Thursday, July 19, 2018

Poll: Half of Americans Think Trump Acted Treasonous in Helsinki

Yates: Yes, Congress occasionally asked for materials related to an ongoing investigation, but they never made such a big fuss about it when we said no.

Top FBI cybersecurity officials announce retirement: report

Marina Gross, the American interpreter during President Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin, is facing calls from Congress to testify

Why on earth would Trump invite Putin back for more? Here are some theories

Adam Schiff: Dems wanted Russian agent Maria Butina to testify but GOPers refused because it would ‘tarnish the NRA’

“People are just depressed,” said one Republican close to the White House.

"The startling reality for all of us is that we are faced with a situation where our president, the person whom we have entrusted to lead this country, isn't all in for our nation. - Sally Yates, former acting attorney general

I dare you not to sing along. A Mexican Mariachi band sings “Canta y no llores” (aka “Cielito Lindo”) outside the White House on this 3rd Day of anti-Trump protests following Trump’s disastrous summit with Putin in Helsinki.

A superb piece by @megangarber: " becomes clear, if you watch for long enough, that the thing being fought for is reality itself: facts, truths, common knowledge. The content and the contours of the world as we agree to understand it."

Young people are registering to vote in huge numbers, new study finds

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NEW: The Justice Department is releasing the first report of its cyber digital task force, which was established in February, says Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.

The Trump Administration wanted to deny us discovery in our family separation case. The judge just shot them down and ordered the administration to start handing over info.

Ex-Sheriff David Clarke’s 2015 trip expenses paid by alleged Russian agent’s group

Thank you @TIME for another image that speaks louder than all the words and opinions.

Accused Russian Spy’s Boy Toy Is a Serial Fraud: Lawsuits

Russian officials don't want U.S. lawmakers (even behind closed doors) to question Donald Trump's translator from the Trump-Putin summit. That's incredibly troubling.

Tucker Carlson says Trump is right and the U.S. should "rethink America's alliances," seems to be echoing #Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov's talking points about Iraq and Libya. Rand Paul immediately agrees. Fox News will now actively push Russia— our adversary— as the new ally.

GOP leader blocks bipartisan resolution backing intelligence community conclusion on Russia meddling

A staffer for GOP Senate candidate Corey Stewart was in a Facebook chat with people planning the next "Unite the Right" Charlottesville rally

In surprise move, McConnell withdraws Trump judicial nominee minutes before vote

SCOOP: Putin tells his diplomats he made ANOTHER offer to Trump -- hold a referendum in Crimea on its future. Trump asked Putin NOT to disclose it so that he could

JUST IN: Trump calls Obama "a patsy for Russia," claims he's much tougher

The first black President with the first blackmailed President

The President is posting video clips from Russian state TV

Donald Trump claimed he would save US taxpayers money by negotiating a $250,000 price tag for the new US Embassy in Jerusalem The final cost of the US Embassy in Jerusalem is $21.5 million

Watch as DNI Dan Coats learns from @mitchellreports that Putin is set to visit DC in the fall

Kirstjen Nielsen says at #AspenSecurity that she does not think there is evidence that Russia targeted US election infrastructure in 2016 with the specific intent of helping Trump win. (Putin said the other day that he wanted Trump to win.)

Umm, guys... Robert Mueller just submitted his list of evidence for the Paul Manafort trial and look whose name is all over the first 30 items.Tad Devine. Bernie Sanders' Chief Strategist.

Steny Hoyer, on motion to recommit to spending bill for more election security funds: "Surely we can rise above pandering to party and Putin to act on behalf of our freedom and our security." Dems start chanting "USA! USA!" on House floor.

Putin made several false and misleading claims during his press conference in Helsinki with President Donald Trump and in an interview with Fox News.

Fredo Nunes isn't just trying to protect Russia and Trump. He's trying to grift off it, as well.

BREAKING: @RepCummings @RepJerryNadler @BennieGThompson statement on on the urgent need for hearings after receiving briefings from DOJ/DHS/HHS on the family separation crisis. Agencies admitted they never had a plan to reunite families.

Microsoft detected and helped block hacking attempts against three congressional candidates this year, a company executive said, marking the first known example of cyber interference in the midterm elections.

Jeff Flake: "We saw earlier this week in Helsinki what was truly an Orwellian moment. What we saw ... is what happens when you wage war on objective reality for nearly two solid years, calling real things fake and fake things real."

