Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A federal court dismissed a defamation lawsuit brought by Sarah Palin against the New York Times


Donald Trump Jr. set to testify before Senate Judiciary panel

Rep. Rohrabacher says 'rendezvous' being set up with Trump to relay info from WikiLeaks' Assange on DNC hack

Special counsel subpoenas Manafort's former attorney and spokesman

Trump has used his Harvey meetings as product placement for hats he sells for $40 two days in a row now

Surprise! Donald Trump had a relationship with Russia after all.

Chris Christie ripped his fellow Republicans in Texas as 'hypocrites' for asking for Hurricane Harvey aid after denying it to Sandy victims

Reporters have acted heroically in Houston. Trump owes them an apology.

Felix Sater Is a Lean, Mean Trump-Russia Machine

Analysis: Harvey is what climate change looks like. It’s time to open our eyes and prepare for what's coming

Analysis: Houston is experiencing its third "500-year" flood in 3 years. How is that possible?

Felix Sater makes donations to Trump campaign and visits TTower NY 7/16; more donations 8/16

Trump adviser funding offshore drug tests on humans to avoid federal safety rules

Litigous Cassandra Fairbanks

Litigous Cassandra Fairbanks

A year after America was hacked through information warfare, it's time for media and citizens to discuss "information ops."

The same people involved in failed Moscow Trump Tower also tried to end U.S. sanctions on Russia

How Trump Kills the G.O.P.

Trump fires longtime aide after TV cameras show small crowd at rally: report

Donald Trump under personal investigation for sex trafficking underage girls with Trump Models


Secret Service instructed to ban Gorka from White House prior to resignation going public: report

Worth noting: Houston is drowning—In its freedom from regulations

Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, faces criticism for closing megachurch's doors amid #Harvey.

NAACP LDF: "Inviting the use of military weaponry against our domestic population is nothing short of recasting the public as an enemy."

Gone Gorka

A $53 billion Finnish pension fund is cutting its exposure to U.S. stocks, due to concerns about Trump's behavior

Morning Digest: Joe Arpaio might primary Jeff Flake as new poll shows the incumbent getting crushed

President Trump reiterates that ‘all options are on the table’ after North Korea fires a missile over Japan

North Korean favor for Putin...

Russia seeks to reassure over war games, denies invasion plans

Maddow: Trump’s attempt to kill Arpaio trial may have blown up his Comey firing ‘ignorance defense’

GOP lawmaker on Trump: “He’s an asshole, but he’s our asshole"

This controversial culture warrior has landed a mystery job in the Trump administration

Trump Org lawyer acknowledges outreach to Putin spokesman during campaign

WATCH: Sean Hannity goes on unhinged rant blaming Houston’s black mayor for not evacuating city

JUST IN: President Trump and first lady Melania Trump depart for Texas

Trump calls pardoned ex-sheriff 'a patriot,' renews call for closer ties to Russia

Trump Is A 19th-Century President Facing 21st-Century Problems

Trump may be forced to choose: The wall, or Harvey victims?

Trump is setting himself up for a major budget showdown: will Trump veto a budget that includes Hurricane Harvey disaster relief but doesn't fund his wall with Mexico? Maria Teresa Kumar, Steve Bell and Ron Klain join Lawrence O'Donnell.

Analysis: Harvey is what climate change looks like. It’s time to open our eyes and prepare for what's coming

Russian oligarch's son says he met w/Ivanka in Russia to talk Trump Tower Moscow—& met "many times" w/Don & Eric

How Ivanka Trump got to sit in Vladimir Putin's chair

The Washington Post and the New York Times reveal new emails connecting Trump and Trump world to Vladimir Putin, including how Ivanka got to sit in Putin's private chair. Steven Harper, creator of the Trump-Russia timeline, and Tim O'Brien join Lawrence O'Donnell.

Trump exposed to new obstruction charge over Arpaio queries

Rachel Maddow looks at legal opinions on whether Donald Trump's inquiries into dropping the case against Joe Arpaio would constitute yet another act of obstruction of justice for which Trump might be legally exposed.

Hatch would vote yes on release of dossier testimony transcript

Rachel Maddow reports breaking news that Senator Orrin Hatch has told TRMS that he would vote in favor of releasing the transcript of the Senate Judiciary Committee testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson on the Trump dossier.

Trump Moscow deal pushed as asset to campaign

Carol Leonnig, staff writer for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about new revelations that Donald Trump was pursuing a business deal in Moscow while campaigning, and why his aides saw a Russian deal as an asset to the campaign.

Mueller Team Reportedly Questioning If Trump Hid Knowledge Of Russia Meeting

Hey, Mueller, You Should Check Out Iceland

Trump sought Moscow business deal while campaigning for president

Rachel Maddow reports on the myriad ties between Donald Trump and Russia that have come to light in contradiction of Trump denials, with the latest being the pursuit of a real estate deal backed by a state-run Russian bank while Trump was campaigning for president.

Trump Himself Signed 'Letter of Intent' to Build in Russia during Campaign

"Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it. I will get all of Putin's team to buy in on this."


Trump's Homeland Security press release 5 months ago: cut FEMA & flood insurance to free up funds for border wall

Leaked chats show Charlottesville marchers planned for violence, including using vehicles as weapons

Donald Trump is being warned by advisers about impeachment

Americans express support for traditional public schools in new poll, even as Trump disparages them

This disturbing email that @kathygriffin received, it's from CBS Corporation board member Arnie Kopelson

Most of U.S.' special envoys to be abolished and their responsibilities reassigned as part of State Dept. overhau

Hurricane aid adds to GOP’s dreadful September

The March from Charlottesville to D.C. has begun.

The Republicans who stand between Trump and impeachment. We name names | Opinion

Trump's pardon of Arpaio isn't just one more abuse of presidential power among many: Here's what makes it unique: