Russian Official Blames "Western Media" for Turkish Ambassador's Assassination

He says the media's "hysteria" about Aleppo led to Monday's fatal attack.

On Monday, Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov was assassinated in an Ankara art gallery by a gunman who shouted, "Don't forget Aleppo! Don't forget Syria!"
Alexei Pushkov, a member of the Duma—the Russian legislature—and the former chairman of its foreign affairs committee, was quick to blame the Western media for inciting the attack through its coverage of Syria.
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Evoking Syria, policeman kills Russian ambassador to Turkey

5 things to worry about after the assassination of Russia's ... 

Smoking Gun Proof of Russian Interference to Elect Trump

In the whole wide world....only Vladimir Putin would want Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. 
Must see via The Young Turks 

Also See
Leak reveals Rex Tillerson was director of Bahamas-based US-Russian oil firm

Trump Christmas

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Amid Political Pressure, Kuwait Drops Four Seasons For Trump Hotel

Did you think that “President” Trump would wait to take office before monetizing foreign governments for his personal gain? It seems that was just too much to ask for. In fact, it appears even days after the election was too much to ask for. Yet the chances that his followers, or his administration, will care he did just don’t seem very good.

Confirmed accounts have just outed the Trump organization for “encouraging” the Kuwaiti embassy to switch to a Trump Hotel from the Four Seasons. 

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Report: Embassy of Kuwait moves major event to Trump's DC hotel

The Hill-11 hours ago
... of Kuwait abruptly canceled a reservation with the Four Seasons, ... The switch was made just days after an event at Trump's D.C. hotel ...


New GOP resistance in push to create Senate committee on Russia

But in a sign of the hurdles ahead for the proponents of the new panel, two key swing votes -- Republican Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Susan Collins of Maine -- are pushing back on the bipartisan efforts to create the committee.

Strange Bedfellows | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Glen Beck

Published on Dec 19, 2016
Peace on earth, good will toward Glenn.

Bill Clinton: Trump knows how to get 'angry, white men to vote for him'

Bill Clinton Tears Up After Casting Electoral Vote For Hillary

Bill Clinton: Hillary 'couldn't prevail' against FBI and Russia hacking 

Bill Clinton: Trump 'doesn't know much'

Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Keep Private Security Team As President

Member that time the Rolling Stones hired the Hell's Angels? What could go wrong?
A big F. U. to the secret service. How dangerously dictatorial of Trump. 

Presidents usually just rely on the Secret Service, with some help from police departments for local events.

12/19/2016 05:10 pm ET
President-elect Donald Trump reportedly plans to stick with members of his aggressive private security crew of loyal retired ex-cops and former FBI agents, and won’t rely solely on the Secret Service in the White House, according to Politico.

Robert Reich: Rallies and Lies. This Is How Tyranny Begins

This article first appeared on

Donald Trump has just finished the last of his nine post-election “thank you tour” rallies. Why did he do them? And why is he planning further rallies after he becomes president?
One clue is that Trump conducted them only in the states he won. And most attendees appeared to have voted for him—overwhelmingly white, and many wearing Trump hats and T-shirts. When warm-up speakers asked how many had previously attended a Trump rally, most raised their hand.
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A hunting we will go

"Net" proceeds may go to some conservative charities. Here we come personal enrichment.

Trump Sons Auctioning Off First Family Hunting Trip for $500000 ...

2 Dallas businessmen, Trump sons said to be behind nonprofit ...