Sunday, July 22, 2018

Is President Trump a danger — or just "incompetent" and a "buffoon?"

Anti-Trump protesters shout "LOCK HIM UP!" just as Trump & Melania arrive at the White House on the 7th Day of consecutive protests, Sunday, July 22, 2018.

RT's sister station is happy to report Kremlin News

So, @BarackObama @EricHolder and @Comey all warning Democrats that the ultra-left only get votes for Trump/Putin. What’s that they say? Twice is coincidence... three times, it’s allied action.

oh look, North Korea has stopped cooperating

Hillary Clinton is offering a helping hand to immigrants looking to reunite with their families: She says she'll help organize transportation they might not be able to afford.

Nine states with a history of racial discrimination are aggressively removing voters from the rolls after federal protections lifted, the Brennan Center for Justice says.

Difference between 2016 & 2018 Russian Influence - shift from covert to overt. Agents of influence are in place to advance Kremlin goals

"Cooperation" with Russia places US forces at risk on current battlefield

Ret. Lt. Colonel Peters: "I am convinced Trump is basically a slave of Vladimir Putin."

Report: Our garbage president is Facebook's biggest political ad buyer

Oh look, Manchurian Doll Hands has even more connections to the Russian spy lady via an oligarch

"Russia is dictating...the global public perception of what transpired in that meeting and we have no basis for countering it"

Schiff says that Trump is "acting like someone who's compromised. And It may very well be that he is compromised or it may very well be that he believes that he's compromised, that the Russians have information on him."

What Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court could mean for your wallet (and your life)

We empathize with poor Russian girls Putin is pimping

And not just of Maria Butina - more FSB women of Russia used as prostitutes

Novichok victim Charlie Rowley became contaminated after breaking bottle, brother says

Russian women deserve so much better than this

‘A cesspool of deviancy’: New claims of voyeurism test Jim Jordan denials

Exclusive: Accused Russian agent Butina met with U.S. Treasury, Fed officials

“No Way to Run a Superpower”: the Trump-Putin Summit and the Death of American Foreign Policy

The Trump administration has quietly taken steps that may inhibit independent oversight of its most high-risk nuclear facilities, including some buildings at Los Alamos National Laboratory, a Department of Energy document shows.h

Fox News host (who is dating Don Jr.) is leaving the network to work at pro-Trump super PAC

Iran's president warns Trump against provoking his country while indicating peace between their nations still possible.

Pence Stumps for Candidate Who Said He Would Personally Round Up and Deport Immigrants

Inflatable “Trump Chicken” dressed like a prisoner to sail off coast of San Francisco

Trump SCOTUS nominee suggested court was wrong to force Nixon to turn over Watergate tapes

The evidence is in: Trump's tax cuts haven't helped workers

Michelle Obama Launches Voter Registration Campaign with Tom Hanks and Lin-Manuel Miranda

President Trump's military parade is expected to cost nearly as much as the "tremendously expensive" canceled war games

State, federal agencies are investigating conditions at an Illinois shelter following a WaPo report that included allegations of abuse against separated children. One 10-year-old from Brazil said he'd been denied medical attention after breaking his arm

Inside Bannon's Plan to Hijack Europe for the Far-Right

New Hampshire makes it tougher for students to vote. Dems call it 'devious' suppression:

Reupping this piece I wrote which can help you read between the lines in the Carter Page FISA

Julian Assange will 'immediately' be ejected from embassy to face possible prosecution: Glen Greenwald report

Freed from an AZ detention center, Juana, a Guatemalan immigrant, traveled nearly 3,000 miles to New York — the place U.S. officials had taken her daughter. Juana refused to stop for meals, spent each night a different city, each morning a different car.

Four states are suing the federal government over the Republican tax law, saying that the cuts to SALT deductions are an "unconstitutional assault" on their sovereignty.

Trump Signals Consequences for Michael Cohen Over Secret Recording Image

An app promoting a conspiracy theory featuring Hillary Clinton and a child sex ring lingered at the top of Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store for months. Both companies received a cut of the revenue in the process.

Republicans Have an Alger Hiss Problem Named Mariia

GOP congressman said blacks have 'entitlement mentality' and view themselves as victims

The NRA really badly wants this story to go away. Instead, we've kept adding to it.

A GOP Kremlin-insider connected Alexander Torshin to Congressmen. Then he joined the NRA

“A hostile foreign government scrutinized every aspect of American life and concluded that guns were the perfect access point for them to slip in undetected.”

A CIA official says China wants to replace the US as a world superpower

How Pizzagate Pusher Mike Cernovich Keeps Getting People Fired

BREAKING: New York Giants owner Steve Tisch RIPS Trump says NY Giants players will not be punished for national anthem kneeling, “We support our players. They are not going to be punished. There is not going to be any punitive action taking place against them.”

Microsoft: Russian Hackers Are Targeting The Midterms

The bottom line from the non-redacted part of the FISA application for Carter Page: they attested that he was a Russian agent whose activities were part of a broad criminal plot to influence the election.

Hey, if there was really a Deep State plot to stop Trump from becoming president, it might have dropped this info BEFORE the election.

Freedom Caucus chairman calls for declassification of all documents related to Carter Page warrant

Russia continues to shape narrative of Helsinki summit

Did Putin share stolen election data with Trump?

When Elena Kagan was the nominee, both @ChuckGrassley & @jeffsessions demanded that "ALL" of her WH documents be sent to the Judiciary Committee.

Day 6

BuzzFeed News and OCCRP have found that American conservatives played a secret role in the Macedonian fake news 'boom' in 2016. One of these Americans is now running for office. Security agencies are probing possible connections to Russia.

Friends of Michael Cohen have noticed that since Helsinki he's been more openly questioning Trump's fitness. "It's one thing for him to be concerned about his suitability ... It's quite another thing to be concerned about [Trump's] loyalty to his country."

Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch to the White House: "If the administration continues forward with its overreliance on tariffs, I will work to advance legislation to curtail Presidential trade authority."

.@SykesCharlie correctly calls on congressional Republicans to stop shirking their constitutional duties with disapproving statements and start checking the president. If they won’t do it, can we afford to leave them in power?

Trump's 2020 reelection campaign has spent another nearly $340,000 in legal fees in the last three months, BuzzFeed reports. Combined with spending earlier in the year, Trump's campaign has now spent a total of about $1,200,000 on legal fees.

A good a time as any to remind you all that Ted Cruz endorsed Roy Moore

16 state attorneys general are suing the EPA over its decision to allow semitruck manufacturers to keep building some of their most polluting vehicles.

This strengthens the case for collusion. The more info we get, the worse it looks for Trump.

Neither the National Medal of Arts nor the National Humanities Medal has been awarded since Trump took office. It's the longest gap ever. The deadline for nominations for the 2016 arts medals was in February 2017.

The FCC says the proposed Sinclair Broadcast-Tribune Media merger would "not be in the public interest."

#FISA warrant application from Oct'16 for Carter Page released

Schiff: Surveillance warrant docs show that Nunes memo 'misrepresented and distorted these applications'