Friday, March 23, 2018

New England Patriots fly Parkland students to DC for march on official team plane

NEW: NBC obtained the secret memo from Rudy Giuliani's law firm directly warning one of Trump's biggest donors, Rebekah Mercer, Steve Bannon and Trump data firm CEO Alexander Nix about breaking U.S. law

Last Man Standing? Mattis holds firm as chaos engulfs Trump's national security team

White House lawyer McGahn eager to exit

"Who needs a new WH comms director when the POTUS has apparently decided he is his own best crisis manager? He woke up in a WH scrambling to react to punishing headlines... wh

The Russian Connection just won’t go away!

A judge sitting at the High Court has granted an application by the Information Commissioner's Office for a warrant to search the London offices of Cambridge Analytica.

8:55 am: "I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill." 1:46 p.m.: Does not veto omnibus spending bill.


Koch brothers caught funding a professor linked to white nationalism

BREAKING: U.S. charges nine Iranians with conducting "massive cyber theft campaign on behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps."

"My daughter was hurt by a boy who shot her in the head and took everything from our lives," her mother said. "She is brain dead and has nothing, no life, left in her."

It's time to panic now. John Bolton's rise to power puts us on a path to war--and, since Trump appointed him while knowing his views, it means Trump wants to be on that path.

Trump's Daily Toilet Tweets and running today

U.S. Accuses Russia of Secretly Arming the Taliban

The new CDC director was once accused of research misconduct.

Wow. Watch a furious @WhipHoyer lambast Republicans for their latest spending bill.

"Mozilla, the web giant behind the popular browser Firefox, said early Thursday it was suspending advertising on the social media platform."

Facebook faces a reputational meltdown

Facebook faces a reputational meltdown

Trump considered firing Kelly and serving as his own chief of staff: report

Betsy DeVos slammed by Rep. DeLauro for not committing to meet with Parkland students:

‘Trump’s Going to War’ Now With His Political Enemies, Boasts Bannon

Republicans on the House Intel Committee voted down a Democratic proposal to hold a hearing with Mark Zuckerberg and other tech CEOs, according to Adam Schiff

Nunes - word is our Allies intelligence agencies have Nunes on tape on yacht with underage girls.

White House planned to fire Carson along with McMaster:

Former United Nations ambassador John Bolton's world view: bomb Iran, OK to strike North Korea first

The 2020 Census received much more funding in the House spending bill than advocates had anticipated

Here’s how Cambridge Analytica collected tens of millions of people’s Facebook data without their consent

SO MUCH FOR NEUTRALITY! Swiss federal conduct raids on defense firms compromised by Putin

John Bolton is the new National Security Advisor. I want him to explain why he went to the 2004 World Russia Forum - with the Lukoil execs who met with Cambridge Analytica

'No one was listening to us yet.' Vegas students who saw little change after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history will join worldwide rallies.

Zuckerberg has sold more Facebook stock in the last 3 months than any insider at any other company


"After we had been intimate, he tried to pay me." Former Playboy model Karen McDougal shares details of an alleged affair she had with Donald Trump

The largest funder of John Bolton’s super PAC is Robert Mercer, co-founder of Cambridge Analytica. He’s given Bolton $4 million since 2015. Keep in mind Bolton paid Cambridge Analytica $1.1 million in the same timeframe

Ive Seen John Bolton Up Close. Yep, Be Afraid.

Trump Gets the National Security Adviser McMaster Tried to Prevent

GOP operative used hacked Democratic data in campaign

Cambridge Analytica’s Nigel Oakes has styled himself as an expert on a wide variety of “mind-bending” techniques — from scents to psychological warfare to campaign politics

Trump’s Plan to Punish the U.S. Economy

The world's most cashless society has data privacy concerns in light of the Facebook crisis

Lawrence on Bolton and the madness in the White House

Chaos in the White House continues as more staff shakeups were announced today. H.R. McMaster is out as National Security Advisor, to be replaced by John Bolton—as is John Dowd, Trump's lead criminal defense attorney in the Russia probe.

Amb. Wendy Sherman: John Bolton won't be an 'honest broker'

Ambassador Wendy Sherman joins Lawrence O'Donnell from Singapore to explain why she believes John Bolton won't be an "honest broker" when presenting information to the president in his new role as National Security Advisor and why that is dangerous for the country

Schiff: Bolton likely to exaggerate Trump's dangerous impulses

Rep. Adam Schiff, top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, offers his reaction to the news that Donald Trump intends to make John Bolton his new national security adviser.

As legal team withers, Trump adds cable news legal pundits

As Donald Trump loses his lead Russia lawyer and adds more TV lawyers to his legal team, Rachel Maddow wonders if Trump is preparing a legal defense or a cable news PR campaign.

McFaul on Trump pick Bolton: What he believes in is very scary

Michael McFaul, former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, talks with Rachel Maddow about his concerns about Donald Trump's choice of John Bolton as H.R. McMaster's replacement as national security adviser.

School shooting victim 'brain dead,' being taken off life support.

China announced that it planned to impose tariffs on $3 billion worth of American-produced fruit, pork, wine, seamless steel pipes and more than 100 other goods

China urges U.S. away from 'brink' as Trump picks trade weapons

Fran Lebowitz: 'You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump'

House probe overlooked most Trump-Russia contacts, report claims

BREAKING NEWS: Czech government will probably join the UK and reported 5 other EU states in expelling Russian intelligence officers.

Industrial and technology companies take some of the worst losses as Dow Jones plunges more than 700 points

Trump chaos takes out McMaster, alarms with appointment of Bolton

Mark Landler, White House correspondent for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump firing his second national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, and replacing him with extreme hawk John Bolton.

President Obama continues his 4 nation tour of the South Pacific. Australia , New Zealand, Japan & Singapore. He is having private close door meetings with the Prime Minister's of each country. Make of that what you will

08/18/2016 is when Alfa-Spectrum servers were Iodine DNS tunneling

Bestsey Devos server from Spectrum Health communicates with Russian Alpha Bank.

Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal spoke to CNN about her alleged affair with Trump

Though Ivanka Trump relishes her role in Washington, reports @EmilyJaneFox, she still keeps close tabs on the friends she left behind in New York. But as New York turns its back on her, what’s an heiress to do?