Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Exclusive: Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson

First on The Beat: Secret Paul Manafort memo to Trump revealed

NYT reporter Glenn Thrush and former prosecutor Renato Mariotti joins Ari Melber to break down the exclusive Paul Manafort memos in which he makes the case to be the Trump campaign chair.

Exclusive: RU colluded w/ US anti-gay groups, advertised on #Facebook to stoke LGBTQ tensions in 2016.

Tax reform is not good for me, believe me, Trump said

MCCONNELL lieutenant tells donors: the base hates us the way they hated Obama And says Trump is goading them on

Retiring GOP senator: Tax reform will make health care "look like a piece of cake"

Second-Class Puerto Rico - WSJ

SCOOP: White House is restricting lawmakers from visiting Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, aides say

A hedge fund manager making $10 million is taxed at a lower rate than a teacher or a doctor. Outrageous.

House Intel committee postpones hearing on Trump-Russia dossier

Donald Trump Accuses Facebook of Being ‘Anti-Trump’ (He previously claimed Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win)

Meghan McCain on report of Trump "physically mocking" her father privately: It's "abhorrent"

Russian operatives impersonated a real organization to spread fake news.

Jared Kushner Real Estate Co Sued for Predatory Overcharging Practice: "preying on the poor & working class"

3 reasons repealing Obamacare next year is a lot harder

The media promised to call out lies in the Trump era. It’s not happening.

Huge ‘IMPEACH’ billboard goes up near California’s Bay Bridge — the busiest in US

Senate panel to summon Google in Russia probe

Michelle Obama: Women who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton 'voted against their own voice'

Trump on why he won’t waive the Jones Act: “A lot of people who are in the shipping industry don’t want” it lifted.

Key U.S. intel unit, the Finances Crimes Enforcement Network, was blocked from tracking terrorists.

Here’s the GOP #TaxReform plan. Their cover page could be the nicest part — Chuck Schumer

My story on the SVB server <-> Trump Tower = INCREDIBLY bad news for Facebook, Zuckerberg and Thiel.


President Trump is now hinting he might fire Tom Price over his private plane use

Rubio wont seek Foreign Relations chairmanship

A wounded Trump is flailing badly, as he faces a series of important issues.

Perspective | Dear Government: Send in troops to Puerto Rico – this catastrophe demands it

In private, President Trump has taken to physically mocking Mitch McConnell and John McCain

Russia paid for Facebook ads promoting Jill Stein: ‘Trust me, it’s not a wasted vote’—she met with Putin in 2015

WATCH: Full interview with Chris Coons

How Putin Played the Far Left

Defrauded students are after one thing: justice from predatory for-profit colleges.

Prolific fake news writer Paul Horner dead at 38

The EPA is spending $25,000 on a soundproof booth for Scott Pruitt


The Guy Who Recreated Seth Rich’s Murder Wants Robert Mueller to Get Involved in the Case

Jack Burkman has created an ad with Russian subtitles.

Senate Judiciary Committee to subpoena Manafort documents, top Democrat says

Trump Thinks Twice About His Tweets, and Hits Delete

GOP chairman: Women in my conservative caucus are the group's "eye candy"

Roy Moore's Democratic opponent G Douglas Jones is civil rights lawyer who prosecuted perpetrators of 16th Street Baptist Church bombing

Cyprus is now actively helping Russia to counter US Magnitsky sanctions

Trump administration says it won't budge on Dreamers' deadline

Republicans To Unveil 'Middle Class' Tax Cut; Democrats See Windfall For The Rich

Four star general: “I know something about the flag … put me down with Kaepernick”

Sen. Corker: Pres. Trump hasn't demonstrated the stability or competence to be successful

Russian-funded Facebook ads backed Stein, Trump & Sanders while questioning Clinton's authenticity.

Trump inauguration donor gets personal attention

Sam Stein, politics editor for The Daily Beast, talks with Rachel Maddow about a newly discovered example of apparent special access to White House officials given to a donor to Donald Trump's inauguration fund.

Roy Moore defeats Trump-backed Luther Strange in Alabama: AP

Rachel Maddow reports breaking news from the AP that Roy Moore has defeated Donald Trump's chosen candidate Luther Strange in the Alabama Republican run-off primary election.

Schiff: A lot more work to do on Russian use of social media

Congressman Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about how the investigation into Russia's use of social media to interfere in the American democratic process is advancing.

Trump staff, lawyers in tow, to face Mueller in Russia scandal

Rachel Maddow reports on expectations that special counsel Robert Mueller will interview White House staff this week in the Trump Russia scandal, and notes how crowded the timeline since 2016 has become with known events.

San Juan mayor: 'This is a big S.O.S. for anybody out there'

Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz of Puerto Rico's capital city, San Juan, talks with Rachel Maddow about the desperate situation in her city and in Puerto Rico broadly, and expresses her frustration with an administration that is slow to deploy eager helpers.