Friday, February 10, 2017

National Security Advisor Had Sweaty Phone Sex With Russian Ambassador Maybe. Why Do You Ask?

Sean Spicer attacks CNN's multi-sourced corroboration of dossier on Trump-Russia ties as "fake news"

Here’s what Snowden told me about the possibility of Putin handing him over as a good will gesture to the Trump administration.

In a meeting with 10 senators, Trump claimed voter fraud in New Hampshire and referred to Warren as “Pocahontas”

Jake Tapper's Job Isn't To Be Liked

The host of CNN's 'History of Comedy' doesn't care if the President dislikes CNN, he's working to tell the truth.

Putin to "gift" Snowden to Trump

Immigration Arrests Reported Across Georgia, Attorneys Say

Elizabeth Warren goes hard at Mnuchin from the Senate floor. "He flat out lied."

Federal Reserve Wall Street enforcement chief announces resignation

Spicer Inteview: What Breitbart Has Been Reduced To

Lose some ad revenue boys??

BREAKING: Amid legal setback, President Donald Trump says he's considering signing a 'brand new order' on immigration.

This! The only thing we have to Trump is Trump himself!

The more they corroborate, the more we're getting closer to the truth. You might say...a wee bit closer.

Top Dem on House Foreign Affairs Rep. Eliot Engel: Trump Must Relieve Mike Flynn

CNN reports USG investigators have confirmed parts of the Trump-Russian memos I reported on in Oct. Big news.

BREAKING: US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

Updated 4:54 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

"Concentration Camps" is an ugly term but the realistic one. After the ICE raids last night, Trump is PLANNING this

Trump excitedly plugs blog that called his travel ban "incompetent malevolence"


Who is replacing Senator Jeff Sessions in Alabama? Meet establishment Republican Luther Strange.

Millions have protested Trump. Here’s what they plan to do next.

Just how much trouble is Michael Flynn in?

In 2 years, the company behind DAPL reported 69 accidents, polluting rivers in 4 states.

Betsey DeVos Rethinking Her New Job

Trump only calls on Murdoch outlets at presser, who don't ask about a top advisor possibly violating the Logan Act

Republicans beg their party to finally do something about global warming

Top Dem calls for Flynn to be suspended: Allegations raise "serious questions of legality and fitness for office."

Why is he not in stockade right now?

So did Flynn lie to Priebus? Or did Priebus lie to the public

Trump Attacks Massachusetts

Privately, Pence aides expressed frustration at their boss being placed in such a position by Flynn

Another federal judge questions Trump’s travel ban, in Virginia case

What to read and watch to understand how fringe movements turn to terrorism

Marine Le Pen says French citizens must renounce non-EU dual citizenship


“Well, that sounds like something good and you all agreed, 68? What happened to it?”

Democrats ratchet up call to investigate Flynn

Trump and Japanese PM Shinzō Abe’s EPIC handshake.

Of course Trump's health secretary is a friend of big tobacco

ACLU: Knowing and exercising your rights is not about confronting or physically resisting police officers.

Jason Chaffetz’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Town Hall!

Well if I was a GOP congressional shill for Trump...I would be getting very askared. See Videos!

The mysterious disappearance of the biggest scandal in Washington

Keeping us busy with the little things...

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals hands Trump a loss and a civics lesson in ban ruling,

Mnuchin made a fortune off Americans who lost their homes during the housing crisis

Canadians freak out as Sarah Palin's name comes up as ambassador

And if the political-media-complex does not go ballistic over this Flynn bombshell, something is rotten in DC

Bannon and Evola

"Being president harder than Donald Trump thought, according to aides/allies. he’s growing increasingly frustrated"

In first interview since stepping down, former spy chief says he's unaware of intel necessitating Trump's travel ban

What will you do -- politically -- when something bad happens?

Bannon really wants an apocalypse. He aches for it.

Elders Huckabee And Graham Look With Pleasure Upon The Silencing Of Goody Warren

Syria's Assad: Some refugees are terrorists

Murderous dictator says what???

The Billionaire CEO Behind the Dakota Access Pipeline Would Rather Be Talking About Co...

The bittersweet ballad of Kelcy Warren

An innocent man Mike Pence refused to pardon finally sees justice

The Cheyenne River Sioux tribe filed a legal challenge to stall the DAPL

Alec Baldwin mocks Ivanka Trump (and her dad) on "The Tonight Show"

Trump: Now Will We Win The War On Terror? Russell Brand The Trews

In today's Trews we look at Donald Trump's recent interview with Fox's Bill O'Reilly.

Trump goes after McCain in Thursday tweets

Donald Trump is targeting Sen. John McCain in a new round of tweets on Thursday, attacking him for his remarks about the raid in Yemen. Joe Scarborough discusses the risk this is for Trump. Duration: 3:58 

Ivanka Trump schmoozed her way around Washington's power breakfast spot guided by White House counselor Dina Powell

Neil Gorsuch’s criticism wasn’t aimed at President Trump, aides say in reversal

Republican actions on race are no accident

Rachel Maddow traces some of the recent strains of racism within the Republican Party and its overlap with new Donald Trump hires and notes that what may appear like political gaffes to most Americans actually fit a broader, deliberate theme. Duration: 16:56

How many conflicts of interests present themselves between Deutsche Bank & Trump? Let us count the ways

"Dark Forces" Are Coming for Your Organic Food

Are consumers using their dollars to vote on social/ political issues in the Trump era? How should business react?

White House probing leaks after details of Trump-Putin call released

How Democrats Are Responding to Trump: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at the slash-and-burn strategy the Trump administration is using to push their agenda through and what the Democrats are doing to stop it.

President Trump Is Using His Office To Protect His Family's Businesses

Stephen calls out the President for using his platform to attack Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka's clothing line.

Office of Government Ethics website breaks after Conway promotes Ivanka's brand

Hundreds of thousands rally in Iran against Trump, chant "Death to America"

UPDATE: Donald Trump tweeted, “SEE YOU IN COURT” following his loss today in court.

Senate confirms Obamacare opponent Price to lead health department

Trump and his aides seem confident that the GOP Congress will look the other way

Expedia's CEO ended a call with a gloomy comment: "Hopefully we will all be alive to see the end of next year"

Under Armour-sponsored athletes oppose CEO's pro-Trump comments

This is freckin' amazing. Flynn lied about plotting with Russian ambassador?

Seems like with ad dollars disappearing, Breitbart is having a hard time hiring people who can actually speak

Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office

Cong Chaffetz Town Hall crowd chanting "Do your job!" He's having a hard time answering over crowd noise

"I resent the implication that this administration is shamelessly plugging Ivanka Trump's clothing line."

"America First" -- Trump's foreign policy slogan -- was the name of the pro-Nazi group led by Charles Lindbergh...