Friday, August 31, 2018

I missed this, but Russia is planning huge wargames with - who else? China.

‘Birtherism Is Now Federal Policy’

Leahy letter raises prospect that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was involved in proposed US Constitutional amendment to block gay couples from marrying...

Kavanaugh won't commit to recusal from Trump, Mueller-related matters

Criticizing Canada's trade policies, Pres. Trump says he loves the country. "I even love their national anthem. It's called, very appropriately, 'O Canada.' Would you like me to sing it?"

A Republican political consultant linked to Paul Manafort and Cambridge Analytica has admitted to funneling $50,000 from a Ukrainian oligarch to Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration committee.

Arkansas State Senator Jeremy Hutchinson Indicted on Wire and Tax Fraud Charges

Lobbyist Says He Illegally Helped Russian and Ukrainian Buy Tickets to Trump Inauguration

A Michael Cohen lawyer has contacted a Senate panel about scheduling a possible interview with his client

"I think he'd much prefer that the attorney general acted kind of like Michael Cohen. Have the Department of Justice be an institutional fixer for him," says former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Trump's attacks on the DOJ and FBI

Three men unfit to eulogize John McCain

LIVE: The @ABCPolitics breaks down the latest @ABC News/WaPo poll, which shows Pres. Trump's disapproval at a new high and broad support for the Mueller probe.

My god, Latino 40 year old with U.S. passport, birth cert, U.S. military service, former Border Patrol(!), denied new passport and faces possible deportation referral -- told he has to show docs like OB/GYN bills from 1978


A source close to Susan Collins' office tells me she pre-approved Kavanaugh before Trump ever nominated him. Don't count on her to be the savior of Roe v. Wade

It’s HOT in DC, and many people in line to see @SenJohnMcCain laying in state have umbrellas to shade themselves from the sun. This man is being helped by paramedics because of the heat:

New York Attorney General's office responds to Trump filing to dismiss state lawsuit against Trump Foundation

Pelosi and Crowley walk with Republican Rep. Sam Johnson, a POW for nearly seven years and who shared a prison cell with McCain for part of it. Johnson normally gets around in a scooter/wheelchair, but he walked up to McCain’s casket.

The Ford Focus is dead in the US because of Trump’s trade war. The Mustang will now be the only non-SUV or truck Ford sells in the US.

Klanfest 2018 waddles into Texas as the @realDonaldTrump Liarpalooza Tour tries to rescue Tremblin’ Ted from a Beto Beatdown. Join the other rubes and enjoy the classics: - Crooked Hillary’s Emails - Real News Is Fake News! - Best Economy Evah! - Rusher Witch Hunt

Patten & Foreigner A & B Ukrainians (essentially) conspired to circumvent laws prohibiting @realDonaldTrump inaugural comm from accepting foreign funds. $50K = 4 Tickets Patten then lied to the Senate & withheld pertinent evidence.

Ex-Manafort aide admits to illegally steering foreign money into Trump’s inaugural committee

Pence at the U.S. Capitol "The "president" asked me to be here on behalf of America." Trump just couldn't help himself from getting a word in at McCain's service after Senator McCain asked specifically that Trump not be there. Pence & Trump both are disrespectful pieces of crap

The president confirms my reporting about his secret remarks is accurate

Bombshell leak to Toronto Star upends NAFTA talks: In secret ‘so insulting’ remarks, Trump says he isn’t compromising at all with Canada

Brett Kavanaugh’s hearings are THIS WEEK. Want to take action and make it clear you want your Senator to #StopKavanaugh? Here’s how to host a People’s Hearing

497 kids are still separated from their families at the border. The reunification deadline was July 26. "This is one of Stephen Miller's babies —no pun intended— that has gone awry," says @Bakari_Sellers. "I'm of the impression that these children won't be reunited"

WTO head warns a U.S. exit would mean chaos for American business

Policies rooted in fear, in paranoia, in racism — like taking kids from their parents or denying U.S. citizens their passports because they were born near the border — must be stopped. We're inflicting lasting damage & losing what makes this country great.

There's a tight election in Texas and if the feds are challenging Latinx citizenship along the border then they're purging voters

'Welcome to white town,' Springfield detective Gregg Bigda allegedly told Hispanic suspect, federal lawsuit says

“This really bums me out because I’m a regular In-N-Out Burger customer, but I cannot spend money with a company that supports the current GOP,”

Trump: "We as a country cannot tolerate political censorship! We are not going to let them control what we see!" Only moments before, a Trump aide had physically blocked the lens of a press photographer to prevent him from taking a photo of a protestor.

