Friday, July 28, 2017

This couldn't have been handled more poorly. But we seem to be reaching new lows daily under Trump. He brings in a general

Mitt Romney's warning about Trump from March 2016 has aged extremely well

C'mon Putin. Is that all you got. As soon as we get rid of Trump and the TreasonWeasels-it's regime change for you.

Senator John McCain votes NO on "Skinny Repeal"

A gall darned American hero for all time. He is the one who delivered the Steele Dossier. He's known and been playing along and is ready to kick some ass now.

Ex-Cruz campaign manager: Trump presidency "is effectively over"

"Not a Presidency but an affliction."

NEW: Focus on WHY Trump wants Mueller out and Graham says doing it could end his presidency: TRUMP IS GUILTY

Steve Bannon’s external press office may violate federal law

John McCain's no vote kills Senate healthcare bill

BREAKING: Russia suspends US embassy use of diplomatic properties in Moscow - Sputnik


Lawrence: Scaramucci a pass-fail moment for Trump's judgment

Before even officially becoming Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci went on a threatening, vulgar tirade, attacking fellow White House aides and "leakers." Lawrence O'Donnell argues this is a test—if Trump keeps Scaramucci, his presidency may never recover.

Today's New York Post Cover

Earnest: Scaramucci himself is a problem for White House

Obama Press Secretary Josh Earnest and Bush speechwriter David Frum join Lawrence O'Donnell to explain the deficiencies of the Trump communications team and how Anthony Scaramucci is not only ill-suited to his new role, but also doing far more harm than good.

Anthony Scaramucci put White House chaos on display in a vulgar tirade aimed at Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon

Graham bill would stop Trump from firing Special Counsel Mueller

Jeff Sessions is speaking out about being under public attack by Trump over the Russia investigation and Lindsey Graham has issued a warning to the president about the consequences of firing the attorney general. Paul Butler and Ron Klain join Lawrence O'Donnell.

BREAKING: Feinstein statement details Benczkowski’s representation of Alfa Bank, and, wow.

Richard Engel reports from Moscow Friday @9pm

Rachel Maddow gives viewers a preview of some of Richard Engel's reporting from Russia to air on Friday, 7/29 at 9pm ET as the latest installment of On Assignment with Richard Engel.

Senate Obamacare Repeal Bill Collapses In Key Vote

A trifecta of criticism for President Trump with this message: Change your behavior

Congress Just Almost Unanimously Called Trump's Bluff On Russia Sanctions

Trump employs Christie-style bully politics in health bill push

Rachel Maddow points out the parallels between the bully tactics at the root of the Bridgegate scandal and the pressure Donald Trump is trying to put on Senator Lisa Murkowski by threatening Alaska, noting also that Chris Christie's former campaign manager now works as Trump's political director.

Trump and his allies are desperate. With desperation comes cruelty.

The Government Accountability Office is investigating Trump's abuses against the ACA

Franken: GOP bill opposite of what Trump voters were promised

Senator Al Franken talks with Rachel Maddow about the disastrous health/tax bill Senate Republicans are struggling to jam through to passage.

Help us put these billboards up near all 6 of Sen McConnell's district offices by giving here

Sen. Chuck Schumer gets emotional over McCain, calls for bipartisanship: "Let's turn the page and work together"

White House threatens to retaliate against Alaska if their senator votes against Trumpcare

House Judiciary Cmte. GOP call for special counsel to look at election matters related to Clinton, Comey and Lynch


Expert: 'Nothing can stop Bobby Mueller' despite Trump's efforts

Tim Weiner, historian of the FBI and CIA, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Republican effort to discredit the FBI and the Trump Russia investigation, and what Donald Trump doesn't understand about the FBI

A witness at today’s Judiciary hearing suggests Russia may have offered information in exchange for Trump team cooperation. WATCH:

The faces of the real American heroes who aren't getting the credit they deserve!

“We’d nuke China next week if Trump asked.” A sentence you never thought you’d hear

Trump threatens to let ObamaCare "implode" after GOP repeal bill suffer stunning defeat

Boy Scouts official apologizes for 'political rhetoric' of Trump speech

In shocker, Senate Republicans fail to strip health care from millions in dead of night

Sean Hannity melts down over report he blew $42,000 on a 70-year-old lobster at Trump restaurant

GOP deploys counter narrative amid continued Trump disgrace

Rachel Maddow reports on the latest embarrassing spectacle from the Donald Trump administration and points out the facets of a solidifying Republican counter narrative that aims to discredit the FBI and the Trump Russia investigation.

This photo perfectly captures the tension at the White House right now

The USA must send a strong message to Putin & any other aggressor that we will not tolerate attacks on our democracy

This devastating “health care” bill is the result of what happens when a party becomes beholden to a small group of creepy billionaires

Democrats vow investigation, lawsuit over ‘political blackmail’ against Murkowski

Anthony Scaramucci Called Me to Unload About White House Leakers, Reince Priebus, and Steve Bannon