Saturday, February 11, 2017

If you or a loved one needs legal help due to the ICE raids, here are some numbers to call in the affected states.

Retweet if you stand with Ibtihaj Muhammad! The Olympic champion was recently detained at US Customs without explanation.

Lawmakers are getting creative in their attempts to mock, challenge and repudiate

Trump dumped Tillerson's deputy secretary of state pick over his criticisms during the campaign, sources say

The GOP’s national right to work bill is a smokescreen

The real danger to American democracy, argues Ezra Klein, isn't what Trump does. It's what Congress lets him do.

Demián Bichir: What To Do If Immigration Agents Are At Your Door

Is the new Trump policy behind the sudden increase in immigration raids across the country?

Sears, Kmart drop 31 Trump Home items from their online shops

The people who said Hillary Clinton was 'The Lesser of Two Evils.' Can we get the apology right now?

Incredible turnout at the Moral March in Raleigh NC to save the ACA, fight for equal rights & Resist Trump!!

GOP congressman's town hall erupted into arguments as pro-Obamacare attendees shouted down claims of "death panels"

Senate to move on Friedman nomination for Israel ambassador

'Significant uncertainty' about fiscal policy under Trump: Fed's Fischer

Russian paper says domestic abuse has ‘advantage’: Survivors give birth to more boys

Keith Ellison was sworn into congress on Thomas Jefferson’s Koran

Trump leaves reporters in basement with covered windows while he plays golf

TX Congressman: Please forward me any videos, photos or other documentary evidence of the ICE raids, including any evidence of random citizenship checks.

Crowd marches in Bloomington, IN in support of Planned Parenthood, one of many protests for and against the organization around the US today

Army veterans return to Standing Rock to form a human shield against police

Businessman who may have helped Trump recruit Russian investors was also a potential source for the intel dossiers.

Jared Kushner, a leading adviser on Middle Eastern affairs, has profound personal ties to Israel

Front page of New York Times on bombshell Russia intelligence report: Putin Led Scheme To Aid Trump.

FBI is diverting agents charged w/ preventing terrorist attacks to instead focus on indigenous activists:

Hey Comey, you POS

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics [and pretty pictures!

Sen. Schumer: Judge Gorsuch's "behind closed doors" criticism of Trump is self-serving

U.S. immigration authorities are now arresting large numbers of undocumented immigrants in the first large-scale...

Historic thousands marching on NC's capitol demanding voting and civil rights for ALL, reproductive justice, HB2's repeal & more

Demonstrators plan to gather Sunday near Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate to protest decision on Dakota Access pipeline

Crowd chants "Shame!" at Greensboro, GA town hall after Sens. Perdue, Isakson and Rep. Hice reportedly declined to answer questions.

Nazis gross AND stupid? You don't fucking say!

Poll shows worldview gap between Trump voters, Americans broadly

Rachel Maddow shares an exclusive look at new Public Policy Polling results that show considerable difference between how Donald Trump is viewed by his supporters versus Americans in general, and an alarming amount of leeway his supporters are willing to give ... more Duration: 7:53

CIA forces Flynn ally out of National Security Council by denying key security clearance: report

Pres. Trump expresses “full confidence” in adviser Mike Flynn amid reports Flynn discussed US sanctions with Russia

Donald Trump Calls In To Ask A Few Basic Questions

Trump has been making late night calls to friends, asking for help with things a President should really already know.

Trump's allies say the president has been surprised that government can’t be run like his business

Website for disabled kids disappears as DeVos takes office

Magnitude of Trump adviser Flynn's Russia scandal gains clarity

Rachel Maddow reports on the still-developing scandal that Donald Trump national security adviser, Mike Flynn, reportedly discussed U.S. sanctions with Russia before Trump was in office, and that communication existed during the campaign. Duration: 12:02 

Donald and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Sanctuary Cities

President Snowflake is feeling very unsafe in places where people are treated like people.

Long Ties, Big Lies And Made Up Crowd Size: The Sean Spicer Story

White House Press Secretary had a rough week and it doesn't look like it'll be getting easier any time soon.

Trump Abuses His Presidential Power: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at how Donald Trump uses his status as president to slam private companies and threaten lawmakers.

McCaskill calls for FBI briefing on Flynn

% of Americans who think president is respected by world leaders

Poll: Trump Supporters Simply Can’t Wait To Celebrate White History Month!

New PPP poll shows that 51% of Trump supporters want a king instead of a president.

Proof Bannon Is Nuts

Sat in his sadistic mother's basement, thinking too much about being Rasputin

POLL: New poll by PPP polls shows support for President Trump impeachment rising

Will Saturday’s “Defund Planned Parenthood” rallies be dwarfed by counter-protests?

What could go wrong?

Well look at that-before he was fired by Obama, Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn was caught leaking classified intelligence *twice*


ICE reportedly going door to door in Latinx Atlanta neighborhoods demanding people's papers.

Dear God

Feds, Trump attorneys wrangle over president’s D.C. hotel lease

Immigrant advocates dispute officials' claims that the operations were routine.

Republicans still don’t know much about Steve Bannon

Chuck Schumer, "Senators should know that Judge Gorsuch was eerily similar" to John Roberts

Is Lloyd Blankfein the architect of a nefarious plan to manipulate the president?

POTUS encouraged Kellyanne to push Ivanka clothing in interview, but later said she'd be fired if she makes another mistake like that.

NEW: Russian dossier on Trump gaining credibility with law enforcement, sources tell CBS News

This Valentine's Day can we please fall in love with knowledge again?

Putin wants to give Trumpy Snowden, like a mama cat teaching a kitten how to kill mice. "Now show me what you do with traitors."