Wednesday, January 11, 2017

BBC claims a second source backs up Trump dossier

BBC correspondent Paul Wood came forward Wednesday to reveal that there are multiple intelligence sources alleging Russia is in possession of potentially embarrassing or compromising material regarding President-elect Donald Trump. Formerly, only a single source was known to have been aware of the alleged material.
"I saw the report, compiled by the former British intelligence officer, back in October," Wood said. "He is not, and this is the crucial thing, the only source for this.” The Wall Street Journal alleges the British source is Christopher Steele, a director of the London-based Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd.
A member of the U.S. intelligence community also told Wood that "at least one East European intelligence service was aware 'that the Russians had kompromat or compromising material on Mr. Trump,'" Raw Story reports.
Full Article Via The Week

BBC understands dossier of allegations on Trump based on memos by Christopher Steele, former member of Britain's MI6

Looking more legit that Trump has been a cultivated Russian asset.
Come on, Her Majesties Secret Service type folk and Carl Bernstein...perhaps Walter Cronkite will arise from the dead. Serious street cred.
Trump should've thought twice before implying the BBC was pansy ass.

Rex Tillerson's hearing is troubling. He declined to commit to maintaining the existing sanctions

Oh, oh...I might know why.

$500 billion opportunity for Exxon, Russia in Trump cabinet pick

Rachel Maddow reports on the massive ExxonMobil deal with Russian oil that was held up because of U.S.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein has had a pacemaker installed


Donald Trump Press Conference - Nation In Shock

OMG, so this is what a press conference is now...

GT Progressive News: FBI's Comey Says Russia Also 'Harvested' Data From...

GT Progressive News: FBI's Comey Says Russia Also 'Harvested' Data From...: FBI's Comey Says Russia Also 'Harvested' Data From Republicans — NPR (@NPR) January 10, 2017


We shall see


Nazi Germany? Try Right Before The Bolshevik Revolution

On Deck - Rex Tillerson

Oh this ought to be good..."Rex" means king in Latin...hmmmm

 Putin Awards Tillerman His Official Russian Plunderer Of The Earth Award

ExxonMobil and Iran did business under secretary of State nominee Tillerson


JUST IN: Trump quotes Russia to prove bombshell report is "UTTER NONSENSE"

President-elect Donald Trump says Russia has never tried to use leverage on him, he has "nothing to do with Russia"

In an attempt to garner credibility, Breitbart hires WSJ reporter John Carney LOL

Tip Of The Iceburg

My Patriotic Duty – To Make As Much Fun Of Trump As I Can

For most progressives, liberal Democrats, and voters with brains, the weeks after the election were a fog of stunned disbelief and self-care (watching cooking shows and Downton Abbey reruns instead of the news). But now we are girding our loins to fight back against Trump, and I’m encouraged by all the ways people are finding to combat this new, admittedly distressing reality.

Do what you can.

Jeff Sessions Would See A Weedless and Porn Free America

The FBI actually possessed real allegations against Trump, but chose to attack Hillary Clinton instead

Remember when Trump said this during the presidential debate?

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Seth Meyers Breaks Russia Blackmail Story While Interviewing Conway

Published on Jan 10, 2017
Donald Trump's incoming White House counselor Kellyanne Conway defends the president-elect's relationship with the intelligence community, the press and Twitter.

Clinton in rare post-election speech: Democracy is under attack

“Democracy, freedom and the rule of law are under attack around the world. A rising tide of authoritarian and illiberalism threatens that foundation of the post WWII global era that American diplomats have built and defending since Marshall and Acheson,” the former secretary of State said.

Comey The Commie

Is FBI head Comey in cahoots with Russia too? Sure looks like it.
He knew all this shit since before the election and yesterday invoked his, "I do not comment on ongoing investigations." Well tell that to Hillary Clinton. Tell the American people how you would leave  them with a petty despot. Did you prefer Mike Pence. Tell us or do you fancy yourself a person who knows whats best for the United States. How dare you.


Kellyanne Conway: Russia 'Did Not Succeed' in Swaying Election (Full)

What Did Kellyanne Know And When???
President-elect Donald Trump's Senior Advisor, Kellyanne Conway, joined Meet the Press to talk about the joint release of the joint intelligence report, and how the new administration might respond.

Kellyanne...oh Kellyanne..the gig is up!

Clinton campaign manager torches FBI director for not disclosing Trump's alleged ties to Russia

Letter from MLK's widow opposing Sessions nomination to federal judge resurfaces online

America will miss Barack Obama's decency

Trump to square off with press after Russia bombshell

A promised press Never gonna happen.
Trump has not held a press conference since July. 

FULL: Senior Intelligence Officials Testify on Russia Hacking Activities (1/10/2017)

Russia's Role in Election-Year Hacking Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was joined by the heads of the FBI, CIA, and the National Security Agency in testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on their collective investigation and findings on Russian influence in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The men reiterated many of the points made in their unclassified report on Russia’s influence, including their conclusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin was directly involved. In his first congressional appearance since the election, FBI Director James Comey faced sharp questioning on whether his agency was investigating potential connections between either of the presidential campaigns and Russian officials, and he said he couldn’t comment on whether or not such an investigation was ongoing.

Hey Boston, Bernie's Coming

Our First Stand Rally With Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Ed Markey, Mayor Marty Walsh 

Now is the time to fight back and save health care!
At a time when the United States remains the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all as a right, the Republicans want to throw nearly 30 million people off of health insurance, make massive cuts to Medicaid and defund Planned Parenthood.
On Sunday, January 15, join Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Ed Markey, Mayor Marty Walsh and members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation to tell Republicans loudly and clearly: You are not going to get away with it.

RSVP does not guarantee a seat. Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Click Here To RSVP 

Sen Al Franken Questions Jeff Sessions

In light of yesterdays revelations on Russia, I hope they Char grill Jeff Sessions like a forgotten Dairy Queen cheeseburger. Would he be prepared to legally deal with Trump ON DAY ONE? Franken tried to get the answer but Sessions is really good at avoiding direct questions.