Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Dems raise concern about possible links between DeVos and student debt collection

Particularly swampish

When asked, to commit to preserving funding for public education, Betsy Devos wouldn't.

Sen. Al Franken discovers Trump Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos doesn't know the difference between proficiency and growth.

Bristol, Plymouth county jails will help federal agents find and deport illegal immigrants being held in their jails

Not Here!
One has publicly offered inmate labor from the Commonwealth to build that supposed cockamamie wall.

Sheriff Tom Hodgson
400 Faunce Corner Rd
Dartmouth, MA 02747
(508) 995-1311

Sheriff McDonald
24 Long Pond Rd
Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 830-6200

Sanders Worried Over Trump Health Secretary Pick

Sen. Bernie Sanders says health care is a "human right" that should not be "a privilege for the wealthy." Sanders was speaking about Donald Trump's pick for health secretary, Tom Price, whose confirmation hearing is scheduled for Wednesday. (Jan. 17)

Trumps Going Start Being President On Mon Instead Of Fri

"…[D]ay one – which I will consider to be Monday as opposed to Friday or Saturday. Right? I mean my day one is gonna be Monday because I don’t want to be signing and get it mixed up with lots of celebration."
Excerpt from his UK interview

I heard Putin is sending a little gift to liven up the confusing inauguration event. 
The world's best prostitutes, Tang and diuretics.. 

A Former Apprentice Contestant Just Filed a Defamation Lawsuit Against Donald Trump

Senate's oldest member hints she may run for re-election

You Go Girl! We need you...

President Obama largely commuted the remaining prison sentence of Chelsea Manning

Betsy DeVos wants to use America's schools to build "God's kingdom." She's about to get her chance

Today's report makes clear again: "alternatives" proposed by Speaker Ryan and other opponents aren't sufficient

An Afternoon with the Badass Women Behind the Women's March

Putin's Brain - Why Putin Picked Trump

Wow, this new Resistance short nails it - watch

Video by Speakeasy Productions

Alt-Right In Shambles After Discovering One Of Their Leaders Married A Joooooo

Focusing on paranoid delusions may not be a winning strategy in the future for Trump.

On brink of repeal, Obamacare has never been more popular

CIA chief categorically denies he leaked dossier, calls Trump’s comments ‘repugnant’

SCHUMER, in intvw, on Price's purchase of stock in med device firm: "It could very well be a violation of the law

Conflicts of interest pervade patient advocacy groups, guideline writers & even doctors on Twitter, new studies

Trump seems more focused on throwing a party for his inauguration than on what he does during his first two days

Dear God, keep him away from the Lincoln bedroom.

Congressional Budget Office: Obamacare repeal could lead to 32 million fewer insured

Trump say’s he’ll offer to end sanctions imposed on Russia over its annexation of Crimea

Kellyanne Conway Triggered By John Lewis, Needs Safe Space Like Five Minutes Ago

Putin Claims Russia has Worlds Best Prostitutes - I am not making this up

John McCain on Rex Tillerson: "I question the recipient of a friendship award with Vladimir Putin"

Geez, McCain looks like he want to jump out of his own skin...

JUST IN: Russian President Vladimir Putin claims the Obama administration tried to undermine Trump's legitimacy

Poor little murderous fella.

Trump comments on ‘too strong’ dollar send shivers through stock market

"May I suggest more care on Twitter": Donald Trump tweets at the wrong Ivanka -- and she hits back

Not one person in the GOP has the balls to take his phone away....grovelling cowards.

On final foreign stop in Davos, Biden offers plea to Trump.

"If the chief of staff made these kinds of threats when we were serving in the White House, we would have resigned"

Putin calls report which said Russia had damaging details on Trump a hoax

Putin's awful talky today...plans for global domination not going as planned. Poor little fella.

This will be their strategy: pretend that the ACA was already dead

Corporate Mercenary Paul Ryan - Objectivism

Mississippi’s attempt to defend its anti-LGBTQ is unbelievably unhinged

BREAKING: Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses outgoing US administration of trying to undermine Trump's legitimacy

Will update as soon as we hear.

The alt-right is having a falling out - Pssst... Polite Term For White Supremists

(CNN) The alt-right is having a falling out -- in some ways with their President-elect, but in perhaps even more instances with each other.
And it comes on the eve of an alt-right inaugural celebration called the DeploraBall -- a play off of Hillary Clinton's "basket of deplorables" campaign remark.
Look no further than the white nationalist who coined the term alt-right, Richard Spencer. He's the same man who stood at a podium shortly after Donald Trump's election and, in a video that went viral, shouted "Hail Trump!" while several in the crowd celebrated the victory with a Nazi salute.

