Saturday, January 27, 2018

How a Dunkin’ Donuts bag full of cash led to the downfall of a Florida mayor

Trump sought release of classified Russia memo, putting him at odds with Justice Department

“Even if Mr. Nunes’s memo never sees the light of day, it has done its job — spawning a new wave of conspiracy theories as well as suspiciously timed calls to #ReleasetheMemo amplified across social media”

Must-read from @washingtonpost about the kids who survived a school shooting in Townville, SC and how their lives have been irrevocably changed. More than 135,000 kids in America have experienced a shooting at their school.

A pro-Trump super PAC spent tens of thousands of dollars last year on events at Trump’s D.C. hotel, as well as for consulting work conducted by Trump’s former campaign aides

As Fox News escalates its attacks on the FBI, mainstream conservatives say it is endangering U.S. institutions

1920's slogan that's being used today. His dad was in the KKK. This is what he means

New York's attorney general is investigating a firm for selling millions of fake followers on social media platforms

Prosecutors: Hallandale FL mayor accepted illegal Russian checks | Miami Herald

Trump sought release of classified Russia memo, putting him at odds with Justice Department

Today the international community remembers the 6 million Jews and millions of others who were murdered during the Holocaust. We must never forget their stories and the lessons of what can happen when bigotry and hate fester unchecked

Today marks the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi German camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and the #HolocaustMemorialDay. We honour all who perished in Auschwitz and other #WW2 Nazi German camps

Watch how insanely easy it is to hack U.S. voting machines

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: "Today I accepted Steve Wynn’s resignation as Republican National Committee Finance Chair."

Could misleading the public about trying to fire Mueller put Trump in even more hot water?

Here's the 2018 election calendar

What does Mueller want, and how close is he to getting it?

NEW: Booming economies in cities are pushing middle class people out

Leak by leak, Trump seems to be in a more and more precarious situation.

Answer to Whether Trump Obstructed Justice Now Clear

More than 500,000 Americans died by gunshot since 9/11. If regressives were really concerned about keeping Americans safe they’d buck the @NRA and address the gun death epidemic.

Obama aide: "We would have been impeached" for spending $24M to upgrade Air Force One fridge

Pope Francis condemns "fake news," saying that it's a "sign of intolerant and hypersensitive attitudes, and leads only to the spread of arrogance and hatred."


Putin opponents face dilemma over call to boycott election

Ethics complaint alleges GOP congressman leaked secret testimony

Trump plans to sign order keeping Gitmo open, leaked doc reveals

We won’t stand by as the federal government reneges on its most basic obligations in a transparent attempt to dismantle the Affordable Care Act

Nooooooooo, Lumpy's back

“He held me down and forced me to have intercourse with him. “ - 13 year old sex trafficking victim “Jane doe” sworn statement of her interactions with Donald Trump. In court filings.

Trump Russia Crime Family Org Charts Merged

Poke the Bear


Weather Channel -Oklahoma’s ranchers have been rolling with the weather for centuries. But lately, there’s been a lot more weather to roll with.

Trump divorce lawyer penning "tell-all" book: report

Trump attorney Michael Cohen, who serves as deputy chairman of the RNC's finance committee, told NBC News: "Steve is a truly great man who has been the driving force behind the RNC finance committee."

Opinion: NATO leaders need to have a frank talk with Turkey’s president — behind closed doors

More on the US List of Oligarchs Linked to Putin - coming out Monday

Syria's main opposition negotiating body says it will boycott a peace conference in Russia next week.

US sanctions: Nervous Russian elite 'realize Putin made a serious mistake' - Hundreds of Russian oligarchs could be included on a list of potential US sanctions in the upcoming "Kremlin Report’ due the end of Januar

Iowa Senate plans $52 million in budget cuts, hitting universities, courts and human services

Analysis | Why the U.S. Is Buying Natural Gas From Russia: QuickTake Q&A

Wynn Resorts stock fell about 10 percent after the news of allegations of sexual misconduct against Steve Wynn broke around noon Friday.

Pro-Russian incumbent faces the former head of the Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic's presidential runoff vote

Trump's infrastructure plan is built with a huge hole

Trumps wall is kind of more valuable to him as an idea than a reality. Like his marriage.

Facebook: Russian agents created 129 U.S. election events


Too Late It's Terminal

Several people tell the NYT that Don McGahn has told some friends and colleagues that he has considered resigning over the past six months, but that Mitch McConnell has repeatedly urged him to stay.

Kushner: Thug Sumlord

Sessions, pressing Trump’s agenda, seeks "merit-based" immigration, end to sanctuary cities

Attacking the Clean Air Act is a key Koch brothers’ wishlist item. Koch industries was repeatedly fined millions of dollars for CAA violations

Russian gas defies U.S. sanctions to reach New England

GOP should return Wynn money

GOP should return Wynn money

Sean Hannity's Twitter account is gone...

JUST IN: Trump EPA will move to block massive Alaska gold mine in surprise reversal

Hackers employed by Dutch intelligence agency AIVD provided the FBI with crucial information about Russian interference with the American elections

Trump's own actions have created a pattern of behavior that makes the obstruction case against him stronger, reports

Opinion: Democrats are coming unhinged over the Trump economy

Hannity: I criticized report Trump tried to fire Mueller because I'm not like the "sheep in their echo chamber"

This is priceless. Watch @SeanHannity learn live on the air that reports @RealDonaldTrump tried to obstruct justice and fire Mueller are true and the @Morning_Joe crew can't stop laughing,

Counsel Quietly Trying to Corral Trump While Pushing G.O.P.’s Agenda

Cruz breaks with Trump, opposes path to citizenship for Dreamers

“This is the Republican Party. This is the party of Donald Trump, Roy Moore, Joe Arpaio and Trent Franks. Democrats will refuse to stand by while the Republican Party denigrates women."

#BREAKING: Mass school shooting thwarted at Uniontown High School outside of #Pittsburgh.

@RonJohnsonWI under investigation

Televangelist headlining Army prayer breakfast doesn't even believe PTSD is real.

Nunes’ hometown paper torches him over classified memo: He’s Trump’s "stooge"

Frustrated by the Russia investigation, President Trump turns his ire toward Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Maxine Waters is giving a national address on BET after Trump's State of the Union, BuzzFeed News reports

At this point, it would appear @realDonaldTrump has engaged in a massive pattern of Obstruction of Justice. These actions by @POTUS are beyond not normal. These actions constitute multiple felonies

Opinion: Republicans risk becoming accomplices in obstruction of justice

JUST IN: Trump telling aides he wants to fire Rosenstein: report

Analysis: Donald Trump wants to fight the FBI? It’s a suicide mission.

Air Force One's new refrigerators cost $24 million

Republicans shrug off reports Trump wanted to fire Mueller