Wednesday, December 6, 2017

JUST IN: Rosenstein to testify before House Judiciary Committee on Mueller investigation next week

Woops. Erik Prince refers to the conversations the Post reported on as "a transcript." Schiff catches it and Prince then goes back to calling it a fabrication.

Pretty sure our president just had a transient heart attack… listen to his slurring of words at the end.

Erik Prince interned for Dana Rohrabacher

POTUS clearly slurring his words, or has a case of dry mouth.

Al Franken denies report that he will leave the Senate as Democrats call for his resignation

BREAKING: Chris Christie says that his Warning about Michael Flynn was among the reasons Trump fired him from The transition team.

BREAKING: Mike Pence is preparing to be called for an interview with Robert Mueller

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says US has 'withdrawn' its role in peace process, orders Palestinian team in Washington DC to come home

66% of Americans think it's time for the President to resign, via new @QuinnipiacPoll

HouseDemocrats are ON FIRE They just released an 11 page fact sheet. Dear @TGowdySC @RepGoodlatte @DevinNunes @jasoninthehouse

Chris Murphy: "A national concealed weapons law is a terrible, dangerous idea. This bill passed today in the House would allow a criminal who bought a gun without a background check in Florida to carry that gun, concealed under his clothing, into Times Square."

Mitch McConnell writes a deeply dishonest op-ed about the Senate GOP tax plan, there’s only one appropriate response: The red pen.

House Freedom Caucus maniacs calling the shots on government shutdown, with assist from Trump

Markets are unprepared for a government shutdown

A government shutdown could allow Jeff Sessions to launch a crackdown on state-legal marijuana

White House budget office instructs agencies to prepare for possible government shutdown

Immigration activists are pressuring Democrats to pass the DREAM Act, even if it means a government shutdown

S&P Global: "economists predict a government shutdown would shave about 0.2 percentage points, or at least $6.5 billion, off of real fourth-quarter GDP each week it continues."

House GOP inching toward spending deal, but sticking points remain two days before shutdown deadline

Trump would provide our military to secure nuclear power plant sites bein' built by Russia in M.E.! Trump needed to shred sanctions to help Putin "recolonize the Middle East" at the U.S. taxpayer's expense!

We are disappointed in the House for passing this reckless legislation and we urge the Senate to respect state laws, protect the safety of our communities, and reject this bill.

WATCH: Dramatic footage shows massive wildfires raging near Interstate 405 in California

Birds of a Feather

President #Donald Trump ’s speech announcing plans to move the US embassy to Jerusalem a-Quds#FreePalestine

Dianne Feinstein letter to Hope Hicks

Trump reportedly said Hope Hicks 'had about as much experience as a coffee cup' in politics — but that her good looks helped

Trump Jr. says he communicated first with Hope Hicks, not his father, about Trump Tower response

Trump confidante Schiller (delivered letter firing Comey) tops list of high-profile witnesses before House Intel

Meghan McCain rips Bannon for criticizing Romney not serving in Vietnam: "Who the hell are you?

Read the Letter That Cummings Sent on Flynn Whistle-Blower

The Supreme Court can't figure out how to rule against this gay couple without upending civil rights law

BREAKING: Vladimir Putin declares his intention to seek re-election as Russian president.

HUD says homelessness in the U.S. is on the rise and that affordable housing crises, mostly on the West Coast, are to blame

House GOP leaders vow no deals with Democrats on stopgap spending

The GOP tax bill is evidence of a desperate party trying to take what it can before it’s put out of power, writes

Russia enraged by 2018 Winter Olympic ban over doping

Russia enraged by 2018 Winter Olympic ban over doping

Top Intel Republican to file contempt resolution against FBI, Justice Dept officials for withholding Russia docs: report

New Jersey Republican Rep. Leonard Lance and Democratic Rep. Josh Gottheimer make last-ditch effort to save SALT

Democrat Jen Jordan won a special election runoff in Georgia's 6th Senate district last night, flipping the seat.

Donald Trump Could Really Use a Friend

Palestinian envoy: Trump 'is declaring war in the Middle East'

Why President Trump might be risking hopes of an Israeli-Palestinian deal

Magnitsky Visa Ban bill passes unanimously in first reading in British Parliament just now. Second reading scheduled for February 23rd 2018.

Investigators probe European travel of Trump associates Michael Cohen, Carter Page, and others

Bannon unloads on Mitt Romney, stokes anti-Mormon bias to lift Moore in Alabama by saying Mitt “hid behind your religion” to avoid Vietnam service

Zinke backs shrinking more national monuments and shifting management of 10

Two senior GOP strategists say if things stay as they are now, the Rs will lose the House in 2018

Pope tells Trump to 'respect the status quo' with Jerusalem and not to inflame Muslim world

Netanyahu quiet on U.S. Embassy move in speech, focuses on Iranian threat

Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi has urged President Trump against “taking measures that would undermine the chances of peace in the Middle East"

LATEST: Pope Francis has expressed “profound concern” at Trump’s move and prays that “wisdom and caution will prevail so as to avoid adding new elements of tension in a world … already convoluted and marred by many cruel conflicts."

Cuts to homeowner tax breaks could cost Republicans in 2018 races

Orrin Hatch: If Alabama Voters Want an Alleged Sexual Abuser in Congress, They Should Have One

Doug Jones today: “A serious question that you have to ask yourself is this: Does the idea of Senator Roy Moore make it more or less likely that Toyota or anyone else would see Alabama’s image in such a negative way that they would cross Alabama off of their list and move on?”