Trump Inaugural Committee Has Perfectly Reasonable Explanation For Purchase Of 5,300 Real Dolls

"There is a country that Trump may soon make great again. The problem is that it’s not the US."

Israeli intelligence fears Donald Trump’s administration will funnel their secrets to Vladimir Putin

US intel warns Israel that classified info shared with Trump regime could reach Iran via Russia.


Dan Coats, Trump’s pick as director of national intelligence, is virulently anti-gay

Evidence of Bizarre Trump-Russia Ties Continues to Ooze Out

So what's new on the Trump-Russia front? First up, the Independent tells us that the former MI6 agent behind the now-famous dossier alleging close ties between Russia and the Trump team was dismayed that his findings didn't generate more action during the presidential campaign:
Mr Steele became increasingly frustrated that the FBI was failing to take action on the intelligence from others as well as him. He came to believe there was a cover-up, that a cabal within the Bureau blocked a thorough inquiry into Mr Trump, focusing instead on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
....By late July and early August MI6 was also receiving information about Mr Trump. By September, information to the FBI began to grow in volume: Mr Steele compiled a set of his memos into one document and passed it to his contacts at the FBI. But there seemed to be little progress in a proper inquiry into Mr Trump. The Bureau, instead, seemed to be devoting their resources in the pursuit of Hillary Clinton’s email transgressions.
Full Article Via Mother Jones 

Seen All Around The World

JUST IN: Donald Trump will take office with an approval rating of just 40% -- the lowest of any recent president

In Moscow, the deployment of United States Marines in Norway has been met with disdain

Obama still on the clock...

Unlike Trump, Americans want strong environmental regulator

“We need people to come into the streets and get involved in what’s going on”

A shooting at a Miami event celebrating MLK Day has left 8 people injured

Must read interview with Donald Trump - UK Times

A stunning new poll shows Trump in trouble with voters

Donald Trump's interviews in Europe have placed him right in the middle of the Continent's most contentious issues

America is about to crown King Trump, and lose our democracy along the way. Here's my weekly essay Robert Reich

We Must Not Be Silent

CIA Director Gently Implying FBI Ratf*cked Election For Trump

Man of the People, @realDonaldTrump, openly selling access and throwing the swampiest inauguration in decades

Investors seem to be discounting the danger of the new U.S.-China rivalry. They should think again,

'Republicans risk being tagged as constitutional hypocrites if they don't hold Trump accountable.

Trump Meets With Martin Luther King Jr.'s Son

President-elect Donald Trump met with Martin Luther King Jr.'s son to discuss the civil rights leader's legacy.

Trump expanding Scottish golf course despite promising no new foreign deals

Movie about this as Trump acted so heinously to poor sweet Scottish people. Revenge served by Trump, over and over and over again.

 "You've Been Trumped" (2011) The Real Donald Trump - The Aberdeen, Scotland Golf Course Disaster 

In this David and Goliath story for the 21st century, a group of proud Scottish homeowners.

Wilbur Ross, Trump's Commerce pick, offshored 2,700 jobs since 2004

Ethics paperwork is still missing for Donald Trump's billionaire Cabinet picks

General Motors to announce $1 billion in U.S. investment

Donald Trump Promises to Replace Obamacare With 'Insurance for Everybody'

Trump has not given details but vows not to cut Medicare and to negotiate with drug companies to lower prices.

Will House GOP Embrace Trump’s Health Insurance Plan?

Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN) joins MTP Daily to discuss Trump’s health insurance plan and how an Obamacare replacement may take shape. Duration: 4:46 

Could Marco Rubio actually bring down Rex Tillerson's nomination?

Marco Rubio seems one of few GOP folk who are putting patriotism before party. Gets the Russian thing that no one else seems the least perturbed by. America will remember sir and Thank you.

Sen Al Franken Has Some Questions For Tom Price

With Tillerson in leadership, Exxon skirted U.S. sanctions, did buisness with Iran

John Ehrlichman - Nixon's Lawyer

Thanks Armchair Anarchist

Senator Elizabeth Warren: Opening Statement on Andrew Puzder at Workers Forum

Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke about Donald Trump's nominee Andrew Puzder at a January 10, 2017 forum with workers from Carl's Jr and Hardee's, Puzder's fast food chains.

Monica Crowley won’t join Trump administration after plagiarism reports

.Susan Rice: Russia's behavior is becoming increasingly aggressive

Susan Rice reflects on her role as national security adviser with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, citing Russia as "more an adversary than a friend." Duration: 6:01 

Donald Trump said he had "stayed away" from deals in Russia. In fact, he sought business there since the '80s.

UPDATE: 42 members of Congress have now declared they will not attend Trump’s inauguration -- and the number...

First on CNN: Trump's HHS pick introduced a bill aiding a company soon after his investmen