Monday, June 25, 2018

Populist wave, 'crisis overload' weaken global voices for human rights

NEW: Conservatives unhappy with handling of GOP inquiry into FBI 2016 actions. Say not enough witnesses interviewed - and chairs not pushing hard enough for docs. And there's "little value" rehashing ground of IG, want focus on Russia probe.

Dow Jones falls by almost 500 points as Trump cranks up trade war talk

Trump calls for deporting migrants 'immediately' without a trial

JUST IN: GOP lawmakers sign letter asking Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein for the names of everyone working on the Mueller probe.

“If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months,” Warner said.

Five years ago, the Roberts Court gutted the Voting Rights Act with its outrageous Shelby County v. Holder decision. Now voting rights are being savaged. We must #RestoreTheVOTE with the Voting Rights Advancement Act,

Trump's trade war is meant to protect American jobs — so why are businesses planning layoffs?

Scott Pruitt had dinner with a bunch of oil and gas executives, and according to these emails, encouraged them to have their people apply for EPA director jobs. So ConocoPhillips sent 2 resumes

Dear WH reporters: if you let Sanders’ first briefing in nearly a week be hijacked by the Red Hen dinner, you’re doing it wrong.

Why hasn’t anyone addressed the Nation our election was attacked & is being attacked.

Nunes sent a new letter to DOJ demanding responses to whether Rosenstein is the one who is in charge of complying with HPSCI subpoenas and whether the FBI used and paid informants "against" Trump camp.

Confused Trumpkins harass, send death threats to the wrong Red Hen after Sarah Huckabee Sanders flap

Trump doesn’t listen to Mattis anymore, say officials

Donald Trump insults and threatens Maxine Waters

FBI agent for Mueller asked a longtime Prince associate: “Are you aware of any falsehoods in the testimony that Erik Prince gave to the House Intelligence Committee?" Associate tells @ABCinvestigates he answered yes & gave details of alleged falsehoods.

Just in: The only defendant participating so far in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russian troll farm case has moved to dismiss the indictment, arguing that Mueller's appointment was unconstitutional

Harley shifting production for EU-bound vehicles overseas due to tariffs: Harley-Davidson's stock sinks, sees EU tariffs adding $2,200 to average motorcycle cost

No White House news briefing today.

NEW — Erik Prince oversaw projects w/Russian arms dealer & partner Dmitriy Streshinskiy in Azerbaijan & separately w/ Russia’s Rostec energy firm in Africa, which he did not disclose in House intel cmte testimony, business associates say

Blackwater founder Erik Prince has provided Robert Mueller with "total access to his phone and computer," ABC News has learned.

#BREAKING: Mueller acquires Trump ally Erik Prince’s computer and phones: report

Dollar falls to two-week low versus yen on renewed trade tensions

Rudy Giuliani tells HuffPost that FBI agents interviewed him earlier this year regarding his 2016 remarks predicting a 'surprise' in the closing days of the presidential race that would benefit Trump.

A choir of new Canadians,aged 5-15 years old,were to attend a competition in Washington;but the parents have decided not to allow the children to attend.They were afraid that officials might find an issue with their papers,due to their travel ban.And the kids would be traumatized

Silence on Russian election meddling frustrates lawmakers

Texas lawsuit to kill Obamacare will claim other victims

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel is reviewing claims that Scott Pruitt retaliated against a handful of employees who pushed back against his spending and management, three people familiar with the process tell Politico

China and Europe warn a trade war could trigger a global recession

Amazon employees demand company cut ties with ICE.

New: Prosecutors in the Michael Cohen probe canceled the interview they had scheduled for Monday with Stormy Daniels

Reminder that Kirstjen Nielson, who has engineered a human rights catastrophe on the border and continues to spectacularly fail Puerto Rico, was at the center of Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina. Article from last October.

NGOs to Nikki Haley: Not our fault U.S. left U.N. Human Rights Council

I cannot wait to hear Trump apologists who once actually dared to call themselves “constitutionalists” defend their hero after again attacking judicial independence and calling for the end of due process in immigration cases.

Buyers connected to Russia or former Soviet republics made 86 all-cash sales — totaling nearly $109,000,000 — at 10 Trump-branded properties over the years, according to an analysis shared with McClatchy. Many of them made purchases using shell companies.

USA: export tarrifs on cheeses to Mexico will go up 25%, so the market will close off, cheese makers may dump their milk in the fields

The President of the United States of America

South Dakota jurors sentence a gay man to death because they "said they thought the alternative---a life sentence served in a men’s prison---was something he would enjoy as a gay man." The US Supreme Court declines to hear the man's petition. USA 2018.


Trump: Evangelicals are more grateful to me for moving embassy to Jerusalem than Jews are

Trump threatens retaliation if other countries add trade barriers against the US

NEW: Social Media & Influence Companies Related to the Trump Russia Story - a chart and article to help keep track of the many influence & intelligence companies in the news - SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Black Cube, Psy-Group, Data Propria & more

The whole world sees it: Trump is doing lasting damage to the global order that made the U.S. a superpower

Trump, Putin and the mob. Part 8: Yandex, Tiger Global Management & the connection to Donald Trump

NEWS: On plane to Alaska, #SecDef Mattis says DHS has asked DoD "to build temporary camps on two of our bases" to house migrants. He would not say which bases. "We are in a logistics support response mode."

The private-prison industry stands to make fortune from Trump's immigration crackdown. This toxic mix of senseless cruelty and corporate greed epitomizes the worst of Trump's presidency.

US Immigration Judge and Emeritus President of Immigration Judges Association, Says Trump Policy of Jailing Asylum Seekers Violates US and International Law

Americans have now seen their paychecks for many months. And they know @realDonaldTrump, @SpeakerRyan & the #GOP lied to them about the #GOPTaxScam. Democrats have #ABetterDeal.

New tonight: Randy Credico says Robert Mueller has requested an interview with him