Saturday, February 17, 2018

Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. could go to jail for money laundering if Steve Bannon is right

Kushner’s still on an interim security clearance. Some say he’s not close to getting permanent clearance. WaPo reports Kushner “issues more requests for information to the intelligence community than any White House employee” apart from NSC staff

Just weeks after tech company Oracle hired Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the controversial ex-Trump national security aide with ties to Devin Nunes, top execs at Oracle made substantial donations to Nunes’ 2018 re-election campaign

Lying on Twitter is a great way to show everybody that you are not worried about the indictments.

Top GOP donor: 'I will not write another check' until candidates support assault weapons ban

Former Russian ambassador to US calls allegations of Russian meddling 'hunting spree'

Lawmakers with ties to NRA not ready to condemn guns after school shooting

Listen to Emma Gonzalez, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who survived the tragedy & spoke at an anti-gun rally happening in Fort Lauderdale.

NFL star rips Ingraham for criticizing LeBron James with list of celebrities who have appeared on Fox News

Sanders silent on claim that Russians backed him in 2016

Concerns mount over Russia's influence in Eastern Europe

Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺 Circa 2014: "I'm sure @realDonaldTrump will be great president! We'll support you from Russia! America needs ambitious leader!"

Rep. Jerry Nadler, top Judiciary Committee Democrat: “At this point, any step President Trump may take to interfere with the Special Counsel’s investigation... will have to be seen as a direct attempt to aid the Russian government in attacking American democracy.”

BREAKING: Canada imposes Global Magnitsky Sanctions on Maung Maung Soe, the Myanmar general responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Rohinga’s. This is Canada’s 2nd use of Magnitsky Act since law passed in October

Shame shame. Facebook takes down Navalny’s video exposing inappropriate links between Russia’s deputy prime minister Prihodko and Russian oligarch Deripaska on a yacht in Norway


Worries about Trump's legitimacy resurface with Russia indictment

BREAKING: McMaster: “With FBI indictment, evidence of Russian interference [in US elections] is incontrovertible.”

I am in awe of Parkland student Cameron Kasky, who is such an articulate advocate for #GunControlNow. “There is a section of society that will just shrug this off and send their thoughts and prayers, but will march for hours when they have to bake a rainbow wedding cake.”

The Troll Farm: What We Know About 13 Russians Indicted by the U.S.

After @realDonaldTrump “strategy,” Afghanistan produces largest opium crop in its history & about 40% of country not in gov control. Since President won’t, time for Congress to start extracting us from costly quagmire

Mueller deflates Trump's claim that Russia meddling was a hoax

Facebook’s dupe & fake account problem, both of which are larger and growing faster than observers knew

Russian FM Lavrov dismisses criticisms as “political correctness” and “Russiaphobia.” “It’s not our fault, he claims, ignoring Putin’s crackdown at home, war crimes in Syria, and dismantling of Ukraine

Prosecutors Say These Two Russian Troll Accounts Messed With The 2016 Election. Here Are 50 Of Their Most Popular Tweets.

WATCH Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein: "The indictment charges 13 Russian nationals..." (C-SPAN)

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein: "The indictment charges 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian companies for committing federal crimes while seeking to interfere in the United States political system, including the 2016 presidential election."

We should recall February 16, 2018. As usual, @maddow said it best. “It was the first time that I felt like, finally, finally—for the first time since we realized that this was happening—finally, it feels like someone is defending us and going after them.”

Karen McDougal's story provides a detailed look at the way Donald Trump and his allies used clandestine hotel-room meetings, payoffs, and complex legal agreements to keep his affairs out of the press

The visual difference between Trump and Obama when talking about or visiting the aftermath of a school shooting is striking. Did anyone tell Trump it’s not a celebration?

Calls for Wray's resignation are nothing short of using dead children for political gain

Trump impeachment is just a matter of time after more than 4 million sign "Need to Impeach" petition, Tom Steyer said

Trump and the GOP are making Republican brand toxic for a generation

Mueller Has the Goods Now, and Trump Knows It

Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded..— Donald J. Trump

President Trump’s lack of leadership is becoming an issue of national security. He needs to stop denying that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and mobilize a robust federal response.

Dems press for election protection after Mueller indictment

Jared Kushner quietly filed an addendum to his personal financial disclosure adding even more previously undisclosed business interests in recent weeks — and may have even more to disclose, according to real estate documents shared with TPM.