There’s a lot of RUMINT flying around re: indictments today. Months ago I was told early September would see movement from OSC. @thespybrief had the same info. Given McCain’s memorial, it’s possible we won’t see anything today. But don’t despair, good things are happening.

36% approval - 60% disapproval. Half say impeach. Majority (63%) back Mueller. Over half say Trump obstructed Justice. So much winning!

JUST IN: Disapproval of Pres. Trump is at a new high, support for the Mueller probe is broad, and half of Americans favor Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against the president, new @ABC News/WaPo poll finds

Bad enough that the President’s lawyer, who purports to speak for the Administration, urged Romania to undermine its own anti-corruption efforts — repudiating the position of our own State Department’s stance. Worse still that he took money for it.

Sam Patten, the man who Mueller's team just charged with a FARA violation, has a nearly two-decade-long friendship and business relationship with suspected Russian intelligence agent Konstantin Kilimnik, @NatashaBertrand reported in April.

Bruce Ohr says Christopher Steele told him 2 yrs ago that #Russian🇷🇺intelligence believed it had @realDonaldTrump “over a barrel." Ohr also learned that a Trump campaign aide met w/higher-level Russian officials than the aide had acknowledged.

49% in new @ABC News/WaPo poll support Congress initiating impeachment proceedings against Pres. Trump; support rises to 57% among women.

Just imagine the dirt AMI had on Trump. Then imagine the kompromat a state possessing some of the world's best spy agencies, with full-spectrum HUMINT & SIGINT, possessed on Trump.

Mitch McConnell’s office is preventing members of the press from going into the gallery while Cindy McCain and Lindsey Graham are sitting at the desk of the late @SenJohnMcCain — door is now locked McCain’s office let us know this was happening Gallery access is usually at will

Speaking of Russian "help" -- look, it's the Night Wolves (German Chapter). Neo-Nazi troll claims "thousands of Russians-Germans" are on their way to #Chemnitz, boasting, "Now we must stop this Arab-African primate invasion together."

BREAKING: Ex-Cambridge Analytica contractor Sam Patten just charged by FBI after Mueller referral. This guy was responsible for CA operations in the US that involved covertly testing US voter attitudes on Putin's leadership... I know there's more to come..

BREAKING: Crystal Mason was just sentenced to return to prison for VOTING in the 2016 election. Because she was a convicted felon, who served her time, the judge says she broke the law by voting. She used her actual ID, her real name, and simply voted.

.@realDonaldTrump asks judge to dismiss NY AG lawsuit over Trump Fdn., b/c former AG Schneiderman criticized Trump, and didn't do enough to investigate the Clinton Fdn. (tho Schneiderman didn't file the suit -- he resigned before it was filed).

PIMPOTUS – Trump Models and Russia’s Human Traffickers


BREAKING: More than 200 national security veterans, many of whom served presidents of both parties, demand full answers to the release of @SpanbergerVA07's confidential security file.

The strange tale of Chris Christie, money laundering, a Jersey rapper and Donald Trump

John Dean Among the Witnesses at Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

.@Lawrence and @Maddow discuss Donald Trump, the Mueller timeline, and long car rides with toddlers.

WaPo: US passports denied along Texas border

Trump tweets are 'messages from some alternative universe': China Daily

When Trump says we can't afford a 2.1% pay increases for federal workers, remember what U.S. taxpayers covered

Conservatives want to create a world where objective information and right-wing disinformation are treated equally. They’re running the same playbook on tech that they ran on media, caterwauling about bias so that editors would treat them with kid gloves.

The long list of Trump scandals and why we haven’t gotten around to looking into them

Poll: Gillum leads DeSantis by 5 points in Florida race

How to prepare for ex-President Trump

.@MichaelAvenatti says President Trump and his attorney, Michael Cohen, were running a “criminal enterprise.” “These guys… make mobsters look good, frankly. I mean these guys are operating their criminal enterprise, and they're C-class mobsters.”

