secretary Raab resigns thrusting May's government into turmoil

Israel-Hamas fighting erupted just as negotiations advanced. What started it, and why does it matter?

The Latest: European Court of Human Rights rules Russian authorities' arrests of opposition leader Alexei Navalny were politically driven

Saudi Arabia releases findings of Khashoggi inquiry, seeks death penalty for five people it says who ordered the journalist’s death

So when does the media start openly asking the, now beyond, obvious question: “How long has @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell been working for Vladimir Putin?”

The Sec of Defense, the Sec of DHS and the commissioner of CBP are all walking around in a barren field in south Texas touring a military deployment for a migrant caravan that is arriving 1,500 miles away in Tijuana

Surreal moment: I just got a visit from two special agents for the FBI who informed me that Cesar Sayoc, the suspected pipe bomber, conducted searches of my name before he was arrested. Fellow reporters, be vigilant!

Montana federal judge tells neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin and his troll lawyer Marc Randazza that "muh free speech" is not a defense for orchestrating an anti-Semitic harassment campaign against Tanya Gersh.

“If you buy a box of cereal—you have a voter ID.” --Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America Nov. 14, 2018

Russia’s meddling in U.S. elections is not a hoax. It’s the culmination of Moscow’s decades-long campaign to tear the west apart, and Americans are now using Russia’s playbook against one another

Friends and family of Ron Helus will gather to celebrate the life of the sheriff's deputy who raced into a California bar crackling with gunfire, allowing others to escape.

Jacob Wohl using his Surefire Intelligence Twitter account to take credit for Michael Avenatti’s arrest, possibly admitting that he made up the allegation (an allegation we currently know little about) for political reasons is the most Jacob Wohl thing Jacob Wohl has ever done.

Democracy dies on Facebook.

Mitch McConnell has done grave damage to all three branches of government

Facebook has released a statement about its anti-Soros fear-mongering: "To suggest that this was an anti-Semitic attack is reprehensible and untrue."

Trump Is Reshaping The Judiciary. A Breakdown By Race, Gender And Qualification

Federal Judge Weighs Delay As Deadline Looms For Florida Recounts

I just don’t understand how Macron got under his skin

#Russia's state TV makes a smooth transition from "our forces were never in #Ukraine" to "of course our Special Services (GRU, FSB, SVR) are there, it would be stupid to deny that."

Whitaker controversy grows, Mueller tips hand on investigations

Amazon Met With ICE Officials to Market Its Facial Recognition Product

President Donald Trump has nominated handbag designer Lana Marks to be the next US ambassador to South Africa

NEW: The Trump admin. has responded to CNN's lawsuit challenging the revocation of Jim Acosta's credentials, arguing they have "broad discretion" to determine access, and that the decision to revoke Acosta's access was "viewpoint- and content-neutral"

WH officials are struggling to understand the source of the fury fueling Trump's eruptions. "This is a level of insanity I've never seen before," one ex-West Wing staffer told VF. "He's under a tremendous amount of mental stress," a prominent GOPer said.

Office of the Special Counsel: "defendant Gates continues to cooperate with respect to SEVERAL ongoing investigations."

Facebook has proved it will not regulate itself. It needs to be regulated like a utility. If we do not regulate social media, which is a crucial part of infrastructure in the modern world, America will be vulnerable to foreign weaponized propaganda in every election.

Jacob Wohl Appears To Take Credit For Michael Avenatti Arrest, Trump Fan Earlier Tried To Frame Robert Mueller

Fox News fans melt down after their favorite network supports CNN's Acosta: 'You are dead to me'

Whitaker’s unusual path to Justice Department included owning day-care center, trailer maker and concrete supplier. Eye-popping story about the Acting AG from my colleagues

That's amazing. Not one. Not two. Not three. FOUR Mar-a-Lago members as ambassadors. People paying the president money are getting ambassadorships. Over and over and over again. Presidents used to try to hide this kind of unethical behavior, now it's completely normalized.

Statement from Fox News, NBC News, The NY Times, The Washington Post, Bloomberg News, AP, Politico, First Look Media, USA Today and others: "We will be filing friend-of-the-court briefs to support CNN's and Jim Acosta's lawsuit based on these principles.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy elected to take over the Republican caucus next year, fending off a challenge from conservative Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio in a closed-door election. Jordan is a leader of the House Freedom Caucus

"The FTC considered Whitaker a material witness when the agency began probing rampant customer complaints about [the firm]. Investigators were examining whether Whitaker helped the company silence critics by threatening them with legal