Here’s a novel idea, TUNE Trump out and start paying attention to what’s happening in the @SenateGOP Today’s calendar nearly 19 Judge confirmations. How about we HALT any further nominations until we ๐ŸšจFigure Out What The Hell is Going On๐Ÿšจ

BREAKING: National Intelligence Director Dan Coats Says ‘I Don’t Know’ What Happened in Trump-Putin Meeting,

The Kremlin and GOP Have a New Friend—and Boy, Does She Love Guns

The Federal Reserve's independence from political interference has been a hallmark of its existence. But today, Trump laid into the Fed, saying he's "not thrilled" with rate hikes and worries that the work his admin has done will be nullified

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats says he wishes Pres. Trump had "made a different statement" on Russia electoral interference. “I believed I needed to correct the record.”

.@POTUS has spent the past year deliberately sabotaging our #healthcare system. Now his Administration is arguing in court that insurance companies should once again be allowed to discriminate against those with #PreExistingConditions. Reprehensible. We cannot allow it.

Retired general unleashes on Trump as 'unfit to command our troops' in wake of Putin presser

Robert Mueller just submitted his list of evidence for the Paul Manafort trial ! Is T. Devine the person I think it is??

Congratulations, Mr. President: Zuckerberg Secretly Called Trump After The Election

BREAKING: White House: Trump asked national security adviser to invite Putin to Washington for fall meeting, discussions underway.

Pro-Choice GOP Senators Keep Voting For Trump’s Anti-Abortion Judges

Speculation: What if the RNC server penetration by GRU operatives picked up some really terrible and heinous Kompromat that is being used to blackmail key GOP members? On a related note: Water is wet!

You’re watching the greatest political and criminal scandal in history unfold.

A pretty decisive condemnation on Putin’s proposed quid pro quo of handing me and 11 US officials who assisted on the Magnitsky Act to Putin

BREAKING: @RepSwalwell and I just made a motion in House Intel Committee to subpoena the American interpreter during the summit — the only witness to Trump’s meeting with Putin. This is an extraordinary remedy, but Trump’s actions necessitate it. Republicans voted it down.

Should we talk about the fact that the current National Security Adviser appeared in propaganda videos made by a Russian organization built only for the purposes of infiltrating/influencing the United States?

If you (and it's plural, quite plural) stuck your d*ck in Comrade Butina call your lawyer now, this morning, to set up a chat with the FBI. You are in deep trouble. This will not look good when it comes out. And it will. You know who you are....

The GOP has destroyed itself. It has sided w/ the enemies of our Republic & is now leaving us open & defenseless for more attacks. There's always a chance at redemption but time & time again, they throw it away. History will remember those who stood for & against the Republic

.@realDonaldTrump is “not afraid of anything” ... except for serving in the military, STDs, the public seeing his tax returns, a bald eagle, Putin, a no-carts golf course, Bob Mueller, windy days outdoors without a cap, an honest day’s work, facts, strong women, smart people ...

Here's full clip of @HallieJackson asking Sanders about White House's implausible walk-backs of Trump's comments, Sanders trying to move on without allowing her to ask a follow-up, and @Jordanfabian then giving floor back to Jackson.

Trump Assails Critics and Mocks #MeToo. What About Putin? ‘He’s Fine’

Don't Let Trump Go to War With Iran

FBI chief dismisses Putin's offer to have U.S. investigators go to Russia to observe questioning of suspects

Prosecutors say Russian used sex to infiltrate Republican Party, NRA:

Reporters, facing a hostile White House, try a new tactic: solidarity

Mark Zuckerberg says Holocaust deniers deserve "a voice"

A mysterious string of deaths and disappearances in Russia in 2016/17. Did @realDonaldTrump leak classified info to his Russian handlers which led to the Moscow crackdown?

House GOP refuses to renew election security funding as Democrats fume over Russian meddling

A statement by the President:

Skripal Novichok poisoning suspects identified - Press Association

I’ve heard from multiple people in Florida that the state’s online registration page isn’t letting them register to vote. All eligible residents. All got error messages. I called the state’s voter assistance hotline and they said nothing’s wrong. This should be investigated ASAP.

Russia attacked American elections in 2016 and is engaged in an ongoing, pervasive effort to attack again. But this is what @HouseJudiciary held a hearing on yesterday: How many likes on Facebook should Diamond and Silk deserve.

A foreign adversary is preparing to attack us. And this is how Republican "leaders" in Washington respond?