Sources: NBC Threatened Ronan Farrow If He Kept Reporting on Harvey Weinstein

Trump frantic to shore up base as scandals deepen, insiders flip

Rachel Maddow looks at how George H.W. Bush focused on shoring up Republican Party support for Richard Nixon as the Watergate scandal was breaking, just as Republicans now are aware that Donald Trump needs a supportive base if he is to weather the myriad and growing scandals he faces.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

What do Bruce Ohr and Andy McCabe have in common? Trump has attacked both as biased players in the partisan "witch hunt" out to get him. Both also happen to be top experts in Russian organized crime and money laundering.

Betsy DeVos wants to give predatory for-profit schools a license to cheat students and taxpayers. We’re calling on the Department of Education to rescind its proposed borrower defense rule immediately.

“My name is Joe Biden. I’m a Democrat. And I loved John McCain.”

Asked whether he'd comply with a subpoena from Mueller to answer questions, Trump told us that “I’ll see what happens.” “I view it differently. I view it as an illegal investigation,” Trump said

Trump goes on tear, denies McGahn exit over Russia probe

Here’s the entire, unedited 13 minute exchange betweenester Holt and Pres. Donald Trump. What the president alleges in the tweet below didn’t happen

Disgraceful and transparent. GOP cuts taxes for corporations and the rich costing $1.5 TRILLION - then screw over working public servants to save $25 BILLION.

These actions (denying passports, stripping citizenship, rendering ppl stateless) are what you see in countries notorious for perpetrating abuses against their own people, especially religious and ethnic minorities. Can it happen here? It can and is.

And, we should point out all the tax money you gave to yourself and your rich buddies.

NEWS: President Trump says he's eliminating a pay raise for civilian federal employees slated for 2019 in order to "put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course."

Trump is to spend the weekend at Camp David “where White House aides hope he will contain his anger at the attention being lavished on Mr. McCain,”

Sen. Chuck Grassley has asked Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein to provide a list of anyone other than panel members or staff who may have gotten access to committee-only records on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

John McCain issues warning about Trump and Russia in documentary set to be released a week after his death

BREAKING / NBC News: The FBI has arrested Robert Chain, 68, from Encino, California for threats they say he made to The Boston Globe following their recent editorial about the press. Chain allegedly referred to the Boston Globe as "the enemy of the people" in phone calls.

The Trump administration is refusing the recognize the citizenship of Hispanics born in Texas. This is simply astonishing (and entirely unconstitutional)

Trump is a coastal snob who secretly hates his own supporters

The @USGSA Inspector General just put out a report on what may be one of Trump's most blatantly corrupt actions in office. That investigation, into why the Administration scuttled plans for a new FBI headquarters, also revealed what looks like a cover-up by the White House

Insurers should never be free to cherry pick customers, deny coverage to patients w/preexisting conditions & impose annual limits on coverage. I stand with my colleagues to stop Trump's junk insurance plans—systematically sabotaging people’s health care

Senate Democrats wanted to go home so they just agreed to confirm a bunch of Trump's lifetime federal judges

Brutal comment from @brianfallon -- Chuck Schumer's former spokesman -- about Dems caving and letting 15 of Trump's judges through

U.S. is denying passports to Americans along the border, throwing their citizenship into question

CNN fires back at Trump over attacks: Our reporter is not the fool in this story

The screenshots in Trump's video are inconsistent with Google's logo. In 2015, Google changed its logo, but Trump's 2016 screenshot shows the old version. Google also ran a Cinderella doodle that day, which was not included in Trump's video

The actual President of the United States googled himself, didn't like what he saw, and is now picking a fight with an algorithm!

The Flynn Tapes: A New Tell

Can a Supreme Court justice be forcibly removed from the bench? A quick civics lesson.


In a tweet replying to Trump, CNN wrote: “Make no mistake, Mr. President, CNN does not lie. We report the news. And we report when people in power tell lies."

How Donald Trump spent his morning (HINT: He watched TV)

While one super PAC alone just announced they'd be spending upwards of one million dollars against us, our grassroots effort continues to run a people-powered campaign without a dime from PACs.

Trump 8/29/18: "When you see 'anonymous source,' stop reading the story, it is fiction!"

Giuliani got paid for advocacy in Romania

Rpt: Trump talking with attorneys about impeachment

Breaking News: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will propose new campus sexual misconduct rules that bolster the rights of the accused and protect colleges

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer asks court for expedited deposition of President Trump

Secret meetings between President and postmaster general to raise rates on Amazon and punish Bezos and the Washington Post, and now secret meetings with the head of GSA to maximize real estate values for Trump Hotel. GOP position: hear no evil, see no evil, do no oversight.

