Tuesday, September 11, 2018

NEW: 9th Circuit rejects Koch group's bid for donor secrecy in fight with California AG

We will always remember everyone we lost on 9/11, thank the first responders who keep us safe, and honor all who defend our country and the ideals that bind us together. There's nothing our resilience and resolve can’t overcome, and no act of terror can ever change who we are.

Canadian PM Trudeau on 9/11: "Today, we remember those who lost their lives in the deadliest terrorist attack in US history, and honour the bravery & selflessness shown by so many on 9/11."

This is how the President chose to start his 9/11.

An @NBCNews exclusive: After more than a year of mystery, Russia is the main suspect in the sonic attacks that sickened 26 U.S. diplomats and intelligence officials in Cuba.

Energy Secretary Rick Perry is in Moscow this week, supposedly to discuss talks of sanctions against Iran and what Congress has in the works for tougher sanctions on Russian energy companies

JUST IN: Trump cancels visit to Ireland

The Trump administration is preparing to make it significantly easier for energy companies to release methane into the atmosphere

Here’s video of @realDonaldTrump claiming he helped look for survivors & clear rubble on 9/11. He didn't. He was lying.

There’s every reason to believe this is the beginning of the end for Scott Walker

Sen. @ChuckGrassley just held a Town Hall in Osceola. Many constituents came across the state to ask questions about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. At one point Grassley openly said he would call on the next person who didn’t have a Kavanaugh question.

If Putin is so popular and so strong, we did he arrest over 800 people, including children, yesterday?

JUST IN: Koch network unveils new super PAC as Republicans fight to hold majorities in Congress

Sessions Urged Immigration Judges To Show Less Sympathy, Setting Off A Firestorm Of Complaints

Russia: Google removes Putin critic's ads from YouTube

Va. state senator who met with Assad says British are planning fake chemical attack

Alleged Epstein madam forced to hand over 17 years of documents

BREAKING: Dozens of pages of email correspondence obtained exclusively by ABC News reveal Maria Butina’s hand in arranging a meeting for a delegation of high-ranking members of the @NRA with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Maria Butina’s Beau Paul Erickson Snookered Investors With a Shady Oil Deal,

A 12y.o. boy — in custody nearly 4mo. after immigration officials took him from his father — became so depressed that he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for a week, diagnosed with adjustment disorder. He is still not reunited with his family.

"The goal is no longer to deny or disprove an official version of events, it is to flood the zone with so many competing versions that nothing seems to make sense."

An important piece from @NatashaBertrand: Trump's top targets in federal law enforcement are experts on Russia and organized crime