Saturday, September 9, 2017

Irma has remained over Cuba longer than expected - means a more westerly track up Florida: Naples, Fort Myers Tampa

A track just 5-10 miles west of this would be the worst-case U.S. coastal flood. Tampa could get 30ft of surge

Update: A curfew has now been issued in North Miami Beach

The new track makes the Tampa Bay area the bull's-eye for a major hurricane for the first time in almost a century


Irma Here are some hurricane tips to start now

People are sharing their creative "pro tips" for hurricane preparations, and some are actually pretty genius

We urge pet owners in Hurricane Irma’s path to follow our expert tips to keeping your pet safe during a disaster

Freeze gallon bags of water

IRMA LATEST 2pET -Category 3 -Winds:125 mph -About 145 miles SE of Key West

We created an #Irma rumor control page to help you verify what’s true and what’s not.

Indications that Major Hurricane #Irma has begun the re-intensification process. Note the dark shading cyclonically wrapping around core

Two additional emergency shelters have opened up in #Clearwater for a total of three.

Important news about the #Clearwater shelter for pets related to #Irma. It is full.

The Latest: Florida emergency management officials have asked another 700,000 to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Irma.

Miami mayor on Irma: "This is the time to talk about climate change"

Rubio: "Don't be the guy that gets killed by the tree" during Hurricane Irma

LATEST: Tornado watch issued in parts of southern Florida ahead of #Irma, National Weather Service says

Hurricane Irma is now aimed at the Tampa Bay area

“It just blows in sideways, behind you, every which way,”CNN Oppmann reports from Cuba as Irma heads toward FL

Watch these four live webcams to see the scene as Irma approaches Florida

Hurricane Irma: The Floridians who won't leave

Florida Gov. Rick Scott is speaking about latest preparations for Hurricane Irma. Watch live on CNN or @CNNgo

Florida official: If you don’t evacuate before Hurricane Irma, nobody will be there to answer your 911 call

OTD 60 years ago, President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Trump's EPA working to secure toxic waste sites ahead of Hurricane Irma

This Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Trump Campaign Is Terrifying


Something's cooking in DC on the Global Magnitsky Act

What Trump & co. have wrecked so far

How was Mnuchin's debt plea received? GOP Rep. Costello: "About as well received as his wife's Instagram post."

Federal agency to investigate hiring practices at Trump's EPA

Wildfires have burned an area the size of Maryland

Putin blames "bad company" in Washington for turning Tillerson against Russia

We are in the midst of a worldwide, internet-based assault on democracy

Trump uses pay to play. Here’s why and how to fix it.

House Republicans Complicit In Trump Crimes By Intentionally Voting To Hide His Tax Returns

Barack Obama and Joe Biden will take on Trump and try to save humanity in the animated 'Barry & Joe'

Bush EPA director: Trump attempt to bury climate change evidence is "shameful"

"Because I was responsible, I'm being penalized." How Washington traps disaster victims

North Koreans celebrate founding anniversary as world waits to see if Pyongyang will launch another missile.

Do you seriously think a Hillary Clinton presidency would have been worse than this? | Opinion

DOJ submits *unsolicited* brief to SCOTUS, backing "right" of man to refuse to make wedding cakes for LGBT couples.

Steve Bannon interview: Trump's "Access Hollywood" tape was a "litmus test"

How Russia Created the Most Popular Texas Secession Page on Facebook (and got shut down

Trump's Toyota tax will cost Americans $25.6 BILLION a year.

Trump DOJ disappoints conservatives by not charging key figure in IRS scandal

Trump wades into legal battle over Harvey relief funds for churches

We need to secure our elections from Russia, not with them. Here's how to actually safeguard them

Black officers say the police union president ignores them and the community while he plays mini-Trump

4am: The far reach of our radar is starting to sample the top of #Irma's eye

"Collusion network" Facebook flaw leads to millions of fake "likes"

"There was some hissing...there were some groans": House Republicans lash Mnuchin, Mulvaney behind closed doors

Former Trump Official: 'Facebook Won The Election For Us'

Barack Obama makes surprise visit to Washington, DC's McKinley Technology High School "to welcome back students"

Irma has the track shifting just slightly west again. Expected to be a Cat 4 storm as it approaches SW FL.

Russia Duped Bernie Fans via Facebook, San Diego Dems Told

What Hillary Clinton was thinking during her second debate with Trump

“Felix Sater's dad was an informant too.”

New York AG launches formal investigation into massive Equifax data breach

Hope Hicks Lawyers Up

The investigation into Russian interference in our election is a fact-finding mission & I’ll always seek the truth.

Fred Trump’s FBI file and a very interesting news article on their campaign donations to Koch

Cohn doubles down on tax reform as rumors swirl about his West Wing status

Russian fingerprints are on thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that posted anti-Clinton messages

US stops surveillance of ISIS convoy at request of Russia

Government Accountability Office to investigate Trump Interior chief's alleged threat against GOP senator

We should learn from the Dutch. This is what their paper ballots look like after rejecting voting machines for fear of Russian hacking

Russians fear CIA used spy colonel as mole in their hacking operation


Everything you need to know about the German election

Tall Tales by Team Trump about the Russian Lawyer Meeting Suggest a Cover Up

Four Texas Republicans voted against Harvey aid package

"500-year" rain events are happening more often than you think

Mueller's Russia investigation targets Trump inner circle

A new report says Robert Mueller wants to interview at least 6 current and former White House aides including a Trump confidant in the investigation into possible campaign collusion with Russia. Ali Velshi discusses with Betsy Woodruff & Jill Wine-Banks.

Mueller turns attention to White House staff

Rachel Maddow relays reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is looking to interview current and former White House aides, and considers what the subject of those interviews might be based on who we know he wants to talk to.

Shifting storm track raises risk in Florida

Rachel Maddow catalogues the questions she has after overdosing on news about Hurricane Irma and consults Bill Karins, NBC News meteorologist, about weather models and understanding storm surge forecasts.