Sunday, June 24, 2018

In case you are wondering how much immigrant detention costs: for FY2019 budget Trump admin requested "$2.8 billion for 52,000 detention beds (49,500 adult beds, and 2,500 family beds)" - 4.5x more than current levels of US assistance to Central America

A far-right pundit appointed to a post at the Department of Health and Human Services listed on her resume past work on a conspiracy site and YouTube show where she made anti-Muslim comments, according to documents obtained by CNN's KFile

In a controversial case involving the rights of undocumented immigrants and their young children, a Guatemalan mother lost her effort today to get back the 5-year old son who was taken away from her & put up for adoption in Missouri despite her objections.

Dear JOHN, you LIED and LIED

The dark history behind Trump’s inflammatory ladies and gentlemen, I give you the poster child for MS13. What do you think will become of the children you are putting in trump camps?

NEW VIDEO! — Randy Rainbow

The AMI-owned National Enquirer collaborated with the Trump campaign during the election and covered for Weinstein and Cosby. They now control nearly every celebrity weekly.

President Trump’s views “would lead to the loss of many lives in the event of an epidemic in the United States where we need the public not to trade in conspiracy theories,” Obama’s Ebola czar said.

GOP Sources Claim Hannity, Nunes and Rohrabacher Are Under Federal Investigation

Manufacturing exec who voted for Trump blames him for layoffs, asks Dems for help

Trump adviser Kushner criticizes Abbas, says U.S. peace plan near:

FBI hands House GOP thousands of documents on Russia probe

I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.— Harley Rouda

Michelle Obama reveals her life's biggest lessons in new memoir

Polls open in Turkey as Erdogan faces high-stakes election

Reminder, @realDonaldTrump ... We know what you did.

Ex-White House ethics chief: Sarah Sanders tweet about being kicked out of restaurant violates ethics laws

Florida AG driven out of screening of Mr. Roger's movie by protesters chanting "shame on you"

Trump returns to TBN, a Christian TV network, tonight for an interview with Mike Huckabee. Here's a look at how Christian TV became the president's most reliable mouthpiece

This is outrageous. Essentially this out of control agency is harassing US citizens with a demand of “ Papers please! “. If this happens to me I will resist. I will not cooperate. No US citizen should. This authoritarian agency should be ended and begin anew.

Kushner: The Palestinian people will ‘like’ the Trump peace plan

Lawsuit: Boston school district gave students’ information to ICE to help deport migrant kids

JUST IN: Mueller asks for Papadopoulos to be sentenced in September

Why all my posts about the China's largest bank ICBC? Because they are actively helping attack the value of the US dollar & threw US sanctioned Ru Gazprombank a work around to the sanctions

There's nearly a Nixon 1974 level of public support for impeaching President Trump

"This Was the Week That Finally Broke Trump’s Spell

Every House Republican running for Senate just voted to slash food for poor kids, while giving subsidies to billionaires - this could kick 400,000 households off of nutritional assistance & thousands of kids off of free/ low-cost school lunch programs?

Chinese leaders ‘absolutely confused’ by Trump’s demands on trade

South Dakota jurors sentence a gay man to death because they "said they thought the alternative---a life sentence served in a men’s prison---was something he would enjoy as a gay man." The US Supreme Court declines to hear the man's petition. USA 2018.


California Senator Kamala Harris says Trump is guilty of "crimes against humanity" after border visit

Trump is a grifter, same as ever

Currently, Michigan's Bethany Adoption Agency has 81 children who have been forcibly separated from their parents.

Massachusetts governor’s son under investigation for alleged sexual assault on JetBlue flight

The Justice Department says it has given House Republicans new classified information related to the Russia investigation

MOB: June 2016: Convicted Ponzi schemer/Ex-NY Post Publisher Steven Hoffenberg: I'll conduct $50 million marketing campaign for Trump

Trump and Pruitt knew military personnel and veterans were being harmed by their drinking water. They waited six months to tell them.

JUST IN: "Detention of children is punitive, severely hampers their development, and in some cases may amount to torture," the U.N. Human Rights Council declared after Trump signed his EO that opens the door to indefinite detention of children.

Trump defends treatment of migrant children at border: "We do a much better job" than Obama