Chris Ruddy on Mueller investigation: Trump 'thinks there's nothing to it'

Ex-UN ambassador: Trump's foreign policy is "getting criticized by everybody" internationally

It’s a Perfect Storm for Destroying Journalism

If Orrin Hatch won't retire, Mitt Romney should push him aside

Grad students arrested during tax protest at Speaker Ryan’s office

Wisconsin finalizes plan to drug test food stamp recipients

Senate confirms Kirstjen Nielsen to head Homeland Security

Americans hate the #TrumpTaxScam

Google blocks YouTube access from Amazon's streaming devices

The Latest: Iran top leader lashes out at Trump on Jerusalem.

"Before the ink was dry on promises made to Senator Susan Collins to secure her vote on the GOP tax bill, it began to vanish."

WATCH: Justice Anthony Kennedy poses tough questions in court case of a Christian baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple

Trump pressuring congressional Republicans to speed up on tax reform

Publicist who arranged Trump Jr.-Russian lawyer meeting to testify before Congress: report

The White House's plan to centralize voter data with a national database could become a target of foreign cyber attacks, experts warn

Iranian says Giuliani tried to broker deal with U.S. for his freedom

U.S. Decision On Jerusalem Sparks Anger And Concern

John McDonnell tells Theresa May to prove she has nothing to hide after 10,000 sign petition calling her to declare offshore interests

Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein: "The big difference in Watergate and now is that the heroes of Watergate were by and large Republicans who had the courage to say this is not about ideology, this is about illegality"

Erdogan has threatened to cut Israel ties if Trump recognizes Jerusalem as its capital

Volunteers and local residents work to restore Puerto Rico’s communities

Ryan's office warning he wasn't part of deal on ObamaCare

Beyonce presented former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick with Sports Illustrated's Muhammad Ali Legacy Award

White House says government shutdown always a possibility

Democrats flex muscles as Congress confronts a government shutdown

Ex-Clinton staffer: If Obama cured cancer, Trump would try to bring it back

Steve Bannon held firm. Now President Trump, the RNC and the GOP base are all back with Roy Moore

: Washington Examiner: Divorce records obtained by @dcexaminer show that Roy Moore first started dating his current wife Kayla before she had even filed for divorce from her first husband

Senate Intel Chair Richard Burr told reporters that he doesn’t agree with John Dowd's view that presidents are legally disqualified from obstructing justice.

Richard Blumenthal: A “credible case” of obstruction of justice can be made against Trump.

Trump Crony Admits Republican Tax Plan Is an Elaborate Middle Finger to Liberals

Environmental groups and five Native American tribes have filed two lawsuits to block the Trump administration's plan to drastically scale back two national monuments in Utah

US official: Erik Prince proposed private spy network to Trump administration

Pence allies worried he'll be called to answer questions from Mueller

More charges could be coming against former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates in the Russia probe, according to Gates' attorney

U.S. embassies beefing up security in Middle East ahead of Pres. Trump's expected announcement that the U.S. embassy in Israel is moving to Jerusalem.

Minister @Israel_katz: "I welcome President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the embassy to Jerusalem."

WATCH: Justice Anthony Kennedy poses tough questions in court case of a Christian baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in historic break with US policy

It's getting less appealing to drill for oil in the Arctic

Gloria Allred demands Moore testify under oath in exchange for yearbook

Romney’s back, and that’s a problem for Trump that could get worse

Tens of Thousands Evacuate as Southern California Fires Spread

Saudi Arabia must lift its Yemen blockade

The first gun-related legislation since Las Vegas is . . . concealed carry

Trump W.H. grilled over reported plan for private spy network

The Intercept reports the White House is considering creating "a global, private spy network" to report directly to Trump and Mike Pompeo to circumvent Trump's perceived "deep state" enemies. Investigative reporter Matthew Cole & fmr. CIA analyst Ned Price join.

Reports indicate the president will move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. I wrote him last week to explain why that would be a terrible decision.

U.S. trade gap soars as imports from China hit record high

Congress is on the verge of passing concealed carry reciprocity—forcing states like NY to give up the protections our state & local law enforcement agencies rely on to protect residents from gun violence.

NYT conservative columnist: I can never vote Republican again after GOP support of Roy Moore

Ex-RNC chairman tears into Trump: You endorsed "an alleged pedophile" for the sake of a vote

Bannon pushes Alabama senate race as referendum on Trump

John Archibald, columnist for the Birmingham News, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Alabama voters are processing the Roy Moore schoolgirl scandal and the influence of Steve Bannon on the race.

RNC quietly slips back into supporting Roy Moore in Alabama

Rachel Maddow reports on the Republican National Committee resuming its support for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore after having previously pulled away from Moore over his schoolgirl scandal.

News of Mueller Deutsche Bank query triggers Trump team freak-out

Greg Farrell, investigative reporter for Bloomberg News, talks with Rachel Maddow about his reporting on the Robert Mueller investigation asking Deutsche Bank for information related to Donald Trump.

Mueller looking at Deutsche Bank in Trump Russia probe: reports

Rachel Maddow looks at Deutsche Bank's history with Russian money laundering, Donald Trump's massive indebtedness to Deutsche Bank, and the news that Robert Mueller's Trump Russia investigation is taking a closer look at the bank's dealings.

Mueller looking at Deutsche Bank in Trump Russia probe: reports

Rachel Maddow looks at Deutsche Bank's history with Russian money laundering, Donald Trump's massive indebtedness to Deutsche Bank, and the news that Robert Mueller's Trump Russia investigation is taking a closer look at the bank's dealings.