McCain chose Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza as 1 of the dignitaries to carry his coffin at Saturday's service. "The choice of Kara-Murza, who twice suffered organ failure from poisoning, appears aimed at sending a last message to Putin and Trump."

Four of McGahn's five deputies will be gone by the end of the week, and now McGahn too is on his way out.

On top of all of the other pressures of a White House job, Donald Trump's chaotic style is burning out his staff.

In an organization as small as Trump's, when the CFO is already getting immunity from prosecutors and at least one other person who works there has asked for immunity in exchange for cooperation, that's not a good thing for the remaining non-cooperators.

BREAKING: NY Gov. Cuomo suspended Weinstein sexual assault investigation just as he raked in $25,000 from Weinstein’s longtime law firm

This is a particularly challenging time for New York and for our country. It sometimes feels as if we’re losing our shared sense of America and nothing can be done about it. I am here to tell you that we can do something about it. We are doing something about it

EXCLUSIVE: The administration of Trump ally Gov. Chris Christie funneled $500 million of NJ workers’ pension cash into the owner of the media company that Robert Mueller’s indictment alleges helped bury negative stories about Trump

#NYPD releases video of a man wanted for breaking into the apartment of Paul Manafort's banker,

"Winter is coming": Allies fear Trump isn’t prepared for gathering legal storm

Just going to remind you that @RepDeSantis is in debt up to his eyeballs.

Breaking from the WSJ: "The Justice Department is investigating whether a fugitive Malaysian laundered tens of millions of dollars through two associates and used the funds to pay a legal team including ex-N.J. Gov. Chris Christie and a lawyer who represents President Trump."

Trump says Google ignored his State of the Union address; Google disagrees

It’s a minor blip now when the president lies about the number of stories in his own building while he goes on a bizarre tangent during a speech to Evangelicals, warning them of violence if Democrats win the midterms. This cannot become the new normal.

"It is not a coincidence that less than two weeks after Donald Trump finds out Don McGahn was cooperating with special counsel Mueller for 30 hours -- he is now forcing Mr. McGahn out." - Rep. Ted Lieu on Don McGahn leaving job as White House counsel

Democrats alarmed at GOP use of private security documents

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz to President Trump: "You left us here to die ... now that number, 2,975 (deaths), will follow him wherever he goes for the rest of his life."

Trump is berating Sessions to “any Senator who will listen.” Hates his Southern accent, says he “talks like he has marbles in his mouth” —

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Semion Mogilevich

Project Veritas pops up in Mueller's Exhibit list for Manafort's next trial.

BREAKING: @RepCummings @GerryConnolly request @OIGUSPS investigation into release of Abigail Spanberger's unredacted Standard Form 86 and personnel file

Qatar targeted 250 "Trump influencers" to change U.S. policy, WSJ reports, including Alan Dershowitz, Mike Huckabee, and conservative radio host John Batchelor.

JUST IN: FBI rebuts Trump tweet: “The FBI has not found any evidence the (Clinton) servers were compromised,” an FBI official tells

Kavanaugh’s distorted view of the 1st Amendment & #NetNeutrality is dangerously anti-consumer & would turn back the clock on protecting consumers from predatory actions by cable companies.

In An Unprecedented Move, The US Postal Service Released A Former CIA Officer’s Security Application To A Republican Group

JUST IN: Manafort asks for DC trial to be moved to Virginia

New docs obtained by BuzzFeed show U.S. bank examiners delved deeper into the Russian embassy's financial activity than previously known — and reveal why they flagged two transactions as suspicious, including one involving Sergey Kislyak.

Prosecutors allege Maria Butina ensnared Paul Erickson in a “duplicitous relationship" to advance a Russian influence operation. But Butina’s attorney says a music video they made, obtained exclusively by @ABC, shows them in a “legitimate” relationship.

Uh Ron DeSantis just said FL shouldn't "monkey this up" by electing Andrew Gillum

Reporting on the race for #Florida governor has been VERY disingenuous! #AndrewGillum was a Hillary delegate & supported Hillary in the last election.

Over the last 24 hours, Trump has tweeted 3 times about a @DailyCaller article that cites anonymous sources claiming 'China hacked Hillary's email server.' Then, the stable genius tweeted this...