James Thompson Loses Close Kansas Election. Just Imagine If The Democrats Had Helped!


What Attorney General Jeff Sessions' prosecutor days in Alabama portend for the DOJ's new war on crime

Carter Page responds to report he was working as a foreign agent

Rep. Ken Buck: 'Bipartisan Bankruptcy' Plaguing DC | Morning Joe

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Co., says in his new book 'Drain the Swamp,' that D.C. corruption is worse than you think. Rep. Buck joins Morning Joe to discuss 'bipartisan bankruptcy' and how to fix it.

NEW VIDEO: My God we've elected Homer Simpson. My message to Trump: You're a Jackass

China's Xi calls for peaceful resolution of North Korea tensions in call with Trump

Alleged Gay ‘Concentration Camps’ In Chechnya Spark Global Outrage

Did Bill O'Reilly Just Speak His Last Words On Fox News? | The Last Word

Bill O'Reilly is off the air for Easter "vacation," but Gabe Sherman reports the Murdochs are fighting over O'Reilly's future. Attorney Lisa Bloom, who is calling on New York state to investigate sexual harassment claims at Fox News, also joins Lawrence O'Donnell.

Rep Swalwell: Fmr Trump advisor Page's Russia ties worth scrutiny

Congressman Eric Swalwell, member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about revelations that Donald Trump campaign advisor Carter Page was the target of a FISA warrant.

Former Trump advisor Carter Page targeted by FISA warrant: WaPo

Adam Entous, national security reporter for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Post's breaking report that former Donald Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page was the subject of a FISA warrant as a possible agent of a foreign power.