During the Russian invasion in 2008 we had to fly the Georgian brigade home from Iraq, minus their heavy equipment of course. Think about that. Their best fighting force was fighting for us when their homelnd was invaded by the successor to the Red Army

$3.9 BILLION. That's twice the cost of a Virginia Class Submarine! Unbelievable - and ummm... NO!

Happening now at the White House

Trump wrongly says queen reviewed guard for 1st time in 70 years

Opinion: We are a deeply stupid country

Now 2 days after Trump-Putin meeting. No briefing by Sec Pompeo or NSA Bolton, no backgrounder by NSC on what happened. This is not normal. Meanwhile, #Russia Defense Ministry says ready to "implement" security agreements reached in Helsinki. What agreements?

Did Trump tell Putin the name of CIA source close to Putin?

US intel “captured Putin's specific instructions” to help @realDonaldTrump win the Presidency

New filing in United States v. Manafort: ~Util - Set/Reset Deadlines

Trump appoints pesticide company executive to top scientist job at USDA

Did Russia not just help elect Donald Trump, did they pick the cabinet?

“Democracy demands that we're able also to get inside the reality of people who are different than us so we can understand their point of view. Maybe we can change their minds, maybe they'll change ours.” — Barack Obama

Sens. Coons and Flake have introduced a resolution that would:

This is INSANE. Literal insanity. @McFaul is a trusted diplomat, who served our country proudly under difficult circumstances. There's no "consulting" on a question like this. It's a simple, strong no. And the fact that President doesn't appear to understand that, man....

If only you had raised the issue during last week’s fist bump. — Chuck Schumer

So proud of all of you Junior Rangers in Lafayette Park tonight!!!

Lawrence on the White House Briefing moment that shocked him

White House Correspondent Jordan Fabian talks about his decision to yield his time so a colleague could ask a follow-up question that the press secretary wanted to avoid. Fabian explains why he felt it was time to "practice what we preach" in holding the Trump administration accountable.

Top House Intel Dem on NYT story: Trump ‘just can't accept’...

A new report tonight says Donald Trump was briefed on Putin's role in hacking the election before his inauguration. Rep. Adam Schiff joins Lawrence to react to that and threats to former Ambassador McFaul.

Expert: Russian hackers elusive but not untouchable

David Hickton, former U.S. attorney who pioneered the tactic of indicting state actors for hacking, talks with Rachel Maddow about how prosecutors are not powerless to address the threat of Russian hacking.

Prosecuting foreign hackers carries benefits beyond a trial

David Hickton, former U.S. attorney who pioneered the tactic of indicting state actors for hacking, talks with Rachel Maddow about the value of indicting nation-state adversaries even if the chances for extradition are low.

McFaul 'flabbergasted' that White House would not defend him

Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador the Russia, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Trump administration's apparent consideration of Vladimir Putin's suggestion of blindly handing over American citizens for "questioning."

Butina case raises questions on Russia's role in Tillerson pick

Rachel Maddow highlights a portion of the charging document against accused Russian agent Mariia Butina in which there is a suggestion that Russians thought they had a say in Donald Trump's choice for secretary of state.

Protest 8 pm every night, till he's gone!

Exciting news! Band members have started arriving outside Donald Trump’s window!

Mueller adds counterespionage prosecutor to Butina case

Rachel Maddow reports the surprise addition of Deborah Curtis, a high ranking DoJ counterespionage prosecutor to the Mariia Butina case in which the government argued for the need to keep Butina in custody lest she flee.

NEW: Current U.S. diplomat says he's at a "fucking loss" over the White House saying it might hand over @McFaul to Russia

Trump admin waffles on standing up for Americans against Putin

Rachel Maddow reports on the Trump administration's lack of any innate loyalty to Americans in its apparent consideration of handing Americans over to Vladimir Putin in a tit-for-tat ploy of false equivalency.

OMG. @POTUS is not protecting our diplomats? Are you out of your mind @realDonaldTrump?

The chair of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee is the first Republican to call for an investigation of Wilbur Ross’ finances and ethics disclosures

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

From a counterintelligence perspective, something is going on behind the scenes. Before Helsinki I was less sure; post Helsinki, I feel sick.

JUST IN: Two weeks before his inauguration, President Trump was shown intelligence indicating Russian President Putin had personally ordered cyberattacks to sway the 2016 election, according to a report.

Sarah Sanders says when Trump said “no” the Russians wouldn’t intervene in 2018, he really meant yes. Apparently it takes people at the higher ends of Intelligence to see that “no” means “yes,” “would” means “wouldn’t” and NATO means nothing. Oh and “nothing” means “everything.”

From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered