Friday, March 31, 2017

I don't think Trump is going to like the new New Yorker cover

If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.

Could this weekend really trigger the beginning of the end for Assange’s extraordinary central London refuge?

Wisconsin's war on unions has gutted schools. The rest of America could be next.

Alfa Bank server I suggest, was passing data from hacks about where voters lived, back to Russia, so SCL could target them. Manafort/Firtash

Who are the Koch brothers? What is their agenda? And how are they undermining our democracy?

Clinton Criticizes Trump Proposed Diplomacy Cuts

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized proposed budget cuts by President Donald Trump to programs that foster international diplomacy. (March 31)

NBC News: Obama officials were so concerned about what would happen to Russia intel—they gave serial #s to Sen Intel

JUST IN: Senate Intel panel rejects Flynn's immunity offer

Alex Jones blatantly lied to his viewers about Republicans repealing internet privacy measures

hoping you in particular get shot for treason...

DOJ complaint: Breitbart & then-chair Bannon were de facto foreign agents publishing propaganda illegal under FARA

After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve"

Former FBI Agent: Possible Russia, Trump Campaign Collusion Worries Me | Morning Joe

Former FBI Agent Clint Watts testified Thursday during the Senate Intel Committee's hearing on Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 election. Watts joins Morning Joe to discuss.

Trump actions boosted Russian effectiveness

Rachel Maddow shares video of testimony by Clinton Watts, former FBI special agent, at today's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in which Watts explains how Russian fake news operations were made more effective because Donald Trump cited those stories.

Immunity in presidential scandals has complicated history

Michael Beschloss, NBC News presidential historian, talks with Rachel Maddow about the historical precedent for immunity granted in a presidential scandal.


In major shift, the U.S. is no longer pushing for Assad's ouster

Trump scandals risk inuring Americans to government corruption

Rachel Maddow reviews a list of less reported but no less outrageous current Trump administration scandals and notes that beyond the big Trump Russia scandal, Americans have to retain their ability to be shocked by corruption if the U.S. is to remain a... 

Would Flynn testimony implicate 'higher ups?

Congressman Jim Himes, member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about what it would mean to grant immunity the Mike Flynn in exchange for testimony and what considerations would go into granting such immunity.

White House role in leaks raises suspicion

Rachel Maddow looks at new reporting that the source of intelligence given to Rep. Devin Nunes was the was the White House, leading to the question, why was the White House looking at that intelligence in the first place?

Senate Dems are calling on Judge Gorsuch to help find out the secret backers who donated $17MIL to support his nomination.

Wow, Gorsuch must really suck if "They" need to flip this much money.

So Much News, So Little Time - Nepotism, Impeachment & the Freedom Caucus: The Daily Show

First Daughter Ivanka Trump gets a White House job, recently impeached South Korean President Park Geun-hye is arrested, and Donald Trump fights with his fellow Republicans.

Trump/Nunes Story Gets Weirder, GOP Lets Companies Sell Your Internet Data: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at Trump's record low approval rating and the GOP's plan to allow Internet companies to sell people's Internet data.

Flynn testimony offer jolts Trump Russia case

Shane Harris, senior writer for The Wall Street Journal, talks with Rachel Maddow about breaking news that disgraced Donald Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has offered to testify in the Russia investigation in exchange for immunity.