Wednesday, September 12, 2018

BREAKING: Gunman kills five people in a series of shootings in Bakersfield, California before taking his own life: police

How out of whack are Paul Ryan’s priorities? He hasn’t scheduled a vote to reauthorization the Violence Against Women Act that expires on Sept 30th. And now, even Republicans are beg him to schedule it for a vote.

Yesterday, we learned that FEMA's budget was slashed by $10 million dollars and that money was transferred to ICE to build detention centers. Today, we find out that the Coast Guard budget was slashed by nearly $30 million dollars for the same purpose.

Willie Nelson Will Headline a Rally for Beto O’Rourke: The end-of-September event is the first time Nelson has ever performed directly on behalf of a political candidate

Here are the gambling-related questions for Brett Kavanaugh submitted by Senator Sheldon @SenWhitehouse ..

The Kavanaugh vote is scheduled for Thursday, call till your fingers bleed. 202 224 3121 and raise hell

JUST IN: Manafort seeks plea deal without special counsel cooperation: report

The earliest reasonable time that tropical-storm-force winds could arrive in the United States from #Florence is late Wednesday, and the most likely time is Thursday morning. Wednesday should be the last full day to prepare, so plan accordingly.

Feds reportedly probing "suspicious" money transfers made after Trump Tower meeting

A D.C. liquor board will consider today whether the Trump International Hotel should be allowed to sell alcohol after a group of residents complained that Trump fails the "good character" test required of anyone who wants to sell booze in the city.

BREAKING: Trump admin moved millions of dollars from FEMA to ICE ahead of 2018 hurricane season. Senator Merkley joins us now to discuss.

Senator Merkley: Trump admin planning internment camps for detained immigrant families.

The CBO has changed its prediction for when the deficit will hit $1,000,000,000,000 from 2020 to the end of this fiscal year

As #HurricaneFlorence bears down, I discovered today that the Trump Administration is taking money away from @FEMA so that they can pay to put more asylum seekers in detention centers. This is a scandal.

Woodward: "I've done this for 47 years and I've never seen so many paths [of potential inquiry]."

Trump's plan to help eliminate the federal debt was to print more money: report

‘Shipwreck’: GOP grows fearful about losing Senate as candidates struggle, Trump support tumbles

"I actually think it was one of the best jobs," President Trump says of his administration's hurricane response in Puerto Rico, calling it an "incredible unsung success."

McConnell screws Dems ahead of election with October session

George W. Bush, rarely seen these days, is coming out to fundraise for vulnerable GOP candidates — some in districts where Trump wouldn’t be welcome.

'The president seems incapable of thinking': Mother Jones editor David Corn swears he's not exaggerating after reading Woodward book

Army general who fixed Bush's failure after Katrina warns Trump administration isn't prepared for Hurricane Florence

Sheldon Whitehouse Asks Brett Kavanaugh If He Has A Gambling Problem

Drug company CEO defends 400 percent price increase: "It is a moral requirement to make money when you can"