Kremlin support of Jill Stein appears in IRA indictment and Steele Dossier

Timeline: How Russian trolls allegedly tried to throw the 2016 election to Trump

Shooting suspect regularly shared violent, racist views in private chat group: report

That "I approve" tagline on political ads may have precisely the opposite effect of what Congress intended

Fox spins more lies for cover in Russia probe

Wife of Russian mercenary killed in Syria says he and others were “thrown into battle like pigs.”

How to disrupt an election: Fake IDs, fraud & Facebook

"President Trump’s response to mass tragedies: Blame the victims"

The only thing more stunning than the scale of Russian interference uncovered today is the fact that an American President is taking no action to protect our country against an ongoing threat. This is a dereliction of duty. — Madeleine Albright

Yesterday's indictment gets at the type of voter suppression strategy the Trump Campaign embraced and stupidly bragged about to Businessweek.

How Russia turned the internet against America

Russia-linked bots are promoting pro-gun messages on Twitter in an attempt to sow discord in the aftermath of the Florida school shooting, monitoring groups say

EPA head expenses nearly $200,000 in travel over 6 months

GOP candidate refuses to cancel AR-15 giveaway after same gun was used in Florida shooting

Former Czechoslovak spy alleges Jeremy Corbyn took money for information

A ‘Mass Shooting Generation’ Cries Out for Change

'Something was weird': Inside the Russian effort to bamboozle Florida

"Is this going to happen here?": After Florida shooting, teens worry about their safety at school

Russian troll operation echoed many of Trump campaign’s themes, indictment shows

Trump ex-aide Manafort accused of bank fraud in bail offer: document

Students at South Broward High School protest gun violence in wake of Parkland school shooting

Parkland survivor slams GOP for shrugging off dead kids -- but freaking out over 'rainbow wedding cakes'

According to court docs, a man named Richard Pinedo has plead guilty to identity fraud in Mueller's probe. He’s cooperating with Mueller's team, according to the terms of his plea agreement.

Mueller shifts focus back to Russian 'information warfare'

17-year-old Parkland shooting survivor Cameron Kasky says he thinks lawmakers are using the mental health discussion "to get out of discussing gun control"

Nearly two dozen Democrats in Congress are calling on the Energy and Commerce Committee to hold a hearing on gun violence prevention research. The CDC has been prohibited from studying gun violence since 1996

WATCH: Protesters gathered outside the National Rifle Associate headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia.

Suspected Florida shooter offers to plead guilty to avoid death penalty

Elijah Cummings: “For all of those who have been asking ‘where is the evidence of a crime?’—this is it. This is the criminal conspiracy.”

Lawrence: What Trump now believes about Mueller 'witch hunt'

President Trump has been calling the Russia probe a "witch hunt" for months. But now that Mueller has indicted 13 Russians for election interference, Trump is claims Mueller has vindicated him and, in the process, giving credence to Mueller's investigation.

Ex-Watergate prosecutor: More indictments are coming

Jill Wine-Banks, ex-Watergate prosecutor, says Mueller's indictment of 13 Russians for election interference is the tip of the iceberg and represents just one aspect of the overall Russian interference effort. Ari Melber & Benjamin Wittes join Lawrence O'Donnell.

Lawrence: Trump's fears about what Putin knows

Lawrence O'Donnell asks what Vladimir Putin knows about Donald Trump that kept Trump from condemning Russia's attacks on the U.S. presidential election, outlined in the special counsel indictments Friday.

Money trail key to tracking Russian troll operation

Clint Watts, former FBI special agent, talks with Rachel Maddow about his early description of the Russian campaign to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election that has now been borne out by Robert Mueller's indictment of 13 Russians.

Russian indictment sends message on future interference attempts

Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Robert Mueller's indictment of 13 Russians is a credit to U.S. intelligence and establishes the illegality of such cyber campaigns.

Mueller indictment of Russians suggests audience beyond court

Joyce Vance, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about what is unusual about Robert Mueller's indictment of 13 Russians, and whether the indictment is purely legal or something more.

Mueller adds bank fraud allegation in case against Paul Manafort

Joyce Vance, former U.S. attorney, talks with Rachel Maddow about the possibility of new allegations of bank fraud against Paul Manafort could be a sign of cooperation by Rick Gates or Robert Mueller pushing for jail instead of house arrest ahead of Manafort's trial.

Mueller surprises again, indicts Russians for election intrusion

Rachel Maddow reports on what is and is not in the indictment of 13 Russians by Robert Mueller in the Trump Russia investigation, and remarks on how gratifying it is to see a U.S. official fighting back against Russian aggression.